(But if I did; oh the things I'd add to this anime) *smirks evilly*

Can reality really be this cruel?

Letting me find a home, family, friends and the love of my life just to yank it all away and bring my nightmare back?

All I felt at that exact moment was a single tear run down the side of my cheek…

…But I heard …The crunching of metal?

I shoot my eyes open and turn towards the noise.

"Eat Gajeel! Eat!" Yelled Levy

"W-What are you doing!?" He yelled, still on top of me.

"I'm an iron dragon slayer" said Gajeel through chews. He gulps "Which means-" Gajeel yanks one of his hands free from the gripping chain "I can eat" And he chews right through the other. Setting himself free.

"Gajeel!" Yelled Natsu.

"Way ahead of you, flame boy" I watch as Gajeel sets Natsu free.

He watches as well. In complete shock and disbelief.

As Natsu lands back on his feet he brings up his head, his face boiling in anger.

Soon enough Gajeel has set everyone free. He's happy enough to know that he saved his mate. I can feel it.

Once Gajeel had set Levy to the side, insuring her safety he turns back to us.

I can't believe that this guy is still on me. In the situation that he's in right now, I'm actually glad I'm me.

"Get off of my mate." Natsu said coldly as he walked towards us.

"Or what?" He smiled "You don't have any-"

Natsu quickly picks him up hard by his throat.

"Magic" He squeezed out.

"I've got my fists" Natsu added darkly.

With a hard throw, he's on the other side of this terrible room.

"Luce, are you okay?" Natsu asked suddenly changing personalities.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" I answer. As Natsu helps me off the disgusting matress.

"What should we do about him?" Asked Gray as he pointed.

Natsu stood up "Exactly what we always do to people who hurt our friends" Natsu said as he cracked his knuckles.


Levy runs up to me and takes me in a warm embrace.

I hold her tight just as the tears find their way down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Levy" I squeeze her lightly "I left you alone.."

Levy separates from me , looks me in the eyes and smiles. "You came back for me. That's the only thing that matters" I watch as a tear slowly rolls down her smiling face.

I hug her again, just because I can. God knows when I'll lose her..Or when she'll lose me.

When our little 'sisterly-love fest' was over we turned back towards the scene going on in front of us. Ready to see the fate of that demon.

Natsu, Erza, Gajeel and Gray all walk up to the trembling tyrant.

"W-what are you gunna do to me?" He shakes.

Natsu picks him up by his collar "You're going to feel the pain and agony that you put our friends through. Times 10".

Is it weird if I told you that I heard him gulp?

~About a half hour later of beating, torturing and humiliating~ (Sorry, didn't want to describe the gory and horrific details of this man's punishment)

We finally left the mountain. And may I mention that outside of the mountain, magic works. So with the help of Levy's magic, Erza's, Gray's, Natsu's and Gajeel's we destroyed that hellhole so no girl could ever be tormented there again! When you look at it now, you can't even tell if there was a mountain there. Just a bunch of rocks.

We all walk away from the scene and move on.

Natsu throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses my cheek.

I take a peek at Levy and Gajeel to see that she's riding on his back while nuzzling his neck.

I turn back to my mate and rest my head on his shoulder while we walk back towards the guild.

As we take our path, my heart thumps as I see that the guild is already in view. Soon enough we're reunited with everyone! With our friends! Our family! Our home that makes Fairytail.

Levy, Erza and I all take a seat at the bar as we explain to Mira what happened.

"Thank goodness you girls are safe!" Mira says relieved.

"Please Mira, that man wasn't of any threat" Said Erza.

"He might not have been any kind of threat, but he sure was evil" Said Levy.

"He sure was. But I'm glad it's all over" I say.

"Why don't you three get some rest, you've been through a lot after all" Advised Mira.

I yawn "I am kinda tired. I think I'll take you up on that" I stand from the bar and hug Levy, Erza and Mira good-bye. "I'll see you girls tomorrow".

I walk out of the guild and towards my apartment.

As I finally reach my door, I go upstairs and the first thing I do is strip and get ready for a nice hot shower.

*Not wanting to go into details about my boring 1 hour shower, let's time skip shall we!*

The day passed by rather quickly. Once I came out of the shower, the sun had already set and the night began to take its course in the day.

I change into a large shirt and throw myself onto my bed.

I stare at my ceiling and think about all that happened today.

"It's finally over" I say.

"Yeah, finally"

I shoot up and find Natsu coming through my window.

"Do you have a grudge against doors or something?" I say annoyed.

"Nah, it's just less work climbing up all those stairs" He says as he hops onto my bed.

"It's 8 steps!" I regain my cool and speak to him "What are you doing here so late anyways?"

Natsu crosses his arms behind his head and lies down next to me "What do you mean what am I doing here? This is my mate's apartment, you're my mate. If you ask me I can come whenever I want"

I cross my arms over my vast chest. "Either way, it's late and you have a house of your own. Go sleep there"

Wow, I sound like a major bitch right now…I feel kinda bad.

"Nah, I think I'll stay. Your bed is calling my name"

I take it back.


I lie down next to him as well.

After moments of weird silence, I break it.

"Hey, Natsu"


"What happens now?" I ask

He turns to me "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I just removed the ugly thing that has been holding me back for years...What do I do now?"

Natsu gives a half smile "You live your free life, Luce. This is the time you start to learn from what's gunna come ahead and where you become stronger and less afraid of what you used to be"

My jaw falls.

"Natsu. That is the smartest thing that has escaped your lips since the day I met you"

"Harsh! I'm smart…When I need to be- That's not the point! The point is that, just live! Be happy. And now you have me. I'll be there to protect you whenever you need me"

Natsu comes in and plants a light kiss on my lips "And I'll be there to love and support you every step of the way"

I smile brightly, bring my hands up to his cheeks and bring him in for the most passionate kiss of his life!

This is it. My new life. I'm happy


And finally have my happy ending.

Maybe that's why I thought the name of the guild is so weird..Fairytail

Thanks mom, now I know that fairyTAIL'S do exist.

I even found my savior.

My salmon haired savior.

THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Last and final chappy! Thank you guys so much for sticking through to the end! Even though my updates were seriously late lol. It was so fun writing this and reading all the reviews! I see that you guys enjoy my chapter stories and trust me there's more to come! YOU GUYS ARE ALL OOZING WITH AWESHUMNESS!

Hope that was enjoyable! :D!

Review, if you please