Arya woke up, suddenly, in the middle of the night. She couldn't remember when she fell asleep after trying for hours. The occupants of the adjacent room had been quite noisy. But it was not only that, it was a brothel after all and Arya had been accustomed to hear all kinds of sounds of that kind. No, it was the continued thought that the girl was Bella and the companion was Gendry. That was what stopped her from sleeping.

That stupid bull can do whatever he wants, why I have to care? She had said while wandering around the bed with the pillow over her ears. But she cared. It's felt as if he were betraying her, again.

She got out of bed, still sleepy and somewhat cold. A few years ago that winter had finally arrived and each time it was colder. But they still insisted that the winter will be long and it will get worse, if that's possible.

I am a northerner, a Stark, the cold is not a problem for me, she said mentally as she dressed.

She finished adjusting the belt and began to sheathe her dagger. She decided not to take any cloak or coat, so she would be free to move. The plan was simple, Arya would surprise Gendry while sleeping as she put a dagger on his neck. He could not do anything, just yield, she thought as she left the room with a full of confidence smile. She could not wait to collect her victory.

Everything was silent except the occasional snores of Lem. In those moments she thanked having a room to herself.

She descended the stairs carefully to avoid making the slightest noise. Something easy if it were not for the wooden planks that creaked every time she stepped on them. She glanced at the common room to make sure no one had stayed, It would not be the first time. Clear. Now I have to get to the forge as fast as possible.

The route was short and not so hard as she thought. At least it was not snowing nor it was too windy, she thought as she came into the forge. Arya found it warm, even though the fire had almost extinguished, barely illuminated by the moonlight and the only sound was the peaceful breathing of Gendry.

Arya moved in carefully, avoiding touching any of the tools and of course avoid make noise. Not making noise was the most important part. Gendry was a light sleeper and woke up at the slightest noise.

She managed to reach to the rough bed where Gendry slept . He was on his back with the arms above his head and uncovered. All the furs were scattered between the foot of the bed and the floor.

He seemed so relaxed. Arya thought, amazed at the sight before her.

She drew the dagger, took a deep breath and jumped over Gendry. He awoke with a start, to find Arya, straddling him, and with a dagger on his neck.

"What are you doing?" He asked alarmed. Gendry seemed more surprised than angry.

"Winning," Arya said with a grin.

Gendry started laughing. "You find it funny?"

Arya was puzzled. "I won! Why are you laughing?"

"You think you've won?"

Arya opened her eyes wide "I just did! You have a dagger on your neck. You have no choice, except, yield," Arya tried to say in a firm voice but he was starting to make her doubt.

"I think you forgot something," Arya hesitated. Gendry was acting again in that 'way'. Full of confidence, like he knew something that she didn't. He enjoyed teasing her.

"What is ..." Arya could not finish the question, because, in a quick and smooth move, she went from being 'on' Gendry to be 'under' him.

Arya was astonished about how fast he can be and delicate at the same time. How could he do that? In a bed this small?

Before she could react, Gendry caught her by the wrists to the bed, holding them above her head. Arya lost her grip over the dagger that it fell to the ground. "Are you still thinking you won?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face.

Arya tried to free her arms, but it was impossible. How had it ended this way? She had tried to avoid a physical confrontation and she was in it anyway.

"Only if you admit that you have lost," Gendry said in a tone of false innocence.

Arya stopped moving "What?" She could not believe her ears.

"Admit that I won again and I will let you go."

"No," Arya said defiantly. She would not give up even if it had no chance against him. She squirmed trying to free her legs and hit him in the head. Gendry, sensing what she intended to do, grabbed her wrists with one hand and use his free hand to hold her hips against the bed. Now she was completely immobilized.

Now there is no other choice than yield. But Arya did not want to admit that Gendry had won her again. No, sooner or later he will have to release me, no?

Gendry bowed over her, his face too close to hers "No?" His voice teased.
"So ..." He cocked his head to whisper in her ear, "... we'll stay like this all night?"

A shiver went to Arya. She was starting to panic, she had not expected this. Gendry was over her, too close, staring so deeply into her eyes. Arya froze in place, not knowing what to do or say.

Was it a jest? Arya wanted to run away. The whole plan had failed and she had no idea of how she ended in this situation.

Before she said anything, the hand that Gendry had on her hip slowly slithered over her thigh. Panic began to invade her. Arya gave a quick look and went back to look into his eyes. "Okay, you win, you win!" She was almost screaming.

Gendry looked at his hand and pulled her away immediately, as if he had not even realized that he had put her there. When he looked her, the smile was gone."Sorry," Said Gendry pulling away from its embrace and sitting up in bed. "I shouldn't have done that," Arya could not see his face, but by his tone she knew that he was embarrassed.

She took a moment to react and also incorporated in the bed. She was still confused. Gendry had never behaved like this. They had been so close countless times, had even slept together but the feeling was different. This time was different and Arya could not say when he had changed everything.

Gendry seemed dejected "You should go Arya. You should not have come, it is not ladylike."

The confusion became anger in seconds "I'm no lady and you know it,"

He still did not look at her and she could not hold her tongue, "Is because I'm not pretty as Bella?"

He reached out to touch her but she pulled away, "Arya, I do not ..." He could not finish his apologies because Arya punched him in his shoulder, not so hard how he knows she could.

"Stupid," Gendry chuckled and that was the last straw, she left as fast as she could ,before she punch him again.

She was crossing the door when Gendry spoke. She could sense him, trying to control his laugh.

"You still owe me and this time I will not forget it,"Without look back and fuelled by rage, she left the forge and ran to her room. She didn't care anymore that someone can see her.

Left alone in the room, Arya did not bother to undress. She took off her boots hurriedly, dropped the belt to the floor and entered her bed again.

She wanted to fall asleep and forget about everything that happened in the forge. Arya just wanted to erase it all.

Why I had to say that? Seven the hells, what happened there? Arya rolled in the bed, her head a mess. Can't stop thinking in Gendry's hand on her thigh. So strong and warm. Arya rolled again to the other side. She would not sleep well that night.