Alone. The perfect description of Oliver's not-so-perfect life. Still, he preferred being alone over the alternative. Unfortunately for him, being in other's company for him meant teasing, mocking and an endless stream of depressing thoughts, each delivering a blow to his already weakened form harder than the last. It was almost as if his own brain hated him. Everyone else despised him anyway, so why did it matter?

But to Oliver, it did matter. He often had time to his self to think, but the one thing he could never fathom for the life of him was why. Why did they do this to him? He thought about this so often that the word had lost all its meaning. He never did anyone harm, he never got in the way, never tried to irritate anyone and never even spoke unless it was absolutely necessary. Despite this, everyone still was relentless in their unleashing of torment onto Oliver. Sometimes it was mere name-calling, other times it was physical bullying, but usually it was a combination of the two. Was he just an easy target? The punching bag of the school? Unfit for any other purpose?

Oliver pulled himself tighter, trying in vain to warm himself and sighed. He came here to try and clear his head of unwanted thoughts that where preventing him from sleeping. He was currently sitting on a bench in the park near his house in the dead of night. He didn't know why he was here; he didn't even like the park. In the daytime it was usually bathed in golden sunlight with children laughing and shouting. It was bright and cheerful, exactly the opposite as he normally felt. But in the night, he could not deny that it was somehow… peaceful.

He did like the quiet and tranquil atmosphere, it made him feel calm. This was one of the positive things about not having any friends, he thought to himself, there would be no-one to disturb him. He liked being in peace.

Unfortunately for Oliver, there were people at school to stop that from happening. Every single day there would be at leat one incident.

At first, he thought it was only the little children at school being mean, and that they would grow out of it soon enough. But as Oliver got older, he realised that some people never outgrow bad habits. Not only that, but the teachers at his school pretended that it never happened and that Oliver didn't even exist. He desperately wanted to make a friend, but how could he? He was the shy, silent kid at the back of the classroom who could always be found working by himself. As he grew older still, the little amount of hope he always carried was diminishing fast and threatening to disappear. Then what would he do? Suicide? No, he was too much of a coward to even destroy the pathetic little thing that was his life.

This reminded Oliver of his parents, the last people whom he was even remotely close to. Unfortunately, they passed away when he was very young, and he had lived alone since. They would probably disown him if they could see him now, curled up and looking pathetic on a park bench, in the dead of night when no-one else was around.

Or so he thought.

Len was currently walking through the park sometime after midnight. He wasn't going anywhere in particular, just walking wherever his feet took him. He had desperately wanted to escape his house, all the noise was starting to give him a headache. His twin sister Rin was having a sleepover with some of her girl-friends such as Miku, Teto, Neru and Piko. Well, technically Piko was a boy, but he just dressed and acted like a girl so much he practically was one. They would probably all just annoy him anyway with stupid requests like asking him to wear one of Rin's dresses. (Not that he had before or anything)

So he found himself in the park. It had always looked so beautiful to Len at this time of the year. The quiet atmosphere of the place seemed to make it even more peaceful. His thoughts where soon interrupted by a sudden noise. It sounded like clothes shifting and then a person whimper. Len looked around and spotted a figure sitting on a bench… Crying?

Len slowly approached from behind and as soon as he was able to identify the person he let out a gasp. However he instantly regretted doing this as the figure visibly froze up, afraid to make the slightest movement like a deer caught in the headlights. Of a road roller. He immediately felt pity for the person, and deep down he felt something else to…

He recognised the strange figure as Oliver, one of the boys in his class. He had never really spoken to him, but then again who has? Len stared at his small form huddled up on the bench. The poor boy always looked so lonely and rejected, like the outcast of society. Was he just shy and afraid to make friends? Sitting here alone and crying he could probably use one. Len knew the truth however, as much as he wanted to deny it. He knew that Oliver was subject to bullying, and often it was extremely severe. He was treated worse than anyone else at school. No one else got to share that privilege, it was just him. The odd one out.

Len felt sick when thinking about this. He knew that Oliver was probably the only person to receive 100 out of 100 on every test they had done, yet received no credit. So much wasted potential, thought Len. What made him feel ashamed was that his sister was one of Oliver's prominent bullies, often going out of her way to make his life hell. He knew this because he often watched Oliver from afar; wishing everyone would stop and everything would be fine.

What made him feel the most ashamed was that he did nothing to help. Not one single thing was done, not just by Len, but by the whole school, to help the unfortunate boy from his seemingly endless cycle of pain and misfortune. He knew it was all wrong, but was afraid to do anything.

Until now, that was. Len was feeling sick just thinking about this. He was such a coward, sitting back and hoping that the mindless bullying would soon cease. Len knew that would not happen though, and he had enough of just being a bystander and decided to not let it continue any longer, and swore to himself he would do whatever he could to help. The only problem now was how he would do it.

Pushing any doubts aside he approached the bench Oliver was still paralysed on.

Len suddenly realised what he was doing, approaching the pitiful looking boy sat just mere meters away from him. What would he say to Oliver? Would he want his help? He actually felt as nervous as Oliver looked. Something must be causing Len to want help him, but what?

Ignoring all fear and doubt he approached the bench Oliver was currently occupying and took a seat next to him. After a few seconds of internal conflict, Len glanced over at him.

What Len then saw shocked him. He was looking down upon the most beautiful golden eye staring up at him wide with fear, but also with a hint of curiosity aswell. The other eye however, was covered in a dirty grey strip of cloth. Len briefly wondered to himself why Oliver was wearing it, before turning his attention back on the boy who had quickly turned his head when he was caught staring. Oliver was now hugging his knees tightly to his chest; not daring to move. Len couldn't help but notice one of his knees also had a similar bandage wrapped around it.

Not wanting to sit in silence any longer, Len cleared his throat. "Hey," he half-muttered, unsure of what else he could say in a situation this unexpected.

Oliver slowly turned his head back to Len, who could see something stir in his eye, as if he was debating if he should answer, or if Len was just here to provoke him. The latter would not surprise Len, knowing the things Oliver had been through.

"H-hi…" a small, barely audible voice replied. Len realised had never actually heard him speak before, but he already thought that Oliver had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. It was like music to Len's ears and he could not help but think that Oliver would make a great singer.

"So…" Len began. He had no idea what to say next, he had never wanted anything to do with Oliver until now and suddenly he was approaching him, trying to become his friend… his guardian.

It sounded so cliché to Len, having a sudden moment of realisation whilst strolling through the park. Maybe it was only now he had time to think he realised just how bad it was. Or maybe it was the lack of sleep causing him to over-react. Or maybe it was seeing Oliver himself, looking so beautiful, yet so sad, that made Len's heart ache.

But one thing was for certain; it was the truth.

~Wooo! My first story! You know what to do now; Rate, review, flame and whatnot. (I cannot overstate how much I love feedback, so please do, even if you just say 'good job')

Review please! The sha of happiness compels you!

{◕ ◡ ◕}

Also, you will get cake.*

*Disclaimer: Reviewing does not actually result in cake.