When Holy Rome left, I promised myself I'd never fall in love again. No, never again. So food became my only love. That's why I love to cook and eat all the time. I sat silently at the World Meeting Room, just leaning back in my chair. I knew not many would remember…That day…today, was the day he left, all those years ago. Or...could I be the only one who remembers? I can never forget him, not like my brothers, not like the others; his childhood friends.

I stood up, "Excuse me, I need some air."

Everyone turned to look at me.

"By God, you've been quiet Italy. Where are you going?" England asked.

"Just outside." I said lightly.

"What's gotten into you Feliciano?" Romano said.

"Nothing you would understand." I said almost inaudibly as I began to tear up and ran.

Austria then sighed, "Hmph, shows how good friends you guys are. Don't you remember? Today is the day Holy Rome left. He and Italy had a special…bond."

Germany turned to the door and shot up from his chair knocking it down as he took off after Italy.

"Dude, what's up with Germany?" America asked.

"Is it that hard to miss America-san? Germany-san is in love with Italy-san."

"Oh, tough break." America said.

I gazed at the great stone arch that Holy Rome had left, where I had given him a push broom and he had given me a kiss in return. I felt like the guiltiest person in the world. I had always sworn to never fall in love again after Holy Rome. But I did, I betrayed Holy Rome. When food and cooking had stopped refilling the void in my heart I had gone to a dark place. I started getting really sick, and I disappeared for a while. I found myself in a forest for some time, and I just let myself wither way, growing increasingly hungry. But though I did need to eat, it wasn't that hunger that was killing me. It was the hunger, the need to have love in my life. To have Holy Rome again, I miss him so much. But the biggest treachery of all was when I was taken under Germany's wing, and I slowly started to fall in love with him. How could I betray Holy Rome like that? He promised he would return. But he lied. He never did return to me.

"ITALY!" Germany shouted as he ran up to me turning me around to face him.

I looked up at him with a pink tinged face, my lip trembling, and my golden liquid eyes drenched with tears.

"Don't go vrunning off again like that you dumknopf! You had everyvone vorrying! Now vhat kind of friend does that make you huh?!" He shouted.

I saw that he genuinely looked worried, and for a moment I looked at him with awe and wonder and I saw the face of Holy Rome concerned but happy for me in Germany's eyes and I realized Holy Rome never lied to me. He did return, but not in the way I had thought. He had come back to me, in the form of the man I now loved. Germany.

I laughed tears flowingly freely with love as I embraced Germany hugging him tighter than ever before. "I'm so sorry Germany, I won't do it again."

"Good…" He then kissed me, "because I don't want to see you crying ever again." With that he took my hand, and I looked up at him, and instantly I knew, what he really meant was, "Italy, I love you, and I promise to never leave you again."