
If you have read the description, which I assume you have, you will have figured out that all of the ideas are from this

None of them are mine fully (but the writing is), except for the ones I have submitted, which I will probably note. Anyways, the headcanon each one will be based on will be noted at the ends of the chapters, however I suggest you don't read them to spoil yourselves, but suit yourself. They will probably be in order to keep me organised.

Also, many of these will be short, but there are a lot of these to get through. 500 words will (hopefully) be an average.

Okay, none of the intros or anything will (hopefully) be this long anymore. All notes will be at the bottom of a chapter from now on!

I hope you enjoy and sorry for any bad writing that I will do!

England was seated at his desk, working through a rather large pile of paperwork. He had been working on this all night, and frankly he just wanted to put his head down and sleep. But no, he had to work through all this. Damn, being a nation sometimes sucks. But luckily, all of this paperwork also came with immorality to make up with it.

The sun was rising through the window, as he had been up all night. It was about six am, and the British nation just wanted to take a break. Luckily for him, the larger pile of paperwork was the 'done' pile, and the 'to do' pile was nearing an end.

Suddenly, he heard a noise that made him jump a little. It sounded like it was someone yelling from upstairs. Shaking his head, he decided it was too early and he was just sleep deprived.

After a minute or so, he heard it again, proving him wrong. It was definitely that, no doubt. Usually six am was a little early though, wasn't it?

Sighing, he decided to ignore it and go back to work.

Three minutes. It happened again, louder again.

Four minutes. This time it was further away, like they had gone to check the kitchen or something.

And, five minutes after that and a few more faint ones, from right outside the door of the study.

The door swung open after the footsteps, reavealing a small brunette child standing there, in his boxer shorts, smiling widely. Opening his mouth, the kid yelled "I AMMMM BRUUUUUCEEEEE!"

Australia had woken up.

After rushing the small boy off to the kitchen, England decided he would make toast this morning for breakfast before going to take a nap (he figured he deserved it).

After all, he couldn't 'ruin' toast (although his cooking was perfectly fine and it was just everyone being so fussy!)

Putting the two pieces he had made on a plate in front of the younger nation, he frowned when Australia turned his nose up at it. "No!"

"Why not? It's just toast!" England pointed out, getting frustrated already. Not this argument again.

"It's not 'just' toast, it's yucky toast! Give me the good toast, that's the one I want"

"You are being unreasonable, that toast is perfectly fine and you know it! Just be quiet and eat it!"

He turned away to put the bread, butter, knife and marmite away, and when he turned back to check that Australia was eating his breakfast and why he was being unusually quiet, the blonde felt toast hit his face, followed by the scream "I WANT VEGEMITE"

It was going to take a while to get the marmite out of his eyebrows.


'All of the male nations have superhero boxers. Australia has Batman so that whenever he walks around with his pants off he can say "HELLO, MY NAME IS BRUUUCE"'

and post/30583824078/england-isnt-that-bad-a-cook-he-just-puts

England isn't that bad a cook. He just puts marmite in EVERYTHING.