Elite Bodyguard Much ?
by Amy's Mischievous Little Owl
Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan.
Prologue: Third Person's Point of View
"The secret of getting ahead is
getting started"
~ Agatha Christie
It was a dark night. The air was cool and calming. The streets of the city hustled and bustled with life. Adults going home from work, children with their night classes and the usual shopaholics. However, nobody noticed the real action happening at the very second. A lone building stood on its ground. Its area was quite dark despite the continuous lighting from the city. The building was closed for the night, locked and bolted. The security guard dozed off under a bulb that only lit up a few square feet of the guard post. The guard had his feet up and his torchlight was on the table. His snoring was the only thing that could be heard in this quiet area. A grappling hook embedded itself onto the edge of the top secret building, owned by renowned French millionaire, Frankie John.
Frankie John was known for making arts. All kinds of arts. For an example, he created rare artifacts that socially elite people would buy for millions of dollars. His art building was supposed to be heavily guarded. People heard the rumours about his state of the art (ignore the pun) security. Unfortunately, the sleeping guard defined 'state of the art'. Even so, no sane person dared to even try and steal from the building. Apparently, this thief didn't get the memo.
Clad in skinny jeans, a black shirt and the usual identity- hider with a backpack slung over his shoulders, this thief was determined to break in and steal the valuables. The hook pulled him up in one swift motion. The thief silently tiptoed, scanning the rooftop for any alarms. He smiled when he noticed none and searched for a way in. The thief thanked his good luck. First, easy access from the gate and now, easy access into the building. The sneaky thief found a trapdoor and hurried towards it. He pulled on the latch and it opened with a small squeak. The thief carefully shone some light into the corridor below him, to see if there were any security. After getting assured, he jumped down, landing with a small thud . There was no light in the corridor. As much as he couldn't see, the thief couldn't risk being discovered. He trod blindly but cautiously in one direction. When he reached a small end with double doors that needed a code, he smiled brightly. The doors would lead him to his prize. Out of sheer excitement, he hastily attached a code breaking device and the doors opened. Then, the thief registered the scene in front of him.
Three girls were in the room, one sitting, one leaning against an artifact and one lying down on a stack of paintings. The girl who was sitting was reading a book even if there was less light in the room. She wore a silver coloured suit that covered her from her neck to her feet. She had on a black coloured belt around her waist which connected her top piece with her lower one. The one leaning against the artifact was quietly applying lip balm. She wore a white suit and had the same belt on. The girl lying was wearing a deep red suit and also had the belt on. They each had different symbols on their belts. Silver had a symbol of a cat, white had the symbol of a bird and red had a symbol of lightning. They each wore black masks. Silver was a blonde, white was a brunette and red was a ravenhead. The three girls noticed the paralyzed thief.
" About time !" exclaimed Red, a hint of irritation in her voice. She sat up, giving the thief a glance. He gulped when he saw her electrifying blue eyes. White pocketed the lip balm before scolding the thief.
"You really put the 'tard' in tardy," she said, wagging her index finger. Her eyes reflected whatever colour he was thinking. The girl reading a book marked the page she was on before standing up and stretching.
"Alright, girls," she said as she ran a hand through her blonde locks. " Let's do this. " The thief took a head start, running down the corridor. He flipped on his torch and quickly retraced his steps to the trapdoor. He made a right and was surprised to find Red already waiting for him. She yawned.
" Boring," she sighed. The thief ran back and found a staircase. He was about to use it but found White leaning against the railing with an amused expression on her face.
" Try again," she said, giving a half smile. The thief ran away and finally found his trapdoor. He used his grappling hook to hoist himself up only to find Silver leaning against the ledge, reading her book. The thief wondered on how they got around so fast.
" You'll never escape, you know," she said, not looking up from her book. The thief ran to the ledge and closed his eyes before jumping down from the tall building. A parachute from his backpack automatically released and he floated slowly to the ground. The thief looked up, smiling over his victory of outsmarting the girls. He felt his feet hit the ground and looked in front of him, ready to make an escape. He was surprised to find the three girls already waiting for him.
"You had you fun," said Silver, going behind him to cuff his hands. The thief sighed sadly. " Now it's the end of playtime. " The girls dragged him away to their automobiles that were parked out at the back, hidden from view. Another job well done for the spies. The thief was tied to Silver's automobile and the girls started up their engines.
"This is getting awfully easy," shouted Red over the roar of the engines.
"Let's get to HQ, fast," replied White. "I need to take a shower."
"Next time," Silver started to say. "We're telling Chiron we need a mission upgrade." Silver's automobile drove off in the night. The other two glanced at each other before nodding, "Agreed !" They both said. Then they drove right after Silver.
The girls walked down the white corridors of their headquarters. It's name was Demigod. The corridors were vacant except for the usual 'I need to get to an emergency meeting' and the 'Boss wanted this document as fast as I can get it to him'. The spies walked to a corridor and found themselves face to face with two security spies. Silver took out a card and showed it to the men. They nodded before taking out scanners and started scanning the girls from top to bottom. After making sure that they were indeed the real deal, they were let into the room.
"Chiron, the bandit's in jail," Red said, plopping on the couch in the middle of the high tech room. White shot her a glare before saying, "Thalia, have some respect." Red, or Thalia, rolled her eyes and shot White a grin. "I'm just making a grand announcement, Piper." Piper sighed, slightly shaking her head before sitting next to Thalia on the couch. Silver was tapping codes on the walls, returning their gadgets that they didn't really need. The thief was a piece of cake.
"Girls, I desperately need some R & R," said Silver, joining the two on the couch and yawning. The other two snickered.
"Well, Annabeth, your version of R&R is reading your book until you pass out," Thalia teased before she and Piper burst out laughing. Before Annabeth could retort, a middle aged man walked in from a secret door. He glanced at the laughing girls questioningly and Annabeth could only shrug. The two finished their fit of giggles as soon as they saw Chiron's serious face. They sat up straighter.
"So, how was the mission ?" He asked, before a smile graced his face. The trio let out a sigh of relief before answering.
"Chiron, honestly, it was a bit too easy," Annabeth answered. "We didn't even have to use the gadgets you gave us." Chiron nodded, slowly processing her words.
" I see," Chiron said. " What kind of mission do you want then, Silver Kitten ?" He asked Annabeth, referring to her spy name. Annabeth only tolerated that name because it was her spy name. She wanted her name to be based on her favourite animal, an owl but her results in the spy exam said otherwise. Her result was a cat. Annabeth cheered herself up, reminding her that at least she got to use her favourite colour in her name.
Before Annabeth could answer, Thalia interjected," One with action and not-so-lame one that's exciting. Or one that we have never done before." Chiron stroke his beard, thoughtfully thinking. Piper hit Thalia on the leg for not being polite.
"Very well, Red Lightning," Chiron said. Thalia rolled her eyes at the spy name. "I have a mission that's perfect, then." He pressed a button in his desk and a screen behind him was turned on. "I'm giving you a bodyguard type mission," Chiron told them. Piper frowned.
"But, Chiron, we've never done that before," She explained to him. Chiron smiled.
"Isn't that like what Red Lightning requested, Charmcaster ?" He asked. The other two girls turned to glare at Thalia who gave them a 'What ?' and a shrug. The growled slightly before turning back their attention to Chiron. "Anyway, there's been recent kidnappings," Chiron said as he pressed another button. It showed some photos of the victims."All these people have been kidnapped and they have one thing in common,"Chiron paused for a dramatic effect. " They're rich."
"Okay, let me guess," Annabeth started to say. " We have to protect the next people who we think are targets and they are also rich people." Chrion nodded.
"Correct," He said, clicking another button and it showed three new pictures. One of them had blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a small scar on his upper lip. The next had black hair, sea-green hair and slightly tanned skin. The third had black hair, obsidian eyes and Caucasian skin. "These are the people you need to protect next. They have approved of our offer of protection."
Piper gasped. "Oh my god ! It's the Big Three !"Annabeth rolled her eyes.
"You make them sound like superheroes," She retorted. Piper rolled her eyes and smiled.
"The Big Three are like superheroes. They're all cousins," Piper started to explain. "They all inherited wealth and good looks from their dads. Jason Grace, the blonde one owns like the largest airline system in the whole world. Not to mention, he's creating new planes with tons of new improvement ideas. The middle one, Perseus Jackson, owns his dad's marine biology company and he also has a resort and boating company. The last one, Nico Di Angelo, owns half of the hospitals in the entire world."
"These three boys live next to each other in the same neighbourhood. It'll be easier for you three to help each other out," Chiron said. "You'll be living in their penthouses, keeping a close eye on them. No one besides them will know that you three are spies. Each of them will find a perfect disguise for who you are and what your relations are to them."
The trio nodded, understandingly. Chiron added, "I'll be giving some gadgets just in case. Right now, you need to get home and pack. You'll be needed here tomorrow morning to meet the boys. " The trio nodded, processing his information. Chiron pressed two buttons on his desk before saying goodbye. The first button changed the girls out of their spy suit into their regular clothes. The second made a tube appear. The tube sucked the girls. They couldn't risk driving their mobiles home because anyone could be spying on them. So, Chiron created this intelligent tubing system where he can send for them anytime he wants.
"Great going, Thalia," Annabeth said as soon as they arrived at their shared house. The blonde walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She fished out a carton of orange juice and poured it into a clean cup. She sat down before taking a sip. "You got us a babysitting job." Thalia walked to the table, sat down and reached for the jar of cookies. She opened the lid and started to eat them.
"It's not my fault," She said between bites. Some of the crumbles fell onto her lap. "I didn't think he was going to offer us a job on the spot." Annabeth sighed, letting her head fall and hit the table.
"But you just couldn't stop at 'one that's exciting', huh ?" Annabeth asked sarcastically. "You had to add, 'one that we have never done before'." Thalia frowned. Before she could protest and defend herself, Piper walked into the room holding a magazine with the Big Three on the cover. She sat on a stool and placed the magazine before them.
"This magazine has all the things we need to know about the Big Three," Piper said, excitedly. Annabeth smirked.
"Stalker much ?" She asked. Piper ignored her and flipped to a page.
"It says here that Jason once had a pet cat," Piper read out loud. Thalia scoffed as she closed the lid of the jar. She placed it on the table with a thud.
"Really ? That's what this magazine found out ?" She asked to no one in particular. " We all know that probably half the information in this thing isn't true."
"Perseus, or rather he liked to be called 'Percy', had two past girlfriends," Piper told them, her eyes glued to the glossy page with all sorts of text and photographs of the three of them shirtless or smiling or something along the lines of hotness.
"What happened ?" asked Annabeth, rolling her eyes. " They broke up because he loved his money more ?" Piper shook her head.
"Nope. One of them died because of cancer and the other was caught in a car accident," The answer made Annabeth's jaw drop. She wasn't expecting that. She was just expecting the usual mutual break up kind of thing. She suddenly felt a little sorry for the guy.
"Okay," She said, slowly. "I think it's a good time to pack." The girls agreed with her. They walked out of the kitchen together. "Who knows at what time Chiron will send the tube for us. For all we know it could be at 6 in the morning."
A/N :
I got this idea from Totally Spies. I started watching it all over again and got this nagging story. Anyway, I hope you guys like it and I hope I'll be able to finish it.
I'm trying to get more that 10 reviews. Can we do that ? Hope so.
Apologies for my absence on my other stories, though. I'll try when I have the time.
Amy's Mischievous Little Owl