~Zero's P.O.V.~
Pain. It was all I could feel. Sharp claws ripped at my body. Harsh fangs sinking into my neck.
Soft whimpers escaped my lips. Crimson eyes glowing with rage. I couldn't move, my limbs wouldn't
respond, they were dead-weight. The blood in my veins rushed to my neck, flowing through the wound
and into the mouth of the man I had fallen in love. I couldn't understand why he was being ruthlessly.
He had never taken my blood before, yet here he was draining the essence out of my being. I gasped in
pain as his fangs sunk deeper into my throat. "K...na...me. P...lea...se...s..top." I heard the pureblood
growl in anger at my weak words, but he ignored my plea and continued to drain me; I could feel my
strength leave with each gulp he took of my blood. I weakly tried to push him away, but he snarled and
wrenched my wrists behind my back, holding them there with one hand while the other was in my hair,
grasping it firmly, tugging my head back to allow him more access to my neck. "Kan-mph." The hand
in my hair released its hold and covered my mouth. I don't know what was more frightening, Kaname
overcome by blood lust, or the feel of him draining me of my blood. His fangs left my neck for
moment, only to sink into the jugular. I couldn't help but cry out, the pain was too great. I coughed and
sprayed blood into Kaname's hand. The bright red fluid trickled through the firm hand over my mouth
and traveled down my chin, falling onto the white blazer of Kaname's Night Class uniform.
Once more Kaname's fangs left my neck, and blood-stained lips traveled to my ear. "Let this be
a lesson. Stay away from my girl, she will never love you. No one could ever love a worthless Level D
like you." His words stung my heart. I could felt it clench tightly in my chest. Why couldn't he
understand how much I loved him? Was I nothing more than a pawn in his game? Did he truly not care
about my feelings? His cruel treatment of me, and the blood flowing down my neck was proof that he
didn't. Kaname had brutally beaten me before settling for drinking me dry. "Pathetic excuse of a
vampire." He snarled in an icy tone. Kaname relinquished his hold on me, and dispassionately allowed
to crumbled onto the mahogany carpet floor, the redness in his eyes had faded, but the loath and anger
remained in his wine eyes. I trembled like a frightened animal under his stare. I lay exhausted and
weak. I heard him gasp when tears began to stream down my face, I didn't care if he saw me cry, nor
did it matter that I was. My vision began to blacken, and all I heard was the sound of people calling my
name in sheer horror. "Zero!"
Everywhere I looked, I was met with darkness. Voices echoing through the black depths. I
recognized them immediately. Sayori Wakaba, Kaien Cross, and Master Yagari. Each one of them
sounded so scared, yearning for me to open my eyes, and show them I'm alright. Through the darkness,
I followed their voices, and soon began to hear beeping sounds close to my ears. I groaned and heavily
opened my eyes to see Sayori, Cross, and Master Yagari hovering over me with anxious looks. "Oh
Zero, thank goodness." I heard Sayori say, running her small fingers through my silver hair motherly.
Her big hazel eyes filled with much love and concern. I could see unshed tears threatening to fall until
only a droplet escape her hazel hues. With little strength I regained, I wiped away the lone tear from he
cute face, earning a small smile as she held my bandaged hand in her delicate one. "Where am I?" I
cringed at the weakness in my voice. A groan escaped my lips when a jolt of pain shot up my neck. I
gripped my throat feeling bandages wrapped around it. My neck must have been a mess after Ka-I
mean Kuran finally let me go. "You're in a hospital, Zero." I heard Cross say, holding a foam cup in his
hand and a pitcher in the other, filling the said cup with water. Cross held such a saddened gaze that
made my heart ache.
Sayori took the cup from Cross, and held it up to my lips, titling it slowly as the water slid into
my mouth and down my sore throat. "Thank...you." She smiled at how much better my voice sounded
and sat herself beside me, which oddly resulted in Cross and Master Yagari leaving the room. I didn't
understand why they left me alone with Sayori until I turned to ask her, and was met by soft lips
pressing against my own. Heat rushed to my cheeks, Sayori was kissing me! Sweet and quiet Sayori
was actually kissing me! This has to be a dream; it feels too real to be a dream. "I-I'm so sorry." She
mumbled, chewing on her lower lip, and soon standing feverishly to leave. I grabbed onto Sayori's
wrist before she could bolt for the door, I held her gaze, and noticed a faint tint of pink forming across
her face. "Don't go." I begged; her presence warmed my heart, that kiss we shared, it felt so right. I
couldn't let her run away, thinking that I didn't like her. I knew how she felt; I could see the love
shinning in her eyes.
After so long, I finally realize that, Sayori is someone I've been longing for. She was the first
person to actually express pure love to me than merely liking me for only my looks, and well, that
made me greatly happy. "Yori." I tenderly said her name and pulled her close, holding her small figure
in my arms, she fitted so perfectly. "Zero." She said in a low voice. I gazed into her hazel eyes and she
into my lilac hues. I hesitantly drew her in, and kissed her smooth pink lips softly. I was about to pull
away, thinking I had done the wrong thing, but her arms encircled my neck, and a hand pressed the
back of my head, keeping me in place as the innocent kiss turned into a passionate one. "I love you,
Zero." That's all I ever wanted to hear. The one I had been searching for, had been here all along, and I
wasn't about to loose her, not now, not ever. "I love you too, Yori."
Headmaster Cross and Master Yagari had long left Sayori and I alone. My back against the
headrest and she laying in my arms, her head on my chest, and arms around my waist. Two months
we've been together, and I slowly healed in both body and mind. Sayori mended the broken fragments
of my heart, slowly but surely; she loved me and told me every moment. Her smile makes my heart
beat fast, and her hazel eyes make my cheeks flush, why had I not notice how beautiful and loving she
was? Was it because I was blinded by my love for Kaname that I didn't notice the admirably glances
she gave me? I yet not know, but Kaname doesn't matter now, all that matters is the beautiful cherry
blossom in my arms. This enchanting girl had won my heart, her kind nature and motherly actions had
done it, I'm so happy that someone can love someone like me. I love her and she loves me. Our hearts
beat as one.
I stroked her light brown hair, so soft and smooth, the scent of peaches and vanilla filled my
senses, Sayori smelled so delicious, not just the smell of hair and skin, but the scent of her blood
was intoxicating. "Zero. Are you hungry?" I froze. Was I really going to jeopardize Saryori's safety for
a mere taste of her blood? I shivered at the thought of myself losing control of my vampire side and
draining Sayori lifeless like the barbaric beast I was. "It's okay, Zero. I'm not afraid of you." She smiled
and brushed her hair behind back, baring her pretty little neck, a smile graced her face, a hand held out
to me, inviting me to take it and satisfy my thirst. "Yori...I-I can't." I was in utter panic. I can never
bring myself to take her blood, she was far too sweet and innocent, I rather suffer Kuran's wrath than
bite my beloved girlfriend. Sayori ignored my pleas and pulled my head into her neck, the scent of her
blood was overwhelming, my fangs extended, and I gasped against her throat, trying to control my
blood lust. "Zero...Please. Don't neglect you're need because you're afraid of hurting me. You need
blood, please take it." Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't ignored the way she spoke, her voice
was breaking, on the verge of tears herself, I wouldn't let my sweet Sayori cry. I sighed and trailed my
tongue across her throat, softening the skin as much as I could. I kissed her lips gently before sliding
my fangs slowly into her pale neck; Sayori flinched in my arms but soon relaxed, her arms wrapping
around my back, holding me close to her, she wasn't tremble or breathing hard, she was calm, and I was
relieved that I didn't harm her in any way. "I love you so much, Zero."
Sayori calmly and gracefully wrapped bandages around my neck, hiding Kaname's bite marks
from sight. The skin was still very sensitive even though it had been two months since he bit me. I
found it greatly disturbing that the marks hadn't healed at all. I was worried that Sayori would become
disgusted, but to my surprise, she smiled sadly, her fingertips brushed against the bandages around my
neck. She kissed my gauze wrapped neck and proceeded in rounding another roll of gauze along my
arms and chest. "Ow. Not so tight." I heard Sayori laugh lightly and apologized for tighten the
bandages a bit too harshly. My heart fluttered in my chest, her laugh was so adorable, her simple
actions are so damn cute. Her soft light brown that shined like the rays of the sun, hazel brown eyes
bright as topazes in the light, her small pink mouth, and smooth pale skin. She was an angel, so pure
and gentle, and she was mine. "Zero. You're staring again." I cursed under breath. I can never seem to
get away with staring at her. I can't help myself, Sayori is too beautiful to not stare at, her beauty is to
be admired, and I intend to do as such. "You're so cute when you're flustered." I flinched. How had she
known I was blushing without even looking at me? I suppose she's grown accustomed to my
personality, and aura that she can even sense the involuntary reactions of my body. Only Sayori can
cause me to lose control of my emotions. Call me self-conscious, but she's too perfect not to fuss over,
plus it's rather impossible for me to look away from her, once I start I can't stop.
"Zero. Sayori. Hurry up. Otherwise, you'll both be late for class." I heard that idiot chairman
call from downstairs. Buzz kill, damn ex-hunter ruined the moment. Sayori laughed at the sourness of
my face,and playfully pinched my cheeks, which only resulted in me frowning even further. "Awww.
Come on,Zero. A sour look doesn't suit a handsome face like yours." There it was again, Sayori
Wakaba, butt kissing up to me, not that I mind or anything, to be honest, it was very adorable when
she's flirty. "We better head downstairs before the headmaster tries to make breakfast…again." I
shrugged at the memory of headmaster's cooking when I was able to return to Cross Academy. His
skills were definitely not in culinary;furthermore, how can someone as idiotic as Kaien Cross have
been the most powerful vampire hunter in the Association?! If anyone else witnessed the manner in
which he acts than I'm sure they would be asking the same question. However, ever since the accident,
Cross has become more serious lately and less go-lucky around the vampires, especially Kuran. Maybe
he now realizes that not all the vampires on this campus are as kind as he believes them to be.
Class went by smoothly, Master Yagari had allowed Sayori and I to leave class after he took
notice of how exhausted I looked. I noticed he has become more aware of everything and a lot gentler
towards me. This caring nature of his, I hadn't seen it since the days Ichiru and I trained under him to
become vampire hunters. With a small smile, he dismissed the rest of the class two hours after Sayori
and I left the classroom. A few moments later, it was that time again, class change over. I was not
looking forward to the exchange, nor was Yori, we both knew what it meant, and we would see both
Kaname and Yuki. "Are you sure you're alright in coming to change over?" Sayori's eyes glowed with
fear and concern; I didn't know how I would react upon seeing Ka-Kuran again, but I know for a fact
that I would have to stay clear of the two Kurans. "I'll be fine…I just have to avoid eye contact." That
was an utter lie. I have to do more than avoid eye contact; I have to be careful that neither of them
would confront me about the traumatic event that occurred two months ago. "Looks like the Day Class
students know what Kaname did." Sayori pointed straight ahead, and I took note that the horde of fan
girls stood in their lines with serious gazes. They all know the secret of the Night Class, and are also
well informed about what Kaname had done to me, but I never expected them to have anti-vampire
weapons of their own. My guess is that Cross had provided them to ensure that Kaname stayed far
away from Sayori and I.
I was nervous, no; nervous doesn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. Traumatized is the
proper term. I was traumatized of facing Kaname. I could still remember the anger in those wine-red
eyes. I trembled at the memory of his fangs tearing at my neck and talons shredding at my body. "Zero-
sama." I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed the many Day Class Students gazing at me with
sympathetic eyes. "Are you alright? We can supervise the exchange if you're not up to it." They assured
with soft smiles. I appreciated their concern, but I wasn't going to burden them with my duties as a
guardian of both the Night and Day Class. I smiled at them weakly and shook my head. "Don't worry. I
can handle the changeover." They didn't seem convinced, but didn't attempt to argue with me, so they
let my decision be for now. Still I wondered, was I truly ready to face the vampire that had nearly killed
The gates of the Moon Dorm creaked open. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, hammering
against my ribcage; I was nervous, afraid, and greatly unprepared to face Kaname. I realize now that
perhaps I should have listened to the Day Class, and excused myself from the class exchange when
they had offered. This was one of those times I truly damned my loyalty and pride as a Cross Academy
Guardian. A hand intertwined with mine, my gaze met Sayori's glowing hazel eyes. Her hues so full of
assurance and love, I felt the pounding of my heart slowly return to normal, her eyes never fail to calm
my nerves. I took a breathe and composed myself in time to see the sympathetic looks of the aristocrats
as they walked by, even Ruka, who always should dispassion towards me, gave me a sad smile, it was
clear as day that they know what had occurred two months ago, they were well aware of Kaname's
inhuman actions towards me within the walls of the Night Class Dormitory. "Zero?" I flinched, I knew
fair too well who the voice belonged to, but I was terrified to even look her in the eyes. Squeezing
Yori's hand tightly, I frightfully turned my attention to her, Yuki Kuran, my ex-partner and Kaname's
younger sister.
I sighed in relief that Kaname was nowhere near her at the moment. She looked saddened and
disturbed. "He did this, didn't he?" Yuki asked, touching the white wrappings around my neck, her eyes
shimmering with tears. The gauze soon left my neck and the bandage soon followed, revealing two
harsh punctures on the side of my neck. Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes burning with tears, her
form trembling with disbelief. "Zero…I-I didn't think...he would…" Yuki was stunned; she couldn't
take the sight of the bite marks her brother had left. I could tell she knew, but the pure horror on her
face proved that it was beyond what she had imagined. I was ashamed, and pressed my hand over the
two punctures, to think that someone she trusted, and believed to never have the heart to hurt anyone,
had viciously sunk his fangs into my neck. "Oh Zero." She cried and wrapped her arms around me,
hugging me as if her life depended on it. I didn't try to push her away, nor did Sayori; we both could
see that she was truly hurt. The aura she radiated twisted the knife in my heart. Sadness, disbelief,
remorse, and betrayal, which was all I could read in her aura.
Yuki released me and wiped away the tears from her pretty face. Droplets still clouded her eyes,
but she fought back against them, knowing how much it hurt me to see her cry. "Yuki..." Sayori hugged
Yuki and petted her long brown hair. She knew her best friend was a vampire but didn't care. Yuki
would always be Yuki to her and I. The young pureblood princess finally calmed down, Sayori smiled,
and willed her friend to head to class before she was late. Yuki smiled softly, but soon stood frozen at
the sudden chill of the atmosphere. Sayori, Yuki, and I turned our attention to the gates and saw
Kaname standing beautifully at the center of the path. His eyes showed no anger, but his aura spoke his
true feelings. He attempted to advance towards us yet was stopped by the Day Class. Each student
aimed their weapons at Kaname with burning rage in their eyes. "Stay Away From Zero, Vampire!"
They hollered. Several of them stood in the way between us and Kaname while the rest kept the
pureblood halted with their hunter weapons. Sayori held her weapon, rod of Saturn, in front of her and
Yuki stood by her side, her Artemis Rod gripped firmly in her delicate hands. "I won't let you come
near Zero, Nii-sama." I could see Kaname's eyes widen with shock. His sister protecting me with
Artemis, and also daring to even raise the hunter weapon against him.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing; it came as a shock to me as well. I gripped Yuki's shoulder,
and told her to head to class, she looked about to refuse, but soon nodded, and sheathed Artemis before
hurrying to class with a still shocked out-of his wits- Kaname. Soon all vampires were in class and the
day students in their dorms, except for Yori and myself. We sat under a shady tree and relaxed before
we had to patrol to grounds for the night. My head on Yori's lap, and her hand running through my hair,
and occasionally her lips brushing against mine. The sun soon set behind the mountains and everything
became a beautiful shade of ebony except for the bright stars shining through the dark sky. "Beautiful
night, isn't it?" I looked up at her and loved the way the moon captured her bright brown hair and
glowing hazel eyes, the night could never compare to the sight I see now. "Not as beautiful as the sight
I see before me." Sayori's cheek flushed a soft pink. I smirked at the cute blush growing on her pretty
face. She mumbled "idiot" under her breath and stood up, resulting in my head hitting the ground none
to gently. "Ow. Yori." She laughed at me, and stuck out her tongue before bolting away. Oh. So that's
how she wanted to play. Well then…Let the Games Begin!
I chased Sayori all around Cross Academy. Her laughter echoing the empty halls. I was about to
catch her when unexpectedly my face met a door. I fell on my back rubbing my face. That one hurt
worse than when Sayori let my head drop to the ground back near the fountain. "Oh God. Sorry
Kiryuu." I peeked through my hands, and saw Akatsuki Kain holding out his hand to me with a
panicked look on his pale face. "It's alright. No harm done." That was such a lie. Of course there was
harm done. I just got my face smashed by a damn door. I could still feel everything throbbing from my
forehead to my lips. I swear if the damn door leaves a mark anywhere on my face tomorrow morning, I
am going to murder him, metaphorically not literally. I'm not that cruel…okay maybe a little but still. I
was about assure Kain that I was fine until my gaze met wine eyes. My words were caught in my
throat. I couldn't speak anymore. I could feel myself shivering with fear. "Kiryuu..." I felt my heart
squeeze in my chest as he said my surname. I thought I was over what happened two months ago;
apparently I wasn't complete eased about the situation. I pulled away, my eyes from his and stared at
the smooth wooden floor.
"Kiryuu?" I really wished Kuran would stop saying my surname. "Zero..." That was it, I
couldn't take it anymore. The moment I felt his hand reach out to me, I stepped back and ran past him,
not caring that the rest of the Night Class had witnessed my cowardly actions. I ran straight to the Sun
Dorm without realizing that Sayori was following right behind me. "Zero!" I heard her call,but didn't
stop until I reached my bedroom. Sayori came in shortly after I had slammed my door shut but left it
unlocked. "Zero. What happened?" I could tell she knew what had occurred, and why I had ran away
from the main building in haste. "You ran into...Kaname Kuran...didn't you?" I flinched at the mention
of his name. I felt so pathetic. Even the smallest mention of his name scaresme; I suppose if anyone
had experienced the same trauma I had two months ago, they would be acting the same way. Sayori has
always been there for me even before the incident, but she with me more than ever because of that
incident. However, my only regret is every falling in love with that heartless pureblood. I was too blind
and stupid to see that he would never want someone like me.
Hours went by, and it was time for the night patrol once more. Sayori took my rounds, so I
wouldn't have to go anywhere near the Moon Dorm, and gave me her route instead. I was relieved that
I wouldn't have to trail near the Night Class Dorm, and somehow come into contact with Kuran. As far
as I could tell, Sayori's rounds were much calmer than mine. Scouting the forest and lake was relaxing,
that is, until I met wine eyes watching me from the shadows of a large tree. I shivered at the set of hues,
and hoped it wasn't Kuran. To my demise, the rich garnet eyes were Kaname Kuran's. "I've been
looking for you, Zero." My name slipped from his tongue in a warm and calm tone, but I wasn't
convinced that he wouldn't harm me. Hesitantly, I pulled Bloody Rose from my ebony blazer and
aimed it unsteadily at the pureblood prince. "There is no need for that. Please put that weapon away
before you hurt yourself." I shook my head violently, and tried once more to steady my trembling
hands. I could hear my breath quickening and palms beginning to sweat. I froze when a firm arm
snaked around my waist, and a hand shadowed over mine, slowly lowering Bloody Rose's barrel to the
ground. "I am hurt that you fear me, my little hunter." I didn't know what to expect, yet he sounded
upset and hurt, but how do I know this isn't another game? The last thing I felt was a cloth held against
my mouth and nose. The fabric emitted a sweet scent, lavender! I started to panic and struggled in
Kaname's arms. My strength was leaving me rapidly, and soon my vision began to blur. All I saw
before I lost consciousness was the saddened stare in his wine eyes. "Forgive me…Zero."