The corner of Maya's lips slowly rose up, at the sight of Cam entering Degrassi and she hurriedly walked up to him, not able to get rid of the foolish grin that she was wearing- Neither from the fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach. A feeling similar to the one she got when she was about to take an exam, only that this time it felt exiting in a very, very positive way.

It lend wings to Maya.

Cam saw her coming and he actually smiled a little, the second he sighted Maya. The first, well, almost smile in a week. Funny, that she was the only reason to smile in his eyes..

He stopped and waited for Maya to come.

"Hey," She said with that grin, playing nervously with the string of her backpack, which she had swung loosely on one shoulder.

"Hi, Maya." Cam said not meeting her eyes, implying a light awkward wave with his hand, before looking around the hall and clearing his throat.

"So," Maya slowly began. "How was the game?"

"Great," Cam nodded, finally looking at her face. "It was great – I wish you could've seen it.." He told her, a sign of regret playing in his eyes.

"Yeah, me too," She answered, looking down ashamedly.

Maya knew how important those hokey games were to Campbell and she wished she could have been there for him. Cheering for him, waving once in a while at him.. Letting him know that she was there for him.

She sighed gloomily, trying to gather words together to explain herself. "It's just that I had a band reahearse and –"

"Hey! Maya! It's okay." Cam assured her, and his voice sounded even softer that usual.

Cam offered her a smile.

Maya smiled somewhat relieved back.

"I'll be there next time," She said, respiring. "I promise."

Cam nodded. "I'll take you up on that."

Maya bite back the next smile that was beginnig to creep on her lips, as she searched for Cam's glance.

"Saunders! There you are!" An arm swiftly swung from behind over Cam's shoulder.

Cam quickly faced Dallas, who was smirking, while looking between the pair, like always.

"Aw, you two lovebirds are killing me with your awkward innocence!" Dallas raved fakely.

Maya rolled her eyes.

She couldn't stand the boy – Especially not when he barged into Cam's and her business, making it awkward by addressing the awkwardness.

Cam quickly glanced at Maya, before looking at Dallas. "I, um.. I gotta go." He said dully, walking away.

Dallas snickered. "See you at lunch, Saunders!"

Maya stomped away, before doing something she might regret afterwards – like committing murder.