Melissa: Hey everyone!!! I'm back!!!! Omg, it feels so good to be behind the keyboard again. ^_^ Hehe. Sorry for the long wait. It
seems that I had my internet d/c, but no worries. I got it back! XD Yay!!! Ok, ^_^;; this is no time to be welcoming myself. There's
a story to be continued! Oh and to kinda apologize for the slow update, i tried to make this chapter a bit longer than usual. So the
CCS gang is back in Hong Kong, and what's this? Nizuna's behind all the chaos?! Can Sakura and the gang figure out what's
going on? What's going on with Hong Kong, Nizuna, and most importantly.....Syaoran?! All that is revealed in this chapter! So on
with this story!!!
A Love Lost, A Love Found
"Ahh, it seems that they've come for you, Syaoran," said a figure dressed in a black cloke, looking in a crystal ball. "My plan's
worked perfectly."
Syaoran was chained to the wall in a cell. He was quite weak and probably right in the verge of death. Still, he was barely alive,
and wasn't dead. He would have healed by now, but everytime he would recover a little over time, Nizuna would attack him to keep
him in his present state. Syaoran looked up at the cloked figure. " bastard! You...You won't get away with this, Nizuna!!!"
The cloked figure turned around and took of it's hood. It truly was Nizuna. Alive and well. "Ah ah ah, little decendant of Clow
Reed. I already have." Syaoran gave Nizuna a cold glare. "Anyways, you should be happy I spared your life. If that attack that
that I shoot at Sakura and you took for her, didn't have the ability to destroy your body but still steal your energy and magic for
myself, then I wouldn't have been able to keep you alive and you probably would be dead."
"Damn you..." Syaoran thought.
Nizuna read Syaoran's face expression. She just smirked and turned back to the crystal ball. "Why don't we play a little trick on
you dearest Sakura and lead her here. I'm growing impatient." Nizuna then cast a little spell on Sakura to show her a vision of
Syaoran (A.N. the one she had at the end of chapter 5).
"Syaoran!" Syaoran heard Sakura yell out from the crystal ball.
"Damn it, leave her alone!" Syaoran said, trying to get free."
"Oh hush up." Nizuna snaped back.
Syaoran became frustrated. He had to listen to her or she'd kill him. Syaoran didn't care what she would do to him, but he didn't
want to die just yet. He was barely alive and wanted to use the little time he had to help Sakura. So he stayed quiet and listened to
his friends from the crystal ball.
"Now what?" Syaoran heard Eriol say, "What's wrong?"
"It's Syaoran! He needs us now and fast!" he heard Sakura answer.
"Damn it!" thought Syaoran. "Sakura's being fooled. Sure I am the one who has been talking to her, but it isn't only me." Syaoran
looked up at Nizuna. "It's that damn witch also. Nizuna's just using me to fool Sakura into coming here to save me, when she really
is going to fight Nizuna." He sighed and turned to the floor. "And I can't always contact Sakura and tell her about this because
Nizuna will sense me doing it. Please, Sakura. Be careful."
"Now Syaoran, it's time for the fun to soon begin." said Nizuna as she turned around and walked towards Syaoran's cell.
Syaoran looked at Nizuna with fear, afraid of what she was planning to do. She pointed her finger at him and Syaoran closed his
eyes hoping it wouldn't hurt as much, even though he knew it wouldn't work. Syaoran heard the sounds of his chains unlock
and felt them come off. Syaoran opened his eyes and looked up at Nizuna with a confused face.
Nizuna gave him an evil grin. "Now, arise!!!" she yelled as vines came up from the ground and binded Syaoran up. "What? You
didn't think I was going to let you go, did you? Ahaha." she said laughing, but then stoped and put on her evil grin. "Oh no, my dear.
I have plans for you."
Fear began to enter Syaoran's body again. All of a sudden, he felt the vines move again. They were begining to tighten and sink
back into the ground, along with Syaoran. "Ahh!" Syaoran yelled, trying to free himself.
"Ahahahahahahahaha!" Nizuna laughed as Syaoran sunk and disappered into the floor.
Back in the fog, the CCS gang were shocked from hearing what Sakura said. (A.N. Remember, she said "It's Syaoran! He needs us
now and fast!")
"Come on, we gotta find him!" Sakura said as she started running towards the direction where she felt Syaoran's presence.
"Right." the rest of them said as they followed Sakura.
Sakura ran and ran, but she could still only see fog. "Ahh, where is he?! I can't see anything though this stupid fog." she thought
to herself as she ran. "No matter. I can still sense him. I'll fnd him, no matter what?!" Sakura began to run faster.
"Sakura, don't run too much ahead!" yelled Eriol. "It's not safe!"
"But we have to hurry. Who know's how long we'll be able to sense him though this fog!" she yelled back.
Eriol agreed and started to run faster. Both Meilin and Tomoyo saw Eriol run faster and decided to do the same. The four friends
caught up with each other with Eriol and Sakura in the front, and Meiling and Tomoyo right behind them.
They all continued running for quite a long time, and soon Sakura became frustrated.
"That's it!" she said as she took out her wand and the Windy card. "Windy, come to my aid! Blow apart this fog!!!"
Windy appeared and blew the fog away, revealing someone from far away dressed in white clothing. The person had a hood on
so they couldn't reconized the person. They all started running towards the person and as they ran, they heard a voice.
"Sakura..." said the voice. "Sakura..." Over and over it said that.
Sakura began to run faster with tears in her eyes. "Syaoran!!!"
The four friends were only a few feet away from the person when Eriol and Sakura stoped in their tracks, causing Meilin and
Tomoyo to do the same (A.N. well they were just behind them lol).
"What's wrong? Why'd you two stop?" asked Tomoyo.
They both didn't answer. The person was very similiar to Syaoran. They sensed him in the person and they could even see some
of his brown hair sticking out from the hood. But that was all they could see from his hood. Other that the bottom of his face.
But his eyes, his eyes were hiden behind the hood. That was the only thing they couldn't see. So they still couldn't tell. Anyways,
somehow this person felt different.
"Sakura, stay here with Meilin and Tomoyo." Eriol said as he steped in front of them. Sakura nodded and Eriol took a few steps
forward. "Syaoran, is that really you?"
The person grined and took out a sword. He showed it to them.
"That's Syaoran's sword?!" Sakura thought, taking a step forward, but was stoped.
Melin had her hand in her way. "Don't, Sakura." said Meilin. "It still might be a trick."
Sakura didn't want to, but noded anyways and stayed where she was.
Eriol closely examined it from far away. "Hmm....that is Syaoran's sword." thought Eriol. As Eriol continued examining the sword,
when all of a sudden the person's grin turned evil.
Sakura then felt a spark of evil and yelled. "Eriol, get away!!!"
But it was to late. The person used the sword and attacked Eriol. Eriol was blown away and crashed into the others.
"Uhh..." Eriol said trying to sit up. "Who the hell are you?! Tell us now!!!"
The person smirked and used the hand that wasn't holding the sword to take off it's hood only to reveal a familliar face. The CCS
gang sat on the floor in shock.
Sakura began to cry. "You're not, Syaoran!"
"But Sakura, I am. Ahaha, aren't you glad to see me?" he said with an evil laugh.
"Shut up!" Sakura snaped back. "You're lying! You aren't Syaoran."
"Ya!" joined in Meilin. "What have you done with Syaoran?!"
Syaoran sneered. "Hmph, fine then. If you really want to see him, then here!" he said as he used magic to make a tower of vines
grow from the ground, and in that tower of vines was Syaoran, binded up.
"Syaoran!" Sakura yelled as she got up and fan towards him, but was stoped (A.N. ^_^;; Sry if it's getting anoying that everyone
keeps stoping Sakura).
"I don't think so, my dearest Sakura." said the fake Syaoran.
"Tell me who you are." said Sakura with a cold glare.
"We already know you aren't Syaoran. So tell us who you are!" yelled Tomoyo shaking (A.N. Oh ya! Go Tomoyo! ^_^;; Tomoyo's
actually angry).
Eriol put his arm around Tomoyo. "Calm down, Tomoyo. It's ok." Tomoyo sank more into Eriol's arms and began to cry because
she couldn't take all of this anymore (A.N. ^_^;; Sry but I'm not used to Tomoyo being angry. It's just not right. She's to kind to be
mad, and if anyone get's her angry, whoa you better watch out!). "Now, tell us who you are!" Eriol demanded.
The fake Syaoran held up his hand and a clear red ball formed around his body. The ball then turned dark red so that the CCS
couldn't see the inside. The ball then disappered and something even worse appered.
"Nizuna!" everyone yelled in fear and shock.
Melissa: ^_^;; I bet you all knew that it wasn't Syaoran and it was Nizuna. Lol i made it to ovious. Do you think i did? Well, iono.
Please review and tell me what you think. ^_^ Oh and aren't you glad that Syaoran isn't dead?! Lol. Still, poor Syaoran. Who
know's what Nizuna did to him when he held him captive. O.o; Ok, that sounds wrong. Ahaha, don't worry she didn't do anything
like that. Anyways, i apologize for my slow update and my future slow updates lol. I'd wanna tell you about a few things about the
next chapter at the end of every chapter, but isn't more fun to not know? Lol you're probably saying no. Well, i sometimes change
what i'm going to do next, so i'm not going to be talking about next chapters. Ok! I'm talking too much! Lol. PLEASE DON'T FORGET
TO REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!! Cya in the next chapter. ;) Ja ne!
seems that I had my internet d/c, but no worries. I got it back! XD Yay!!! Ok, ^_^;; this is no time to be welcoming myself. There's
a story to be continued! Oh and to kinda apologize for the slow update, i tried to make this chapter a bit longer than usual. So the
CCS gang is back in Hong Kong, and what's this? Nizuna's behind all the chaos?! Can Sakura and the gang figure out what's
going on? What's going on with Hong Kong, Nizuna, and most importantly.....Syaoran?! All that is revealed in this chapter! So on
with this story!!!
A Love Lost, A Love Found
"Ahh, it seems that they've come for you, Syaoran," said a figure dressed in a black cloke, looking in a crystal ball. "My plan's
worked perfectly."
Syaoran was chained to the wall in a cell. He was quite weak and probably right in the verge of death. Still, he was barely alive,
and wasn't dead. He would have healed by now, but everytime he would recover a little over time, Nizuna would attack him to keep
him in his present state. Syaoran looked up at the cloked figure. " bastard! You...You won't get away with this, Nizuna!!!"
The cloked figure turned around and took of it's hood. It truly was Nizuna. Alive and well. "Ah ah ah, little decendant of Clow
Reed. I already have." Syaoran gave Nizuna a cold glare. "Anyways, you should be happy I spared your life. If that attack that
that I shoot at Sakura and you took for her, didn't have the ability to destroy your body but still steal your energy and magic for
myself, then I wouldn't have been able to keep you alive and you probably would be dead."
"Damn you..." Syaoran thought.
Nizuna read Syaoran's face expression. She just smirked and turned back to the crystal ball. "Why don't we play a little trick on
you dearest Sakura and lead her here. I'm growing impatient." Nizuna then cast a little spell on Sakura to show her a vision of
Syaoran (A.N. the one she had at the end of chapter 5).
"Syaoran!" Syaoran heard Sakura yell out from the crystal ball.
"Damn it, leave her alone!" Syaoran said, trying to get free."
"Oh hush up." Nizuna snaped back.
Syaoran became frustrated. He had to listen to her or she'd kill him. Syaoran didn't care what she would do to him, but he didn't
want to die just yet. He was barely alive and wanted to use the little time he had to help Sakura. So he stayed quiet and listened to
his friends from the crystal ball.
"Now what?" Syaoran heard Eriol say, "What's wrong?"
"It's Syaoran! He needs us now and fast!" he heard Sakura answer.
"Damn it!" thought Syaoran. "Sakura's being fooled. Sure I am the one who has been talking to her, but it isn't only me." Syaoran
looked up at Nizuna. "It's that damn witch also. Nizuna's just using me to fool Sakura into coming here to save me, when she really
is going to fight Nizuna." He sighed and turned to the floor. "And I can't always contact Sakura and tell her about this because
Nizuna will sense me doing it. Please, Sakura. Be careful."
"Now Syaoran, it's time for the fun to soon begin." said Nizuna as she turned around and walked towards Syaoran's cell.
Syaoran looked at Nizuna with fear, afraid of what she was planning to do. She pointed her finger at him and Syaoran closed his
eyes hoping it wouldn't hurt as much, even though he knew it wouldn't work. Syaoran heard the sounds of his chains unlock
and felt them come off. Syaoran opened his eyes and looked up at Nizuna with a confused face.
Nizuna gave him an evil grin. "Now, arise!!!" she yelled as vines came up from the ground and binded Syaoran up. "What? You
didn't think I was going to let you go, did you? Ahaha." she said laughing, but then stoped and put on her evil grin. "Oh no, my dear.
I have plans for you."
Fear began to enter Syaoran's body again. All of a sudden, he felt the vines move again. They were begining to tighten and sink
back into the ground, along with Syaoran. "Ahh!" Syaoran yelled, trying to free himself.
"Ahahahahahahahaha!" Nizuna laughed as Syaoran sunk and disappered into the floor.
Back in the fog, the CCS gang were shocked from hearing what Sakura said. (A.N. Remember, she said "It's Syaoran! He needs us
now and fast!")
"Come on, we gotta find him!" Sakura said as she started running towards the direction where she felt Syaoran's presence.
"Right." the rest of them said as they followed Sakura.
Sakura ran and ran, but she could still only see fog. "Ahh, where is he?! I can't see anything though this stupid fog." she thought
to herself as she ran. "No matter. I can still sense him. I'll fnd him, no matter what?!" Sakura began to run faster.
"Sakura, don't run too much ahead!" yelled Eriol. "It's not safe!"
"But we have to hurry. Who know's how long we'll be able to sense him though this fog!" she yelled back.
Eriol agreed and started to run faster. Both Meilin and Tomoyo saw Eriol run faster and decided to do the same. The four friends
caught up with each other with Eriol and Sakura in the front, and Meiling and Tomoyo right behind them.
They all continued running for quite a long time, and soon Sakura became frustrated.
"That's it!" she said as she took out her wand and the Windy card. "Windy, come to my aid! Blow apart this fog!!!"
Windy appeared and blew the fog away, revealing someone from far away dressed in white clothing. The person had a hood on
so they couldn't reconized the person. They all started running towards the person and as they ran, they heard a voice.
"Sakura..." said the voice. "Sakura..." Over and over it said that.
Sakura began to run faster with tears in her eyes. "Syaoran!!!"
The four friends were only a few feet away from the person when Eriol and Sakura stoped in their tracks, causing Meilin and
Tomoyo to do the same (A.N. well they were just behind them lol).
"What's wrong? Why'd you two stop?" asked Tomoyo.
They both didn't answer. The person was very similiar to Syaoran. They sensed him in the person and they could even see some
of his brown hair sticking out from the hood. But that was all they could see from his hood. Other that the bottom of his face.
But his eyes, his eyes were hiden behind the hood. That was the only thing they couldn't see. So they still couldn't tell. Anyways,
somehow this person felt different.
"Sakura, stay here with Meilin and Tomoyo." Eriol said as he steped in front of them. Sakura nodded and Eriol took a few steps
forward. "Syaoran, is that really you?"
The person grined and took out a sword. He showed it to them.
"That's Syaoran's sword?!" Sakura thought, taking a step forward, but was stoped.
Melin had her hand in her way. "Don't, Sakura." said Meilin. "It still might be a trick."
Sakura didn't want to, but noded anyways and stayed where she was.
Eriol closely examined it from far away. "Hmm....that is Syaoran's sword." thought Eriol. As Eriol continued examining the sword,
when all of a sudden the person's grin turned evil.
Sakura then felt a spark of evil and yelled. "Eriol, get away!!!"
But it was to late. The person used the sword and attacked Eriol. Eriol was blown away and crashed into the others.
"Uhh..." Eriol said trying to sit up. "Who the hell are you?! Tell us now!!!"
The person smirked and used the hand that wasn't holding the sword to take off it's hood only to reveal a familliar face. The CCS
gang sat on the floor in shock.
Sakura began to cry. "You're not, Syaoran!"
"But Sakura, I am. Ahaha, aren't you glad to see me?" he said with an evil laugh.
"Shut up!" Sakura snaped back. "You're lying! You aren't Syaoran."
"Ya!" joined in Meilin. "What have you done with Syaoran?!"
Syaoran sneered. "Hmph, fine then. If you really want to see him, then here!" he said as he used magic to make a tower of vines
grow from the ground, and in that tower of vines was Syaoran, binded up.
"Syaoran!" Sakura yelled as she got up and fan towards him, but was stoped (A.N. ^_^;; Sry if it's getting anoying that everyone
keeps stoping Sakura).
"I don't think so, my dearest Sakura." said the fake Syaoran.
"Tell me who you are." said Sakura with a cold glare.
"We already know you aren't Syaoran. So tell us who you are!" yelled Tomoyo shaking (A.N. Oh ya! Go Tomoyo! ^_^;; Tomoyo's
actually angry).
Eriol put his arm around Tomoyo. "Calm down, Tomoyo. It's ok." Tomoyo sank more into Eriol's arms and began to cry because
she couldn't take all of this anymore (A.N. ^_^;; Sry but I'm not used to Tomoyo being angry. It's just not right. She's to kind to be
mad, and if anyone get's her angry, whoa you better watch out!). "Now, tell us who you are!" Eriol demanded.
The fake Syaoran held up his hand and a clear red ball formed around his body. The ball then turned dark red so that the CCS
couldn't see the inside. The ball then disappered and something even worse appered.
"Nizuna!" everyone yelled in fear and shock.
Melissa: ^_^;; I bet you all knew that it wasn't Syaoran and it was Nizuna. Lol i made it to ovious. Do you think i did? Well, iono.
Please review and tell me what you think. ^_^ Oh and aren't you glad that Syaoran isn't dead?! Lol. Still, poor Syaoran. Who
know's what Nizuna did to him when he held him captive. O.o; Ok, that sounds wrong. Ahaha, don't worry she didn't do anything
like that. Anyways, i apologize for my slow update and my future slow updates lol. I'd wanna tell you about a few things about the
next chapter at the end of every chapter, but isn't more fun to not know? Lol you're probably saying no. Well, i sometimes change
what i'm going to do next, so i'm not going to be talking about next chapters. Ok! I'm talking too much! Lol. PLEASE DON'T FORGET
TO REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!! Cya in the next chapter. ;) Ja ne!