I'm sorry I left you all for so long. I have to finish all of my fanfiction stories because i've moved on to Fictionpress and Asianfanfics, so I won't be starting anymore, I will only be finishing these. Don't be discouraged, these won't be crap, or cut short, I have the plans made and I intend to make them beautiful.
Reviews are welcomed, not required.
Kamsahamnida, for waiting and supporting continuously.
Ciel's point of view
My mind began to cloud as I rode the elevator up to my apartment. Nothing felt it had all been a dream. The kiss with Sebastian didn't happen...I didn't have a major hard on that I needed to fix and Elizabeth wasn't going to tease me about this tomorrow. I knew these were all lies, but telling myself these things made me feel slightly better. Sadly I could only lie for so long, the tent in my pants was very visible, and inappropriate in the public eye. I poked my head out of the elevator, relieved to see that none of my neighbors were outside. I bolted down the hallway, not even stopping to pick up the vase I had knocked over. I fumbled for my keys helplessly, thankfully I found them, and quickly unlocked the door . I jumped in, the door slamming behind me with a loud 'thud' that probably woke up the entire floor. I slid to the floor with a heavy sigh, instantly relieved to be home. What have I done? Feeling sober for the second time that night, I was able to scold myself. I can't believe I approached Sebastian like that...what the hell was I thinking? I scolded myself over and over, kicking my shoes off and stalking to my bedroom. I can't believe I got hard off his kiss...Remembering the not so subtle problem, I unbuttoned my tight pants and wormed them off my hips. Fumbling with my underwear as well, I finally was able to wiggle out of the confining garments, happily sliding them off my feet. Hesitantly I grabbed my member, teasingly stroking it a few times. I hissed, precum already beading at the tip. I imagined Sebastian's long hand wrapped around my member instead of my own. I imagined how he'd use his tongue to bring me to my climax. I pumped my member more furiously, all the while imagining Sebastian's elegant fingers squeezing instead of my own. Moans of his name, and hisses of pleasure escaped my mouth as the pleasure became to much to handle. I stroked erratically, hips bucking up into my hand as I worked for my release.
"Hmmm..." I came quickly, the white substance oozing down my fingers, dirtying them. I panted heavily, enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm.
"That bastard..."
"Ciel, Where the hell are you? I'm so worried about make out with Sebastian and run away like that are you okay? Did he force you?" Lizzie's worried voice called from the other end of the phone... I stared at the thing for a few minutes, before putting it back to my ear.
"I'm fine..." I replied slowly, still enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm.
"Are you sure Ciel? I'm sorry, I wouldn't have made you come if I knew this was going to happen." Lizzie fretted on the other end.
"I promise i'm fine, I'm just super tired, i'm going to go to sleep." I whispered, the tiredness hitting me like a wall, the wonderful feeling turning quickly into fatigue.
"Okay, sleep tight Ciel, I'll see you Monday at school..." She whispered back the noise around her dying down.
"Good Night Elizabeth."
"Night Ciel."
I tiredly hung up the phone and threw it across the room, to tired to plug it into its charger. I pulled the covers up around my body, not bothering to clean up after myself. That will be a worry for tomorrow, but tonight I'm way to tired to deal with anything. My eyes slid closed, drifting into a peaceful slumber.
Monday at School
I walked tiredly into the building, already fed up with everything. Today wasn't my day, I woke up late, I had to clean my house yesterday and I was still tired from that stupid rave, and I had a super bad hangover from yesterday. Life, just isn't liking me right now. I must have drunk a lot, for a demon to have such a horrible hang over. I jumped visibly, when Elizabeth tapped my shoulder.
"CIEL~" She squeaked, her voice going right through me.
"Elizabeth! Don't talk to me." I growled out, walking past her and slumping into my seat.
"Is it really that bad? You drank a lot..." She whispered back slipping into the chair in front of me.
"Lizzie, please...I know you're my friend and I love to talk to you but I just don't feel good." I explained hastily, wanting her to go away as soon as possible.
"Alright Ciel, I get it. I'll leave you alone today, I'm sorry...good luck, take some of these." She said, pushing some aspirin in front of me. I smiled at her thankfully, and took the pills, swallowing them down with a swig of water. She walked away, a large smile on her face. I sighed lying my head on my arms hoping that the pounding would subside.
"Ciel?" A questioning voice asked.
"What is it?" I asked, looking up to see Alois looking down at me.
"Are you okay, you look dead?"
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious, and yes i'm fine." I lied through my teeth, suppressing my urge to throw him across the room and murder him.
"You're lying."
"No shit."
"Ciel, It isn't nice to swear." Another voice cooed from the seat in front of me. I turned to see Sebastian settling into his seat, staring back at me cockily. I instantly flushed, growling slighlty, before glaring at him.
"Shut the hell up." I snapped back at him, all the anger I had built up suddenly rushing to the surface.
"Did you drink a bit too much?" Sebastian continued, feigning innocence.
"Oh, you have no idea."
"Ciel?" Alois called again.
"What!" I snapped, baring my teeth at him.
"Gosh, don't rip my head off...Claude's partner isn't here today, so i'm going to work with him." He explained, grabbing his stuff and walking over to the golden-eyed male.
"Whatever." I mumbled under my breath, burying my head in my arms once again.
"So, how'd your evening go after you left?" Sebastian asked again, leaning over the back of his chair.
"It was amazing." I said sarcastically, peering up at him. He stared back at me, a smirk on his perfectly shaped lips, crimson eyes light with amusement.
"If you're going to make fun of me go ahead, just get it the hell over with, I was drunk and I did something stupid." I growled.
"Oh, I won't make fun of you, I completely agree, you were absolutely drunk, but alcohol tends to bring out ones true feelings yes?" He said casually, looking into my eyes. I blushed suddenly feeling exposed. What the hell is his problem...why does he have to point out all of my flaws? Holy crap how am I supposed respond to that? He already knows I like him...does he have to tease me about this?
Holy crap my life is so fucked up.
Okay yes, this chapter is shorter, but at least I updated...I've reached the sticky part of the story, where I want to update to get to the later parts, but I don't want to update the parts that build up to it.
I hope you enjoyed :D
Reviews are welcomed not required.