Marlene The Super Spy

Chapter 14

Skipper's POV

I couldn't believe what I was doing I banged so hard on the ceiling block's that had fallen down since I was trying to get to Marlene. "NO MARLENE THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" I yelled in fear, I can't leave her here. I have to get to her. I began panicking and I couldn't get this thing to move, oh if only Rico was here. I heard the crab roar out and soon the base started to shake again I looked up only to see blocks starting to loosen.

"SKIPPER JUST GET OUTTA HERE NOW!" I suddenly paused at Marlene's voice she sounded forceful, no I can't leave her here.

The blocks were loosening more and I even hesitated to move. I closed my eyes I had no choice now, I jumped on my belly and slid into the vent my eyes shot open when the loud voice sounded through out the base.












The base exploded as I made my way out the vent tears followed from my eyes, the fire of the explosion was creeping its way up to my as I made my get away burning the edges of my webbed feet. I finally reached the boys outside on the beach of Coney island. As I came out I rolled about due to the force of the explosion.

Fire was all that was left of Blowhole's base as smoke raised high in the air, I shakily pushed myself up and dropped to my knees, tears rolled down my eyes. I haven't cried like this since manfried and Johnson died my two partners that I had teamed up with before I met the boys.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MARLENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I screamed there's no way she could have survived that.

The boys were also crying Private especially, a distraught look covered my face and I hadn't moved from my spot after a while Kowalski placed a flipper on my shoulder "Sir I, I think we should head back now, there's nothing more we can do."

I blinked and looked upon the ground, "no I'm not leaving, you boys go on ahead, I uh just need some time to myself."

"Sure thing Skipper," with that said the boys headed back to the zoo using the jet packs that we had made.

I sat there until it got dark when suddenly and out of the shadows I heard an evil chuckle, "well, well at least I killed one of you, I guess that's something to celebrate, eh Skipppppper?!" I growled at that voice and turned round sharply.

"Blowhole!" I said with as much venom as I could muster, I narrowed my eyes and swiftly turned to face him.

"Annnnd you look so miserable, what's a matter Skipper lost the one you love? Awwww what a shame," Blowhole cackled evilly as he rocked back and forth on his segway.

"Blowhole you've messed with the wrong penguin!" I snarled.

Both of my flippers were clenched I've never felt so angry in all my life, I tackled him to the ground and we started hustling "I'll kill you Blowhole if the last thing I do!"

"Not if I kill you first! Redone get that gun!"

My eyes went wide at the mention of a gun but I just continued to attack him, a coughing sound stopped us both in our tracks, I ended up on top of Blowhole when I releaised that we were in front of a different vent, it sounded like a female. My heart beat started racing could she really be alive? It was impossible.

Black smoke drifted its way out of the vent and a dark figure approached the exit, my mouth hung open and so was Blowhole's, "Mar...Marlene?" I breathed out in shock, there she was standing there. She was a bit banged up I'll admit but she was alive and that's all that mattered to me now.

She coughed as she stumbled out of the vent and into my flipper's "S-Skipper?"

"Marlene I can't believe it, I thought you were..." I cut myself off and just hugged her. The sound of clapping made us turn our attention back to Blowhole. He was back on his segway and crabs were at both sides of him.

"Bravo, I must say Marlene I didn't think you could survived that," he snarled.

I gripped Marlene closer to me and kept an eye on the crabs, "you just don't know when to quit do you Blowhole?" I growled.

"Apparently not Skipper I will not stop until I get my revenge!"

The crabs started to close in on us next thing I heard screaming and a bunch of otters appeared and attacked the crabs "What is going on?" Yelled Blowhole, "ah never mind I'd better get outta here you haven't seen the last of me!" Blowhole flew off in segway leaving the crabs behind.

The male otter from the TV back at Marlene's place was standing right in front of us, Marlene gasped and tried to get up but she was to weak "easy there Marlene," he said as he came forward.

"Commander?" She questioned.

He smiled "it's good to have you back 009 I was afraid we had lost you, it's no wonder that your one of out best agents yet, but I can't that feel that you could be better," I looked at him while Marlene looked up at me.

"I know I need to learn how to learn how to fight, Skipper could teach me," I gazed down at her.

I grinned "that could be arranged."

The otter nodded with a smile "very well my team here will get you back to the central park zoo," he grinned and snapped his fingers, it didn't take them long to get us back. My team were so relieved to see us both back safe and sound. Poor Private wouldn't stop crying and hugging Marlene.

"Marlene I'm just so happy your alive," I held Marlene in my flippers while Private hugged her.

"it's okay Private I'm here and so is Skipper," I smiled as he pulled away.

"But how'd did you make it out Marlene?" Asked Kowalski he was really curious.

I held up my flipper "okay that's enough questions, Marlene needs her rest."

She rolled her eyes up at me "Skipper I'm fine!"

"No you're not your hurt and need to rest, Kowalski will check over you in the morning," I nodded towards the tall penguin.

"Certainly Skipper," he agreed.

I carried Marlene back and placed her on her bed I was about to leave but she called me back, "Skipper, I...I love you to," I bent down on my knee's and pressed my forehead against hers. I stared into her hazel brown eyes and before I knew it my beak connected with her lips.