Days Gone By

By: Padfootscatchingfire


AU: Harry has lived with the Dursleys all his life and instead of looking for help, he turns to the only one he can trust. Himself. SlytherinHarry. DarkHarry. Dramione. Slash. Harry/Tom Riddle

Speech: Regular -Thoughts-Parseltongue

Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter; I'm just doing this for fun!

Days Gone By

"Where's my dinner, boy?" demanded the walrus-like Vernon Dursley

Harry glared daggers at the man, but said nothing; the bruise across his cheekbone was more than enough reminder of what happened if he spoke anything more than what was strictly necessary. He returned his attention to the chicken in the stove. He had gotten quite good at cooking over the past 11 years of his life, as he had prepared meals for the filthy swine he lived with since he had been able to lift a pan. The burn scars across his hands from grabbing a hot pot was proof of that.

For years, Harry had lived under the stairs in a cupboard. Years ago, he had wished, hoped, dreamed that something, anything would save him. Be it angel or mortal. But that was the past; he had dammed the angels, cursed the humans. Harry had learned to trust none; he was alone.

He quickly slid the meal onto plates, and was on the last piece when he heard a loud scream. He nearly dropped the food, but years of dodging had honed his reflexes, and he caught it on the plate. Harry set the table then ran out to announce that dinner was ready. He opened the kitchen door and his vision went white.

A letter dropped in his hand and he saw a white bird, a snowy owl, soar from his shoulder and out the door, held open by a stunned Vernon.

Harry glanced back down at the letter and saw in acid green writing:

To Mr. H. Potter

The cupboard under the stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey, England

He turned the envelope over and saw a red wax seal, portraying a snake, lion, eagle and badger around an H. Under the H was a banner proclaiming 'Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus'. Puzzled, Harry broke the seal and read the note contained within the envelope. It read:



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Harry Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

He removed a second page from the envelope, mentally noting the unusual thickness and coloring of the paper. Rather like old parchment, he mused. Reading the paper, he saw a list of books and equipment he was required to get in order to attend this "Hogwarts".

Snorting, Harry wondered if this was some joke of Dudley's, his cousin, who could put a whale to shame with his size. Reading over the papers again, Harry realized that this wasn't a joke, as the Dursleys cringed and yelled at the very mention of magic, and they had no sense of humor, unless it was a sick jibe at Harry. He shook the envelope and a train ticket fell out, for Platform 9 and ¾ at King's Cross Station. Harry sighed, and then heard a knock at the already open door. A handsome man stepped in, his black hair looking almost midnight blue, his deep brown eyes were calm and composed, but Harry noted specks of crimson seemed to appear as his disdainful gaze swept over the Dursleys.

"WHO IN THE BLAZES ARE YOU?" screamed Vernon.

"Silence, you filthy muggle." Said the mad coldly, he flicked a long, thin piece of wood and Vernon fell silent, though his mouth still moved.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Asked Harry, curiously, if not a little in awe of the man who had just silenced the one who made his life hell.

"Undersecretary Tom Riddle, at your service, Harry Potter."

"How do you know my name?"

Riddle smirked and answered, "Every wizard with half a mind knows you, my dear Harry"

"Wizard? What do you mean wizard? You must be mad!"

"I assure you, that I am far from mad." Answered Riddle, "Come with me and I will tell you of a world in which you are rich, famous and about to enter."

Harry was torn between not trusting the stranger and wanting to leave the Dursleys behind. Riddle must have seen the indecision in Harry's eyes, because he took Harry's shoulder in a firm grip and led him out of number 4, Privet Drive, and though Harry did not know this, but this was the last time he would ever see the house again.

Days Gone By

Sitting in a small coffee shop, Riddle spent the next hour explaining to Harry that there was magic and that he, Harry James Potter, had vanquished the most evil wizard that ever lived when he was just a baby.

Riddle carelessly threw a few pounds on the table to pay for their drinks and he and Harry swept from the coffee shop to head for a place known as Diagon Alley, where Harry would get all of his supplies.

"Sir, how are we going to get there?" asked Harry

Riddle smiled slightly down at the raven haired boy and answered, "Apparation"

He once again grabbed Harry's shoulder and they were both sucked into an invisible tube and spit out again into an alleyway full of bustling people in long cloaks and hats. Harry gazed around, awestruck, at signs advertising cauldrons, magical pets, potions, wizard wear and if he craned his neck, he could spot a sign for a maker of 'fine wands since 382 BC.' Harry gazed back up at his rescuer and Riddle began walking into the fray towards Madam Malkin's Robes for Every Occasion. Striding inside, a friendly looking witch smiled at Harry and asked, "Hogwarts robes? First year?"

Harry nodded and the motion shook his messy black hair aside and revealed the scar given to him by the Dark Lord.

"Well, bless my stars, you're Harry Potter! They boy-who-lived! It's a pleasure, dear, it really is." Said Madam Malkin

"Please stay on topic, Madam, Harry needs robes." Said Riddle coolly

Looking flustered, the witch nodded and pulled Harry over to a mirror and began measuring his body. Soon she had taken notes of his size and pulled several black robes over to him.

"We will also require a travelling cloak, a winter cloak, dress robes, casual robes and cloaks, a formal cloak, actually, Harry will need a full wardrobe." Said Riddle

"A full wardrobe?! Are you mad? I haven't got the money for that!" sputtered Harry

"I am still quite sane, thank you for your concern," said Riddle dryly, then added "You have enough money to outfit the whole of Hogwarts and still have money left over, however I will be paying for this."

"Why? I don't need your charity!" said Harry defensively, then said "Er- sorry, sir, thank you for your kind offer."

Riddle smiled slightly, mysteriously, and nodded to Madam Malkin to continue her work.

The rest of the day continued similarly, until they reached Ollivanders Wand Shop.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, I was wondering when you would arrive."

Days Gone By

Author's Note: So how'd you like it?

This is my first fanfiction, ever! I hope you enjoy it! Please leave me a review and follow my story!

Constructive criticism is welcome(please no flames!) and I will try and update as soon as I can, hopefully every other day or a few times a week.

