A/ N: My new story. I've watched Covert Affairs and White Collar religiously. This story is like a Twilight mixture of those shows. Admittedly, I prefer White Collar. I was listening to Taylor Swift's "State of Grace" when I began writing this. It gave me some inspiration for the story.

I adopted the banner from enchanted-mind. I love it, and thank you so much for letting me adopt it!

Thank you to Ange de l'aube and Lyta7 from Project Team Beta for editing this little teaser of a start. I'd like to say that when I accidentally lost their edits, PTB came through and sent me their extra copy of edits. Those people are little miracle workers, too. Thank you so much!

State of Grace


"Is your name Isabella Swan?"


"Are you twenty-eight years old?"


"Are your parents deceased?"


"Do you have any siblings?"


"Do you work for the CIA?"


"Are you in love with Edward Masen?"

She stops answering. She glowers at her interrogator and shakes her head disbelievingly. Isabella is outraged by the last question. Although she isn't surprised by it, it unnerves her nonetheless.

She remains silent, choosing not to react.

The interrogator glares but repeats the question. "Are you in love with Edward Masen?"

Isabella doesn't answer.

He tries again. "Are you aware that Edward Masen is an MI6 agent? Are you aware that he has currently gone Rouge? Do you know-"

"Stop!" she shouts. "You're wasting your time here. I have nothing further to add to my report."

Isabella sulks in her chair, crossing her arms like a petulant child. She's angry, but more than that she's anxious. Because any minute now her boss will come in and put a stop into this ludicrous questioning. She knows it's just a matter of time, but she's impatient. She wants to leave now.

"Miss Swan, you need to comply by answering the questions," the interrogator informs her brusquely.

"I don't need to do anything," she snaps back.

He sighs before the door is suddenly opened.

Isabella looks up expectantly and raises her brow. Her boss, Esme Cullen, shoots a glare at her.

Remember your place.

"The interrogation is over. Isabella, come with me," Esme says loudly and with authority.

Without waiting for a response, Isabella Swan walks out of the interrogation room and follows her superior.

"Welcome back, Isabella."

Her cover is back up. Everything is fine, but it isn't. Not really. She knows she has a lot of groveling to do. She must get back into Esme's good graces before it's too late.

"Thank you, Esme."

Esme smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. Isabella looks at her and sighs. She's seen this look before and she doesn't like it.

"Tell me everything."

A/N: This is a just for fun story. I won't get that political or accurate with the spy games. It's a B/E love story. The usual. Let's have fun!

Thanks for reading!