Learning When to Give

Summary: (AU) Cold hearted divorce lawyer Orihara Izaya has given up on the idea of love due to the many broken relationships he has seen over the years, including his own parents'. But when good natured bad boy with a temper, Heiwajima Shizuo, shows up and begins to take an interest in the raven, Izaya's left to contend with the feelings he fears most.

Rating: M for cursing, sexual themes, and possible violence

Pairings: Shizuo/Izaya

Hello everyone! This is a story that's been up on FF . Net for a while, but I have finally gotten back to writing it. And I just wanted to let everyone know that I have changed the story a little bit from its original post, so if you read this beforehand, you might want to reread the first couple chapters to know what I have changed.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara or any of its characters.

Prologue- I Hate Weddings

Orihara Izaya absolutely hated weddings. The bright colors, the laughter that filled the air, the happiness that suffocated the atmosphere, and the overly bubbly attitudes of everyone involved. It sickened him. The only upside of weddings was the prospect of business for him if the marriage ever came to an end. Because without marriage there was no divorce, and without divorce, well then, he was out of a job.

Despite his young age of twenty-seven—though he always insisted he was forever twenty-one—Izaya had built up quite a reputation for himself as the best divorce lawyer in all of Tokyo, and possibly all of Japan. He was ruthless in court and an opponent that no other lawyer ever liked going against, although because of his popularity he was hard to avoid. Because of his good looks with his ever neat raven hair and enchanting crimson eyes, he was quite popular among the ladies. He did get a few husbands as clients as well, but he loved taking on the cases of women, mostly because he immensely enjoyed seeing the looks of disappointment on their faces when he wouldn't respond to their flirtations. He always claimed it was against ethics to get intimate with a client, which was basically just his bullshit cover for the fact that he was not interested in women in the least. But no one had to know that little tidbit about him, did they?

"Izaya!" a cheerful, laughing voice called out to him all of sudden. Izaya withheld the urge to cringe and instead plastered a polite smile on his face as one of his few longtime friends came up to him. He was really hoping to sneak away since the ceremony was over, but now that Shinra had seen him that was impossible. Not that Izaya disliked Shinra enough to not want to be near him. In fact it was exactly the opposite. Shinra was one of the few people Izaya genuinely liked and trusted. Izaya just didn't want to stay much longer in this kind of atmosphere. But he bore with it as Shinra hugged him, him returning it a bit awkwardly. "I'm so glad you made it!"

"Of course I would come," Izaya chuckled as they separated from their hug, Izaya stepping back a little to take a good look at his friend, Kishitani Shinra. It was bit odd to see him in something else besides the lab coat he was always wearing because the man practically lived and breathed his job as a surgeon, but the fancy tuxedo he wore suited him as well. Before he forgot, Izaya added, "Congratulations on your marriage by the way."

"Ah, thank you," Shinra beamed like a happy man in love, which he was. He had harbored his feelings towards his now wife for years. Izaya could practically see the happy, shining sparkles in Shinra's dark eyes. It was almost sickening.

"Speaking of which, where's that lovely wife of yours?" Izaya wondered as he noticed Celty's absence. He had known Celty Sturluson—now Kishitani—almost as long as he had known Shinra. Shinra's father had just come home with her one day, saying that her parents had died in an accident in which she also lost her voice, and that he would become her caretaker. Since ever then, Izaya, Shinra, and Celty had become quite close friends.

"Oh, she was greeting a friend of hers last I saw," Shinra told him as he began to look around the crowd. "Ah, there she is! Celty, dear~! Look who came!"

Izaya sighed tiredly but smiled nonetheless as he followed Shinra to where Celty stood in her beautiful white gown decorated with crystals and lace. She looked great, her auburn hair pinned up stylishly and her forest green eyes also twinkling with happiness. She smiled at Izaya when she noticed him, giving him a small wave. Izaya began to wave back before his attention was caught by the man standing next to Celty.

He was tall—Izaya estimated probably around 6'1—and a bit muscular but not overly so, more lean than anything else. His messy blonde hair stuck out among the dark haired Japanese people surrounding him, and his suit seemed like it was more suited for a host club than a wedding, his bright pink and black stripe shirt unbuttoned a couple buttons at the top as it contrasted against his completely white suit. But his facial features weren't that bad Izaya noted as he caught the man's eyes which were a warm, coffee color. Suddenly Izaya noticed that the man was looking back at him with an arched eyebrow, a small, inquisitive smile on his face. It was a look that Izaya knew well.

Playing along, Izaya flashed the unknown blonde his signature smile that made men weak in the knees. It was coy with just the right hint of shyness and playfulness. Something that let men wonder about his character and intentions.

[I'm happy to see you made it, Izaya.] Celty typed out on the PDA she always had on her when he and Shinra finally came up beside them. The PDA was her way of communicating since she couldn't actually speak.

"Anything for you, Celty-chan~" Izaya winked at her as he smiled. "Congratulations on your marriage."

[Thank you.] Celty blushed shyly.

"So who's your friend here?" Izaya asked as his eyes trailed back to the tall blonde who was curiously looking at the wedding cake that was being passed out.

Celty opened her mouth in a gasping motion as if she just remembered the guy was there. She tugged on the man's sleeve and his head turned back in their direction. She typed something out and showed it the blonde, who afterwards turned to Izaya and Shinra with a greeting smile.

"Hey, I'm Heiwajima Shizuo," he introduced himself, holding his hand out towards Shinra first.

"Ah, yes, we've meet once before," Shinra perked up in recognition as he shook Shizuo's hand. Shinra then motioned to Izaya, introducing him, "This is my friend, Orihara Izaya."

Their eyes met, brown staring into crimson as they gauged each other. "Pleasure to meet you," Izaya said as he held his hand out.

"Same here," Shizuo replied as he shook Izaya's hand. His grip wasn't too tight or too loose, and his hand stayed clasped to Izaya's longer than necessary. Their eyes wouldn't leave each other as they seemed to be silently communicating. Izaya was pretty sure then that this guy was just like him.

That thought was only confirmed when Celty and Shinra left them to go greet other people and the two of them stood to the side, watching others with disinterest as they seemed to inch closer to each other.

"Wanna get out of here?" Shizuo finally whispered lowly in Izaya's ear, smiling invitingly at the raven. His breath was warm against the nape of Izaya's neck, and the raven could feel his body already shivering in anticipation.

"And where exactly would we go, Mr. Heiwajima?" Izaya asked, although he already had a pretty good idea of where.

"Just Shizuo is fine," Shizuo told him, casually letting his hand rest on Izaya's shoulder before trailing his fingers down the raven's arm sensuously and slowly. He continued, "I was thinking someplace close by. I heard that the views in the rooms from this hotel are great no matter what floor you're on." He finished his sentence with a sly grin, further emphasizing the double meaning behind his words.

Izaya returned his smile, placing his hand on Shizuo's arm to show he was interested, "Really now? Why don't you show me?"

"Mhm, hah, you're right," Izaya murmured between gasps as he pressed his hands against Shizuo's stomach, a wicked smile on his face as sweat glistened on his pale torso. "The view's beautiful from here."

"Yeah," Shizuo mused as he smiled, his hands on Izaya's hips as his eyes traveled down the raven's body. "It is a pretty nice view."

"I was talking about the view from the window, pervert," Izaya teased playfully, although he hadn't actually even noticed the view from the window. It was probably a nice view, considering they had been able to secure a room on a high floor, but he was too busy enjoying the man he currently was on top of to really care that he could see the entire city from here.

"Oh, that's what you were talking about?" Shizuo responded in mock surprise. "And here I thought we were talking about this." Shizuo then suddenly thrust his hips up, causing Izaya to cry out in surprise before moaning in arousal, his own hips pushing down to meet Shizuo's so that that the blonde's manhood could drive deeper into him.

God, where had this man been all his life? It was like he was a fucking psychic, knowing every one of Izaya's most sensitive spots that had the raven wantonly moaning and craving more. All of the other men Izaya had slept with hardly measured up to this guy. This Heiwajima Shizuo would be a wonderful addition to his list of fuck buddies.

It's a good thing I decided to come to Shinra's wedding last minute, Izaya thought as he and Shizuo rocked their bodies together, reaching their peaks. Their groans rang in each other's ears as they both climaxed, their hot skin pressed together. It took Izaya a moment to clear his head of the lustful euphoria before he finally pulled apart from Shizuo, slowly regaining his breath. When he felt like his legs were no longer disconnected from his torso, he got up from the bed and walked around the hotel room, picking his clothes back up.

"You seem to be a rush," his companion spoke from the bed, Shizuo sitting up to watch Izaya swiftly get dressed again. "You got some important meeting or whatever?"

"Well, I'm a very busy person, Shizu-chan," Izaya stated simply as he finished buttoning up his shirt and pulled on his suit jacket, "and as much as I would enjoy just spending my night with you in bed, I've got places to go, people to see, and things to do."


"Look," Izaya sighed as he walked up to a mirror, lifting his head up slightly as he retied his tie, "tonight was nice. Our bodies are definitely compatible with each other so why don't we exchange numbers that way we can call each other up whenever we feel lonely?"

Finishing with tightening his tie, Izaya spun around and gave Shizuo a friendly smile, "What do you say, Shizu-chan?"

"Excuse me?" Izaya was a bit surprised to hear the sudden angry tone in the blonde's voice. The scary look on his face was also something Izaya hadn't been expecting. "You're expecting me to be some kind of booty call?"

"Well what were you expecting then?" Izaya questioned, his smile quickly disappearing.

"Oh I don't know," Shizuo snorted sarcastically, "Maybe actually getting to know each other instead of just fucking each other's brains out. I'm not the kind of guy who bangs and runs."

Oh god, he was one of those people, Izaya realized with horror as he felt his body stiffen. He usually never ever made a mistake like this, but he was so sure that Shizuo was just like him! Boy had he thought wrong.

There was one cardinal rule that Orihara Izaya followed almost religiously throughout his life: never get seriously involved with anyone.

Because if he did have a serious relationship with someone, then that person would have expectations of Izaya, expectations that Izaya would never meet. He wouldn't—no, he couldn't—commit himself to one person. It just wasn't a part of him. Izaya had given up on the idea of ever having a serious relationship long ago. Because he knew there was no such thing as love.

There was just lust. And Izaya was perfectly content on just having relationships based on that.

"I apologize, Shizu-chan," Izaya said, his voice cold and his scarlet eyes narrowed in distrust. "But it seems I have made a mistake. Well then, this will be the last time we ever see each other then."

"Hey, now just a minute—!" Shizuo started as he got up from the bed.

"Let me tell you this," Izaya interrupted him abruptly, "I don't do relationships. I just like having sex. So if you're looking to have something more, you're barking up the wrong tree. Now forget what I said earlier, and have a good night, Shizu-chan."

And with that said, Izaya turned sharply on his heel and walked out of the room, leaving a confused and slightly pissed off Shizuo standing there alone.

That's the last time I ever pick up a guy at a wedding, Izaya thought angrily as he waited for the valet to bring up his car to the front. Why the hell would a guy who dresses like a pimp not want a fuck buddy like me? Izaya's eyebrows knitted in confusion before he shook his head and sighed in resignation. Whatever, it's his loss.

Finally his car was pulled up to the front, and Izaya handed a tip to the driver as he took his keys and climbed into his car. He drove out from the hotel and started to head home, his thoughts still lingering on what happened earlier.

It's too bad he turned out to be like that, Izaya thought regretfully. We really did have great chemistry.

In fact, Izaya could still feel parts of his body still tingling with aftershocks of pleasure. He'd probably never find someone he was that compatible with for a long while.

Well, it was a good thing he learned now what kind of person Shizuo actually turned out to be. Because it would have definitely been bad if they had continued their relationship and Shizuo had started to expect more out of him later.

Why am I still thinking about that guy? Izaya wondered with a frown. He was an asshole anyway, nothing but a stupid protozoan.

But the time he spent with the so-called protozoan filled his head still throughout the entire ride home.

Damn, Izaya inwardly cursed as he tried to banish all the thoughts of a naked Shizuo from his head, his body almost stirring up with desire again. I really do hate weddings.

Thanks to reading and reviewing!
