2 Weeks- chapter 6: The special gift

Author's note: A R/H fic. Ron and Hermione have been together since their fifth year and have already had a life of experiences with each other, including the fact that Ron manages to get Hermione to sneak off into empty classrooms with him so they can be "alone" for a few hours. But now she's made a little promise for him, and will only be awarded this if he can go at least two long weeks with out them making out. There's a little G/H.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or it's characters, just this story. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*

It was now Christmas and the last day of Ron's two-week torture, but Ginny and Hermione weren't around half the day. As usual, Ron got the huge thing of candy from Hermione, which he sat and ate as he watched Harry open the rest of his gifts. He usually just opened the Weasley sweater and Hermione's candy first, then watch harry before deciding to finish opening his gifts. He found it very interesting to see what Harry would get for Christmas each year, and was never disappointed.

"You know, the twins could have sent you a gift too. They do have a great business now." Said Harry, looking at the package of explosives the twins had sent him.

"The twins sent me a gift early this year." Said Ron, pointing at his trunk.

"What did they send you exactly?" harry asked, a bit curious of what the twins could have sent him so early it couldn't wait until Christmas.

"Dress robes. I had to check for hexes and spells too." Ron sighed. "Luckily they were being serious when they sent them."

"That was pretty nice of them." Said Harry and Ron nodded in agreement. "Well, let's head get ready for the ball, shall we?" This year, he and Ron had ignored their gifts that morning and were opening them that evening as their roommates prepared for the ball. Seamus was looking in the mirror trying to manage his hair, but a few pieces of hair continued to fall into his face.

"Been around Lavender a bit too long, bud." Said Dean, who was admiring himself in his mirror

"Shut up and pass me the gel on Neville's dresser." Seamus grumbled. Ron tossed it to him and turned to Harry who was trying to manage his hair as well.

"You're fighting a lost battle dear." Said the mirror and Harry frowned.

"You may want to use some of that gel yourself." Said Ron, who left his hair the way he liked it. Besides, of all the gryffindor boys, he was one of the only one's who could simply rum his fingers through his hair and get it the way he wanted it. Dean looked at his watch lying on his dresser.

"Well, we should be on our way now. The girls are going to meet us outside the Great Hall." He said as Seamus lost his patients and tossed the gel over his shoulder. Harry turned and caught it, trying to use it in his hair. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Ginny was playing with a strip of her hair as she and the other girls waited for their boy friends. Lavender was pretty annoyed by the boys from other houses that kept staring at them, and told off one boy who was a fourth year Ravenclaw and was looking for a friend.

"There they are." Said Parvati and went up to Dean with a bright smile as she hugged onto his arm tightly. Hermione shook her head, but didn't say anything.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Ginny as Ron and Harry approached them.

"Harry was trying to do something with his hair." Answered Ron, nodding at his irritated friend. Hermione and Ginny stared at him.

"It looks like it always does." Said Hermione and Harry scowled.

"I know that. that's what the problem is!" he announced and frowned in complete annoyance at the looks the girls were now giving him. Professor McGonagall's voice was now heard over the students' excited chattering.

"Will the Head Boy and Girl please come to the front of the group with their dates!" she called and Hermione and Ron said good bye to their friends before going up to the professor. When all the students had gathered in the Great Hall, Dumbledore stood and gave a speech before allowing them to have fun.

"This is way better than the Yule Ball last year." Said Ginny cheerfully as Ron and harry poked at the strange new foods in front of them. She looked at Harry and pulled on the sleeve of his robes. "Let's dance."

"Ginny. I can't dance and you know that! Besides, Ron isn't." Before he could finish, he saw Hermione pulling her boyfriend out onto the dance floor. He groaned and Ginny dragged onto the dance floor with a very wide grin. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

It was late and a lot of people were still dancing if not sneaking off with their dates or eating. Hermione stood up and took Ron's hand. "Come with me. I want to give you your gift." She said and he looked up at her in confusion.

"I already got your Christmas gift." He informed her and Hermione frowned at him.

"No, you're present for surviving the two weeks." She said, and pulled him out of his chair and out of the Great Hall. She stopped outside a classroom and checked her watch before pulling him in. Ron looked around and frowned at her.

"Hermione, I see nothing special." He informed her, and she turned to him and held out a small box. He stared at it and reached for it. As soon as he touched it, he felt his feet being lifted off the ground and then he fell on the hard ground. "What happened?" he asked, and looked up. Hermione had landed on a bed and was grinning down at him.

"A portkey.' She told him and looked around the room they were in. "I did a pretty good job if I must say so myself."

"You mean all those books and every thing were to make a portkey?" he asked and she grinned at him and hopped off the bed.

"Well, it was my mum's idea to see if you had enough self control and to give you a special reward. Of course, she doesn't know we're having sex. Then of course I had to get some from a few of the professors." she looked at the confused red head.

"So. you planned this out all along, eh?" he asked with a smirk as he got up and dropped on the bed. Hermione dropped in his lap and kissed him.

"You aren't disappointed are you?" she asked, playing with the button's on his robes.

"Course not. At least now we won't have to worry about professors or Peeves." He said and Hermione jumped out of his lap.

"What's in your pocket?" she asked and Ron stood up, and pulled out Red. "He was in there the whole time wasn't he?" she asked at the shocked look in his face.

"I suppose this interferes with tonight, eh?" he sighed and put the kitten on the ground before dropping on the bed.

"Of course not." Answered Hermione, picking up the kitten and tossing him out the room and closing the door, before jumping on Ron and starting to undress him. "Besides, this is my dad's old cottage and no one ever comes up her. besides, I put a little charm around it so no one can bother us. We've got all the time in the world." She said cheerfully and kissed him deeply. "Merry Christmas." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Harry was sleeping with his pillow over his head and blankets all over when he heard the dorm door open. He sat up and opened the curtains to see Ron coming in. They grinned at each other as Ron took off his robes and dropped on his bed.

"It's six a.m. mate. You two must have had a great time." Said Harry and Ron grinned.

"It kinda makes me want to do the whole two weeks thing over again." He admitted.