Chapter 23 A Meeting with Sirius

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Harry received an Owl from Sirius that he was nearby. On a Hogsmeade Saturday Harry, Ron and Hermione had a climb up a mountainside to see Sirius Black.

Sirius was living in a cave. As he had requested they brought food. Sirius was quite hungry and he ate it all quickly.

They exchanged information on Barty Crouch, Junior and Severus Snape.

"I found much of what I know abuout Barty Crouch Junior after I broke Azkaban," said Sirius. "His father had never loved him. His mother, however, did love him. The trial was little more than a show of how much he hated the boy and his Death Eater friends."

"Why would he associate with such horrible people?" asked Herminone.

"The same reason that Snivilus did," replied Sirius. "Because he felt unloved. James and I were cruel to Snape but he came to school knowing more curses than most of the seventh year students. He had them written down on cards. He got some books of magic from a relative on his mother's side. They contained numerous dark spells and the Unforgivables. He considered his spell cards a prize collection. Lucius Malfoy was his prefect and was very impressed."

"Snape only had shabby robes so Lucius gave him robes he'd out-grown. Lucius, dark wizard that he was, took care of his school things. The robes looked new on Snape and did a lot for his self image. When Lucius finished Hogwarts Snape was left on his own. Many students mistreated him including Death Eater's kids. They were worse than James and I. Things bottomed out right after his OWLS. In sixth year he got tougher and smarter but he'd lost Lily. It wasn't just that he called her a Mudblood, though Snape likes to think it's that."

"So it was the company Professor Snape kept?" asked Hermione.

"That is what did Snape in," replied Sirius. "His calling Lily a Mudblood was a symptom more than a cause."

"I know Crouch has been at Hogwarts. He tried to Sabatauge a Quidditch game and he turned the Horntail lose during the First Task."

"Sirius, remember about the dreams I told you about?" asked Harry.

"Yes, I think I've identified the unknown man. He's Barty Crouch Junior. I think the dream was a result of the link between me and Voldemort."

"Harry don't use his name!" said Sirius. "It's not just fear of a name. You-Know-Who put a spell on his name called a Taboo. It makes a magical disturbance. This breaks most protective enchantments. It lead to members of the Order of the Phoenix and others who opposed You-Know-Who being captured. I can still hear Marlene McKinnon screaming when Bellatrix tortured her. I couldn't get to her. Bellatrix dragged the torture out for a long time. Finally Frank Longbottom came and we went after the Death Eaters. We could only drive them away. When we came back we did everything we could for Marlene but she was too far gone. I comforted her but she slipped away and joined the rest of her family."

Sirius wiped his tears. "What does Professor Dumbledore say?" asked Sirius.

"That I pay too much attention to my dreams. I disagree. Sirius here is my wand. I want you to used Legilimancy. Look at my dreams and tell me who the man is," said Harry as he handed Sirius his wand.

Sirius had his own wand so he handed Harry his wand. "Relax Harry. Legilimens!"

Harry made an effort to bring his dreams forward and Sirius viewed them. Do you recognise the snakes taking to You-Know-Who?" asked Sirius.

"Yes, she is telling him there is and old Muggle caretaker outside the door."

"Voldemort is part way back," said Sirius breaking the link. "The old man is the Muggle Frank Bryce. He was found dead of no apparent cause last summer. Bryce was the caretaker of the Riddle estate. Tom Riddle Sr. provided in his will that Frank Bryce would live the balance of his life taking care of the estate and that it could only be sold after he died. It's on the market now but there are no takers at present. I'm sure once Bryce was dead the Death Eater cleared out fast."

"How do you know who the old man was?" asked Harry.

"Since I got out I've been reading Muggle newspapers," said Sirius. "As the dog I can easily pick up a yesterday's paper, take it home, read it, do crossward puzzles and so forth. Harry things are starting to happen to Muggles like before. Be very careful all of you."


Hermione looked at Sirius and said, "Professor Dumbledore thinks You-Know-Who will come back. It seems to me he was blown to bits or outright killed when he attempted to kill Harry Potter. Why does Professor Dumbledore thing You-Know-Who will come back?"

"For one thing there was no trace of his body found. Explosions usually leave idedntifyable traces. There should have at least been sheds of robe with Riddle's DNA. I checked after I got out and had a talk with Professor Dumbledore. This is what he told me:"

"Harry your parents bodies were recovered by Muggle authories. They were taken to a Morge. Autopsies revealed no known case of Death. The bodies were then released to your Aunt Petunia. She was determined to bury your Mother as a Christian and was going to take her and James to Surrey and have them buried in a private Christian ceremony. Bathilda Bagshot got a hold of her and told her they could be buried as Christians in Godric's Hollow. Your Aunt had falsely believed all wizards are pagans. It's not true. Your parents were members of the local church which has a mixed congregation of wizards and Muggles. You were Christened there and your name is on the parish records."

"Your aunt was approached by Aurors and they ran tests on the bodies of your parents. They died by the Killing Curse. That is in sealed Auror records."

"There is a Muggle forensics lab that is run by a man with a Muggle-born son. Crouch made too little use of it. Amelia Bones uses it a lot. They ran extensive DNA testing on your parents home and found your DNA, your parents DNA, my DNA and Bathilda's DNA. Your Aunt Petunia's DNA was on a few letters. There was a family cat. It's DNA was all over the house. Peter's and Remus' DNA were there. There was no unknown human DNA on anything. That says You-Know-Who did not die."

"He came into the house," said Hermione. "He undoubtely touched something. His DNA is somewhere unless he sent someone else to impersonate him and do the killing."

"Samples of DNA from everyone involved except Tom Riddle were available. I think I know where there is a whole lot of Tom Riddle DNA. That cursed diary that Ginny had, where is it Harry?"

"I gave it back to Professor Dumbledore after I put my sock in it to free Dobby," replied Harry.

"The technology has improved and Riddle's DNA is in that ruined diary," said Hermione. "I know the wreckage was never cleared away. It's still there as a monument. Harry owns it."

"I have done little with it but shelter it. I left the Muggle invisibillity on. I was going to fix it up later," said Harry. "I can open it for the lab and make it visible to the them. We need to do this through Professor Dumbledore."

"Good Harry," said Sirius. "There is more Professor Dumbledor told me about You-Know-Who. During his time at Hogwarts Tom Riddle frequently went into the restricted section of the library and used the Imperius Curse and Memory Charms to cover it up. Eventually Professor Dumbledore saw everything under a disillusionment Charm but Professor Dippet would not listen. After Myrtle was killed Professor Dumbledore gathered up the more dark books and took them out of the library. They are locked up in his office. There is magic that is so dark it can make someone more or less immortal. That diary had this type of magic on it but you damaged it beyond magical repair with that basilisk fang. It is now harmless. Professor Dumbledore has not told anyone exactly what he found except if You-Know-Who has used it he cannot be killed until certain enchanted objects are destroyed. They need to be found. That is more than I was supposed to tell you. You must hold it top secret. Hermione, I'm not supposed to tell you. You may not even tell you parents and Ron, you may not tell your parents. Please don't tell Professor Dumbledore! Let him tell you."

"So we are quite sure he is coming back?" asked Hermione.

"According to Harry's dreams he is already partway back but know this: You have friends," said Sirius.


When it was time to go Sirius transformed to his dog form and walked all the way to the Boar Gate before turning to go to his cave home.

The trio walked inside the Castle and went to Professor Dumbledore's office where they asked him to let Harry take Riddle's diary to the Muggle lab for follow-up testing. Professor Dumbledore agreed to do this right after the second task.


Preparation for the the Second Task proved to be more difficult than expected. The golden eggs shrieked when opened. While Cedric was in the precfects bath he discovered how to hear the message by accident when he knocked his egg into the giant bath tub. The egg had opened under the water. When he dived to retrieve his egg it was signing a song he could understand telled him he'd have an hour to search for something precious that would be stolen from them.

Cedric gave the other champions the passward to the prefects bath so they could listen to their eggs. Fluer got the same message but in French. Viktor's message was in Balgarian.


Harry took the book to the lab and cast spells on the ruined house to let the Muggle technician see it, come inside and take samples to test. He found a new DNA that matched the Diary.

Harry went to Professor Dumbledore with the results. Professor Dumbledore Floo-called Amelia Bones. Harry explained the results to Amelia.

"If he comes back I can issue a warrant for Murder!" concluded Amelia. "Get some more DNA matchings if you can."

Harry spent the next few days getting DNA samples from the students and staff. The house elves helped. By the elves taking glasses people had used he and his friends amassed a huge DNA catalog of everyone at Hogwarts. He sent a Patronus to Amelia Bones and told what had been done. She told him to continue with everyone around him friend or foe.


Cedric had decided to use a Muggle Aqualung for the Second Task. It was ready and waiting on the day of the task at the last minute Cedric decided to go with a buble head Charm.

During the Second Task the champions jumped into the lake from the platform. Gillylows attached Fluer and she had to be pulled out of the lake. Later Cedric came to the surface with Cho Chang. Fluer became frantic. "Who is my hostage? WHO IS MAY? HOSTAGE?" she yelled.

"Your Hostage is perfectly safe!" assured Crouch.

"Is my hostage a veela or part vela?" asked Fluer. "If so that spell does not work properly."

"It's her sister, Gabrielle" said Professor Dumbledore.

Harry went over the Amos Diggory. "I have to take that Aqualung. A girls life depends on it!"

"Be sure to exhale before you surface and come up with your lungs empty!" said Amos.

Harry quickly put the lung on and dived for the spot where the hostages were tied. Viktor Krum came partly transfigured into a shark and bit the tether line in two. He headed to the surface with Hermione.

Harry swam quickley to Gabrielle and gave her air. She stopped struggling and Harry cut her loose. He shared air with her coming up. Near the top he took the air away and squeezed Gabrielle's stomach hard until she exhaled. Then he brought her to the surface quickley.

"Harry you itelligent brave man!" exclaimed Fluer. "

After Harry helped settle Gabrielle down he let Hermione dry him. He gave Crouch a cold look. "That was reckless to tie a part veela under the lake. "She would have drowned had I not come down with air! She's only eight years old! She would have drowned had I not brought her air. She was concious and struggling."

"That's not possible!" contended Crouch.

"We have so few veela in this country you don't understand!" said Harry.

"Certain spells work differently on veela and part veela." said Fluer. "The spell you were using does not work right on us."

Fluer and Gabrielle kissed harry and thanked him. When things calmed down he to the Aqualung back to Amos and thanked him. "If you had not brought that aqualung we might have lost Gabrielle. Madam Pomphrey is checking her over but she appears to be alright."