Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter, J.K Rowling does.

Hey, so this is my first fanfic sooo here goes…..

Chapter one

P.O.V. Rose

No way. I, Rose Weasley, was 21 years old and….pregnant? "Holy shit" I muttered under my breath. This was not happening. I had just graduated my healer classes, and was supposed to have my first day helping out at on Monday. "Shit, shit, shit, shit" We are NOT ready for this. Scorpious and I had only been married for what...a year? Shit! I was going to have to tell Scorpious. I hoped he didn't start crying. Scorpious wasn't the crying type, but you never know with men, my mom had told me that was one of the only times the oh so famous Ron Weasley had cried. When my mom had told him she was pregnant with me.

Oh. Crap. My Parents. I'd have to tell them to, and yeah they both liked Scorpious, and we WERE married, but I would always be my daddy's little girl. I figured Al and my other cousins would react similarly. Al and Scorpious were best mates, but I was still Al's "little cousin".

"Rose, you almost ready" Scorpious asked, knocking on the door.

I jumped, dropping the pregnancy test, and knocking my makeup bag of the counter.

"Shit" I scrambled around picking up glosses, and eye shadows from the floor.

"Rose? Are you okay?" Scorpious asked sounding worried.

"Umm, yeah. I'll be out in a minute" I called back.

Once I had picked everything up, I put on some quick cover up and eye liner so I wouldn't make Scorpious wait any longer. I left the bathroom, and changed from my yoga pants and tank top, into a pair of black jeans tucked into some brown combat boots, with a cream-colored tee-shirt. I met Scorpious at the door. He handed me my coat and I pulled a brown beanie over my auburn hair and put on my black gloves.

We walked through snowy London, until we got to our favorite restaurant. We decided to share a bowl of creamy tomato soup, and our favorite breaded mac and cheese. We talked a bit through dinner but everything was pretty low-key. We payed the check and were on the way back home when I thought about telling Scorpious about my recent discovery but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"You okay?" Scorpious asked as we held hands and walked in the snow.

"Mmmhm" I answered leaning my head against his chest.

"You sure? You seem kinda out of it"

"I'm just...nervous for Monday, I can't believe I'm finally gonna be helping around , even if it's just the simple things" I wasn't completely lying. I was nervous but that wasn't the primary reason for acting weirdly.

Scorpious stopped walking and pulled me to him

"You'll do wonderful" He muttered

I could see where he was going with this, so I went up on my tip toes to meet his lips.

We walked the rest of the way home in silence. When we got home, we wiped the snow off our boots and Scorpious opened the door, flipping on lights as we walked inside. I shrugged out of my coat and we decided to just relax, maybe watch some TV.

P.O.V Scorpious

Rose and I sat on the couch. I had changed into some gray sweats and a white v-neck. Rose was cuddling up to me in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a cannons quidditch shirt. Sometimes we would make quick comments about the show we watched and we would steal quick kisses here and there, but the night was pretty uneventful.

To say Rose was acting weird was a huge understatement. She barely said a word, and she didn't seem to be paying attention to anything on TV.

"You wanna beer?" I asked her opening the fridge and grabbing one for myself.

Rose looked up at me with a guilty expression. "No thanks." She squeaked.

Why the hell would Rose be guilty about not having a drink? Whatever, I shook my head and left my beer on the coffee table.

P.O.V: Rose

Scorpious knew. He didn't know the details, but he knew something was up. He kept looking at me with these weird expressions. I kept telling myself to just tell him, just tell him that our baby was growing in my belly, but it just didn't seem like the right time. I watched him walk to the bathroom and pulled a blanket over my body, settling into the the groves of the couch.

"Rose" I looked up, Scorpious was standing in the hallway, confusion all over his face.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked holding up my pregnancy test.

"Shit" I muttered and started to cry. Why was I crying? I wasn't supposed to be crying! I guess my pregnancy hormones were kicking in already.

Scorpious rushed over and his arms went around me. I sobbed into his chest, wetting his shirt.

"Shhh" he tried to calm me down

"Rose why are you crying, it'll be okay"

I looked up at him.

"You weren't supposed to find out like this! Everything is not okay. We've only been married for one, I'm supposed to be going to St, I'm not ready, We're not" I blubbered.

I looked up in his eyes. I saw a tear, damn he was just as soft as dad, and then he crushed his lips to mine.

*Please Please Please REVIEW this is my first fan fic so I wanna know what you guys think!*