O'Brien could not understand why she was being called back so soon? Was her Ladyship sick? Did she need to change? She turned the doorknob and found both His Lordship and her Ladyship in the room. She was standing next to her vanity, he as seated in the chair to the left.

"You called for me Your Ladyship?" O'Brien asked, closing the door behind her.

"Yes O'Brien I did" Cora replied, short and with tension in her voice. O'Brien did not like the sound of this already.

"O'Brien, have you enjoyed working here?" Cora asked

"Of course Milady" O'Brien responded confused.

"And have I been good to you? Loyal, defended you when others spoke of your manipulative nature?" Cora continued.

"Yes Milady. You have always been most kind to me" O'Brien was really shaken now. This was going nowhere good and fast.

"I think that for the most part I just feel completely and utterly betrayed. I don't feel so much grief as I have always had that tucked away in my heart. But I feel betrayed, in the most horrifying way, and BY YOU! O'Brien how could YOU?! How could you?! " Cora practically shouted at O'Brien. The words coming out like poison. "I trusted you! I spared you from those who didn't like you, I tried to be kind to you and you betrayed me and let me suffer in a way that no-one has ever done in all my life!" Cora felt a tear run down her cheek and then another. Robert rose from his seat and came to stand next to his wife. He slipped his hand in hers and she squeezed it in thanks.

O'Brien felt all color leave her body, she stood still and felt her heart beat more and more quickly. She didn't even have to hear the whole story, she could tell what this was about. Her shame. Her regret.

"No-one had betrayed me in a worse way O'Brien. No one! Why didn't you just come to me and ask me about the job search? Why did you have to act so callously and cruelly? You knew how much I wanted that baby you knew it more almost anyone! You have lied and cheated me in a way I cannot forgive. I cannot forgive this of you O'Brien. Not ever." She was very angry, but her words came out in a rather even tone.

"Milady if I may?" O'Brien began, asking for permission to speak her piece before she knew she would have to go, leave there forever. Cora motioned for her to have her say. She was devastated at the betrayal, but she at least wanted to hear what she had to say about it.

"Milady, I cannot take away the horrible things that I have done, and most important I can't take away what I did to you that day. I will only say that of all the things in my life it is that moment that I regret most bitterly of all. I was foolish and cruel, and once I realized what I was doing I tried to hurry back to you to stop it, but it was too late. I can only say that I am so very sorry and will regret that moment for the rest of my life and beyond." O'Brien's voice betrayed her and she had tears coming down her cheeks. She would never recover from this.

Cora had her own tears staining her cheeks now, but she had to finish, "O'Brien, I cannot tell you how much I wish you had not done as you did. I not only lost a baby that day, but as it turns out I have now lost someone I thought I could trust. I wish you well O'Brien, I really do. But as I'm sure you are aware it will not be in this house." Cora squeezed Roberts hand and walked across to the chair and sat down, exhausted and emotionally spent.

Robert took over, "O'Brien, please see to packing your belongings and prepare to leave in the morning. You will receive whatever is owed to you and a months wages"

"3 months" Cora interjected, "She shall receive 3 months wages. I cannot have you here any longer, and I cannot forget what you have done. But I wish you well."

O'Brien nodded in understanding and left her ladyships room for the last time. As she closed the door behind her she could see his Lordship standing next to his wife, his hand on her shoulder.

Robert squeezed Cora's shoulder, "You were wonderful darling" he said gently.

Cora lifted her hand to touch his, "Thank you darling, I'm glad you were here."

"I will go and tell Carson to have a tray bought up for you" he offered.

"No thank you darling, I will come down with the rest of the family. I may be sad, I may feel betrayed, this may take me quite some time to recover from. But I have the most important people in my life waiting to eat dinner with me, and these moments are special. I will not let her take that away too." Cora said with resolve.

Cora stood and placed her arm through her husbands, and walked down stairs to meet her family. This would take time, she would not be able to trust as freely as she had before, she was devastated by this. But at her said she had Robert, and down those stairs she could hear the voices of those she loved. She could do it, one day at a time.