This is a Faberry with a minor Brittana Story with a Pezberry friendship. There will be some Brittana, not a lot, but some. This is also a G!P story. If you don't like it please don't read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or it's character's just the mistakes. Please enjoy and reviews always welcomed...Disrespectful comments will be deleted! - Born to be a writer121

So I lay there hurt and confused as to what I just heard out of my girlfriend's mouth. We lay there on the bed after making love 35 minutes prior. I look into her beautiful blue eyes, wondering how I could have ever been so stupid as to believe someone as beautiful as her could ever take me seriously.

"Baby please let me explain." She said grabbing my hand, but honestly didn't know who she was anymore. So I instantly pulled my hand away.

"You Just did...Oh an if it wasn't already oblivious, we are so over!"

"Baby please don't say that. I'm so sorry and I do love you." Was she being serious right now? I just look at her and without saying anything else I get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, so se couldn't hear me cry. I've never been so hurt in my life. I've been hurt before, but not like this. I've been bullied, slushed, had rude comments sent to my Facebook and Myspace page. I cancelled my Myspace account because of the rude comments. My Facebook is all I have left.

My life has never been easy. My birth mother didn't want me so I was put up for adoption. Then my two gay dad's found me and loved me. I am Rachel Barbara Berry, I was born to be a star. My dreams were very simple. Go to high school join Glee club, win nationals. The get into to NYADA which stands for New York Academy of Dramatic Arts in the fabulous New York City. Then Become the biggest star on Broadway. But plans changes. I still want everything I've always dreamed of. But falling in love wasn't a part of my plan, adding more drama to my life. I had to fall in love with a girl.

I forgot to mention one little detail about myself and why guy or girl would ever want to be wit me. I'm a those names they said to me and about me were true. Except the man-hands part, I have small, cute hands. The others one like freak, diva, Ru-paul. Yeah those are true. I am a diva, but also a freak. I was born with a penis. I've tried to kill myself because I wasn't normal. But then I figured the hell with being normal. I'm 23 years old now, and everything all my dreams have came true except for one.

I graduated from McKinley High School with 2 national titles for Glee club. I rocked my audition for NYADA. Graduated at the top of my class. I'm now on Broadway. I've been in 3 plays so far, and I'm staring in a remake of Funny Girl. I've lost contact with my glee friends. I've really only talked to my sister Maria Rose Corcoran. I met her 2 years ago. We've been really close since I moved to NY 5 years ago. But enough about me and my back story. To fully understand why I felt so hurt from my now ex girlfriend. I have to rewind time a bit.

{4 weeks earlier}

Here I sit in my sister's car waiting for her to come out of the store. Once again I'm staring at the Facebook page of one of my friends who I secretly been in love with since my Junior Year of High School. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her name is Quinn Fabray. I met my sophomore year. I stole her boyfriend away from her.

Finn Hudson that was when I was going threw my 'I'm going to date a guy to prove I'm not gay phase' it didn't work. I was still into girls. I dated 3 guys and then I just gave into my desires and just sat my slights on girls. I dated Finn Hudson, Noah Puckermen and Jesse St. James. All great guys, just wasn't for me. I notice Quinn when she and her other 2 beautiful friends Santana and Brittany joined glee club. Senior year we grew closer. Then she went to Yale and I went to NYADA. Anyways there I sat in her car staring at her picture thinking my god she is so beautiful.

My sister got back into the car and looked at my phone to see what I was staring at.

"You're looking at Quinn's pictures?" She asked giving me a weird look.

"Yes! She's my friends and I'm looking at her photo's what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing! I was just wondering that's all. " She said as she focus back on her drivi let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and looked into her information section. As I strolled down I saw some of the usual and stumbled onto something I didn't think would ever change...