AUTHOR'S NOTE: How now, what is this I spy? A new chapter? IT IS INDEED!

This chapter has been sitting mostly-finished in my document for months. I finally got around to finishing it and editing it, and now it is here before your eyeballs!

I also posted it on the AO3 site quite a while ago, but completely forgot to post it here! SORRY!

Title is Norwegian for "have a nice day" because I'm really uncreative when it comes to titles :p
Super special thank you to my new Norwegian consultant, Emilie!

You may have noticed I said "I" instead of the normal "we." My dear friend and co-author TheCaptain has lost the enthusiasm and inspiration that first drove us to write this story. As such, she has backed out of it and has given me full control of this story. She will help me with ideas, but I will be writing solo from now on. As such, the format of this story will change a bit, and I won't update for a while as I decide how I'm going to tackle this monster of a story. I will update again, or at least I plan to, but it won't be for a while as real life is kind of crazy right now.

Thank you everyone for your unending support. I truly appreciate it.

Now. On to the story!


A band of warmth across his face woke Loki. He blinked blurrily, squinting at the sunlight that seeped through the space between his curtains. He groaned and rolled over, but now that he was awake he knew he wouldn't get back to sleep. With a great sigh, he sat up and rubbed his eyes before getting out of bed. His jaw popped as he yawned, stepping over Fenrir as he entered the kitchen. Thor entered the kitchen soon after him and ruffled Loki's hair as he passed him on his way to get a plate. Loki scowled, but it was ruined by another yawn.

He accepted the plate of cheese and ham, some lettuce and sliced tomatoes off to one side, from Frigga with a smile and murmured 'good morning' then took his customary seat at the table. Thor thumped into place beside him, nearly a tankard of orange juice in the hand not holding his loaded plate.

"(What are your plans for the day, brother?) " Thor inquired between bites. Loki swallowed his mouthful before answering.

"(Homework, mostly. I have a still-life due in advanced 2-D on Tuesday that I'd like to get done today, as well as math and biology.) "

"(I am so glad to not have to do homework ever again, though I never had to do as much work as you have to do here,) " Thor said, stealing a tomato slice off Loki's plate. Loki retaliated by taking a slice of cheese off Thor's plate, which still had enough food on it for Loki to consider it a hearty meal, for all that Thor was only halfway done with what he had taken.

"(Yes, but you have to do taxes, which are just as bad as homework.) "

Thor chuckled and gently bumped shoulders with his brother, digging into his breakfast with zeal, though he did savour each bite. He could afford to take the time today, since it was his day off.

Loki finished his food and rinsed his plate in the sink. He filled Fenrir's dish with kibble, scratching the dog's head as he came to eat his breakfast. He lightly thumped Thor's shoulder as he passed on his way to the stairs, easily dancing out of range for Thor to flick him in the side in return. The blond's booming laughter followed him upstairs.

Loki wondered if it would be tempting fate to include the Isete Kiste - what he was calling his new blue box - in the still life he had to do for art class. He didn't think Mr. Mendez would turn him in, or even know to turn him in, but he decided that the risk of evidence wasn't worth it. Besides, he kind of wanted to keep it to himself. Instead, he arranged a few objects he had brought with him from Norway on his desk and positioned his chair in the middle of his room, a large sketchbook balanced on his knees.

The steady motions of his pencil on the paper lulled him into a sort of trance, thoughts emptying from his head like snow melting under the sun's glare until there was none left. Here he drifted for much of the morning, his world only consisting of the paper and the objects he was drawing, until tapping at his door brought him out of it. He inspected what he had done and found it satisfactory before answering the summons.

Frigga stood on the other side of the door and she smiled warmly at him when he opened it. " (Lunch is ready, Loki.) "

"(Okay, I will be down soon.) " She nodded and turned to go back downstairs, leaving a faint floral scent like spring from her perfume in his doorway. Loki washed his hands, scrubbing graphite off his fingertips, before heading downstairs. Lunch was a light meal of sandwiches and a small bowl of salad. Thor was already downstairs, eating his portion. Sounds from the television in the living room suggested where Odin was. Loki was glad his adoptive father would not be joining them for this meal: his day had been pleasant so far, and he did not want it spoiled. Lunch was a relaxed and quiet meal, a comfortable warm silence enveloping the kitchen, only pierced by the occasional explosion from the television. Loki finished quickly, before the peace could shatter, and went back upstairs to resume his homework.

He was nearly done with his sketch when a light tapping on his door got his attention. He looked up as Thor peered in, a wide grin on his face.

"(Thor?) "

"(Prepare yourself, my brother. We go to war on the Ice World.) " He shut the door when Loki's grin mirrored his.

Setting aside his sketchbook, Loki rolled over to where his laptop was set up on his desk. He pulled up the game Realms of Combat, an online multiplayer game Thor had gotten him hooked on. They fought as a team, usually, as well as some of Thor's friends in Norway when they could. They were currently on the Ice World expansion and preparing to battle the massive Frost Giant army and defeat their king. It looked like others of their team were already there and ready to go. Loki settled the headset over his ears and turned on his microphone.

Thor was already on and wishing his friends a good afternoon.

"(It is night, here, Thor,) " Fandral replied, his amusement clear even through the static of his low-quality mic.

"(Regardless, it is a good time for battle!) " was Thor's rejoinder. Loki rolled his eyes and could almost hear the others doing the same.

"(Hello, Loki,) " Sif said pleasantly. She had always tolerated him the most out of Thor's friends, accepting him at least somewhat into their group and helping him when he was too little to keep up with Thor's long strides.

"(Well met, Lady Sif,) " Loki replied with a grin.

"(Let us defeat the King and be rid of these monsters once and for all!) " Thor crowed into his mic. They all selected the proper quest and set off for the palace marked in red on their mostly blue and white maps, battling small enemy groups along the way that got bigger the further they ventured into enemy territory.

Thor and Loki faced off against the Frost Giant King. The others were either battling other enemies, or waiting for Loki to gather enough points to heal them back to life. Footsteps stomped by in the hall, but Loki paid them no mind. They passed his room, anyway, so obviously of no concern to him. He grinned as Thor let out a loud whoop, landing a solid hit on the King. Suddenly, his character paused, rustling over the speaker indicating he moved his mic before muting it. His voice as well as his father's rose, heard through the walls. Odin was arguing with him about wasting his time with the game, and being loud about it as well -Thor rarely censored his volume around friends unless reminded, and was even louder when excited. Loki tuned them out and took out the Frost Giant King while Thor was busy, a wide malicious grin on his face as his character's spear pierced the monster's chest.

"(You should not play such childish games,) " Odin bellowed, "(and you distract your brother from his work!) "

Loki rolled his eyes, but let a tiny smile lift his lips as Thor defended himself and Loki. Soon, Frigga came upstairs and guided Odin back to bed, or something; Loki didn't care where he went, just that it was now quiet and Thor's character unpaused.

His older brother let out an undignified whine when he realized the battle was won already, but he congratulated Loki on a magnificent kill. They did a couple of small side missions before Frandral, Volstagg, and Hogun logged off. Sif stayed on to chat with Thor, so Loki politely said his goodnights and logged off.

Stretching, he looked at the time. Deciding there was plenty of time, he went downstairs and whistled for Fenrir, scrolling through music on his mp3 player. Taking his dog for a walk always relaxed him. Especially now that he had happy memories of his dog and his new friends. He let the wolfhound lead him around as he got lost in thought, music drowning out any outside noise. It was only after he noticed the sun beginning to set that he turned them back toward the house. He let Fenrir loose from his leash and added more water to his bowl before returning upstairs to get more homework done.

Dinner was ready soon after. Thor gave Loki a hearty slap on the back for his in-game victory, grinning, before he took the steps down two at a time, practically sliding down the bannister. Loki shook his head with a fond smile, taking a more sedate pace to the table.

As always, dinner was a quiet meal, the consumption of food broken by "(pass the salmon) " or "(where is the salt?) ". Conversations, if any were attempted, were always strained and made the food taste like cardboard, so it was better to just stay silent.

After his belly was full, Loki excused himself from the table. He dumped the extra food from his plate to Thor's, earning a quick puffed-cheeked grin from his brother, as his mouth was too full of food to speak. Loki washed his plate and silverware, then returned to his room.

He worked for a while more on his homework. Thor clomped up the stairs some time later, shutting his door with a jarring thud. Loki could hear him talking to himself, perhaps going over whatever paperwork needed to be done, perhaps just talking to himself. The rumble of Thor's voice soon took on that annoyingly sappy tone he used whenever he was calling his new girlfriend, Jane. Loki sighed and dug in his backpack for his mp3 player, frowning when he didn't find it. Oh, wait. His face cleared when he remembered it was downstairs on an endtable, dropped there after a walk with Fenrir. He trotted downstairs to retrieve it.

Sighting it quickly, he picked it up and scrolled through his music, decided what to listen to before he went back upstairs. A groan from the armchair made him stiffen and silently curse. Of course he would be down here. Loki resolutely ignored him, focusing on the titles scrolling by.

"(Who-? Oh, it's you.) " Odin coughed thickly as he came out of a light doze. His tone was infuriatingly neutral.

Loki grit his teeth and muttered, "(Go back to sleep, old man.) "

"(You were such a delightful child,) " was the non-reply; not that his aged hearing could have picked up on what Loki said under his breath, let alone when his brain was swimming in chemicals from the medication, "(I don't know where your mother and I went wrong to make you what you are today.) "

He sounded so...disappointed. Loki nearly cracked the screen while selecting an artist. "Bet you wish you'd never adopted me," he spat in English as he passed, shoving his earbuds in.

Odin sighed, eyes unfocused on the space Loki had been occupying when he'd woken up. "(Still... With whatever faults you have, I am glad you are my son.) "

Loki didn't hear: music blared from his earbuds as he stomped upstairs.

Odin muttered softly as he shifted in the chair, falling back to sleep.

MORE AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thor plays as a battlehammer-wielding warrior
Loki plays a green mage. They had laughed at him at first for choosing a magic character instead of a warrior, but they always come to him for healing when their HP is low or to solve trickier puzzles.
Fandral is a swordsmaster
Volstagg is a dwarf with a battleaxe
Hogun is an assassin
And Sif is a lady warrior with hacked armor to make it more practical. she hates the armor two-piece, so she downloaded a better version

A reminder that this will be the last chapter written by both GoodShip and The Captain. All subsequent chapters will be GoodShip written only. Thank you all for your unending support, I truly appreciate it.

As always, feel free to ask me questions or request headcanon stories on the official tumblr for this story!