The ebb and flow of the gentle breeze coming in through the open bay windows was comforting, the promise of the warmer weather to come. Nestled against the pillows she held the infant small enough to fit in the palms of her hands her son was determined to survive, a month early but his strength was inspiring. The last few weeks had been a blur confined to the chambers at the healers demanding not that she could have resisted them. To weaken to do much more than sleep Sorcha had obeyed their orders her child wasn't the only one who needed to gather their strength. Lucian with wide and curious eyes sat Indian style on the bed beside them his small fingers carefully touching the newborns soft downy hair.

Smiling feebly Sorcha looked between her children.

"What do you think of your baby brother Lucian?"

Nose wrinkling in thought he shrugged a shoulder.

"…He's small mama."

Nodding she adjusted her hold on the infant.

"Yes, but he will grow."

A gentle knock at the door came and she was not surprised to find Thor standing inside the doorway, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress. Coming to stand beside the bed he rested his hand against Lucian's back.

"Alright Lucian, lets allow your mother to rest. You will have plenty of time to see her after supper."

The toddler sighed at the polite command turning he gave his mother a kiss and scooted backwards to climb down from the bed, with Thor's help he made it down safely, the boy's nanny waiting patiently near the open door. Leaning down Thor kissed her gently on the lips his attention moving towards his son.

Knowing his fears, Sorcha did her best to quell them.

"Fear not, he is strong and willful like his father. The healers have assured us he will be fine, we both will."

Thor sat on the edge of the bed his hand curling around hers.

"I cannot help but worry…"

Taking a deep breath Sorcha knew his feelings were justified.

"I wish to speak with him, Thor…Alone."

The God of Thunder's careful grip on her hand tightened ever so slightly the change not going unnoticed. A delicate, brittle subject no one had dared yet speak of.

"No." His answer firm.

The infant finished with his meal nuzzled his cheek against her, his hands curling up near his face. Raising him up to rest against her shoulder she adjusted her gown, smoothing her palm against his back.

"Do you deny me one or both?" She challenged quietly.

A mixture of emotions crossed his face and Thor gave a defeated sigh.

"Until we know he had no hand in Sif's actions I cannot grant either Sorcha you know this."

Taking his concerns into account Sorcha chose her words carefully. The once strong and fortified foundation their relationship was built upon was now questionable and foreign. She trusted Thor's judgment but she knew the Gods heart was plagued by guilt and bitter happiness. Sorcha was no different.

"What I remember of his involvement is admittedly scarce but if he truly acted in her plot then why would he have fought so hard to save us?"

Clasping his hands under his chin Thor didn't need to ponder the question long, his memory reminding him just what Loki was at his core. He loved Loki and once he had believed that at the bottom of everything he had valued their brotherhood but he had been horribly wrong then and he prayed he would be wrong now.

"My brothers is cunning, devious…He will presume we owe him a debt Sorcha. Mark my words he will collect."

She wanted to disagree with him but Sorcha knew in her gut the thin dangerous rope they were walking. It was one thing when she was precariously caught in the middle alone, now it was a much different story.

"We cannot live our lives in fear of what may not even be…Instead of us blindly striking out against him let me first hear what he has to say."



Weeks passed before Sorcha felt physically or mentally strong enough to see him, Asgard's prodigal son returned. She'd known in her heart that it had been foolish to think the dull fluttering ache that had been buried away would one day vanish. The fluttering feeling grew until she stood with her hands held against her stomach, frozen in the doorway of the chambers taking a deep breath she willed her feet to move forward.

The steam rising off the water, curling upward in the filtered sunlight as Loki's hands hovered just above it stray droplets of water slipping from his fingers breaking the water's surface. Head leaned back against the obsidian tub she could see his hair had grown past his shoulders a look more suited for his brother the black hair curling on the ends. Fingertips touching the lip of the tub she gave a small gasp when his hand reached out suddenly, wet fingers curling around her small wrist.

Opening his eyes Loki turned his head to the side regarding her with a look of tenderness that broke her heart. Before Sorcha could stop herself she struck him across the cheek, the palm of her hand stinging sharply. Years of pent up aggression and sorrow clouding her better judgment. The grip on her wrist tightened and in one swift jerk he'd stood up, the gown she wore soaking within seconds as he pulled her in against his naked body. Breathing rapidly through his nose Loki smoothed his damp palm over her hair coming to cradle the back of her head.

"Sorcha…my deepest apologies." He whispered voice hushed against the shell of her ear.

The feeling of his warm breath against her skin sent chills down her back and Sorcha was shocked to feel his nose nudge against her the feeling of his kiss against her pulse.

"Like so many words you spoke to me they have all turned to ash…your apologies with them. How many days did I pray you would return only to wake alone left to wonder what future there is for our son and I? Answer me Loki…Answer me!" She said through clenched teeth, emotions flaring hot as she tried to pull away from him.

This pained the God to hear her voice so full of anguish but this was something he'd come to expect.

"I would have given anything to return…That decision was not within my power!" He replied holding her firmly by the arms.

Turning away Sorcha managed to step back holding her hands up she willed him to stay back.

"I did not come here for this…What is it you want Loki. You refuse to speak to your brother and what you will tell your mother she will not speak of to us."

Narrowing his eyes Loki stared at her with a look of surprise that easily turned to anger. Snatching up a towel he wrapped it tightly around his waist.

"What do I want?! I want my wife and son returned to me. Mothers explained to me very clearly the gravity of my situation and unfortunately my fate resides in the hands of the All-Father. The only thing that has kept me out of the dungeons is the fact I saved you and the child."

Releasing a heavy breath Sorcha met his gaze.

"Then I was right to tell Thor you would never have participated in such a sickening act?"

As angry as Loki was, he felt a glimmer of hope hearing her say this even through everything she still defended him. How that must twist inside Thor like a blade to know he held even the tiniest bit of pull still.

"You can assure my brother I had no part in that wretched creature's actions…I realize I'm in no position to demand anything but I would very much like to see my son. Is that something that can be made possible?" He asked, voice struggling to remain calm.

Although Thor had reasoned against it Sorcha was finding herself easily swayed.

"Loki I don't…"

Eyes widening Loki combed his fingers through his hair, tone becoming furious and desperate.

"Do me this one service Sorcha, if they find me guilty I could be sentenced to death. Is it not enough that I must endure the agony of knowing Thor has taken everything from me but you would deny me this simple request as well?"

Looking away she pressed her lips together tightly gripping fistfuls of her gown, tears stinging her eyes sharply. When Loki had first fallen she had thought there was no greater pain but now realizing the All-Father could sentence Loki to a true death for his crimes against the Realms she was filled with unfathomable anguish. Watching the flood of emotions cross her features he moved forward taking his hands to gently cradle her face, forehead resting against hers he took a shuddering breath before he pressed his lips to hers. The single kiss in its beginnings is slow and sensual but time and distance are quick to make it impassioned and consuming burning her down slowly. Heart beating wildly there was a fleeting moment when she thought to push him away but as quickly as the moment arose it died away her lips moving against his returning the kiss with fevered longing. Sorcha knew in that moment Fate was truly wicked their paths changing, twisting in ways she could not have imagined.




Bashfully the boy hid his face against his mother's skirts peeking out occasionally to view the stranger who sat only a few feet away. His wrists bound in chains, they gleamed in the sunlight of the gardens drawing his attention to them every so often. Shifting uncomfortably Loki looked just past the mother of his child towards the contempt filled eyes of his estranged would-be brother. He returned the look ten-fold wanting to express to the Thunder God that this feeling of loathsome disdain was entirely mutual. Loki would be damned before he idly sat by and allowed them to take everything from him, not while he still had breath in his body. Willing a calmer, friendlier expression the last thing he wanted was for Lucian to be afraid of him. Meeting Sorcha's gaze he whispered heatedly.

"Must they be here…I wanted to spend time alone with you and Lucian."

Sorcha's pained smile fell just enough to make the God wince.

"I'm sorry…This was the best I could muster in such a short time. It was incredibly hard to convince Thor, you've put me in a delicate position Loki. It is impossible to please everyone…He will be my husband by the next moon I must respect his wishes."

Glancing over her shoulder Sorcha looked to Frigga who sat beside Thor the two women exchanging troubled looks. The Queen understood this was a delicate situation made only more painful by the presence of herself and the All-Father but she agreed with the younger woman. There was no pleasing everyone. Turning back she ran her fingers through Lucian's hair kissing his cheek.

"Lucian, I want you to meet someone. This is your father…"

Turning in his mother's arms Lucian stretched to look over her shoulder towards Thor before looking back to the dark-haired man wearing chains, confusion clear on his small face. Sorcha could see the frustration building in Loki and she felt for him. This was not the reunion he had hoped for. Prompting the boy to stand she rose up with him taking a few steps forward urging him to face Loki.

"It's alright sweet heart don't be nervous." She said giving the boy a small push forward.

Wanting to obey his mother Lucian did as he was told voice small and undeniably shy.


Feeling the smile pulling at the corners of his lips Loki felt relieved.

"Hello Lucian, you were just a baby when I left…I know you don't remember me."

Lucian shook his head.

"That's alright…that's alright. My boy already so grown up, I know you're still too young to understand but you must always remember I never wanted to leave you or your mother. When you were old enough I'd hoped to leave you a legacy here in Asgard…but I've found something greater, something with more glorious purpose."

Watching the strange blue glint in his eyes Sorcha felt a flicker of alarm. Reaching out she pulled Lucian back in to her arms hugging him tight. Loki ignoring her look of obvious concern instead turned his attention towards his estranged family.

"I think we all grow weary of pretending, so what have you decided…I know what the council would have you do but what would the great All-Father find as suitable punishment for his wayward relic."

Odin remained silent, his eye keenly set on something just off the horizon. Loki was left to wonder if he had even heard him at all, then as if stirring from a daydream the All-Father turned to his youngest son.

"Despite you're grievous acts against this realm you're still my son. The courage you showed putting aside what obvious hatred you feel to save the life of your nephew is commendable but alas it will not spare you completely from punishment. It is true; the council would have you put to death. Any and all decisions I've reached myself are met with nothing short of disappointment and heartache…So I propose a different course, Sorcha will decide."

Odin held his hand up for silence, compelling everyone to hold their tongues looking to his would-be daughter in law, who at the heart of everything had been the greatest victim of all.

"I would have you speak truthfully."

Taken off guard Sorcha looked to Loki whose eyes were cast downward hands clasped beneath his chin, her own heart squeezing tight with painful indecision.

"The things you've done are wicked and cruel, even as they read your crimes I prayed every waking moment for you to be returned to me. The man they spoke of was not my husband. No, the person they spoke of was something else entirely something consumed with malice. Answer me this one question, did you ever love me…or was I merely a pawn in your pursuit for something of greater purpose."

Loki kept his gaze down knuckles turning white as he clenched his hands together; her words only muffled sounds as he shut his eyes against the sudden crushing pressure inside his head. Breathing rapidly through his nose as hissing words rippled along his skin.

Thrust out of the realm, forgotten by all…

You are nothing more than a weak sad creature.

Hands rising to his ears he pressed the palms of his hands flat against the sides of his head trying to drown out the taunting voice.

"I am not weak!" He whispered hotly.

The mocking voice laughed now.

She pities you fallen king, warms another man's bed in your absence. Perhaps we will take her as payment for returning you to your pathetic realm.

Lip curling in a snarl Loki nearly fell forward from his chair as he shouted hoarsely.

"No! You will not touch her!"

Gasping she shot forward to catch him, cool hands against his cheeks drawing him from his trance like state. Opening his eyes with a start he found Sorcha cradling his face as she repeated herself.

"Loki…Loki what's wrong?"

Forgetting herself Sorcha kissed his brow. The gentle touch easing the searing pain behind his eyes bit by bit until finally the searing rage coiled back inside.

"Everything…everything is wrong." He finally answered.

Realizing their compromising position he looked to the others who stood ram rod straight eyes filled with what he could only assume was judgment. The voices were right, they thought him weak. Frigga took a few steps forward placing her hand on Sorcha's shoulder.

"My dear, I think that's quite enough for one day. Let's get you to bed…"

Pushing the Queens hand away Sorcha shook her head, refusing her words.

"No, he is not well Frigga! He needs to go to the healer's hall…"

The Queen stood her ground.

"Think of yourself and the children. Lucian should not witness his father is such a…unbalanced state."

Stubbornly the younger woman pointed to the chained God, voice unwavering.

"Only if he is taken to the hall…"

Frigga sighed seeing there was no swaying the girl's mind once it had been decided.

"Fine, now please Sorcha I beg you."

Turning back she knelt down smoothing strands of long hair from his face. Experimentally Loki leaned in nose nudging against her ear as he whispered low as to keep the words only between them.

"I have loved you always…Be patient my sweet songbird, give me time I will make everything right again. Do as they tell you..."

With that he kissed her cheek the gesture hidden by the curtain of her hair. Sorcha lingered only a moment longer before rising slowly where she came to find Thor an expression of distress written across his features. Taking his hand he escorted her from the gathering and once in the privacy of their chambers did he explode with heated anger.

"Has everyone gone mad, what could father possibly be thinking?!"

Thor paced angrily. "What did Loki tell you?" He demanded softly.

Licking her lips Sorcha felt weary as the reality of today become clearer. Rubbing her eyes she spoke softly.

"That he loved me…"

Stopping his agitated pacing the thunder-god stood a foot away.

"Is that all?"

The feeling of concern swelled again and Sorcha couldn't understand what was coming over her, they'd always been honest with one another so why then was she so compelled to harbor secrets now.

"Thor please we must keep level heads. He is unwell…whether it is in his mind or by some unseen force the fact remains none of us are innocent…we are just as much to blame." She answered sitting on the bed.

Taking his hand he tilted her head to look up at him.

"When he betrays us...and he will. Brother or not, I will kill him."
