I haven't updated in a while, I know, but I wanted to update because, well...I just wanted to :D

So, hey! :D

Hope you enjoy it, my little bears!

I like bears :)

Chapter Eleven:

"Hey, Abs."

Ignore his ass. Ignore. It. Bitch.

Wow, just offended myself. Wow.


Don't give in. Do. Not.

He was an asswipe. Ass. Wipe.

"Abby, please talk to me."

Shouldn't have been an asshole...asshole.

"I don't like it when you don't talk to me, so, please open that wondrousness mouth of yours and utter some utter bullshit that'll make me laugh and we can then watch Finding Nemo together."

A glare, that's all he receives. Me, a bullshitter? Please!

...Do I?

I wish Jeeves was here.

"Abby, come on, you can't not talk to me for a hundred years."

I can, and I will, asshat.

"Abby, I'll buy you your own plane."


"Abs, you know you want to!"

I twirl my hair around my finger and sigh, showing I'm bored. Because I am. That offer to buy me a plane was so empty...right?

"Abs, please."

"Damon, take a hint," The other asshat says. "'She doesn't want to talk to you."

"Well, she doesn't want to talk to you either," Damon sneers back, and both of them start a petty argument.


Damon gives a little cheer and so does my other asshat of a brother, and they both rush like puppies to beg. I'm only joking; I'm in the middle of them, backing them away from each other.

"I'm only talking to you both to tell you to leave me the hell alone," I growl out. "I'm annoyed with both of you. Bearing in mind, I'm more made at Damon, so, Stef, you're forgiven. Did you have a talk with Bonnie and Elena?"

"I did," He says. "When I left, I realised that it was true and I talked to them about it. They are all shopping as we speak."

"And them bitches didn't invite me?" I ask, shocked. I'd rather have gone shopping instead of this.

"Abs, what do I need to do to have you talk to me again?" Damon asks, grabbing my arms.

I shrug him off. "Stefan, please tell our other family member that first, he cannot touch me until I have forgiven him. Second, he shouldn't have shouted at me like that and until he tells me the reason why he was so glum, I will not talk to him, eat with him or even have snuggle time watching Fast and Furious. Good day."

I rush out, but still hear Damon's comment.

"I can hear you."

"Stefan, please tell our brother that I wasn't addressing him, but I was addressing you!"


"I heard, Stefan!"

I'm stood by the door at this point, and am waiting for them to both follow me. They do, and Damon looks like a kicked puppy.

"Stefan, ask our brother what was wrong with him that fateful day inwhich he yelled at me," I order.


Damon headslaps Stefan. "Again, I heard."

"Don't hit him," I say, rubbing Stefan's head.

"She said don't-"


"ABBY!" Stefan wails (almost, it's more of a exclaim, but I'm putting emphasis on it. God, this is Abby, for crying out loud).

"Oh, chill out, Princess," I snap, crossing my arms. "I was actually addressing our idiot of a brother that time."

"Oh, really?" Damon asks, rolling his eyes.

"Do you think that attitude will really get you back in my good books?"

"I'm sorry, Abs, I didn't mean to yell at you," Damon says after a moments silence.

"What's wrong, Damon?" I ask, hugging him. I mean, I only get touchy feely when Damon gets touchy feely. Which is rarely.

"It was Alaric's birthday," he says quietly. "I mean, he was my friend, and I never really had friends until him. I, just, I guess I miss him."

"It's okay to miss someone, Damon," I say lightly, after releasing him from my crushing hug. "I mean, it makes you human. If you can be human...you get my drift, okay? Just don't shut me out again."


We hug again, and Stefan joins in this time, and we stand for a while hugging before we break away. It's a couple moments of awkwardness before Damon coughs.

"Never happened, right?" He asks.

"Nope," I reply. "Beer?"

"Totally," they both say, and we wander out to get the car before going to the grill.

Jeremy's at the grill, when we finally arrive. Stefan decided he liked to drive, and although he vamp-speeds everywhere, he is a Grandma on the road. Like, going 20mph, and all. I mean, I swear a Grandma passed us. He really is a saint.

Damon slithers off to the other side of the bar where a chick is practically eye fucking him, and Stef and I head over to say hi to Jeremy and Matt, who are laughing and joking around behind the bar.

Matt, I'm fine with seeing. I'm pretty sure whatever we had going in gone, because him and Rebekah seem to be getting pretty cosy, but I'm not particularly sure. He's a good friend, though, and a good laugh, although he still seems a little awkward around Stefan and Damon.

Jeremy, however? Awkward as ever.

We even live together, and I haven't seen hair nor hide of that boy. Though I have been ignoring and avoiding him at all costs, but still! I get blushy and cute and socially awkward when he's around. And although I'm cute and socially awkward, I'm never blushy!

God, I've even gone high pitched in my head.

Stupid Elena and her stupid stupidness. Why did she have to interrupt us? Me and Gorge J could be doing some dirty, dirty things right now. But no, stupid Elena, she had to walk in.


"Hey, Stefan," Jeremy says, and then his eyes fall on me. "Uh, hi."

I breathe out a heavy breath and blush. "Uh...hi."

Stefan's eye roll is auidable, and I elbow him in the gut before mumbling out that I wanted a coke.

Jeremy gives me my coke and we both jump apart when our hands brush. Damn, he is so god-damn sexy. I just want to ruffle all that hair and-


Excuse my French, but fuck, fuck, fuck.

Klaus and Elijah. It's time.

And Damon, Stefan and Jeremy kinda don't know about it *sheepishly rubs the back of neck*. I was going to tell, I swear! Quit giving me judgy eyes, you judgey, judgey people. I just kind of never got round to telling of them that I was going hunting again with Klaus.


"Abigail," Elijah greets, and slides onto the barstool next to me.

"El-J," I nod to him. I put on my raybands and stand, leaving my coke where it is. "Klaus."

"Abby, love," Klaus replies. "My car's waiting outside. Let's run."

"Okay," I say, numb. "Bye, Stef, see you later." He nods and walks off to either find Damon or Elena. "Bye bye, Matt. We need to catch up sometime."

"We do," Matt answers, frowning at both originals. "I'll see you around, Abby."

He wonders off to grab some glasses that had been left on the bar.

"On with the witch hunt," Klaus says, slinging his arm around my leather covered shoulder. "I'm excited."

"WHAT?!" Fuck. Jeremy, not now. "You're going where?!"

I turn, shrugging Klaus off, and look up into those angry, beautiful brown eyes of his. "I'm going on a witch hunt. Surprise...?"

"Are you dumb, or just plain stupid, Abby?" Jeremy hisses. "Do you not remember last time you disappeared with him? You came back and almost died, that's what! You can't keep doing this."

"Why not?" I ask him. "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be missed around here, apart from my brothers and maybe Care-bear. I've been nothing to you these past few days! So why don't I just go on this witch hunt and ask the witch to kill me then and there? Or better yet, why don't I just take my ring off right now? Why can't I keep doing this?! Huh?! WHY!?"

"Because I care about you!" Jeremy says, and there is a moment's silence while we look each other over. He's so hot when he is angry. "Because I care about you, and I'll miss you if you aren't around."

I melt, like butter in a pan. I put my hand on his cheek and stroke it for a bit. "I'm sorry, Jeremy, I care about you too. But you gotta trust me on this. I'm a vamp, I'll be fine. Honestly. Then you can tell me all about how you care about me when I get back, yeah?"

He sighs and bends down to butt his forehead with mine. "Be careful. For the love of God, please be careful."

"I will be," I say, and peck his cheek, flouncing out of the Grill with the shocked looks of Damon and Stefan following me.

Whoops, maybe I should go check on them?



Sorry if it's a little short. Best I could do! :D