A/N: I know I'm an idiot, but I'm posting a new story! Again! Not sure if this has been done before (not that I have seen), well aspects of it have since Caroline loses her memory but its not from decades ago. She is losing her memory in the current story line. So, I guess I'll see how this turns out. Please read and review and tell me your thoughts. :) Thanks, enjoy.
Lie to Me
Chapter 1
"What are you saying, Stefan?" exclaimed Elena as she looked to Damon whom looked away from her for the moment.
"Look, we have to team up with him...for the moment. Its not like we'll be the best of pals. We have to find out about the Five. Now that you know why I had a secret alliance with him," said Stefan quietly at the end as he looked to the floor and then up to Elena's face.
Elena just stared at him, not really sure what to think. Of course, what he was proposing did make sense but that didn't mean she had to like it.
"Anyway, what Stefan was getting to was, you're not going," said Damon seriously as he glared at Elena as he always did when she tried to do something stupid.
"I have to, Damon. They asked for me!" she exclaimed angrily.
"Yes, we're aware of that," said a voice from behind them as they all visibly sagged their shoulders slightly knowing who it was.
Damon turned around to stare at the Original Hybrid. "We really need to put a human on the title deed," said Damon rolling his eyes.
The others were here too, Bonnie was on the couch with her arms crossed over her chest boredly since they were just arguing and it wasn't getting anywhere. Caroline was doing the same but her eyes looked over once Klaus arrived.
She supposed she was a little less hateful after the whole Hayley debarcle. Tyler wasn't there of course, he was off with Hayley, scheming to turn Klaus' hybrids against him. So typical. And she just sort of stared at him along with the others, not that she was shocked that he had just popped out of nowhere as he always does.
Matt and Jeremy were sitting on the opposite couch, also lounging around since they had gotten no where so far.
"What do you want Klaus?" droned Stefan, holding back the urge to roll his eyes.
"I have to agree with Stefan and Damon on this one. The doppleganger, well, soon to be again doppleganger, will not be going to the meeting. Surely the witch can take her place," said Klaus as he eyed Bonnie with scrutiny and then looked around at the others whom were staring at him incredulous looks.
His eyes finally rested on Caroline, lingering a second more before he turned back to Damon and Stefan.
And then the arguements began.
The situation was, the other three members of the 'Five', it seemed were teamed up once again, minus Jeremy. They put a proposition to their group to meet with them, but only Elena could go. It seemed they had been keeping an eye on them for some time and knew that Elena was the most precious; the person whom they held most dear. Unfortunately for them, it appeared every enemy they came across just happened to know everything about them all the time. It was very annoying.
"Where do you get off telling us what to do?" yelled Damon to Klaus.
"I agree with Damon, how did you even know about it in the first place?!" exclaimed Stefan.
"Look, just let me go!" said Elena as she turned to Damon and Stefan.
"One of us could go, its not like they'll kill a human right?" asked Matt, getting up off the couch and standing next to Elena.
"Let me remind you all I was lenient to the fact that Stefan promised to keep our little deal a secret and I have yet to kill one of you as punishment. Therefore, I get to choose who will go," said Klaus as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh at this whole situation.
And the arguements continued after that for some time.
"I'll go!" yelled someone finally.
Suddenly all heads turned to the person in question and Klaus narrowed his eyes at her.
"God! You'd think we were in highschool right now," exclaimed Caroline exasperatingly.
"Hate to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but you have blonde hair, not brown. I was thinking the Bennett witch-"
"You know they do make things like wigs Klaus. By the time they notice its not her, I will have the information you need and I'll get out of there and one of you can be hiding somewhere further down the forest or something," she said with a shrug, knowing she was right. "And I'll have you know I make a convincing brunette."
Klaus narrowed his eyes. "I don't doubt that, sweetheart, but...you're not going! They could kill you on the spot!" he said, feeling the anger swell.
"Oh? And you care because?"
"Well, because...I'm the Original Hybrid and I can kill anyone in this room if I wanted to. Besides I've saved you more than I care to mention and I don't want my hard work to go to waste," he spat as he glared at her, trying to make sure he didn't sound like he cared. Because he didn't. He fancied her and it would just be a terrible waste for her to die.
"Right, firstly, that threat died a long time ago and is officially old. Secondly, I couldn't care less if you've saved me twice that was your decision. Doesn't make up for all the other evil things you've done and thirdly, I make my own decisions, Klaus," exclaimed Caroline, not really believing she was justifying herself to a jerk like Klaus. She crossed her arms over her chest as she stood up and walked over to stand next to Matt.
Klaus laughed once. "Do you hear yourself, sweetheart? Are you really willing to give up your life for them? You are so much better than them," said Klaus as he gestured to the others in the room whom were just looking on in fascination at how Caroline was openly arguing with Klaus without being so much as threatened or hurt at her defying words.
Caroline simply stared at Klaus, not agreeing with him one bit, which wasn't uncommon when it came to to the two of them. But her eyes held confusion, just why was he arguing? If she successfully went to the meeting without them learning the fact she wasn't Elena and got the information they needed, what was the problem?
"Okay, this is seeming a lot like a lovers spat, which makes me cringe," said Damon with an ill look on his face. "But I agree with Caroline. She's going."
Klaus narrowed his eyes at Damon. "I think you are under the impression that this is a discussion. No, Damon, this is not a discussion. This is where I tell you what to do and you do it. And I'm telling you, Caroline is not being bait. The witch is going, end of story."
Damon laughed. "This is unbelievable. Its taken you a thousand years to find a girl you like and you choose her? Well, get over it! She's on our side, hybrid, which means she wants to protect Elena. She is going to do it, without wanting anything in return, because that's what the 'good' side does. Caroline, get ready and go find a damn wig."
Caroline began to walk to the door when a hand went to her arm. She looked behind her to see Elena shaking her head with tears about to be shed.
"Care, you don't have to do this. Just say the word and we'll find someone else. Hell, I usually wouldn't do something like this, but we could even compel a human to go with brunette hair...anyone but you," said Elena desperately as the thought of making Caroline go in her place finally hit home. "Actually, I don't want you to do it Caroline, please."
Caroline shook her head and smiled and looked up to see Stefan nod at her, obviously agreeing with what Elena had said. She looked to Bonnie, Matt and Jeremy, they all seemed okay with Elena's alternative. She didn't bother glancing at Damon, knowing he wanted her to go regardless of what anyone else thought.
"Look guys, it has to be a vampire. Those hunters can probably tell and plus, if something does go down, we will feel even worse if the human girl dies or if Bonnie gets hurt. I mean, I am a vampire, I'm sure I'll be able to get away," she explained as she placed a hand on Elena's shoulder.
She walked past Stefan and Damon and then finally Klaus whom looked at her intently, his icy blue orbs piercing into her soul, but she ignored it.
Klaus couldn't ignore that what she proposed was sound, but at what cost? What if something happened? She could be gone forever...
He watched her walk out the door, her hips swaying a bit when she did. She always looked the best when walking away from him, as Kol had said to him once.
Caroline walked up to the clearing, her wig in place. She could do this. Why did she agree to go alone? God she hated this. It wasn't like she could let them come since the 'Five' or more like the 'Three' at the moment, specified that Elena had to come alone.
Luckily she knew someone wasn't far away, since they took her advice so that one of them were a few yards away in case something happened. Well, she couldn't sense the person, so perhaps they were further back than she expected.
Caroline folded her arms over her chest and looked at every direction to see if anyone had arrived yet. Just who were these people? Were they really to be feared as Stefan and Klaus had suggested?
Caroline looked through the darkness of the woods and then honed in on her vampiric senses. She thought she heard a branch crack, she was sure of it.
"Hello? I'm here for the meeting!" she said, but nobody responded.
Then someone emerged from the trees. In the moonlight, she could tell he was a muscly man, causcasion with brown longish hair tied up in a small pony tail at the back, wearing a leather jacket, grey button up shirt and black sturdy jeans. He had grey eyes and an emotionless face. It made her shiver, not knowing how to read this guy.
"Elena," he said. "Hello, my name is Arthur."
Caroline frowned. "Hi. What did you want to talk about?"
Arthur walked closer until they were a few metres apart and then began.
"We want Jeremy, Elena," said Arthur.
Caroline narrowed her eyes. "No way, no way in hell!"
"We will give you the cure," he said slowly, seeing that it piqued her interest.
"Why do you want him?" Caroline questioned, suddenly feeling like it was a false offer.
Arthur circled her for a moment, gauging her.
"He is one of us. One way or another, he will be one with us again-"
"What do you mean again?" asked Caroline in confusion.
"We were whole once, long ago. When the five stand as one, we become one. Our power can be channelled into one devastating force and that is so we can eradicate vampires and other unworldly beasts more swiftly," explained Arthur. "But I think you've heard enough. Agree to bring him to us and I will tell you the location of the cure and how to obtain it."
Caroline narrowed her eyes at him, not truly believing him. It was too good to be true.
"You would tell us that before we hand over Jeremy?" she asked, disbelieving he would do such a thing.
Arthur smirked. "Yes. Because we can get Jeremy whenever we like, but it is you who will lead us to the Originals," he said with a knowing smile.
"Fine, tell me the location and I will lead you to Jeremy," she said, but obviously was lying. She could run from him and warn the others but at least she would have the location.
Arthur walked over to her and only stopped when he was within a very close proximity.
"Its our blood, but in this form as it is now, it is useless. However, once the tattoo is completed, that is when the cure will make itself available within us. Mine is almost complete. But I did not promise my blood, I promised you a location and how to obtain it," he whispered in her ear.
Caroline suddenly backed away and smirked. "Thanks for the information, Arthur, but unfortunately I have to go," she said as she ran with her vampire speed, away from him.
He simply smiled and watched her blur away. His eyes followed his brothers as they intercepted her. Foolish girl, he thought.
Suddenly she felt something land on the back of her neck, but by the time her hand reached for it and pulled it out, half of the substance had already entered her system. Caroline fell backwards and grabbed a tree for support.
She was losing consciousness slowly as her back slid down the tree. She heard in the distance footsteps, she assumed the other two hunters had been in the background somewhere, waiting for her to run. What exactly was it? It wasn't burning her, so it wasn't vervain.
"Help," muttered softly, knowing that its not like anyone would hear her unless they were listening for her.
Caroline's eyes began close as her butt hit the ground with a 'thud'. Suddenly she was lifted up and she managed to lift her head slightly to look into their eyes.
It was dark, but she could make out his icy blue orbs as his eyes glinted in the moonlight.
"K-Klaus..." she managed to make out before she totally lost consciousness.
"What the hell-"
"-your fault!"
"-how could you"
"I should kill you all!"
Caroline moaned and held her head. As she fully awoke and opened her eyes, she registered her surroundings. What had happened? Where was she?
"What the-"
"Caroline! Oh god, I was so worried!" exclaimed a girl, hugging her.
Caroline frowned and pushed her away, causing the girl to step back, confused.
"Care, its me Elena," she said with a frown as she moved to grab her hand, but Caroline pulled it away before she could do so.
"Who the hell are you?!" exclaimed Caroline with fear as she sat up abruptly in the bed, backing away until her back was against the head board.
Elena gasped in horror and then ran out the door.
Caroline cringed as she heard voices downstairs. How the hell was she hearing a conversation from upstairs when she wasn't in the same room? She realised that her senses seemed to be in overdrive at the moment. Caroline figured she must have been given drugs to help her or something and it was causing everything to be so loud.
"She doesn't remember me," said Elena desperately and Caroline could hear her voice begin to crack.
"What? Don't worry Elena, we'll just see who she does remember and go from there," said a male voice and Caroline heard a patting noise, she assumed it was the man putting a comforting hand on Elena.
Suddenly two other people entered and the Elena stood at the doorway observing Caroline with tears in her eyes.
Caroline clenched her fists against the sheets, afraid of who these people were.
"Blondie, you remember us, right?"
Caroline shook her head vigorously as her emerald orbs stared at Damon and then to Stefan.
"Okay, we can fix this. How about you get Bonnie to come over? And what ever you do, don't tell Klaus," said Damon quietly as he glanced over at Elena.
Elena nodded when suddenly Caroline recognised the name.
"Klaus," she said softly, knowing that somehow she knew that name.
Damon snapped his gaze back to Caroline with wide eyes. "Do you...know Klaus?" he asked hesitantly, dreading the answer.
Caroline nodded. "I recognise the name..."
"This is un-fucking-believable," groaned Damon as he rolled his eyes. "Scratch what I said, we better call him."
"No Damon! I don't care if she recognises him, he doesn't need to be here!" exclaimed Elena angrily.
Caroline watched them argue quietly before she rolled her eyes and cleared her throat.
"Excuse me? Can I go home now? I don't know who you people are, and not that I'm not grateful, but I'm going to go now," said Caroline, hoping they were serial killers or kidnappers or something like that.
Caroline got up from the bed, luckily she was fully clothed, and walked past them toward the exit. Elena began to go after her but Damon pulled her back by her wrist.
"Let her go, Elena," said Damon. "Call Klaus."
Stefan sighed as he pulled out his phone. "Look, I have to be with Damon on this one. If she recognises him, he may be the only one that can help her at the moment. Elena," began Stefan as he walked over and placed his hands either side her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "We'll get her back, but right now she needs familiar faces until she can hopefully regain her memory. In the meantime, call Bonnie over and we'll discuss possible causes and go back to the scene too."
Elena nodded hesitantly. She hated the fact that one of her best friends was hurting and she didn't even know it. She couldn't be there for her and yet Klaus could?
If she thought a year ago that Klaus would be helping them with anything, she would have laughed hysterically and then told herself that she was crazy. Because it was. This whole situation was.
"Did Klaus say anything when he brought her here?" asked Damon, before Stefan could make the call.
Stefan shook his head. "Nope. But he did threaten us again that if something happened to her we would pay, just the usual," he said with a shrug of the shoulders.
Damon rolled his eyes.
Elena walked out of the room and down the stairs to check on Caroline whom was just exiting the front door. They had already informed Liz earlier of the situation, so she wouldn't get a horrible surprise when her daughter knew nothing of her friends when she walked in the door. But Elena couldn't help but feel angry that she could only stand there and watch Caroline walk away from her as she desperately wanted to run toward her and try and get her to remember.
Elena sat on the couch in the living area downstairs and pulled out her phone to text Bonnie, whilst upstairs, Stefan dialled Klaus' number.
"Stefan. I was expecting your call. How is Caroline?" asked the voice on the other line.
Stefan paused for a minute, not really thinking it through before he called as he didn't really know how to break to news to the murderous Original hybrid.
"Stefan," urged Klaus warningly. "She is...alright, isn't she?"
"Uh...that's the thing Klaus. She doesn't remember anything," said Stefan with a sigh.
He heard Klaus smash something in the background.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING?" yelled Klaus angrily on the other line as Stefan held the phone away from his ear slightly. "You promised me she would be okay in your hands!"
Stefan cringed at his tone, inwardly of course.
"She's conscious, its just her memory that's the problem," said Stefan.
Damon looked over to Stefan as he spoke and was glaring at him. Stefan looked back at him and they shared a look. Stefan heard Klaus sigh in relief.
"Well, what does she remember?" he asked finally.
"Funnily enough...she remembers you," spat Stefan as if the words he spoke pained him physically. "Look, I can't believe I'm going to say this but, you're going to have to talk to her. Try and get her to remember things. She doesn't remember any of us so, I suppose you can say you're our only hope."
Stefan hated that Klaus was their only hope, but it was the truth. He was. It was ironic, that Klaus could be their end but he was also their savior.
The world is truly warped, Stefan thought, feeling sick to his stomach at the fact he had actually used the words 'you're our only hope' to Klaus. Klaus the murderer...the cold, black hearted Original who seemed to only care about one person in their group and that happened to be Caroline oh and Elena, but that was because he wanted more hybrids.
He supposed it was lucky it was Caroline, he doubted Klaus would help anyone else with a problem like this.
After a few moments of silence at the other end, he heard Klaus speak again.
"Me? If this is some kind of ploy Stefan-"
"Its not okay?! You think I like asking for your help? Do you really think Elena would agree for you to see Caroline if it was nothing other than the last resort?" exclaimed Stefan, letting his anger show. It had built up from the moment they found out Caroline had been attacked and now it seemed, Klaus was pushing him. "You're the last person any of us would want Caroline hanging around! If there was any other choice, I'd take it. If you can't handle this Klaus, believe me, we'll find another way-"
"No! Its fine, I'll go see her right now."
And then the line went dead. Stefan looked over at Damon and put his phone back in his pocket.
"So, we have sunk to a whole new low," said Damon as he walked over and took a seat on the end of Stefan's bed.
They heard Elena walk up the stairs, Bonnie had arrived and was standing behind her as they stopped at the doorway.
"What the hell happened?!" exclaimed Bonnie angrily.
Caroline let tears fall down her cheeks as she held her mum in her arms.
"God, Caroline, I was so worried! You didn't come home last night," said Liz as she pulled her daughter away from her for a moment so she could look into her beautiful emerald orbs.
Caroline shook her head. "I'm sorry, I just...I can't remember anything! I remember you and...Klaus, or someone by that name but I don't know who those other people were. I woke up in some random bed with people trying to say they were my friends. And something weird happened. The girl that I woke up to went downstairs and I could hear her whole conversation from all the way upstairs...how is that even possible?" asked Caroline desperately, her eyes searching her mother's face for answers.
She noticed her mother frown slightly and Caroline knew straight away that Liz knew something.
"Um, its a little complicated sweetie. I ah-"
"Let me explain," said a voice from behind them.
Liz whipped around, her eyes wide. "What the-how did you get in here?" exclaimed the Sherriff whom was searching the room with her eyes for her gun.
Klaus entered the abode from the front door which he closed behind him. "I have an invitation, remember Sherriff?"
Liz narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing here?" demanded Liz as she stood protectively in front of her daughter, knowing full well that Caroline was a vampire so she was stronger but that didn't stop her maternal instincts from kicking in. Plus, Caroline didn't remember anything about being a vampire which was obvious from the fact that she didn't know why she had 'extra sensitive' hearing.
Klaus smiled as he looked from Liz to her daughter whom was staring back at him with a thoughtful look on her face.
"Do you recognise me sweetheart?" he asked softly as he stood still at the front door, unsure on whether Stefan had been telling the truth or not.
Caroline frowned and her mother looked at her. She placed a hand on Liz's forearm slightly as she walked past her to stand in front of Klaus.
"You...you're the one who saved me. I think I remember being in the forest somewhere and then I saw you. You-you picked me up and carried me. I think I knew you then...I recognised you at the time, I think," said Caroline hesitantly. "T-thank you, for that." She then smiled at him and he couldn't help but show surprise at her words and then her genuine smile after she spoke them.
"Yes well, I suppose we should talk," said Klaus. "You should come with me."
Liz narrowed her eyes. "Caroline-" began Liz as she walked toward her daughter.
"Sherriff Forbes, I think you should let me handle this. Familiar faces always help people with amnesia and as you can see, I'm a familiar face," he said with a smile.
Klaus then opened the front door and stepped aside to let Caroline pass. When she did, he looked back at Liz. "Talk to the Salvator's, they'll fill you in."
She didn't know where she was, but it was beautiful here. Caroline sat on the grass as she hugged her knees to her chest and kept glancing over at Klaus every once in a while. He sat beside her with one leg stretched out flat and one of his knees bent with his forearm resting against the top of it relaxingly, allowing his hand to dangle freely.
Caroline had seen his face before, she remembered bits and pieces of that night but when she thought hard, she could only see Klaus's face. He had to be significant in her life, was he her boyfriend? Lover? Friend? She didn't know, but he was hell attractive, with short blonde curls, icy blue eyes, tall, lean, dark jeans and dark blue button up shirt, leather jacket and confidence just oozed off him.
And suddenly, she felt hungry. She tried to push it to the back of her mind since there were more pressing issues.
"Thanks for bringing me here, I like it here. Its peaceful. So...why do I remember you?" she asked, turning her head to face him.
Klaus looked at her. "I don't know, but I'd like to find out," he said tensely, remembering that this was all their fault for making Caroline go to that meeting when he expressly told them 'no'. But did those idiots listen to him? Of course not!
"Are we...um...together or something?" she asked with a blush, now regretting even asking.
Klaus raised an eyebrow as a smirk played upon his lips. Oh Caroline, if only you remembered, he thought. But then another mischievious thought came to his mind.
She had no idea what they were before and there was a chance she never would remember. And there was no way he was going to let this opportunity slip away from him. He did, of course, think of the bigger picture but there was no reason why he couldn't let this play to his advantage in more ways than one.
"Sort of," he said mysteriously with a small smile, causing Caroline to look away.
"Oh. I see. I sort of figured you must have been for me to remember you," she said as she looked up at the clear blue sky as the sun began to set.
Klaus was loving this. Truly. If only Damon and Stefan were here to squirm, it would have made this all worth while. But he couldn't ignore the fact that she may have information locked away somewhere in her mind about the cure and the Five. He knew a bit about the original Five, but he had yet to meet this generation and therefore, wasn't aware of their current plan of action.
"Now. What else do you remember?" he asked her, gauging her reaction and checking her out at the same time as he always did.
And at the moment, she looked simply amazing. Her blonde curls flew behind her slightly from the mild wind, she faced the sky still and her eyes were searching the sky for answers as she tried to remember. He would have to remember this moment as he would be drawing it later on tonight.
He promised himself a while ago after Caroline had betrayed him that he would no longer draw her, but now? This was the chance of a lifetime. It was a chance for him to make her see that they were meant to be together. It was a new slate, for both of them. So yes, he would draw her tonight. He would take another chance on her.
"Going to school, but-" she began but suddenly her attention went somewhere behind her.
She snapped her head around to see a couple around twenty yards away, setting down a picnic blanket.
"What the..." she gasped as she heard their conversation.
Caroline got up quickly and looked over at them, not understanding how this was happening.
"Caroline," said Klaus as he too got up and stood behind her. "What-"
"I can hear their conversation!" she exclaimed worriedly as she pointed at the people who were no where near in hearing range and then looked up at Klaus.
Klaus closed his eyes. Of course, he had forgotten that she had no memory of her vampirism either. They were going to have to talk about that since it would be an issue they couldn't avoid.
And then suddenly, all sorts of things began to happen. Her hunger was unbelievable and was making her feel erratic. The noises around her were amplified, from the wind to the people yards away. They had been when she first woke up but she figured that was a side effect of the drugs she must have been given, but now? She wasn't so sure.
She looked around her, looking at everything and put a hand to her forehead as she squeezed her eyes shut.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" she gasped when suddenly she felt strong hands on her shoulders. She opened her eyes to see Klaus' cool ones stare down at her intensely.
"Shh, its okay, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, you're perfect, love. I have some things to explain to you, so I think we should go. You need to...eat," he said cautiously, deciding not to explain the details right now.
Caroline nodded finally and gave him a small smile. He was never going to get used to that.
Klaus and Caroline walked into the mansion. "You live here?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
Klaus nodded. "Lets go into the living room and then I'll bring you some food after I explain," he said, well it was blood he would be bringing but it was more or less food to vampires.
Caroline sat down hesitantly on the leather couch, feeling like she would somehow tarnish it since it looked like it had hardly been used.
"Now. I'm going to get this into the open right now, you're a vampire, Caroline," he said seriously as he stood in front of her.
Caroline narrowed her eyes. "Are you crazy?!" she exclaimed, her eyes looking at him incredulously.
Klaus stared her down.
"You're serious...okay, I think I'm just going to...go now," she said awkwardly as she got up from the couch and ran for the door.
Klaus rolled his eyes before he ran and stood in front of her using his vampire speed. Caroline gasped in surprise.
"H-how did you-"
"Because I'm one too, well, I'm a slightly different case but you are one, I'm not lying. Do you feel hungry, love?" he asked, his eyes penetrating her intensely.
Caroline couldn't ignore the fact that he knew what she was feeling right at that moment. God was she ever!
Suddenly Caroline heard voices from a room across the foyer and then heard a door open causing her to look behind Klaus. He turned as well to see one of his hybrids waltz in with a human by his side.
He didn't know how many times he had told them not to bring people they knew around to his house, it wasn't a hostel! They were there to do his bidding; to work! But this one obviously thought Klaus wasn't there.
Big mistake, thought Klaus with a smirk as he watched Caroline's face begin to change. The human was about to die and Klaus didn't care. For one, it taught his hybrid to do as he was told, not that he had actually ordered him not to, but that was besides the point and secondly, it would show Caroline that he was telling the truth.
Caroline didn't know what was happening to her, she felt something weird with her eyes and slowly walked around Klaus to look at the people who arrived. She was drawn to the girl who just entered the room.
"K-Klaus?" asked the man frantically whom stood next to the woman who was just smiling, not knowing whose house to whom it belonged. They had been holding hands, so she wasn't a simple meal to his hybrid.
Klaus smiled. "Jason."
"I-It isn't what it looks like-"
"Oh, I'm sure its not, mate," smirked Klaus, but Caroline wasn't listening to anything they were saying.
Suddenly she found herself in front of the woman who gasped at the close proximity. Caroline simply stared at the girl and then her neck suddenly looked really enticing.
"W-who are you? What are you doing?" asked the woman hesitantly. The hybrid next to her was too shocked to tell Caroline to back off, when suddenly Caroline grabbed the girl by the head and dug her vampire teeth into her jugular.
The hybrid went to pull her off, but Klaus was already in front of him shaking his head. "No, Jason. You broke the rules. You will not stop her."
Caroline felt euphoric as she drained the girl of her blood. It tasted amazing and warm and it made her feel all tingly inside. She couldn't stop doing it, she wouldn't. It made her feel alive!
She could also hear the woman's heart beat began to slow, but her want for blood overpowered her care about how slow the woman's heart was beating, or the fact that it had just stopped.
Caroline pulled away from the woman and let the body fall to the floor unceremoniously. And then she registered what she had just done. Her eyes widened as she looked down at the woman, lifeless on the floor, then to the hybrid who was crying on the ground in front of Klaus and then finally to Klaus whom was just smiling at her.
He could see Caroline was enjoying herself, so he didn't stop her when he heard the woman's heart beat stop. She was dead. Caroline had just killed her. He watched as she let the body fall to the ground and he couldn't help but think that Caroline looked so beautiful with blood dripping down her chin and her face glowing from vitality which the blood provided her.
Her eyes began to regain their usual emerald colour from the previous red colour, which happened when vampires fed and he noticed her dilemma.
"I-just...I am a vampire!" she exclaimed as tears began to run down her face. "I just...I killed someone!"
Klaus, sad that the moment had ended, walked over to her and placed his hands around the sides of her face, allowing her to rest her head on his chest.
"Shh, sweetheart, its normal. I tried to tell you," soothed Klaus softly, resting his chin on top of her head while his face had a look of satisfaction as he wrapped his arms around the small of her back. He had waited for so long to hold her like this, and for Caroline to let him.
It was as if Caroline had just been turned, since she had no memory of being a vampire or of Stefan, the person who had helped her transition from the beginning. Now, if he had been her teacher, well, things could have gone down very differently.
But he could see she was having a hard time taking a life. If he began to let her believe his ideals about being a vampire, he feared she would not be the same.
"I know," sobbed Caroline as she cried from the guilt. "God! What have I done Klaus?"
Klaus pulled her away from him a bit so he could look down into her eyes. "Look, don't feel bad about that girl, it happens, love. Its a common occurrance in a vampire's life. There is no vampire in the world who can claim they haven't taken a life, Caroline, in fact, you have the very best track record I know."
Caroline's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" she asked, astonished, perhaps there was hope for her. Maybe she wasn't a monster, but deep down she knew she was.
Klaus nodded with a small reassuring smile.
"So...I'm a vampire. And, you are too?" she said, already knowing the answer.
He nodded. "Now, how about you go clean up, there's a bathroom upstairs. I'll clean this up," said Klaus as he let go of her.
She smiled a broken smile and walked past him but as she looked down at the devastated hybrid whom still seemed to be upset from losing his 'friend', she couldn't help but feel even more guilty.
"I'm...I'm so sorry," she whispered as she ran up the stairs with vampire speed, trying to get away from her guilt.
Jason didn't even respond and stood up slowly to see Klaus glaring at him.
"You made her feel even more guilty. Don't speak of this again, and don't speak to her," he said, causing Jason to nod. "And clean this up, will you? That's a good boy."
Jason nodded obediently and disappeared to get some tarp to wrap the body up in.
Klaus sighed. Now that she knew she was a vampire, perhaps she would start remembering things. He had a feeling the reason she lost her memory wasn't from an accident. She must of learnt something important and he was going to find out what it was.
"I found it!" yelled Jeremy, as he picked up a small dart.
He looked at it with his flashlight and realised there was still half of the substance left inside it. Suddenly Damon was standing in front of him, holding out his empty hand, and Jeremy placed the dart in it.
Damon frowned.
"Only half of it went into her system," he said quietly as Stefan caught up to them.
"Thats the thing that caused her to lose her memory then," said Stefan.
"I guess so, she must have pulled it out before the whole lot of it went into her blood stream," said Jeremy. "Maybe that's why she can remember Klaus?"
Matt finally caught up and stood next to Jeremy.
"Nice of you to join us," said Damon sarcastically.
Matt ignored the comment, after all, he still felt guilty and clearly, Damon still had 'issues' with him.
"Well lets get it back to Bonnie, hopefully she can work out what's inside this thing," said Stefan.
They arrived back at the boarding house and Elena straight away attacked them with questions.
"Look, this is all we found, but at a guess, this is what Caroline got hit with," said Stefan as he looked at Elena.
She seemed to nod. "At least its a start," she said optimistically, which was so unlike her these days.
Bonnie took the dart from Damon and went to her books which were all laying across the dining table in the middle of the lounge room. "I'll need some time. In the mean time, has anyone checked in with Klaus to see how she's doing? Oh, and has anyone contacted Tyler to tell him the bad news?"
Elena looked to her and shook her head. "But I think Stefan should call him and I'll call Tyler," she said, looking pointedly at said person who began to pull his phone out.
Half an hour later, Jeremy and Matt had gone home seeing how they couldn't really do much right now, but Elena stayed. Elena had called Tyler, telling him the news which he was not happy about, and who would be? He said he was going to come over when he had the chance, hopefully without being spotted since the Council still believed him to be dead.
Suddenly Bonnie found something.
"Oh my god," she said quietly as her eyes followed the words on the page she was reading.
Elena sat up, rubbing her eyes. "W-what is it Bon?"
Bonnie didn't answer straight away as she re-read the page, just in case she was reading it wrong.
"This is a potion or some sort of very old memory recipe," said Bonnie whom was still looking down at the page. "It says that it can cause memory loss of specific things, but can have no effect on any other memories if you so wish. You just have to specify when doing the incantation and you have to put a sample of the thing you wish them to lose memory of. This could be it, but I'm not certain."
Elena's eyes widened. "Well it makes sense. Why did she remember Klaus though? What if he had something to do with it?"
Bonnie shook her head. "As much as I would love to blame him, Elena, it doesn't make sense. Why would he want her to forget the particulars of that meeting? He wanted to know what happened as much as we did and he wants the same thing we do. The cure. What if Caroline found out the location? Because remember the plan was for her to escape with it. What if she tried to escape and so they shot her with this dart so she wouldn't remember what was said?"
Elena nodded in agreement as she sat up. "That makes sense," she said quietly. "But what exactly did they make her forget?"
Damon raced down the stairs as he heard that Bonnie and Elena were having a conversation. Stefan soon followed.
"That's the question, isn't it?" said Damon snidely. He shook his head angrily. "That's why you only send Blondie in as a distraction, not to do the hard stuff where you have to use your brain."
"Damon!" exclaimed Elena in an annoyed tone.
"What? Just sayin'," he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
Suddenly a knock was heard on the front door. Everybody gave each other a look, trying to work out who it might be. It seemed no one knew so Stefan went to answer the door.
"Klaus. What an unpleasant surprise," said Stefan as he let Klaus walk past him and shut the door behind him.
Klaus strode down the hall until he got to the living room to see Elena on the couch next to Bonnie whom was looking at the grimoires and some other books and then to Damon who didn't look pleased to see him.
"How is Caroline?" asked Stefan from behind him.
"Good," said Klaus. "What happened to her? Have you found anything out?"
"Now hang on just a minute, Klaus. How about you tell us if she's remembered anything first," said Damon, walking toward the hybrid with a glare.
Klaus smirked. "She remembers me, and suffice to say, I'd say that's the important thing. Everything and everyone else is insignificant, wouldn't you say?" he said.
"Quit dicking around, did you see her? What did she say?" said Stefan, his eyes searching Klaus for a lie.
Klaus looked at all of them. They were watching him intently. It was funny how much they were now relying on him to fix Caroline. Well, personally, he believed she didn't need fixing, apart from a few memories lost.
"Of course I saw her. We spent the day together-"
"What?!" yelled Bonnie and Elena in unison.
"When we said 'go see her', we didn't mean spending the whole day together on some kind of sick date that you fantasize about every day," spat Damon angrily. "Man, if you weren't invincible, I'd so stake you right now."
Klaus laughed. "All this hostility. Perhaps I won't help her remember any of you, it wouldn't be worth her time anyway. As long as she remembers the particulars of that meeting, that's all I care about."
Elena's eyes widened. "I hope you're not trying to poison her mind to turn her against us, Klaus," said Elena whom was having a mental panic. This whole situation was so horrible and they were relying on Klaus to be noble about this?
"Well then what does she remember?" asked Stefan, trying to calm down the situation before everyone just started attacking him.
"Well, mate, she remembers me saving her and that's about all at the moment. Her childhood seems to still be in tact and of course she remembers her mother. What concerned me is that she forgot she was a vampire. She drained a girl and killed her today," said Klaus with a shrug and said the last comment as an after thought.
"She what?!" exclaimed Bonnie in horror.
Stefan gave Damon a look which they both shared, which said 'WTF'.
"So now she knows she's a vampire at least," finished Klaus. "Now, you were going to explain to me what you have found out about the situation?"
"Hang on," interrupted Elena as she realised something Klaus had said. "You said she remembered her childhood, then why does she not remember us?" Elena pointed to Bonnie and then back at herself.
Klaus simply stared at her with a raised eyebrow. "She doesn't remember you, however, she does remember the human."
"Matt?" asked Damon incredulously. "Why bother with remembering unimportant people like you and Matt?"
Klaus turned his head to look at Damon. "Well, it seems that Caroline doesn't think so," smirked Klaus. "She thinks we're involved and I've no idea why she remembers the human."
Elena clenched her fists in rage. "How dare you?! I hope you told her that's not the case Klaus!"
Klaus simply smirked. "Now why would I do that?"
"Klaus," began Stefan warningly. "Don't take advantage of her, when she remembers, and I guarantee she will, she won't forgive you."
The Original Hybrid simply smiled. "We'll see about that, won't we? By then, she'll be in love with me, she won't be able to deny me any longer."
Bonnie looked to Elena worriedly.
"That's it! You're not to see her again, this was a bad idea from the beginning-" began Elena.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, remind me again how you'll stop me?" said Klaus menacingly as he glared at her.
Elena huffed and then looked to Stefan and then Damon for support.
"I should rip you apart! You're using this to your advantage! Lets not forget the whole reason for this temporary alliance," said Damon angrily as he stepped closer toward Klaus.
But Klaus wasn't perturbed in the slightest. "Still pretending that you have a chance against me?"
Damon was about to retort when he felt an arm against his chest. He looked to Stefan who gave him a look to calm him down.
"Klaus, what are you intending to do?" asked Stefan calmly, despite wishing they could dagger him with a white oak stake right now. Well, they still had it from when Alaric was trying to kill the vampire race, so there was always that.
Klaus smirked knowingly and looked to his old ripper friend.
"I have a plan. When I feel the need for any of you to know, well, then you will know it."
"So are you trying to turn her into a killer like you? Is that why she killed someone?" piped up Bonnie, still unable to get past that part of the story.
Klaus turned to her but shook his head once. "Do you really think I would do that? Even though she doesn't remember you, Stefan, and therefore doesn't remember what you have taught her, she still was guilt ridden from the experience. I'll teach her how to control it."
They all inwardly felt relieved slightly that she hadn't gone off the deep end, though it was likely to happen with Klaus around her.
"Okay then, so where is she? At home? We thought Tyler should see her to see if she remembers him," said Elena evenly with her arms crossed over her chest.
Suddenly Klaus narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't think so, Elena. She won't. And she's resting at the moment; I won't rouse her just to see that worthless excuse of a hybrid," said Klaus resentfully.
"God! Just because she remembers you, doesn't mean you get to decide who she sees and who she doesn't see, Klaus," spat Bonnie. "She's our friend! You have no right!"
"Oh I don't? She trusts me, she doesn't trust any of you. She stands by my word. If I told her Elena was the one who tried to kill her, how do you think she would react?" asked Klaus, manipulatively.
Elena gasped. "You wouldn't!"
"You don't get it, none of you do. You are now dependant on me. We play by my rules now. And if any of you try to take her away from me, I'll make you suffer horribly. That's a promise," said Klaus as he glared at each of them consecutively.
Damon remained tight lipped for the moment, Stefan looked to the floor in defeat, Bonnie grabbed Elena's hand, squeezed it and looked at her. They could say nothing else, what could they say anyway? Klaus had the upper hand now and they literally had to bow down to him.
"Now, tell me what you have found out."
A/N: I know I'm an idiot, but I'm posting a new story! Again! Not sure if this has been done before (not that I have seen), well aspects of it have since Caroline loses her memory but its not from decades ago. She is losing her memory in the current story line. So, I guess I'll see how this turns out. Please read and review and tell me your thoughts. :) Thanks, enjoy.