Chapter 26

A/N Epilogue!

Thank you very much for all the reviews =)

Fae the Queen, really! Go ask Fiyero :P BTW, this fic was drafted in 2012. Back then, nobody kills Elphie. :P

Maddy-Fae, LOL, cheese with holes is natural. So are brains with holes, cos mine is, too (especially when it comes to work related stuff) :P Am I so glad that you have no idea where I live. :=)

BookWorm741, AN for you in the end.

JCBoLt, I hope your shift and caps lock key JAMMED big time :P LOL

ElphabasKillyjoy124, she was supposed to give birth in winter and as at chapter 26 (25 part 2) it was beginning of winter, so I would say between 1 to 2 months. And babies born one month+ usually do not need much modern medical intervention (which Oz does not have), I knew this for a fact =)

GinervaMarieChaseEverdeen, AN for you in the end.

Failey, LOL, you did not creep in in the middle of the story, it's the end of the story! :P :P :P. Same message for Maddy-Fae, thank goodness you have no idea where I live. =)

LittleMissDelirious, so what did you enter for your security code? Elphie did not want to be Grand Vizer cos it's a choice (yeah, as if she cannot live without him). Moreover, she had promised Fiyero's father about not contacting the Wizard and Elphie is someone who keeps her promise. Its interesting how you kids (Ok, students) will drop the internet close to exams period. I NEVER could do that (not when I was studying, not when I am rushing for work related projects). I am SO ADDICTED. I think they called him Frex the Godly because he is working for God, not because he is (like) God (that would be Shell). The passcode will be used again in another fic (the one that Elphie gets to rule Oz HAHAHHAH). At the rate that I am going, maybe I will post that fic in 2015 :P Thank goodness I reread your review for chapter 25, when I first read I thought you meant cliché :P Chillin like villains? What gave you that idea? And yes, I totally agree with you. 4 children are good, adoption is good (though I only have 1) =)

And thank you for the recent new alerts and favourites! =)

And (gosh, this AN is so long)…. Thank you Broadway calls, Elphaba-WWW, ExoticPeachBlossom and Almost An Actress for reviewing Every Single Thing (Reunion).

Broadway calls, thank you for that wow review! =) I'm glad you like that oneshot =)

Elphaba-WWW, yes, I fully subscribe to the theory that every single time we make a different (big) decision, the world is split into another universe =) so that's just another AU :P

ExoticPeachBlossom, oh my goodness, here's a tissue.. I am so touched with you review (coming from the Queen of Angst (OK, Hurt and Comfort :P) no less)

Almost an actress , thank you! It means a lot to me cos its my first hurt and comfort fic.

MissLittleDelirious, Liir was not mistreated. Elphie just went through tough times. When I read the book, I always wonder where she gets the money to get food etc since she does not work and I don't suppose the Resistance pays her a salary.

It was late. Everyone in the castle had fallen asleep. There was a celebration earlier on, the official ceremony to announce the first grandchild, the first grandson, of the Arjiki King and Queen. The announcement of a royal offspring was usually done when the baby was one month old, but this celebration was pushed back until one year later due to obvious reasons.

Many guests were invited for the celebration. Pip had declined, as it was still school term in Gillikin University. Galinda was unable to make it too for she had transferred to Gillikin University to be with Pip. They promised that they would come for a visit during the summer, though Fiyero had a nagging suspicion that come summer, he would have to make a trip to Gillikin to attend their engagement party, as Pip had written and said that he intended to propose to Galinda during the upcoming Lurlinemas.

Doctor Dillamond was invited too. The professor might be a natural in front of a class of students, but he was tongue tied in a social function like this. After a while, he moved to a corner, where he stood next to the three-legged Cat named Malky and a Chicken named Carl. The three Animals stood together, not saying a word, yet perfectly at ease with one another.

Madame Morrible went into hiding the moment she heard that the Wizard was overthrown. The new government went through the papers and documents found in the Wizard's study and put out a warrant for her arrest. She was soon captured and put on trial on several charges, which included destruction of scientific research papers on the similarities between Animals and humans, and the plots to destroy Animal villages in Oz, and was sentenced to a life sentence in Southstairs.

Boq and Milla got close after he supported her emotionally in the weeks that followed the regime change when there was chaos in Shiz and no one knew what to do. The two started dating recently and Boq admitted that he had never been happier. Nessarose went back to Shiz University when she recovered, accompanied by the ancient but ever watchful Nanny, and too, was caught up with her studies. Frexspar came, eager to see his grandson again. But he, too, was busy, and could only stay for two days, and would be leaving the next morning after breakfast.

The celebration had ended long ago, and Liir, the Little Prince (as everyone had called the latest addition to the royal family) had been sent to bed even way before that. Fiyero stayed back with his father to bid farewell to all the guests and one of the members in the Vinkun council pulled him aside, asking him for some advice on new government in the Emerald City. That was joined by another member, and then another, and then his father and even Frexspar joined in, and they ended up having a mini political discussion there and then on the changes that the new government had made for the past year.

When the group disbanded, King Marillot had another conversation with Fiyero, asking for his opinion on the discussion that had just ended. He had been getting Fiyero involved in the tribal matters since the birth of Liir, in view that he was going to take over one of these days, and Fiyero had been learning the ropes. There were even plans for him to go to Emerald City and Gillikin for business when spring came.

Fiyero walked up the staircase alone. It might be late, but his brain was still active after a night filled with conversations and activities. He entered his bedroom, and quietly changed out of his clothes and into a pair of loose, white trousers before he washed his face with the freezing cold water that was in the basin.

He walked past the door that led to Liir's bedroom and stepped in.

It was full moon and the moonlight shone into the room. Fiyero could see everything clearly. He walked to the baby cot and looked at his son. Liir Marillot Tiggular, named after the first Tiggular who ruled the Arjiki tribe. He was now one year old, and his eyes remained as blue as the day when he was born, azure blue eyes that looked exactly like Fiyero's. Liir slept peacefully in his cot, a thumb in his mouth. Fiyero smiled, and pulled the thumb away before he stroke the full black hair of his son.

As he looked at his son, his mind went back to exactly one year ago, when dawn broke.

The words of the midwife.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but the Princess .. she was too weak, and she had lost too much blood…."

He had not heard the rest of her words. He just pushed her aside and stumbled into the room. Two servants were still there, tidying up the place and picking up the mess. He saw a few towels on the floor, soaked full of blood, and wondered how could someone have so much blood in the first place, let alone losing so much blood. The servants saw him and stopped what they were doing. They had no words for him, for they did not know how to console a prince who had just lost his wife. They picked up the blood-soaked towels and left the room quietly.

Fiyero went to the bed. Elphaba was lying there peacefully. Her face was greyish-green, and there was a layer of sweat on her, evidence of how much she had laboured to give birth. Her hair, too, was wet, raven black hair that fanned across the pillow and glistered under the light. She looked so at ease, and for a moment, he wondered if she was just sleeping.

He touched her gently. She was still warm to the touch.

"Elphaba," he whispered her name, pushing a strand of hair off her face. "Have you seen the baby?"

There was no answer.

"He's a boy," he continued, gently caressing her face. "A beautiful baby. He has my eyes and your hair. I always love your hair. He is perfect, Elphaba. Just like you."

He looked at his wife and held her hand in his, and kissed her knuckles.

"You know, we have never discussed this, but have you ever thought of a name for our baby? I don't really know much about names, but I would like his middle name to be Marillot, after my father. But I have no idea what should his first name be. I'm sure you have something in mind. Something that would sound nice and meaningful before Marillot Tiggular….. "

And that was when he could not contain himself any longer and the tears started to flow. He was brought up with the teachings of an Arjiki warrior, and the son of one. And Arjiki warriors were not supposed to cry. He bit his lower lip but let the tears flowed. Quietly, he climbed onto the bed and kissed her gently on her lips before he buried his face at the crook of her neck. He let the tears fell on her skin and soaked through her dress. He might be an Arjiki warrior next time, but at the moment he was a man who had lost his wife, the love of his life and his soul mate. Fiyero closed his eyes, his arms still around Elphaba, and tried to memorise the way she felt in his arms, because he knew that he would never have the chance to hold her again.

A little gurgle broke into his thoughts. He looked down on his son and wondered what sweet dreams he was having. The little prince laughed again in his sleep, most probably reliving the celebration when he was passed from person to person and tossed into the air countless times, squealing "More! More!" every single time.

Fiyero smiled as he touched his son for one more time before he went back to his room.

He climbed onto his bed and lay on his side, facing the figure that was sleeping on his bed. Her shoulder length hair curled around her jaw, framing her features, making her looked even thinner than she actually was. The blanket was pulled up to her shoulders. She slept peacefully, her face showing no trace of worry. His second chance at happiness.

"I love you," he whispered.

He saw the smile formed on her lips before she opened her eyes. He was not surprised that she had heard it; she was always such a light sleeper. Her dark brown eyes looked back at him, wide awake, showing no surprise that he had said those words. Showing such tenderness that his breath hitch.

"I love you too," she told him as she reached out her hand. And the smile turned into a frown when she touched the wetness on his cheek.

He had not realised that he had been weeping.

"I was just thinking of…."

She stopped him by placing her hand over his lips.

"I'm here, ain't I?" Elphaba whispered.

They had told him later that the midwife must have been so fatigued that she was unable to detect the weak pulse underlying her skin and shallowest of breaths that would have indicated that Elphaba was not dead. But Fiyero had, when his eyes were closed, felt a slight rising of her chest against his arm, and had run out of the room shouting for a doctor in such a loud voice that even the tribesmen who camped outside the fortress had heard his voice.

The road to recovery was long. The moment she was able to speak, Elphaba asked the servants to cut her hair short so that it would be easier for the servants who took care of her. Fiyero protested of course, but she was adamant, insisting on putting her physical look at the lowest priority. Her stubbornness reared its ugly head again (Fiyero's words, not hers) when she insisted on getting out of bed despite the doctor's instructions and claimed that she was well enough to take care of Liir. Fiyero had his hands full during those few months, with a colicky baby and an unreasonable wife (his words again) who refused to take good care of herself.

The doctor gave her a clean bill of health when summer came. To celebrate, Fiyero decided to bring her to see the sunrise over Kiamo Ko. He woke her up pre-dawn and bundled her with several layers of clothing before he put her on a horse and rode to a hill not far from the fortress. A canopy had been set up the day before. From their vantage point, Elphaba was able to see Kiamo Ko and its surroundings. They sat on a rug and Fiyero hugged her from behind, his chin on her shoulder, as they watched the sun rose behind Kiamo Ko. The morning sunlight hit the stone walls and windows of Kiamo Ko, and formed a silver shimmering glow around the fortress. The sun shone its golden rays over the land that was Vinkus, and the light seemed to set the green grasslands and sandy hills ablaze. It looked as if there was a pair of dragons, one green and one brown, that had nestled themselves around the magical stronghold, protecting the Arjiki people even when they were asleep.

She tilted her head and looked at him.

"It's beautiful."

Fiyero kissed her and made a little confession.

"Everyday, when the sun rises and I wake up and see you beside me, I will thank the gods for the kindness that they have shown me. For giving you back to me because they know that I cannot live without you."

And Elphaba had rolled her eyes at his cheesiness.

Fiyero thanked the gods again as he looked at his wife lying on their bed, safe, beside him. He took her upheld hand and pressed her fingers against his lips before he pulled her to him and held her tightly.

"Elphaba?" he asked after a while.

She pulled apart from him. "Yes?"

"Remember when you were pregnant and in doubt, and I told you to give me one year? That I will let you go if you still think that I am not good enough by then?"

She nodded her head.

"I know that I am not the perfect father. I don't know Liir's likes and dislikes. I cannot remember the names of most of his toys. I can't change his clothes without turning the room upside down and I can never put him to bed. I can't sing most of the songs that he wants me to sing. I brought him to the tallest tower in Kiamo Ko when he was colicky because I wanted to throw him out of the window. But I love him, and I love you. So will you stay?"

Elphaba chuckled and shook her head.

"Is that a no?" Fiyero asked, sounding slightly panicky.

Elphaba shook her head again. She kissed him lightly on his lips and told him matter-of-factly. "You're right. You are not good enough, Yero."

She propped herself up with her elbow and looked at him intently.

"But I remember that night, when you came down from the tower. You passed him back to me and you told me that you could not handle him anymore. But when he cried the next night, you took over again, and instead of going up to the tower again, you walked down the stairs and spent the whole night walking along the hallways and singing to him."

She shifted so that she hovered over him and kissed him on the mouth, a kiss brimming with intentions.

"I suppose…..that I'll have to extend your probation."

Fiyero could not stop the grin from appearing on his face. He placed his hand on her hips and slowly pulled her nightgown up and over her head until the fabric rested across his chest, her hands on both sides of his body. His eyes locked with hers, noting the slight mischief in her eyes.

"Extend my probation?" he asked as she pulled herself free of the dress.

"Isn't this what you want?" she asked with a slight upturn of her lips.

Fiyero had no idea if she was referring to her subtle answer to his question, or to what she was offering, but he had his answer.

"It's what we want," he corrected her as he pulled her down to him.


She had no idea how much time had passed when she woke up. The sky was still dark, but she got a feeling that dawn was not far off. She did not know what had woken her, but she sensed that something was different. She turned and looked at the sleeping figure next to her. Her Fiyero. He was sleeping soundly, his mouth slight opened, his long eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. Elphaba brushed a finger against his cheek, unable to help herself. He was so good looking even in his sleep. She gently removed his hand that was resting on her stomach. He stirred and mumbled something, and then continued to sleep.

She got out of the bed, and contemplated looking for her night gown, but it was most probably under Fiyero and she did not want to wake him up. She walked soundlessly across the room, stopping only to pick up the sleeping robe that was draped over a chair and put it on, covering up her naked body, and secured it by tying a knot with the sash.

She moved to the connecting door and pushed it open. The moon had moved, and the room was almost in total darkness. Elphaha let her eyes accustomed themselves to the dark before she continued to move. Liir was asleep in his cot, safe. Not that she had felt that he was in any danger. She looked around, and then moved to a nearby chest of drawers.

She usually kept the top of the drawers clear, but as she approached it, she saw that there was a book. A thick ancient looking leather-bound book that was opened somewhere to the middle. The last time she saw this book was about two weeks ago, when she had wrapped it in a black Vinkun silk scarf imprinted with red roses and had put it into a box and kept it under lock and key. She placed a hand on the paper. She had read the Grimmerie a few times in the past year, and had found that it was easier to establish a connection the more she tried. The room should not have enough light to allow her to see the page clearly, but it seemed that the page itself glowed dimly; giving her just enough light to see the words that slowly appeared in front of her eyes.

The words appeared easily, floating at a depth within the page. It was as if the book had accepted her as an equal and no longer needed to test her. She felt the music of the book slid against her skin, a soft reprimanding tone as it chided her for leaving it in a dark, musty cupboard. She looked at the words and smiled at the message. She understood the book much better now. She spoke the words required, pushing herself through the slight resistance that was nature itself, and felt the magic rose from the book, twirled itself in the air, and then sunk back into the book. The book shimmered, and then closed itself silently (as if it knew that it should not slam its cover with a bang and woke up the little prince) and transformed. It became a smaller book, still leather bound, but with a more modern finishing. The shimmering disappeared.

Elphaba smiled to herself. She would deal with the book again when morning came.

She made her way back to her bed and climbed in.

"Where did you go?" Fiyero mumbled with his eyes still closed when she sank her body into the soft mattress.

"I was just checking on Liir. Now go back and sleep," she told him.

"Mmmmm," he said, and then snuggled closer to her and draped an arm around her waist. She turned to him, placed a hand on his chest and fell asleep.

The royal family and Frex had breakfast together the next day. Frex left after that, but not before making arrangements for Fiyero, Elphaba and Liir to visit Munchkinland during the school holidays, when Nessarose would be home. They went back to their room so that Liir could take his morning nap. He fell asleep easily, and his nanny sat in a nearby chair, watching over him.

Fiyero and Elphaba left the room, a book in her hand, their fingers interlaced.

They made their way to the royal library, a long and winding walk along the cold stone walls of the fortress. The walls were empty, except for an occasional tapestry woven by the womenfolk during the previous winters and the rings to hold the lamps. Fiyero looked at Elphaba, at the way her shoulder length hair brushed against the simple dark blue dress that she wore. The dress was similar to what she wore when she was in Shiz, but made of a richer and thicker fabric. The heavy fabric swished around her ankles, making it looked like she was gliding instead of walking. The Arjiki had loved their new princess, loved her humble ways, her down to earth dressing and attitude, even at her emerald skin that reminded them of the Thousand Year Grassland. As a matter of fact, they seemed to like her more than they liked him, but Fiyero did not mind at all. Elphaba needed all the love that she needed. He stopped walking, pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.

"What's that for?" she asked, her eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out what mischief he was up to.

"Do I need a reason to kiss my wife?" he asked her with a grin.

When they reached the library, it was empty, except for a Bear who was shelving some books using both paws. Fiyero wandered off as Elphaba approached the Bear.

"Good morning, Nimble," Elphaba called out to the Bear. The same Nimble whom they had rescued from the Emerald City during the days of the Animal Banns. Vinkus did not have that many bookstores, so Nimble had come to work in the royal library instead. The Animal Banns had been lifted in the Emerald City, but Nimble had grown to love Vinkus too much to leave.

"Good morning, Miss Elphaba," the Bear replied, having learnt long ago not to call her Princess Elphaba, but just could not get used to addressing her without a honorific. "What can I do for you today?"

She lifted the book in her hand.

"I have a new book, Nimble. Can you shelf it for me?" She passed the book to the Bear.

As with all books, Nimble held the book gently with both paws, treating it like a delicate treasure.

"Happily Ever After." He read the title on its cover. "That's an interesting title. Do you believe in happily ever after, Miss Elphaba?"

Elphaba looked behind her. Fiyero was in front of a bookshelf, his lips moving as he read the title of every book that his finger traced, trying (unsuccessfully) to find a book that would interest him. He had a string of titles that the Vinkuns gave him behind his name, but to her, he was the father of her child, her husband, lover and friend. Someone whose love for her was so strong that, according to the latest Vinkun legend, he was able to call her back from the realm beyond the living. He lifted his head and looked at her, as if he could sense her looking at him, and gave her a boyish smile. Elphaba could not help but smiled back.

She turned back to face Nimble, the smile still on her face.

"I do, Nimble, I really do."

~~~ The End ~~~

~~~ Changing Fate , a Wicked fanfiction ~~~

~~~ draft copy : 7th August 2012 – 11th November 2012 ~~~

~~~ published : 17th November 2012 – 25th May 2013 ~~~


BookWorm741, now how long did you chant that musical-death-not-book-death spell for it to work? :P

GinervaMarieChaseEverdeen,happy birthday! I hope this chapter is good birthday present for you! =)

FYI, Gregory did contribute a story to a collection of stories published under the title Happily Ever After

Colic is definitely no fun. I remember my daughter would arc her back and cry (for no reason) non- stop the moment the sun set till past midnight. Every night for at least 2 months.

This is the last chapter, folks. Reviews are still welcomed (and loved) =)

For those that who have not read my latest oneshot, it is an AU of Changing Fate. To find it, you can click on my name and look for Every Single Thing (Reunion)

I still have not decided which idea to work on for my next fic, so I will most probably work on a few concurrently and then see which of them will be completed first (unless I start posting before I finish my draft). So I will most probably not published my next multi-chapter till year end, but I will still be reading and reviewing =)