So apparently this is the number three Oliver/Len fic according to reviews. First place is Pandapper's story. Not jealous or anything, he's a great writer and you should probably go read 'A Shoulder to Cry On'.

Ok, I lied. I am slightly jealous. But I can't get better if I don't actually write, so here we go:

Step 1: Gather more shotas!


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Len walked into the house behind Rinto, who was heading to the kitchen. The smell of cooking food had forced Len to realise how hungry he had become and subconsciously drew Len to it.

However, he was rapidly pulled out of this state when he tripped over a random lone shoe, likely Rei's, and almost fell on top of Rinto. Now that would have been awkward.

After staggering into the kitchen with a blush on his face, he almost walked into Rinto again when the smaller male quickly turned and began;

"There's lots of food to go around Len, so you can have anything you want. I've made pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast-"

Len cut him off, amazed, before he could complete his list.

"You made all of this? How many more people do you expect to arrive?" Len chuckled.

"Well... No, It's just that everyone likes to eat different things …" Rinto replied, unsure whether Len was joking or not.

"Don't worry, I was just kidding." Len noticed the look of flustered confusion that crossed Rinto's face. For someone who was usually the smart, logical one, Rinto could be uncharacteristically dense sometimes. Also, it seemed he did not often get jokes and became panicked when he thought people where laughing at him, rather than with him. It was adorable the way he would turn a deep crimson-

'For the last time brain, please stop thinking of your best friend's brother this way. It's creeping me out' Len said to himself into his mind, half expecting it to talk back.

"-ast. Len? Are you daydreaming? Hello? Did I say something wrong..?"

"Huh?" Len admitted to zoning out as Rinto was talking.

"I just asked you what you want to eat…" Rinto sighed to himself.

"Sorry, I'll just have a few pancakes please." Len responded. "It's not that you're boring me Rinto, and I'm sorry of that's what you thought. My mind has just been… preoccupied lately." Now it was Len's turn to sigh.

The shorter blond looked up from clattering plates together, and made eye contact with Len.

"You are not the only one I'm afraid. Do you want to… talk to me about it, maybe?" Rinto made a face that looked so much like a lost puppy that Len began to doubt he wasn't doing it purposely.

Now that Len thought about it, Rinto was the person he should have trusted his secret with in the first place. Unlike Piko, who was a very opinionated and loud-mouthed drama-queen, Rinto was very passive and quite quiet. Sure, they weren't super-bestfriends like himself and Rei, but they were quite close and often hung around together. Besides, it wasn't like he was just realising his feelings today. He had always held a soft spot in his heart for the adorable little brother that didn't seem to belong anywhere else. So even if he didn't like like Rinto, he was the perfect person to talk to about the situation regarding Oliver.

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Wow, I like this short-but-fast update system. Feedback is always good aswell though. And besides, more faster updates = more time on the front page = TAKE OVER THE WORLD!