Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ/DBGT
Chapter 1
Prince Trunks stood on the balcony connected to his room, looking out over the City, in nothing but a sheet wrapped around his waist, his tail swaying lazily behind him. It was a beautiful morning, and he could hear the buzz in the markets below. He heard a soft moan coming from inside his room, and the rustling of blankets.
"My Prince, why don't you come back to bed?" the women asked lustfully.
The thirty year old Prince turned to face the owner of the voice. "Know your place wench, do not tell me what I should be doing," he scowled at her. "Get out!" He walked into the connecting bathroom and shut the door.
"I should know that after ten years of being his concubine, when to hold my tongue." She slipped back into her dress. I'm lucky he still asks for me, more than the others. I wish he would see me as more than just his sex slave. I don't care though, I will have him.
She heard a knock at the door, and sighed. I may as well answer it, before the Prince has a fit!
"Yes, may I help you?" She asked the servant girl, who stood looking at her wide eyed. What a pathetic looking girl, must be new.
"Milady," the servant girl whispered.
"Speak up! You won't be around long, if you look like someone will kill you at any moment."
"I'm sorry." The servant girl answered a bit louder.
Just as the concubine was about to reply, the bathroom door opened.
"Rin, what are you still doing here? I told you to leave!" Trunks walked toward them, stopping a few paces away, folding his arms over his chest.
She sighed inwardly, and turned to face him, "I'm sorry my Prince, someone was at the door." Rin replied.
"Leave now!"' He demanded, glaring at her.
Without another word, she walked past the shaking girl, into the room directly opposite the Prince's, which she shared with two other concubines.
Trunks looked at the pitiful thing, standing in his doorway, and sighed. "What do you want?" he scowled at her, his eyes not showing any emotion.
"Prince Trunks, Queen Bulma would like to speak with you, she's in her office." She replied softly, wishing she could get away from the heartless Prince, as soon as possible. She couldn't help but tremble in his presence.
"Fine!" he walked toward the door, pushing her out of his way.
She fell to the floor, legs in the air, her off- white dress riding up them, showing her undergarments. "Aaaahhh!" she screamed, before clamping her hand over her mouth, now lying flat on her back.
The Prince kept on walking, with an evil smirk on his face.
"Are you ok?" She heard someone ask, while grabbing her arm to help her up.
"Yes, thank you." She replied, as she was lifted to her feet. She gasped, when she finally looked at her helper. "Princess Bulla? Thank you."
"It's no trouble, and please don't mind my brother, he's just very harsh, and arrogant, and well... I can go on, and on, but if you stay out of his way, you'll be fine." She smiled at the frightened young servant. "What's your name?"
"M-my name?" the young girl asked, confused.
"Yes, your name."
"My name's Pan Son,"
"Are you new here?"
"Yes Princess. A friend told me, the Queen was requesting more servants, and I needed the money to help my sick Grandmother. I arrived three months ago, and was assigned to kitchen duties, until this morning, when the Queen asked for me. I was told to call the Prince before going to her," Pan replied. "I'm sorry Princess, but I have to get back to my duties, thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome… you may go," Bulla replied, feeling sorry for the young servant, who looked to be about the same age as her. Mother what are you up to? I hope you're not planning on making this poor girl work for Trunks.
Pan curtsied to show her respect, and walked back to where the Queen's office was, knocking when she reached the door.
"Enter!" Bulma called out.
When she entered the room, the Queen was sitting behind a beautiful, handcrafted, solid oak desk; the Prince was standing by the window, staring out at the garden. She walked to the desk, but couldn't help glancing at him through the corner of her eye. He was gorgeous, tall unlike his father, and very well built. He was wearing the traditional Saiyan armour, and she could see the definition of his muscles. He had the most beautiful lavender hair, that was just past his shoulders, tied up messily with a hairband. He was leaning up against the window frame with his arms crossed.
"Mother, may I leave now?" The Prince asked angrily.
"No Trunks, we have to resolve this matter. I am tired of your attitude!" she replied "You are a grown man, and need to start acting like one. I have told you countless times to get rid of those concubines, and find a worthy mate; you are thirty years old dammit! You need to settle down, and have an heir, your father and I won't be around forever you know."
Trunks walked towards his mother with a scowl on his face. "I will not stand here, and have you speaking to me in that manner! Especially not in the presence of this peasant girl, who looks like she hasn't had a decent meal, or looked in a mirror lately; I will do as I please mother, and my concubines satisfy my every need. I do not need a mate to tie me down; I like fucking more than one wench, and will do so for as long as I want!" He said smirking at her.
Bulma slammed her hand on the desk, standing up from her seat. "You will not! You will not!" she shrieked at him, her face red with anger. "You listen to me young man, I am still your mother, and you will not use that tone, or that language with me again! Or I will have your father beat you until you are near death, and then send you to recover in the medical wing, with only the most basic care!"
Bulma sighed, and sat back down. "You can't go on like this, Trunks. You refuse to have anyone but those three concubines in your quarters, you won't listen to your father, or me, and your sister doesn't even acknowledge you anymore." She looked at her son with weary eyes. "It's been many years since you had a personal servant, and I'm assigning Pan here to be yours. She will stay in your quarters, and your concubines will move out. I am warning you Trunks, she will not become another one of your sex slaves, she is there to clean your quarters, be your messenger, and run errands if necessary, your father and I have decided that you have to find a mate within a year, or one will be chosen for you."
"You cannot do this mother, I make my own decisions, and I don't need this thing looking after me, or living in my quarters! As for making her a concubine, she would be so lucky, I would never touch someone so pitiful." He glared at Pan.
Pan didn't know what to do, she was staring at her feet, sweating and shaking, her hands folded together in front of her, her tail which was hidden under her dress, tightening around her waist. Never in her life had she been around anyone so emotionless, and crude. He was like that even with his own mother, and now she had to live with him. She wanted to rip his head off, or at least she'd like to try.
"This is not up for debate Trunks; your father is beyond livid, that is why I told him I would talk to you. You have no choice, we're done here!"
Trunks hissed at her, storming out of the room. When he reached his quarters, he told the guards to have the three concubines move to the guest quarters. "Oh, have Rin meet me in my room." He called out to one of the guards.
"Pan, I am really sorry about my son, and the things he said about you." Bulma shook her head, with a lost look on her face. "I just needed to do something to get those girls away from him; he needs to start taking his status, and duties seriously, and he never will unless I put an end to his lifestyle." She rubbed her temples, and sighed.
"I will do whatever is asked of me, my Queen." Pan replied softly, while looking down at her feet.
"I know my son is not a very nice person, people call him the Ice Prince, because he is so cold-hearted, but if you just do as you're told, and stay out of trouble, and his way, you will do fine. You know, he never used to be like this. I blame myself for letting my husband raise him to be so arrogant, and for taking him on missions at a very young age." she sighed. "Well, I shouldn't be talking to you about this anyway, go and get your belongings, and report to the Prince's quarters…. Pan, make no mention of what happened here today, or there will be consequences. I suggest you get something to eat before you go."
"Yes Queen Bulma," she curtsied. Pan went to her room that she shared with three others in the servant's quarters, situated behind the kitchen. She began packing her few belongings into a cloth, tying up the edges, and went to the kitchen after to have some breakfast.
"Where are you going Pan?" her friend Yumi asked. She was the only person Pan trusted at the castle.
"I have to stay in the Prince's quarters; I am to be his servant." She replied while finishing up her oats.
"What in all that is good on Vegeta-sei! I'm so sorry Pan. I heard he is very cruel, and obnoxious. You be careful now ok, stay strong, and out of trouble." Yumi was worried about her friend. Pan is such a sweet, and caring person. She doesn't deserve this… no one does.
"Don't worry Yumi, I have seen, and heard first-hand how offensive he is. I am not looking forward to this, but what can I do? The Queen herself requested this from me, and I need the money. I will talk to you later, or whenever I can get away. I have no idea if the Prince will give me any free time." She sighed, and embraced her friend.
When she reached the Prince's quarters, there were two guards standing at their post. The one looked at her with sympathy, "Prince Trunks requests your presence in his room, don't knock, just enter."
"Ok…" Pan answered. As she got closer to the door, she could here muffled noises coming from inside. She looked back at the guard, who waved his hand for her to enter. She opened the door, and her whole body went numb, dropping the cloth with all her things in it. The Prince was lying on his bed, his back resting up against the pillows, and the blonde from before was kneeling between his legs, her head moving up and down.
He looked at Pan, and smirked before turning his attention back to the blonde. He moved his left hand into her hair, forcing himself deeper into her mouth, lifting his hips up as she brought her head down. He rolled his head back, and moved faster, and faster until his whole body convulsed. He let go of her head, but she just kept moving, he growled, and grabbed her hair pulling her head away from his dick with much force, and moaned loudly as his seed spilled all over his legs, and the sheets. He took a few seconds to recover, Rin still kneeling in front of him. He lifted his body into a sitting position, and slapped her hard across the face with the back of his hand. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, I told you that you are not allowed to taste me, bitch! You have been trying my patience a good deal lately, now go before I kill you."
She scrambled off the bed, grabbing her robes from the floor, running past Pan, out the door. Cheek red and swollen, tears streaming down her face!
All the while Pan was standing at the door, watching the scene before her, never in her twenty years, had she witnessed anything so vulgar.