Hi guys, I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. I guess I have a computer disease and it makes my computer crash, repeatedly. It sucks, but thankfully my mom took it to get fixed, and NOW I'M BACK!

So I'm going to work on updating again, but no promises.

I hope you like this new chapter. (It's from Draco's POV for most if not all of this chapter)

That night, as I lay in bed thinking about what happened earlier that day, I can't keep the smile off my face. And as I reminisce, I bring my hand up to my face and gently brush my lips with my fingers. I can't stop thinking about what happened on the hill. I can still feel his lips on mine, and oh they felt so good! And what happened after…


Our lips finally separated after what seemed like hours. I slowly opened my eyes to see his looking deep into mine. His eyes were so close and so clear that I could see myself reflected in them. When he blinked I finally snapped out of my daze. I could feel my lips pulling into a small smile and I burrowed myself into his chest. His arms wrapped themselves tighter around my body, as if trying to pull me into him. The steady beat of his heart only interrupted when he began to speak.

"I am sorry about what I said. I didn't mean a word of it." He began to rub my back as he talked. I simply stayed where I was and listened. "I called you a Slytherin slut and the moment it left my mouth I immediately what to smack myself, but Zabini got to me first. I am so sorry. Merlin, I don't think I can apologize enough. Draco I-"

"Harry please." That made him stop. I pulled away from him to look him in the eye. "Harry I know why you did it. You love the Weasl—Ginerva. I know, I've always known Harry."

"But that's the thing Draco. I don't know if I love her anymore. She has become so possessive of me. She barely lets me out of her sight and she drags me to do everything with her. The only reason I auditioned was because she dragged me to it. But now that I'm here, doing this with you and not with her, I like it. It has let take some time to myself, in a way, and it let me find you."

"Merlin Harry, could you sound anymore cheesy?" I said with a small laugh. I felt his chest begin to rumble with laughter before it burst from his mouth.

"Hahahahaha. Really Draco. Here I am trying to be all romantic and that's all you can say?" He says as his laughter dies down. I can merely nod my head as he tucks me under his chin. "Anyways, in all seriousness. Draco, would you consider going out with me?" I take moment to process that before I pull away from him and stand. I reach my hand down for him to grab and pull him up to stand next to me.

"I'll tell you what Harry. If we get through this play and you still want that when it's over. Then sure. I'd love to. But let's take this one step at a time, okay?" He nods his head and leans his forehead against mine.

"Okay." He pulls me into a quick series of kisses, and we return to the set.


I pulled my pillow on top of my head and tried to drown out the sounds of my Hufflepuff-ish giggles. When they eventually died down I simply laid there with a smile on my face, and when I fell asleep all I dreamed about was Harry.

The Next Day

When we got to set Dumbledore was already there waiting for us. I walked up and stood between Harry and Blaise waiting for him to begin.

"I'm so glad to see you all this morning. I hope you're ready for another day of rehearsal." With a grumbled chorus of "yes" from each person he continued. "Oh good. So today I decided that we'll start with the opening town scene. So can I get all the townspeople, Mr. Nott, Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Malfoy to please go to their starting positions, thank you all very much." I gave Harry and Blaise a smile as I moved to my position in "Belle's house". When the music started I blocked everything out and focused only on the music and the movements.

(AN: I've decided not to put the song in here considering I used it in the first chapter. Hope you all don't mind)

When the song ended and I finished my little scene with Nott and Longbottom, Dumbledore ended the scene and I turned to Harry. The look on his face was akin to awe, almost like he couldn't believe that it was me who did all that. He walked up to me and swept me into a hug.

"Wow Draco, that was unbelievable! I can't believe that was you!" (AN ;P) I laughed as he swung me around. "Draco you're a natural! Merlin you looked beautiful up there. I never knew your voice could sound like that." I was so happy that he liked it. So unbelievably happy that I couldn't keep the smile off my face. But when has life ever really let me have a moment of peace.

"Wow Malfoy, here we always thought you were a boy. But you sure do sing like a girl. Something you want to tell us." Of course the Weaslette had to come and ruin it.

"Knock it off Ginny." Weasley came up in front of us and blocked us off from her. "You're just upset that Harry broke up with you." The look she gave him was so full of hate and betrayal I needed to take a step back.

"You're siding with them Ron? Why? Malfoy has been an arse to us before we even started school. And now he's stealing Harry from us and you're sticking up for him! I'm your sister! You're supposed to take my side on everything!" It was obvious Weasley couldn't listen to anymore.
"Not when you are so wrong it's laughable!" Weasley stepped up to her. "Harry's happier with Malfoy then he has ever been with you!" She gave a mighty huff (rather reminiscent of the big bad wolf), turned and walked away.

"Thanks mate." Harry said while gripping Weasley's shoulder.

"No problem Harry. It's about time someone shoved her into reality. She's been living in a fantasy land." He turned to look at me. "Don't worry about her Mal-Draco. She needs to get over herself."

"Thank you… Ron." It was severely strange to stop calling Ron by his last name, but it also was a little refreshing.

With a nod of his head he turned and walked away. I felt Harry wrap his arms around me from behind and I leaned back into him. Maybe this play will turn out to be a great success.

Hi guys I know it's been a VERRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY long time since I updated and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry. Not only has my laptop been crashing repeatedly but I was doing really bad in school so I really needed to focus on my classes. And now that I'm starting my senior year I'm going to be doing college applications and all sorts of stuff so I can't guarantee that my updates will be any good time wise. But for all of you who have been so supportive I'm going to do my best to keep up.

Don't forget to R&R and let me know what you want to see next.

Thanks again