A/n: I finally started watching the XYZ series because of the nostalgia GO unsealed, and the result was, I lost all my remaining interest for Black White, heh. I thought I might be able to finish the rest of the Meteronite arc before posting what I'd planned for this story, but that doesn't seem like it'll be happening. (Spoilers?: And seriously, with XYZ probably being the best series ever, and Ash STILL not winning the league, I feel like I'm very done with pokemon. Alan's great but he honestly should not have won that.) Anywho, on to the plans so you won't have to feel a sense of incompletion for the rest of your life :D

Chapter title(s)

Chapter Summaries

11. Meteronite! The Stone of Dreams

12. When Dreams Fail

In ancient times, people built a city around Meteronite, and prospered by using its energy. But wars over it and eventually destroyed the land and caused it to become the Desert Resort. Team Rocket finds the exact location and dig it up, and by firing energy based off Musharna's readings, they are able to activate the device which unveils the Meteronite. TR set up camp around it and claim the Meteronite as their own.

Giovanni plans to change the energy situation in the world. He holds a business party (basically) to tell everyone about it. Ash & N are basically forced to attend to watch it because Giovanni wants to gloat (he actually recognizes Ash, having seen Ash take down multiple TR peeps and other Teams—reason why he allows Jesse & James to continue pursuing him, to keep an eye on him). Team Plasma crashes the party. TR fights back, but TP has been stationed around the city and are impossible to spot. Ash & N use the confusion to escape. Ash & N go to free the captured pokemon (captured during Meteonite extraction). Jesse and James arrive with a plasma gun powered by the smaller, stolen Meteronite and attack TP in turn. If they can't find where TP is, they'll just attack everywhere where TP could be. When they activate the gun, it causes the larger Meteronite to resonate. The released pokemon cry out in pain, N is also in pain. Ash doesn't know what to do with Pikachu.

Looker and the rest arrive at this point and rescue Ash & N. They escape the falling city. N is hesitant about leaving the city (his Team Plasma) but ultimately decides that his priority is stopping the thing which is hurting the pokemon. Trip & Cilan stay behind to help the citizens and destroy trio's plasma gun. Burgh (gym leader) joins them.

Using his ability to hear pokemon, N avoids most of the Rocket members. Looker, Iris, Jenny, & Prof Jun stay behind at last stage to fight off grunts while Ash & N blow past. But they can't destroy the Meteonite. N closes his eyes and says it might be useless, but Ash screams that there has to be a way. N gets inspired / fired up by Ash's spirit and they each order Pikachu/Zorua to attack (Thunder/Punishment). Surprisingly, this actually destroys the Meteronite (only later we find out it was also due to Ash's & N's individual powers, channeled through their pokemon). They go back to Castelia, and N is silent the whole time. N parts with Ash after having changed much of his opinions, and teaches Pikachu Return ("Return, the move that turns the strength of your bond into power." - this is literally a move that deals more damage the more the pokemon likes the trainer) in thanks for the courage Ash gave him.

13. Scraggy's Concerns

Castelia Gym Battle and Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon. Ash is really happy with Swadloon. He's also pleased with Oshawott, who did well despite the type disadvantage. (It's a three on three battle, but Ash manages to win with two pokemon) Later, Ash uses Scraggy and they fight against a random trainer and Scraggy loses. Ash trains with the others to let Scraggy rest. Scraggy is upset about continually losing Ash's matches and runs away while everyone is sleeping (outside their pokeballs) and tries to train himself to be better for Ash. He fights some serious wild pokemon and gets really injured, but Ash finds him and they fall off a cliff or something together. They have to hide out themselves. Ash and Scraggy talk while the others search for them.

14. Nimbasa Town Tournament, Start!

15. A Sommelier's Strife

16. The Conclusion of the Club Battles

Nimbasa Town battle club tournament, Paul shows up for the rare item prize. Trip is also there, having already won the Nimbasa badge (Ash is slow because he takes the long way + helps people along the way); he and Iris are friendly which makes Ash and Cilan raise a brow. Trip also apologizes to Ash and gets the six-on-six promise from him. Ash and Paul chat for a bit which makes Trip is curious about Paul. Ash uses Oshawott in order to help him aim his Aqua Jet. During the tournament, Paul notices that Oshawott closes his eyes when using Aqua Jet and admonishes Ash for not noticing sooner. Trip looks at his pictures and realizes this is true, and is amazed Paul saw that in an instant.

Needs these matches: Lydia vs Cilan. Ash vs Lydia (she notices things about his battle style + pokemon and gives him more advice). Paul vs Trip. Ash vs Paul.

Cilan has been trying hard and has really improved his bond with his pokemon, but Lydia still wipes the floor with him. Cilan in shock. She states that it's because Cilan doesn't know how to deal with unpredictability, which is pathetic since he's been travelling with Ash all this time.

Ash and Paul are the ones who make it to the finals, and have a breathtaking battle which no one can believe. It's a rematch which ends with a tie. They split the prize which is something like a power set so each gets like three pieces or something.

After the tournament ends, Paul tells Ash about the upcoming Cynthia vs Tobias match. Cynthia has given the both of them tickets, and Ash agrees to go back for it. Also short explanation about how after winning the League, the challenger fights one Elite Four member per month and finally the Champion on the fifth month. If they get knocked out by even one, they lose out.

17. Meowth and Team Rocket

Meowth is found by Ash & co. They talk about Team Rocket and how Jessie & James have changed. They also talk about their plans in Unova and Ash learns more about Team Plasma. (go through the three eps before Nimbasa). Ash also works with Oshawott to get over his closing eyes thing.

18. The View From the Top of a Ferris Wheel

Team Plasma has set up and one of Seven Sages is giving speech. Afterwards, two Team Plasma members harass old man. Ash & gang stop them, but Ash is dragged off by N to ride in a Ferris Wheel. They have a conversation in which N reveals that he's the prince of Team Plasma and he thinks Ash is the Hero of Zekrom, the only one who can oppose him. They battle and shockingly, Ash loses. N says that as long as Ash closes his ears to the voices of pokemon, he won't defeat N. He's regretful about the battle and says that he won't seek out Ash again.

19. Bianca's Problems

Ash is in shock from N's revelations. He has a talk with Bianca about her problems with her dad and reaffirms that he's right in his ideals. He watches her against Elesa and has a talk with Bianca's dad after Bianca loses. Ash then challenges Elesa and wins (battle off screen with Sewaddle, Scraggy, Oshawott who comes out on his own). They prepare to leave when Battle Subway plot happens. Swadloon evolves into Leavanny saving Ash.

20. Defeat the Subway Masters! Cilan's Doubts

Cilan POV The subway masters are beyond thankful and are willing to grant any favour. Cilan asks one of them for a battle and asks Ash to watch. He uses some strange moves but isn't able to execute them correctly and ends up losing humiliatingly (he doesn't trust his pokemon to win). He says that after watching Ash battle (especially his effortless one against Elesa) and Lydia saying that Cilan's weakness is his predictability, he wanted to try something new. Ash admonishes him and says that everyone has their own battle style. He also states that Lydia even told him that Sewaddle wasn't suitable for Ash's battle style, so Ash has been modifying himself for Sewaddle to bring out the best in the pokemon. Cilan realizes that this is right and can't believe he forgot. He participates in the stamp rally completion to get another chance to fight the Subway Masters. He trusts in his pokemon again and teams up with Ash and this time they win.

21. Rufflet in the Wild

Ash gets Rufflet. The rufflet stolen and made home in forests directly before Driftveil city, where a Druddigon is making trouble. He's thankful to Ash for the help and decides to come with. In the end they find out that Rufflet was taken by Team Plasma in the first place. Cilan and Iris try to convince Ash that N probably tricked him. Ash is convinced N wouldn't do that and something is going on behind N's back, so he needs to warn him.

22. The Champion of Unova! Adler vs Ash

The gang meets up at a street festival with Trip again and Adler, the champion. Ash challenges Adler to a battle and ties Adler with Pikachu. Unfortunately they only agreed to one battle, but Adler says he's impressed and will be waiting. Trip tells Ash he could totally be champion but Ash laughs and says that while Pikachu is his strongest pokemon, Buffalo is not Adler's. A true fight with the champion will be tough.

23. Milos Island! The Secrets of Aura

The Driftveil Gym Leader asks Ash to get Revival Herbs before they can battle. Jessie and James actually have something planned with it and they have a talk with Ash & co. Much more dangerous than before. Milos island plot happens with Tornadus vs. Thundurus. Ash experiences weird things (his power acting up) and manages call up Landorus from the monument and convinces Landorus to fight with him. Riley shows up and reveals the truth of Ash's powers. He tries to convince Ash to train to prevent things like this from happening. Ash refuses as the training would take at least five years and he doesn't have that kind of time, and because he's scared of his powers. Besides he's doing okay stopping all these threats. (Riley: "And at what cost?") Riley states that this was a close call, and Landorus almost died, which wouldn't have happened if Ash knew what he was doing. He leaves Ash with a lot to think about. Ash gets back and Driftveil Gym Leader isn't in so they have to wait.

24. Driftveil City! A Brother's Concerns

Cilan POV They finally get to Driftveil but gym leader Clay is busy. Chili comes battles Cilan. He loses and is depressed but Cilan helps him. Cilan realizes that Chili's problem with wondering if he needs to change battle styles resembles Cilan's in Nimbasa. Cilan apologizes for not being a good Sommelier and helping raise Pansear, remembering Lydia's words. He gives Chili a much more thorough tasting. Chili comments that Cilan is a lot more confident, not just outwardly bluster but quiet confidence that makes Cilan seem more mature. Cilan smiles and asks if that is so, it must be because of his travels with Ash. Chili battles Cilan again after learning Solar Beam and this time they draw. Chili leaves happy. Driftveil gym battle. They meet Prof Juniper Sr and explore Black Hero's ruins (legend passages must be changed)

25. The Ruins of the Black Hero

The chapter starts off with ending of Ash's battle with Drifveil Gym Leader. Ash uses Rufflet, Scraggy, and Pikachu vs Excadrill. The Gym Leader compliments him and Ash is happy, but later he can't stop thinking about what Riley said. They meet up with Prof Cedric. Juniper who says he's found the Black Hero's ruins, and Ash remembers what N said to him about Ash being Zekrom's chosen. Wanting to know more about this, of whether he is nor not, of what Zekrom is like, Ash decides to go. He starts off surprisingly serious, but Iris unintentionally gets him to relax just by being herself, and Cilan observes that something is bothering him and asks if he wants to share. Cilan asks if it's because Ash has seen Zekrom before. Ash replies no, or at least that's not all of it, but before he can finish, trap. Throughout, Ash thinks he can hear something, but Iris says it's probably just the wind and Cedric explains that there are often bugs within the walls of ruins. They get to the center and get attacked because Cedric takes the stone. They run around for a bit before running back to put it back. Cedric tosses the stone to Ash, who catches it and feels something strange charge through him before he puts it down. The ancient pokemon stop attacking and leave.

When they exit, they meet up with Krokorok (from Accumula) and to respect Krokorok's wish, Ash lets Pikachu battle him. However, Ash's thoughts are still full of the stuff from the ruins. They meet Nick, and Ash is rejuvenated by his spirit. One of the kids recognize him from the Don George Tournament, which was broadcast on TV. Later Ash realizes that Krokorok wants to go with them so offers the pokemon a place. Ash gets Waruvile/Krokorok.

26. Mistralton Gym Battle! Cilan's Revival

Mistralton City. Cilan challenges Skyla and night before battle, he tells Ash he thinks he knows how Lydia must have felt, because he can't respect Skyla as a gym leader right now. Cilan wins and changes Skyla's mind. Ash uses Krokorok, Leavanny, and Oshawott. It's time to go see the Cynthia/Tobias match, so Ash & co hop on one of the airplanes and head back to Sinnoh. Dawn has also come back for it so Iris + Cilan get to meet her, as well as Barry and Conway. Describe the battle as being indescribable, haha. Tobias wins in the end, although only after losing five of his pokemon. Tobias is crowned as the new champion. Ash congratulates him, and Tobias has kind words for Ash as well. Later that night, Ash thinks about everything. The next morning, they depart back for Unova.

27. Clubsplosion! A Gathering of Unova's Best

28. Clubsplosion! A Superb Conclusion

Ash & co meet Stephen for the Wishes thing, then everyone else again at Clubsplosion (except Lydia who Cilan laughingly explains doesn't care for vitamins). Ash decides to use Scraggy to prepare him for future gym battles. Everyone registers with their pokemon and a little blurb about themselves, but Don George also introduces Ash as the winner of his cousin's tournament, which gets Masaomi interested in him ("One of the Top 4 of the Sinnoh League, and the only one besides the previous champion Cynthia to have forced the current Sinnoh Champion Tobias to use more than one pokemon!"). He's also overpowering (with timing, etc) in the first round, which garners a lot of commentary ("What overpowering strength!") and interest. Ash also notices how rude Trip is to everyone else (sans Ash, Cilan, and Masaomi) and doesn't know how to properly deal with it as a sempai; about whether he should interject or not—in the end he decides to tell Trip something similar to what Cynthia said to him and Paul. Cilan is very confident in himself now, and when he and Ash meet for the second round, Cilan assures Ash that he's not like the others who've fought him because Cilan knows Ash's tricks and has prepared for them. Ash just barely manages to pull a win, and Cilan realizes sheepishly he still has some ways to go. However he takes it with good grace. Scraggy learns Focus Blast during Cilan's match but can't control it, so they try to master it throughout the competition. Second round Trip vs Bianca, Bianca wins. Trip asks Ash if this is what he was talking about and Ash laughs out a no, even he was surprised by Bianca's win. Trip says that he's embarrassed that all Ash sees is Trip losing, but Ash assures him that it was the kind of battle he likes. Third round, Ash commands Scraggy to use Focus Blast in close range so it won't go off course. Fourth/Final round, they finally master it. Ash & Scraggy lose to Stephen in the final round, but Ash is satisfied with gaining a deeper bond with Scraggy.

29. Icirrus City and Dragonspiral Tower

Ash gets the Icirrus City badge with Scraggy, Oshawott/Sewaddle, Pikachu. Ash & co stay at Iris's village for a bit before heading out again. Ash gets Oshawott to learn Ice Beam and Scraggy Ice Punch to use against Drayden. Stuff happens with Rufflet, possibly at seeing a Drugideon. When they leave, on the way they spot some Team Plasma members, and thinking that they're no good, follow them. They arrive at Dragon Spiral Tower where Ash gets a weird feeling. They arrive just in time to see Reshiram descend and later come up with N on its back. Turns out the Dark/Light stones can only call the pokemon, but are not the pokemon itself. N sees Ash and muses that this might be fate. N declares that Ash is the Hero of Zekrom and N will be waiting at him at Relic Castle.

30. Reshiram's Power! The League in Chaos

31. For the Dragonstone! Drayden vs Ash

32. Relic Castle

33. The Fated Battle! Ash and N

34. What is a Pokemon Master? Ash's Decision

With the power of Reshiram, Team Plasma completely obliterates the Pokemon League/Vertress City, saying that it's a disgusting place that makes people to treat their pokemon badly in hopes of becoming 'Champion'. It's broadcasted all over the news and Adler & the Elite Four put up a good fight but can't defeat Reshiram. (Ash and co see this on TV when they arrive in Opelucid. Ash isn't sure he's the Hero but he's determined to try)

Ash finds out that the Dark Stone is in Opelucid, like the Light Stone was in Nacrene. Team Plasma did try to get it, but Drayden chased them off. Drayden expresses regret that Ash can't challenge him for the badge anymore as TP has destroyed the League, but Ash battles him for the Dark Stone instead of the Opelucid badge. He has a hard time of it but Oshawott evolves into a Dewott and Ash just manages to win. Drayden gives Ash the Dark Stone and Ash does summon Zekrom, to the amazement of everyone. ("The most powerful dragon type… huh." Drayden closed his eyes, a faint smile on his face. "It suits you, Ash.")

Iris and Cilan hold off the grunts at Relic Castle while Ash confronts N & Reshiram. The legendaries have an epic battle which shakes the world while Ash fights a 6-on-6 with N. Ash is initially losing but realizes he doesn't want to part with his pokemon and refuses to lose. In that moment he's able to hear the voices of pokemon (not words but hearts, it feels amazing) as he finally accepts his powers. He defeats N and Zekrom wins. However both sides kind of look like they lost because they're all hurt so badly. Ash and N talk a bit, but are interrupted by Ghetsis, who reveals he's been using N all along. Ash is furious at Ghetsis for treating N so harshly and beats Ghetsis with the rest of his pokemon (battle royal style, Ash giving commands to the six of them at once). Adler and the Elite Four arrive just as Ash captures Ghetsis. Adler remarks that with Ash standing in the light (from the cracked roof) with Pikachu on his shoulder, he does look like a hero. It's over.

N and Ash talk about what they're going to do afterwards. Ash invites N to travel with them but N declines, saying that he wants to discover some things himself first, and he's afraid that if he's with Ash he'll be influenced too much. Since the Pokemon League is completely demolished from Team Plasma's attack, it won't be held this year as they have to fix it/no other city has prepared for it, so Ash is thinking of heading back to Kanto and trying to become its Champion. N apologizes for that but Ash says that maybe it's for the best, since Kanto is his hometown and that is the championship he wants most. Besides, Ash jokes that it'd be too much to be both the Champion and Hero of Unova. Ash then reveals that at the end, during the fight with Ghetsis, he experienced a strange connection with the pokemon and that's what allowed him to win. He can hear their voices now and he'll try the Kanto league again by befriending pokemon instead of capturing them, and maybe that's what it means to be a Pokemon Master.

When Ash talks with his companions later and tells them he's going back to Kanto, Iris says she wants to go with him to meet more Dragon types and the Dragon Master Lance. Cilan says that unfortunately he can't come because Kanto has no Sommeliers and there's still more he needs to learn. He states that he's planning on challenging Lydia again and proving himself to her, since he has more confidence now in his bonds with his pokemon.

Epilogue: The Hero of Unova

Trip's POV. The Unovan League has finally opened and the Hero of Unova is a special guest. Ash is rumoured to have already defeated seven of the eight gym leaders in Kanto already with only wild pokemon, and taken down some criminal organization called Team Rocket. As the winner, Trip is given the special privilege of having a six-on-six exhibition battle with Ash.

A/n: And here are some random excerpts:

Ferris Wheel:

"I am not saying that there are no good trainers in the world. Indeed, I would even go as far as to say that all the Champions and Elite Four members are kind to their pokemon…" he trailed off, and shook his head, "But don't you see? It is precisely because they have a bond with their pokemon that they are so strong. Otherwise, they would not be able to utilize their pokemon's full potential."

"I'm not sure where you're going with this," Ash replied with some confusion.

"Ash," N sighed, "it is a simple formula. To achieve strength, one must bond greatly with their pokemon partners. However, it is also true that for the strong to arise, there must first be an acknowledgement of general weakness. The Champions and Elite Four would not stand out if everybody was at their level. And we already know that not everybody is at their level. This means that the vast majority of people… simply do not have a bond with their pokemon."

"What?" Ash cried. Whatever he had been expecting N to say, it certainly hadn't been that.

"And that's why humans and pokemon need to be separated," N finished firmly. "There are indeed people who treat their pokemon with respect, but they are far and few between. Would you really subjugate the world of pokemon to threats and abuse just because you know that you yourself would never be one of them? Isn't that too selfish, too arrogant?"

"I—you—" Ash flashed back to his time in Team Rocket, the desperate, screaming pokemon he'd seen in there. No one deserved that.

"So you see?" N asked, his eyes kind as he reached out a hand towards Ash, "I'd be sad to see all my friends go, but for the good of all pokemon!"

Ash's heart trembled.

"Now who's being arrogant? For the good of all pokemon? What's that?" He shook his head, "I don't… I can't offer a solution at the moment, but I'm certain that there are more good trainers than bad! Yeah I've encountered a lot of people who'd use pokemon for their own ends, but I've met ten kind trainers for every one of those. I don't want pokemon to be abused, but surely a solution that would cause so many tears can't be a good one!"

N's eyes flashed with something akin to surprise, "Zekrom appeared to you?"

"Well he was just kind of in the storm but… yeah, I guess?" He thought about it, and closed his eyes, "It was just like the situation with Ho-oh. Nobody saw him except me!"

"I knew it! You are the chosen hero!"

"Hey, give me back my poke—" he suddenly stopped mid-sentence, remembering what N had said. "I mean, give me back my friends!"

"He's a little weird," Ash grinned, "but he's ridiculously strong."

Nimbasa Tournament:

"To be even considered for the S-class exams, your battle skills have to be at least on par with a Gym Leader's," Cilan sighed.

"Ah, isn't that weird?" Ash asked, "I mean I thought a Pokemon Connoisseur's main job was to check compatibilities. How come they have to have a high battle level too?"

Cilan shook his head, "Maybe I phrased that wrong. I should say that because you have the skills of an S-class Sommelier, your battle skills will be high. Think about it this way, the Sommelier ideal is to be able to tell what a pokemon's abilities are at a glance. Such an aptitude would be of a great help in a pokemon battle."

"I don't think you should use your observations to hurt people. Isn't being a Sommelier something you pride yourself on? So how can you use it like that?"

Something passed across Lydia's eyes then, and she turned away, voice low, "Is that so…?"


"You're straightforward, so I'll be straightforward with you. The world is not comprised of only nice pokemon and nice people. You treat your pokemon well and so I respected you with my tasting, but if you had not, you would have gotten the exact same treatment as Cilan. Saying something like 'Sommeliers should only say nice things'… that's naïve."

Milos Island:

"You can't run away from it forever Ash. I know you want to be a trainer, but ignoring your own abilities will only serve to harm both you and your pokemon!"

"And how long would this training take?" Ash asked in frustration.

"That depends on you," Riley replied calmly.

Ash growled at the answer. "How long did it take you?"

Riley was silent for a moment, and Ash was just about to prompt him again when he spoke up. He'd probably caught Ash's thoughts or something, "It took me five years."

Dead silence.

Ash thought about getting mad, because Riley had been trying to trick him, hadn't he? Not long at all? Ha. But all he felt was overwhelming tiredness.

"I can't take that long off my journey of befriending pokemon," Ash replied wearily, "I just can't."

"You say that you can only understand Pikachu because of your deep bond, but the more I see you, the more I'm convinced that it is not the case."


"I believe that you have the same gift as I do—the ability to hear the voices of pokemon. You just haven't chosen to acknowledge it for some reason." N paused, his eyes growing a little sad, "Or maybe you just haven't had the opportunity. I've grown up around pokemon after all, but you grew up with humans. Perhaps their voices drowned out those of the pokemons'."

"Your power derives not actually of the Aura Guardians," she said mysteriously.

"Wait what?"

"It's very similar, so I can see how they would be confused, but yours has changed into something beyond even that."

"And what does… that mean?"

"It means 'O Hero of Zekrom, that you may have started off with the powers of aura, but through your many encounters with the pokemon which could be considered legendary, your power has changed. To ensure your survival, to blend with the touch of the Stormbringers, your power has shifted."

"What." Ash declared tiredly.

"Your abilities have shifted internally rather than externally," she said, leaning her forehead against his. "I doubt you will ever be able to create physical shields like your friend Riley does, but you've gained something which I think, you might find more valuable. Have you ever wondered why Zekrom chose you?"

"Didn't you say that it was because I've encountered a lot of legendaries?" Ash asked tiredly, "And because of that, I dunno, their signature is on me. So, later legendaries are drawn to that."

"You have listened well, but Zekrom would not choose a hero based upon the opinion of others. He might meet you yes, but choose you? Tell me, what is the one trait that you share with the Hero of Reshiram? Do not worry, this is no riddle."

Ash's eyebrows furrowed, and then his eyes widened, "You don't mean—!"

"Yes, that is precisely it. You can both understand the voices of pokemon. Who better to be the champions of Unova rather than those who can compromise the two worlds, the ones of human and pokemon?"

A/n: And that's it folks. Thank you for sticking with me through this. It has been an extremely frustrating journey because I've come to realize this kind of story and this kind of fandom just doesn't mesh well together, but for those of you who have liked and been kind to me about this story, thank you, and I'm sorry I couldn't take you to the end. Hopefully this plot summary will assuage some of your frustration. If anyone wants to continue/rewrite this, you're very welcome to, just mention that it was originally from here or whatnot.