So this idea has been on my mind for quite awhile.

My inspiration came from Breaking Benjamin's song, Dance with the Devil. Excellent song by the way, i highly recommend you listen to it.


The sky was dark and I sighed as I slumped down against a tree. It was tiring running from ninja.

"I think she went this way!" I heard a ninja call. He was close too. Cursing under my breath I got up and started to run again. I ran through bushes and the branches scraped at my clothes and arm. My face was hidden behind a mask. I came to a clearing where I fell to my knees. I had been running nonstop for about a day trying to get away from the ANBU team after me.

I looked back to see if they followed. Seeing that they didn't I allowed myself to fall and lay on my back. I watched the sky for a moment. It was unfair, I hadn't done anything and yet they believed the actual murderer. I had an alibi but, money beats truth. The elders were greedy and so chose to ignore my alibi and sent ANBU after me while the real murderer ran free.

I heard branches behind me rustle and I jumped up ready to run again. It wasn't an ANBU who came through the bushes; he was wearing a mask though. From what I could see he was wearing a black cloak and he had dark hair from under his mask. His mask had a flame design on it and only had one hole in the right which was dark and not showing his eyes.

I braced myself for a fight by pulling my two swords out of their sheathes. He looked me over and probably deemed me an unworthy opponent; I looked like I had been dragged through hell and back.

My usual pure snow white hair was coated in a layer of dirt with a few leaves and some blood in it. It was tangled and if given the chance I was going to make it easier to keep by cutting it from waist length to shoulder length. My pale skin was smeared with dirt and had scratches all over it. My bright lilac colored eyes were no longer bright with life and instead had bags under them showing weariness. My clothes were all ripped and I had a long gash along my side. The bandages I usually covered my body in were all ripped and some had been torn off showing the scars along my arms and legs. There was blood dripping from me making a small puddle in the dirt under me.

"I won't fight you." he stated. I stayed on guard. Never trust anyone. Especially the ones who wear masks. He leaned against a tree and watched me, waiting to see what I would do. I moved back slowly with my swords still raised. Then pain ripped through my leg and I hissed before falling to the side. I looked to see my leg, which had previously had a large burn covering from my upper thigh had given out. My leg resembled a piece of barbeque and it was a wonder that I had been able to go a day with my leg burned.

I looked back to the man who was still watching me. I decided he wouldn't do anything and so I reached into my medical kit and pulled out a roll of bandages and a tonic I made myself for burns. I applied it on the burn, hissing at the pain it gave me. I put the bandage on tight and smirked when I had gotten my entire leg bandaged. I took my sword and used it to stand when my other leg gave out.

"Damn it!" I finally yelled out loud as I fell on my side as I looked at my other leg. This leg was all cut up and bruised from me running and getting beat up. I glared at my leg and looked over at the man who was still watching. Why was he watching? Was watching me amusing? Well…. I would be laughing if I watched someone in the same position right now but that's not the point. I grabbed my sword and used it to rise to my feet. I stood for a moment before taking a step. The bushes I was facing rustled and the ANBU found me.

"Found her!" yelled one. I growled and started hand signs.

"Look out!" Another yelled as I pulled my mask off so that the large fire ball could come from my mouth. The ANBU all scattered as the fire burned through the plants they had been in front of seconds before. I turned and started to run, it hurt like hell but I had to run. An ANBU jumped in front of me and I was surrounded. I counted them, 6. I took a deep breath and focused my chakra to my fist.

"You can't get away." stated an ANBU.

"Says you." I muttered before smashing my fist into the earth making it fly up. It rippled out and the ANBU jumped to avoid it. As they were distracted I took off into the bushes. I ran for a bit until I collapsed again. I wouldn't be able to move at all now. I was still until I heard someone approach. I fought to get up but my muscles refused to work. I eventually stopped. I looked at the one who had followed me. Only it wasn't an ANBU… It was the masked man.

He reached down for me and I was unable to stop him. He picked me up and lifted me over his shoulder. This was it; I was going to be captured. He started to walk and I closed my eyes before everything went black.

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0 o0o0o0o0o0

When I woke up the first thing I noticed was that I was in a room. I blinked and sat up ignoring the strain it put on my muscles. The room I was in was small with just a dresser and table besides in it besides the bed I was laying on. The door to the room was open and beyond it I could see a small living room and dining room. I stood up and slowly used the wall to help me limp over to the door. I looked around and found I was probably in a small cottage, there was another door by a window that looked out and then 2 more doors, probably to a bathroom and another bedroom or something.

"You're awake." The voice startled me so much I jumped and turned my head to see the masked man. I should have tensed up, but I didn't. He was the one who brought me here and was probably the reason I was bandaged up.

"Yes, did you bandage me?" I asked. He nodded.

"Thank you, you didn't leave me there to die or be hauled back to the village." I said with a small smile. I took off my mask and looked at it. The mask was white with black and red markings that resembled a dragon and a wolf. Some of the mask was smeared with blood making it hard to see the markings.

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked.

"Much better than before, I can move now." I said leaning against the wall.

"You should sit down." he decided, gesturing to the table. I slid into a chair and my legs were relived, it was hard to walk. He slid into the chair opposite of me.

"I'm Akuma by the way." I said with a smile.

"Tobi." replied the man.

"Well Tobi, thanks for helping me. I don't want to be a burden though so I should leave. Besides the ANBU will be after me and I don't want to get you in trouble." I explained trying to stand; I couldn't because my leg gave out on me. I glared at my leg.

"It's alright for you to stay, and we're far away from the ANBU. You were in the Lightning Country, now you're in the Fire Country." he explained. I openly gaped. How the hell did we get from the Lightning Country to the Fire Country? It was over three days to get even half of the way, and I know for a fact that I hadn't been out for that long. My wounds would have healed if I had been.

"How did we get that far?" I asked. He avoided the subject.

"You should take a closer look at your wounds." he stated leaving to show me the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and peeled off my bandages. I had to admit, my wounds were looking better than I would have thought from how weak I was feeling. I looked at my hair. It was all messy and unkempt. I opened the door and looked out. Tobi was reading over on a couch by the door.

"Can I use the tub to wash up?" I asked.

"Yes." said Tobi not looking up from his book. I thanked him and closed the door again. I ran the water and spent the time it filled up trying to untangle my hair while staring in the mirror. When the water was filled up I dunked my head in. My hair was soaked after a few minutes of sitting there awkwardly with my head in the tub. I pulled my hair out and tried to squeeze some water out but my hair held water like a sponge.

"Damn hair." I mutter. It was at least white again, it had looked brown previously. I looked at the muddy water… how could my hair have been that muddy? I ran my fingers through my hair until it was flowing to my waist again. I smirked at it in victory, one enemy down. Next I splashed my face with water and washed my face. I also washed my wounds out a bit. It probably took about an hour but eventually I had no more mud and dirt on me. I rewrapped my bandages and drained the water. I had to wash the tub out a bit because of all the mud. I exited the bathroom and Tobi looked up from his book.

"So your hair is white." he stated.

"Yeah, it was really dirty." I said as I walked over to where he was. I sat down next to him and stayed silent as we observed each other. He still hadn't taken off his mask.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Tobi as he looked back down at his book.

"I can leave, I can probably persuade someone to give me a job. But one thing is for sure, I'm not becoming a ninja. I will never use my abilities again." I declared. Tobi looked up.

"Why not?" he asked curiously.

"My abilities have brought nothing but pain, hatred, and sadness. I hate them and wish that they would just go away." I decided making a fist.

"I see, you may stay here if you wish. You can have the extra room, the one you woke up in. Your injuries will take time to heal, the running and fighting you were doing with them didn't help very much." he offered. I sighed; I hated it when I was injured.

"Oh well, it can't be helped. Is there anything I can do to help? To pay off my staying here." I wondered.

"I'm used to being on my own; you could cook or clean if you wish. I usually train outside or go out to work." he explained. I nodded, I liked cooking and I didn't mind cleaning.

"Ok, I can do that." I answered before Tobi closed the book and got up.

"I'm going to be around for most of the day, usually outside. If you need something then tell me and I can get it from the nearby village." he explained before turning and walking outside. I sighed and looked around. The house was dusty and old looking…. looks like it's time to clean.


So what'd you think? Please, tell me. I love critism and all that.

This chapter was actually written awhile ago and my styles changed a bit, so when i get to like the 4th chapter of this short(Its going to be very short, it probably won't even reach Insane's length) story it'll be different seeing as how i wrote the frist two chapters awhile ago, chapter 3 is like... half finished.