Mossystar awoke to a pounding in her head. She tried to get up but she collapsed back into her nest. She looked around and noticed she was in the medicine cat den. She called Dapplepaw over and asked her what happened. She said you got a deep wound down your stomach. Mossystar looked down and whispered do you know if my kits are ok. Dapplepaw said Daisyflower said they should be ok but she doesn't know for sure. Thank you Dapplepaw. Mossystar started to clean herself when Darkdream came into the medicine cat den to see her. He started to clean her fur for her and she fell into a restless sleep. In her dream someone said beware when your kits are born a she cat will be watching trying to harm you, your mate, and your kits beware I am warning you, you are in for danger. She woke up and saw it was dusk and asked Daisyflower to bring her something to eat. She ate slowly and quietly thinking about what could go wrong. Daisyflower took her outside so she could make dirt. She told her she was asleep for 3 days. Mossystar asked her are my kits ok. Daisyflower said yes but you will probably have your kits in a few days because of the accident. Mossystar sighed and layed down to go back to sleep.

(Tinycloud's P.O.V)

I had been in the nursery for a moon and a half. My kits where do soon. I just hope nothing will happen to me like Mossystar. I feel so bad for her and Darkdream something could have gone terribly wrong. Daisyflower told me I would be having two kits. Hawktalon and I are so happy together. He brings me prey every day and sits with me whenever I have free time so I don't get bored. I am so happy to have a mate like him after all I had liked him since I was an apprentice. We were lying in the nursery together after sharing a rabbit. I told him I loved him and goodnight. He said tomorrow he had to go on the dawn patrol and then he had to assist with the apprentice's warrior ceremony.

(Daisyflower's P.O.V)

I had been so worried about Mossystar and her kits. Dapplepaw ushered me everything was going to be find. Tomorrow we go to the Moonpool and I will give Dapplepaw her full medicine cat name. I hope Mossystar will be ok while we are gone. I heard the other apprentices were going to get their warrior names after Mossystar has her kits. I layed down to go to sleep and I heard beware the ginger she is going to ruin all. I shivered and thought what that could mean.

Please post warrior names, kit names, and a full medicine cat name for Dapplepaw yay. Please review. Give me two tom names and two she cat warrior names. The apprentice names are Rabbitpaw, Stormpaw, and Rosepaw.

Any ideas for the story pm or review so I can know. I won't update till I get about 7 reviews. Plzzzzzzzzz review Mossystar loves reading your reviews and ideas. Also tell me some ideas what the evil she cat could do. I have a little bit of writers block.