3 months later

A woman's screams echoed in the room. Sesshomaru's sensitive ears rang from the bloodcurdling screams coming from his mate.

"Sesshomaru it hurts!" She squeezed his hand as another contraction hit.

"I know love. I know."

"Ok Kagome you're ready. Now push!" The Dr. said. After several pushes the room was filled with an infants wailing.

"It's a boy!"

Sesshomaru smiled at Kagome. "We have a son. I have a son!" He said happily. Before they even got a chance to look at their baby boy, Kagome screamed as another contraction hit. About an hour later a baby girl was born. After cleaning the babies, the nurse left the room to let the new family have time to themselves. Sesshomaru held the boy. He looked identical to him except his ears. He had puppy ears like Inuyasha.

"What shall we call him love?" He asked.

"How about Renji?"

"I like that. My little Renji." He smiled down at his son.

"Now we need a name for her." Kagome said. The baby girl in her arms squirmed around. She looked identical to Kagome, cat ears, tail and everything.

"Let's see...I know! How about Sakura?"

"That's a perfect name." He leaned down and kissed her softly. "This Sesshomaru loves you. Thank you mate for giving me your love and a family." He kissed her again.

"Damn Sess! You keep that shit up and you'll have her pupped again before she even leaves the hospital!" Sesshomaru turned towards the door where his brother and Kikyo stood.

He narrowed his eyes and growled. "You will refrain from using such language around my pups."

"Yeah Yeah. Can I see my neice and nephew now?" Sesshomaru nodded as he handed Kikyo his son and Kagome gave Inuyasha the baby girl.

"They are so adorable! What are their names?" Kikyo asked.

"Our son is Renji and our little girl is Sakura." Kagome said.

"Sakura huh?" Inuyasha said looking at the tiny girl in his arms. He smiled when she yawned. "You're a cute little runt."

Sesshomaru growled. "She's but a mere pup. Not a runt." As if agreeing with her father, she grabbed Inuyasha's finger and bit him hard.

"Ow! That hurt!" He yelped. They all laughed at him. "Well I guess we know who you'll take after miss grouch." He mumbled.

Sesshomaru laughed. "You still remember eh?"

"How could I not? I still have teeth marks from where you always bit my ears when we were kids!" They all laughed again.

Kikyo and Inuyasha didn't stay long. After they left, an exhausted Kagome drifted off to sleep. Sesshomaru's Inu instincts wouldn't allow him to rest. He had to keep watch over his new family. He smiled when his son's ears twitched. He couldn't wait to get his family back home. He heard a sound coming from his daughter. Curious, he slowly walked over to her. He almost laughed. She was purring! Hearing her purr made him realize how ironic it was that he a great DOG demon, had a CANINE son and a FELINE daughter. Yes it was quite ironic indeed.