A.N.: Hello, Sonic fans! It's TheCherryBlossom Kunoichi! I have decided to permanently change EVERY chapter of this story and make better ones. That's right! No more excess of OCs, no more Mary-Sue moments, and no more boring or suckish chapters!

Let's begin, shall we?

Chapter 1: The Powers

In the world of Mobius...

After breaking ties with the Iron Dominion, the four ninja clans, Gossamer, Yagyu, Raiju and Shinobi parted ways and the Dragon Kingdom regained the peace they deserved. Also, the prophecised hero Ken Khan became the King of the Free People, protector and ruler of said land.

But one day, strange powers emerged from the Sun of Mobius and traveled all the way to a distant dimension. After that happened, a sacred and powerful sun pendant the Yagyu clan kept hidden, disappeared. Since that happened, the Free People felt desperate and nervous of losing the peace they already had.


In the conference room of the four clans, each clan leader and a pair of ninja guards reunited with the King to discuss the unexpected turn of events. Lately, they were as desperate as the Free People were.

"The Powers' seal has been broken, and we fear they might fall in dangerous hands like the tyrant Robotnik." Explained the Bride of Endless Reach.

"If something happens to the Free People, we'll be highly responsible!" Said a fearful Bride of Constant Vigil.

"We can't lose our people like we lost the Bride of Rich Nights!" Screamed the Lord of the Yagyu Clan. "We already broke ties with the Iron Dominion, we cannot surrender ourselves to a more powerful enemy!"

"Everybody, calm down!" Ken exclaimed, making the clan leaders stop talking. "I understand this is a major problem which can cause certain losses, but the Powers cannot break their seal unless they have chosen an user. The Powers are not able to control themselves without being manipulated."

"King..." The Bride of Endless Reach stood up from her seat. "...our sacred Web of Fate foretold the same thing. But we cannot foresee the being who has inherited them."

"If we don't want to lose what we've got, then we must look for the one responsible for this chaos and demand answers!" Said a serious Bride of the Conquering Storm, who punched the table with a strong fist.

"Interrogating a foreign being in a ruthless way is pointless." Replied Endless Reach. "We must act peacefully towards the being, otherwise fear and mistrust shall grow within the being, and we might not be able to protect it."

"I agree with the Gossamer Clan's Bride." Said the Lord of the Yagyu Clan. "We should not disturb the being's inner peace with our vast despair. What we should do is recover the ancient necklace that symbolizes the Powers."

Khan thought for a moment until he finally decided to act.

"I will look for the chosen. The rest of you have a clan to attend. For now, protect the Free People from any threat."

"But King, if there is suspicious activity we might need reinforcements."

"Why would you? My Raiju Clan can overcome thousands of foes. They are mightier than anyone else."

"I understand your clan is all about strength, Conquering Storm..." Ken replied. "...but in a battle, intelligence and strategy are needed even more than strength. And I know of a team who knows how to solve a problem."

For a moment he thought of the Freedom Fighters and the girl he loved. He felt a bit sad because he didn't had the chance to earn her love. She once told him she'd give Sonic a second chance.

He breathed out. "You're dismissed."

The clan leaders and their respective guards left the conference room. He took some time to think, and afterwards walked out.

Kon'nichiwa, everybody! My name's Jennifer J. Anderson. I'm just an average 19 year-old going on 20 girl, and you can say I'm the most obsessed Sonic fan on Earth.

I love the comics, especially the Journey To The East comic issues. I love the ninja clans and everything related to them.

But what I don't love is my absolutely normal life. I'm almost a young adult... but I'm an orphan. I don't know why my parents abandoned me when I was a baby, but since then I've been living completely with my own shadow.

I indeed had everything I needed: a job, a house and some other things. The fact that I lived all alone didn't bothered me, but some nights I felt some inch of fear for unknown reasons.


This day was a completely boring one. It was 8 in the morning, and my alarm buzzed off. I rolled to turn it off, but the button was stuck!

"Argh! Shut up!" I yelled and unplugged the alarm clock, then sat up and stretched myself.

"Good boring morning." Yeah, that was my quote of every morning.

I immediately got up and prepared myself for the day. First I took a nice, warm shower, then brushed my teeth and wore my clothes I used every time I went to work at my bakery shop. It was just a pink T-shirt, standard jeans and black tennis shoes. I combed my short, brown hair and wore a pink headband to make it look presentable. After that I picked up my backpack, keys and...

I stopped picking my stuff when I saw a particular shimmering object on my bedside table. When the light died down, a beautiful gold necklace with a tiny sun pendant appeared.

"It's beautiful." I whispered. "I wonder how this appeared just like that."

The sun pendant was dazzling gold, and it had a pink gem in the center. I thought it matched perfectly with my clothes, so I wore it on.


Going to work was easy. It was just a few miles from home, and I could use a bike to get there. It resided straight ahead of my neighborhood, so I didn't had to make turns to the left or right to arrive at the bakery shop.

Once I made it there, I parked my bike next to the shop and took my backpack, then walked into the shop to begin with my job of the day.

While J. J. was busy working and sometimes reading her favorite Sonic comic issues, the sky turned cloudy and dark, almost as if there was a thunderstorm.

Thunders cracked, and a flash of lightning transported the Mobian King to Earth. His quest to find the chosen had begun.

Fortunately nobody saw him. The lightning storm was a distraction so people couldn't see him. He searched everywhere for a particular necklace design to wield the Powers, but nobody wore that type of necklace.

He passed by where the bakery shop was, and saw J. J. working with customers. She was offering an old lady a sweet strawberry cupcake before thunders cracked and lightning flashed hard, scaring her. She looked through the glass window, but saw a strange shade instead of his own form.

"Miss, are you alright?" The old lady asked, but J. J. stood staring at the glass window.

"Yeah, it's all good." J. J. responded, turning to the old lady. "Well, if that's everything..."

Khan kept his eyes on J. J. He saw the shiny gold sun pendant around her neck. His eyes opened wide at the realization J. J. was the chosen he was looking for.

"I have found you." Was all he said before he disappeared and the storm calmed down.

Long, boring hours passed until I was already done working at the bakery shop, and I've got to say, the customers were happy and delighted with my desserts. At least my baking lessons paid off!

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the Sun started falling down in the sky. I could say it was shining immensely as I rode my bike all the way back home.

Suddenly... a shaky feeling caught me. I stopped my bike and got to my feet, wondering why the intense sunlight and the pure silence creeped me out.

Then... the ground started rumbling and shaking. That alerted me, so I did my only survival step...

...to run.

I didn't care about my bike or the cash I had in my backpack. All I cared for was my own life and the sun necklace I somehow found in my own house. The rumbling got so much stronger that the ground began to shatter and break apart.

I tried to run faster when I turned to see my bike already fell through the broken grounds. The ground kept tearing itself apart, and it was about to reach me, so I put more energy to my legs and ran as fast as I could.

But... unfortunately, my level of stamina was decreasing, making my legs feel heavy and ticklish. I had no choice but to scream...

"H-help me!"

No responses were heard. The ground below me began to break. But something rare happened.

When I stopped to catch my breath, the Sun shined even more than it should, then a strange, but hot, beam of light hit me hard in the chest, where my heart resided. That hit made me fall through the broken grounds, and I knew I was about to reach my end...

But... nothing happened.

I didn't felt the heat of the lava underneath the Earth. I didn't felt any bruises or injuries. Instead, I felt myself lying on a soft surface that slowly lifted me up like a magic carpet.

I couldn't see what it was as the strong hit made me black out.


I felt like in heaven when I woke up to a beautiful meadow. My eyes looked everywhere before I twitched my body. I felt every inch of me normally, so I sat up carefully. What did bothered me was the strong pain in my heart.

"Ow. Wha- what hit me?" I moaned.

"The Powers." Responded someone else.

My heart, despite its pain, began to race. I knew what that meant, so I focused my sight to whoever spoke.

I felt a bigger hand resting on my left shoulder. When I turned to see...

It was that character from the comics!

It was Monkey Khan!