Seriously, free hours in school are perfect to write FanFictions.
So, here's my new chapter. I thought about dividing it but... why the hell should I?
ArchSoricha, i completely agree with you! Dean should get him out of that. But I am really worried because Castiel won't be in the next 5 episodes after 8x10. ARGH, I just can't wait anymore :(
However, I hope you like it!
Chapter 6
Dean took a deep breath. "I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know? I thought he didn't come with us! So, when did you last see him?", Sam bombarded him, throwing his hands up.
"Dean, come on.", Mrs. Tran agreed.
The blonde looked at them and sighed. "It's nothin' big, okay? When we were separating earlier, Sammy, I ended up in front of that room where we fought Crowley and I heard him and Cas in there. That son of a bitch said something about Cas cooperating with him. After some time I just... I couldn't just wait there and do nothing, right?", he looked at his brother, who knew that there had to be a different reason why he really wanted to interrupt them. "So, I went in and asked them if it was true and Crowley confirmed! It was as if I interrupted their secret meeting or something though I have no idea why Cas even talked to him when he knew that we could arrive any second, but still..." Dean stared at the ground, thinking about what he just had said.
Sam frowned. "And Cas? What did he say about all that?"
Dean looked up at him, a glimpse of regret shining through his eyes, which didn't slip Sam's attention. "If he admitted it? What do you expect? He wouldn't voluntarily do that, like back then when he first worked with Crowley. But then again, who would?"
"Don't you think he learned from that mistake?", Sam asked, trying to convince his brother that Castiel could be innocent.
Dean remained silent, so Sam continued: "So... basically all you did was trusting a demon?"
Dean looked at him as if to say that he didn't even consider that being a fault. He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it. After a few seconds had passed he answered: "Not exactly. I mean, when I was hiding, they didn't even know I could hear them and still, Crowley talked to Cas like talking to a business partner or something. And remember, it wouldn't be the first time, he-"
"Dean!", his brother spat and turned around. "Have you", he started a few moments later and looked back at Dean "have you even given him a chance to explain?"
Dean gave him a 'of-course-I-did-do-you-really-think-I'm-that-foredooming'-look and said: "Dude, if you had heard them... but yeah, I gave him a chance and his arguments were quite poor. They were like... oh yeah! Like the story he told us about his escape from purgatory! 'I don't know'. I mean, there is no other way to get out except of that damn portal! And I saw with my own eyes that he pulled a-", he paused and corrected himself "-didn't join me in our trip home! And Benny said it was the only way!"
"What if he was wrong?", Sam argued.
"He'd been in there a lot longer than me, Sammy. Don't you think he would have tried to find other possibilities?"
"Probably he did but wasn't successful."
"I don't think so. Besides, it wouldn't change a thing.", Dean said with a low voice.
His brother shot him a confused look. "Of course not because it's no big deal for Dean Winchester when his best friend suffers alone in another, deadly universe like purgatory, fighting to stay alive!", he said sarcastically, freaking out a bit.
Dean shook his head. "You have no idea..."
"Guys!", Mrs. Tran shouted from next to them, getting both boys' attention as they simultaneously turned their heads to her. They hadn't noticed they were moving towards each another while discussing.
"Dean, I'm standing here since 10 minutes, waiting for you to respond!", the woman continued, looking at Dean.
"Oh...", Dean said quietly.
"So... what happened after you 'judged' him?"
Dean swallowed. "Well, like I said, he told me he didn't know why Crowley said they were cooperating but" his voice became lower with each word "I didn't believe him and... told him to go away, which he did."
The other two exchanged a look, before staring at Dean.
"What?", the blonde asked unsure, knowing what will follow.
Sam shook his head. "And you couldn't have waited for me, could you? Dean, he's our support, not our enemy!" Dean rolled his eyes, though it didn't seem totally uncaring to Sam. He knew what Dean and Cas had gone through and that the angel was really becoming part of their family. And Dean would never let down family. Never.
Sam sighed. "We should call him back, don't ya think?"
Dean nodded slightly. "But... right now? And here? I think we should call him during the ride, okay?"
"Okay", his brother agreed softly.
"Well then, let's go.", Mrs. Tran said and they headed outside, to the Impala. Dean wanted to unlock the door to the backseat but noticed it wasn't necessary.
"Good for his life that my baby's still mine.", he commented.
Sam sighed at the thought that the Impala belonged to their family as well.
They were already driving for about 5 minutes when Sam noticed Dean didn't even make an attempt to call Castiel, so he asked: "Uh, Dean? Isn't there something you wanted to do by now?"
Dean shifted uncomfortably and kept looking straight at the road in front of him but didn't respond. After a long silence he cleared his throat and answered: "Yeah, uhm, why can't you just do that?" He knew that it wouldn't work but he really didn't want to talk to Castiel right now.
Sam remained silent but Dean felt that he was staring at him from beside and sighed.
"I know...", Dean whispered softly. "So, uh, Cas, could you please get your feathery ass down here? Like right now? I... we really need to talk to you." While saying that he kept looking up every once in a while, just as long until he felt like concentrating on driving again.
Nothing happened.
"Cas!", Dean said, this time a bit louder as he protracted the name's pronunciation.
Still nothing.
"Oh, come on, dude! I know I wanted you to leave but you can come back now! Cas, please!"
But Castiel never came.
Dean's expression got angrier but Sam could spot a little bit of guilt in it.
"Maybe he's busy.", Sam stated.
"With what? He won't return to heaven, so where should he be?
"And what if he's in heaven?", Sam asked, looking at Dean.
"He's not.", Dean shot back and Sam decided to not ask further.
"Uh, guys?", Mrs. Tran breathed anxiously from behind.
"What's the m-", Dean wanted to ask but was startled by the sight of a foreign woman sitting next to Mrs. Tran in the backseat as he looked into the rear view mirror.
"Son of a...", he screamed before accidentally jerking the wheel to the right. Sam turned around and jumped backwards as he saw the woman. "Whoa!", he yelled wide-eyed. Dean tried to gain control over his car as it was sliding from one side of the road to the other. He was glad there was no one else right now.
He exhaled sharply after he succeeded. Then he peeked into the mirror and was unpleasantly surprised that the woman was still there. He glared at her as she just smiled.
"Dude, get the hell out of my baby!", Dean shouted.
"Heaven, actually.", she said innocently.
"Who the fuck are you?", Sam asked out of breath from the shock of her sudden appearance and the almost-accident. Mrs. Tran pushed herself further into the corner. The woman turned to face her. "Oh, hello, Mrs. Tran.", she greeted friendly. Sam's gaze moved from the mysterious woman to Mrs. Tran.
"You know her?", he asked surprised.
"Kind of", she breathed.
"Yes, she does. ", the other woman confirmed. "I am Naomi."
"N-Naomi?", Dean repeated. "The... angel you told us about?", he asked Mrs. Tran, who was surprised he remembered the name. She nodded in response.
"So, Naomi.", Dean started, looking at the road. "What are you up to? This is no taxi and I'm sorry if it disappoints you but I normally don't take strangers with me."
She looked around in the car. "How can you feel comfortable in such a small space?"
Dean rolled his eyes. "Leave her alone and answer me!", he ordered.
She tilted her head. "I don't take orders from human beings."
"For God's sake, just tell me why you're here!", Dean shouted annoyed.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you about Castiel."
That sentence provided her everyone's attention. Dean looked wide-eyed at her through the mirror.
"And what?", he asked curiously.
"He's back.", she said emotionless.
At first, Dean wanted to smile but decided against it, realizing that he didn't know where 'back' was.
"Where back?", he asked hesitantly.
Naomi grinned and Dean thought it may have been a mistake to ask, judging the way she did it.
"Back at the place where he spent the whole last year with you."
Dean gulped. He didn't want to consider her telling the truth but after all, she was an angel who, according to Mrs. Tran, also knew Castiel.
After some seconds Naomi broke the silence she caused: "Now everything is like it should have been. After all, I was the one to drag him out."
Dean's gaze became worried. But still, he was the first of the three to find his voice again: "So, you're telling us, he's in... in P-Purgatory?", he asked with a shaky voice.
Naomi nodded. "Exactly."