Robins POV

Leaving Maria in the morning was hard. Maria, who as usual, was up long before me, didn't get up straight away as she usually did; she just lay till I woke up. I've never seen Maria look that sad and it made it even harder.

She had that expression all the way through breakfast, even when she was saying something that was happy her tone would suit the words but her face wouldn't I made myself promise that I would make sure we didn't go too long before being together again. It seemed now that we were together; the urge to spend time with each other was much stronger. She managed to smile when I said something funny. I think she made Loveday and Mrs Heliotrope worry, Sir Benjamin was in bed rest; they would probably talk to her once I had gone.

And she still had that sad expression now, as we stood on the steps leading into the manor, we had our arms around each other. Digweed had brought the carriage round and was planning to take me back to the De Noir manor instead of making me walk through the forest.

"Do you really have to go?" she said sadly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Do you I'd leave if I didn't really have to?" I asked her. She raised her head to smile sadly at me. "I will try get off again soon," I said, before kissing her and jumping into the carriage.

The ride back home felt much longer than the walk to Merryweather Manor, although in truth it was quicker. I barely got a chance to change before Father dragged me back into training. He seemed to work me harder today than any other day in the previous weeks, probably because we missed a day, and I fell into bed more exhausted than ever.

I found a letter in my pocket that Maria must have put in my pocket while she got dressed she had written;


This is a very short note because I want to go back to you quickly. I would like you to think about the date for the wedding and of course check it with your father. Loveday suggests sometime in the summer, would the forest be pretty then? She wants you to ask your father is that is soon enough. Remember to ask the boys, and you will need to find the time that you, your groomsmen and your father to meet with Loveday about some stuff. She says I can not know what it is.

Do not let your father work you to hard,

All my love,
