The next morning Serena awoke to an unfamiliarly warm bed, enjoying the fluffy warmth she stretched her aching muscles which reminded her of the night before and the man she was with. Like a contented cat she rolled over to look at the still sleeping man next to her in the large bed. His hair fell messily over his close eyes, his mouth slightly open as puffs of air was pushed out of his lungs. She couldn't believe how different he looked in the new light that she now saw him. She loved every minute of it, but now she didn't know how to continue, the night before radically altered their relationship from rivals to lovers in one fell swoop. What would they say? A red flush rose to grace her face, though they had been so intimate just hours before, she struggled not to blush at the impure thoughts she had of him as memories flooded into her mind.

"Morning sleepy head..." She said softly, her voice husky from sleep, brushing hair from his eyes. A groan rumbled his chest as he tried to bury his head further into the pillow and pull the duvet around himself tighter. He then realised that the voice was female and there was a warm body pressing itself towards his own, and groggily opened one eye.

"Mornin'" He mumbled, loosening the grip on the duvet and pulling Serena's body closer to his own. "Time is it?" He asked, his eye sliding shut once more.

"Don't know, don't care." Serena mumbled, her lips inches from Darien's. He smirked at her comment then shifted forward to kiss her gently. "I really have no intension of moving from right here anyway..."

"Good, I had no intension of letting you go just yet..." Darien retorted, pulling her flush against his body.


A few days later Serena walked into the arcade, a gush of welcome cold air from the stifling heat on that particular day washed over her. She was greeted by Andrew, who was doing his usual sweep around the arcade ensuring it was tidy. His surprise was not hidden when Serene entered the arcade.

"Serena? You're early today!" He said, leaning on his broom.

"Hi Drew" She smiled, "I'm early? Really?" She checked her watch as she moved into the arcade. It was unusually early for her to be here. "I guess I am." She smiled at Andrew and took a seat in an available booth.

"The usual then while waiting on the girls?" Andrew asked following her to the table she sat down at.

"Yes! The usual please." She asked brightly, her mood extremely good after that morning.

"Oh, hot date last night then?" he said winking, and noticed Serena's blush. He left, not waiting for an answer, to get Serena's order. She sat at the table, waiting for her friends to arrive but was instead greeted by Darien as he slid into the booth next to her with a peck on the cheek.

"You're early... I expected to wait a little while for you. You are notorious for being late" Darien teased. Serena blushed lightly and smiled at him.

"I guess I never noticed the time and left really early. Not that I know why." She turned and smiled at him. It wasn't her usual bubbly smile however, it was one just for him and it made Darien smile that bit brighter himself. As he leaned in closer to her, his hand resting on her thigh rose higher, inching closer to her womanhood, under her skirt.

"Darien, stop, please we are in a public place. It's not the time. The girls could walk in at any minute!" She definitely started to feel uncomfortable with the new interactions between them.

"I'm sorry Sere, I just can't seem to get enough of-" Andrew arrived with Serena's usual order to large fries and a chocolate milkshake, and Darien sighed in defeat.

"Hey guys! Darien leave Serena alone, last thing we will want is her in a grumpy mood. You are notorious for causing that." Andrew smiled, noting the close proximity of Darien and Serena, also the growing blush which once only dusted her cheeks becoming a flaming red stain on her angelic face.

"Waiting for the girls? And here I thought she was waiting on me" Darien joked with Andrew. Serena wanted to just disappear at that very moment, especially when Andrew raised an eyebrow at her, but he did leave after without saying a word.

"Maybe me and the girls she meet elsewhere... Where we won't be bothered... or recognised." Serena whispered.

"What why? Come on Sere tell me what's gotten into you. Please" Darien ducked his head so he could look at her eyes, but then leaned forward to whisper seductively in her ear "Or I can just take you home and spank you again."

"NO! No... That's okay... But now just, stay here and... act normal? Please?" She asked, tucking into her fries and milkshake. Darien groaned as she watched her, she seemed to make everything seductive to him. He wanted to take her right then on that table, but had to feel restraint. To distract himself he took a fry and dunked it in the chocolate milkshake, to which Serena looked at him in shock, and then proceeded to laugh.

"Wow Dare! I didn't realise you had such wierd tastes! Surely it would be better if it was vanilla?" She had a twinkle in her eye which only spelled danger and excitement to Darien. He smiled at her reaction and began to feel much more relaxed as she seemed to relax more too.

"So does that mean I should stick to vanilla? And leave all the dark goodness to you?" Darien raised his eyebrow at her, hoping she understood what he meant by that.

"Of course! I'll need to show you why vanilla is better for you... If you are willing?" Serena glanced at his sideways, taking a fry and dipping it in her milkshake just to see why Darien seemed to like it so much. The hot and cold contrast along with the sharpness for the salted fry and the smoothness of the milkshake, she quickly dunked and at another.

"I'm always willing babe" Darien winked at Serena taking not of her dunking of the fries. "Should I order a vanilla one too? Just to try it?" Serena smiled at him. Darien got up and went to the bar to his friend Andrew.

"Vanilla milkshake for the little blond one" Darien smiled to his old friend.

"Blond one? Not meatball head? I'm surprised, what is going on between you two? You seem to actually be civilised to each other for once, no arguing?" Andrew asked Darien, Glancing between his and Serena.

"Well maybe she has grown up a lot... She is an amazing girl." Darien said casually.

"Or is that you have realised what an idiot you have been and that you actually love her?" Andrew leaned in and spoke lowly to Darien, defeated Darien nodded.

"She convinced me, she is so stubborn. I'm kind of glad."

"I take it she took the first step then?" Andrew was slightly proud of Serena growing up and taking control of her life. He just didn't expect this turn of events.

"First step and more, I'm glad she did what she did. I won't go into details but she is a wild child." Darien smiled and Andrew hurried away to get Darien's order. When he returned he smiled and handed the milkshake over. As Darien made his way back to Serena, he noticed that she was surrounded by all of her friends. Without wavering, he approached the woman he was growing to like more and more, sat down at the same booth and handed her the vanilla milkshake. She smiled at him and gladly accepted it. Her eyes seemed to glitter and her smile was warm and welcoming. This did not go unnoticed by the rest of the girls who decided not to comment at that moment.

"Thanks Dare! It's nice to have a little change every so often." She beamed to the rest of the girls, silently telling them they will find all out later.

"That alright, hey girls, how are you all?" He tried to seem as normal as possible, knowing that instantly they were judging him and wondering what has happened between him and Serena a few nights ago after their last argument. They all provided vague answers and turned back to Serena to gossip about their weekends and what they were planning for the rest of the need.

Sitting back and relaxing slightly, he allowed for the girls to continue chatting, although Serena did keep glancing and smiling in his direction. She would be the death of him. That was when he felt a foot rubbing against his leg. He was startled, his eyes widened and he hoped to hell it was Serena. The foot seemed to travel higher and higher up his leg till it reached mid-thigh. If this kept up he wouldn't be able to move and he was on the outside of the booth. This was not good!

Serena kept glancing over at him, observing his expressions and how he was obviously trying to keep his cool. She loved that such a small action was able to rile him up so much. When the girls decided it was time for them to leave, Darien shimmied out of the booth. He didn't seem to want to stand up straight and leaned into the booth chairs. Serena had to stifle a giggle as she said her goodbyes to the rest of the group and promised to meet up with them later at Raye's. As Darien joined her in the booth across from her once more, he seemed had a hard look on his face.

"Nice to know you thought that was so funny. What if they had noticed?" Darien shot across the table at Serena.

"I'm sorry baby, but I thought you wanted to be naughty in public? You sure seemed to earlier." She had a devilish glint in her eye that told Darien that she was far from done.

"My apartment. Now." Darien said grabbing his jacket, scooted out of the booth and hoped that Serena followed him. It did take her a few minutes to realise what he meant, then smirked following him. She paid for her food, bade goodbye to Andrew, smiled and walked out of the doo, trailing Darien to his apartment for what she hoped was going to end up in a lot of sex. It looked like it could be a while before they could be out in public for a date, but they would get there eventually. They both wanted this relationship and we both determined to make it work. What did it matter if it started with sex and it was a big part of the relationship? The two were more than happy for this to be the case, and made each other very happy, and from which was the building blocks for the strongest of relationships.


So near enough to the previous write. I hope you like the new chaters and enjoyed the story. (Remeber to read from the beginning again!)

Even when the sun is shining unbelieveably hot in the rural plains of Scotland, I will write and post for you guys ;) Hope the weather is just as nice for you! I'll enjoy a chilled glass of wine and plot up the rest of my work. Don't you just love days off?
