One hour challenge from Destiny's gateway =]

#48 – "If you don't get your eyes off the lady's cleavage, you're not going to live to enjoy it

#267 – "This is my cleavage. THIS is my cleavage in a wonder bra"

#508 – "Gee, I feel loved" "At least you're not saying that after I was humping you or something" "Then I would really feel loved. Violated, but loved"

#613 – "Can you keep a secret?" "Yes" "So can I"

#665 – "Stop looking at me. I might fall in love"

Authors note: This story is AU, no secret identities, all the girls are around age 18 and Darien is around age 21/22. Please read and enjoy my story.


One unsuspecting day at the arcade on a rainy weekend, Serena walked in. She shook off her umbrella before shedding her wet jacket off quickly, relishing in the heat of the arcade. She scanned the store, giving a bright smile to Andrew before spotting the back of her long time rival Darien then shifted to find her group of friends. She quickly stored her wet coat and umbrella behind the bar that Andew was currently wiping down and avoided all eye contact with Darien. She was in no mood for an argument that day, she already had to change out of her new skirt due to the rain and was instead clad in skinny jeans and a pink tank top. After placing her usual order for her milkshake and fries she skipped over to the booth to see her friends.

"Hey girls!" She said cheerfully, "Whatcha looking at?" she asked noticing the magazine open at a specific page, in which Lita, Raye and Mina were fawning over, having a slight argument. Ami abstained from this by huddling in the corner reading her book. The narrowed eyes and glared that Amy kept sending their way gave Serena the impression that it was not something she felt was appropriate for conversing in a public place. Serena, being naturally curious peered over their shoulders and looked at the magazine.

"Serena you will back us on this one!" Mina said almost desperately, looking at her blonde friend. "Wonder bra's; yay or nay?" Serena was stunned by the bluntness of her question, but answered all the same but caution filled her voice.

"No! Can't stand the things." She replied, much to the relief of Lita who gave a sigh.

"Ha! I told you, they aren't worth it!" Lita shouted victoriously.

At the bar, where Andrew was serving, he shook his head slightly as he noticed his friend, whose head was turned ever so slightly, picking up on the girls' conversation. As soon as he could, he sidled to Darien and leaned in close.

"Look if you wanna talk to her, do it man! We all know you like her!" Andrew said to his friend, noticing his barely touched coffee since a certain blonde walked into the arcade and entered his line of sight.

"I don't like her! She is immature and annoying. It's like she wants to deliberately annoy me." Darien defended and returned to his coffee. Which is when he heard the argument get a little more heated and decided to intervene, much to Andrews's amusement.

"This is my cleavage." Serena said gesturing to her chest, a modest cleavage showing over the top of her tank top. "And THIS is my cleavage in a wonder bra." Serena exclaimed, pushing her breasts up and together so they were sitting high and perky, also making them look bigger. "No thanks! I don't want them sitting under my chin with every guy ogling them!" She complained. She had noticed that over her curves developed she gained the attentions of her fair share of men.

"Stop looking at me. I might fall in love" Darien said, noticing she was still pushing her breasts up, how had he gone 4 years not noticing her development? Her breasts were full and voluptuous. With the sudden new perspective of her pushing them up, he was given a lovely view of her cleavage. Serena instantly let her breasts go, her face burning red.

"If you don't get your eyes off of the ladies cleavage, you're not going to live to enjoy it" Raye interjected. She and Andrew had had long conversations on how both Darien and Serena liked each other, possibly even loved each other and how their day to day 'arguments' were getting almost painful to watch knowing the sexual tension between them was palpable. This time it was Darien's turn to blush, and it did not remain unnoticed by the girls, including Serena. He coud feel the death glares from the rest of the girls as he returned his attention for the four back to Serena. Hell even Amy was giving the evil eye, putting her book down.

"Anyway meatball head, you shouldn't need to worry about any of that stuff, you couldn't get a boyfriend even if you did wear a wonder bra" He smirked knowing that it would fire up her short temper.

"Oh you're such a jerk! For your information I could get one if I tried but I have this guy I like so I don't want to!" The girls all rolled their eyes knowing she bluffing her ass off. Serena felt so exacerbated; she couldn't believe he was turning this on her love life. Two could play at this game. "It's not as if you have a girlfriend either, what can't get one? Or do you not swing that way?" she joked, looking at the other girls and their shocked expressions, mouthing 'what?' and shrugging her shoulders as she turned back to Darien.

"Gee I feel loved"

"At least you're not saying that after I was humping you or something"

"Then I would feel really loved. Violated, but loved." He sighed, realising he was sinking to her level more and more. "Actually I have been with more women than you realise. I just don't flaunt them like some people I know" He sneered, how could she be so invasive. He was saving himself for the right woman, and would be till he found her, he was tired of short meaningless flings.

"Oh well then why don't you crawl back to one of them and not annoy me. I have better things to do than squabble with you." She turned back to her friends and the magazine "As I was saying no to the wonder bra but YES to this cute little number!" She pointed to the sun dress on the page next to the one they had argued over.

"Whatever meatball head" Darien say, turning on his heel to grab his jacket and pay for his coffee before leaving.

"Jerk!" Serena muttered loud enough for him to hear as he walked past her once more.


Later that night, Darien was relaxing in his apartment when he heard a knock at the door. Frowning he got up off of his sofa, and looked through the peep-hole. His brow furrowing further when he realized it was Serena standing on the other side. This afternoon she had really gotten to him with her quip about him and girlfriends. What could she want now? Only one way to find out...

"Serena?" he said opening the door

"Can you keep a secret?"


"So can I". She stepped over the threshold of his apartment, grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. It was a rough and hard kiss, though she was thankful for the experience she has had in her ever so lacking social life with other boys. She was finding it harder and harder to deny that she liked the man. She had started to notice his presence more and more, the way his hair sat and his dark royal blue eyes. She drew back from the kiss, fluttering her eyes open once more only to look into the eyes of the man she was pulling into a, what could only be described as, an uncomfortable and awkward position. And he did not look impressed so she released his neck from her unrelenting grip.

"Any chance you keep this secret then?" She said, trying to keep up her cool confident exterior. She had psyched herself up so much before coming here, that she didn't prepare herself for what to do after.

"Wha- No why? No BOTH! What the hell? Why? Are you possessed?" Darien's mind was going a mile a minute. The object of his desire willingly coming to his apartment, asking if he can keep a secret then kissing him in what has to be the most intense chaste kiss ever, then looking at him as if HE was the mad one. "Seriously Serena, what has come over you?" Serena sighed.

"So it was just me then? That felt these crazy and intense feelings for you, that WEREN'T but the complete opposite... I won't say it... I won't do that. Not for the likes of you, you're just a jerk aren't you?" She strode past him and flopped on the sofa. Following her with his eyes, he closed the door and took in her appearance. She was still wearing the tight jeans and the form-fitting tank top. Her hair was a little dishevelled from where it looked like she had fiddled with it.

"Wha- you still haven't answered my question but hey, let's go along with you, cause im confused as hell. Yes I felt it but I couldn't act on it, you were a minor! then you weren't and I didn't know how to change the routine. To be honest it was a recent occurence that you weren't that 14-year-old girl anymore but a woman of 20." He sighed, sat on the couch next to her and thought of the predicament he will get himself into for what he was about to say, "Hell if it wasn't for there being other commitments... I would." At this Serena looked to him, to see if he was telling the truth.

"So I'm not the only one, now I won't feel as guilty. I suppose we both kinda committed to something other than our love lives huh?" She chuckled, her look softening. Darien was thoroughly confused by this.

"What would you feel guilty about?" He asked; he wasn't too concerned about anything else at that moment. She didn't say a word, but moved to straddle his lap. She sat there so snugly, and was at the perfect height to kiss... then that's what she was doing, kissing him once more. He resisted from running his hands up her sides and pull her closer to his body. He didn't want her to regret this, and he would probably lose all self-control if he did, though he was close. She pulled back from the kiss, shifting to push some of his hair from his eyes so she could look into the properly.

"It's okay, I won't regret this. Please" She begged, returning to kiss him, but instead trailed light kisses along him jaw and was about to continue down his neck when she was pulled back to his lips. Serena darted her tongue out to look for entrance, when she met with Darien's own tongue. This kiss deepened, Darien drawing his arms around her tightly, pulling her closer to him. Serena's arms snaked up around his neck from their place on his chest, helping to increase the closeness. They both knew where this night was going, yet Darien was still hesitant about continuing on, he didn't want her to rush into things. Serena however knew what she wanted, and had wanted for a while.


So I have re-done this whole chapter, the rest will be revamped and this story will be finished ASAP =D Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.

ACL out~