Ok guys, last chapter of this arch. Enjoy!

It took Thor all of his balance not to fall to the floor, but he felt his head spinning around as if his entire world had been crushed under his feet. Suddenly, little details he had not noticed before came back to his mind, all relating to one point:

"Well, well, what a surprise Your Highness; my name is Loki, by the way."

"I'm Loki; that should be enough for you."

"You know nothing about me! Not even what you were supposed to know!"

It had been there, all the time, in front of his nose. Loki had always talked as if Thor should have definitely heard about him.

"I'll really miss it here."

"Remind me to never let you get into a boat again!"

He talked as if they would never fall apart, as if they would always be together.

When the dark dots in his vision retrieved he glanced back at that beloved face. The ice flowers in the corner of Loki's eyes were melting under Asgardian heat and rolling down his cheeks like all tears do. Never before had Thor seen him so desperate. Angry, furious, sad, yes...

"...Of course I know what duties are! But do you know what is to be nothing more than a BARGAINING CHIP to your family? A WHORE in case it's needed?"

"...For my people know I'm nothing, for I never was and never will be."

Loki was regal, elegant, confident...Of course he should be a noble! But Thor never imagined he could actually be...be...He wasn't even able to say it to himself.

"Oh, Thor! My dear foolish Thor! You don't even know what you're implying with your kind words…"

"So devoted! You'll make a fine husband."

"You are impossible. Fine then; New Zealand, Spain and New York. Sounds good to me."

Loki, his dear Loki, had known it all along; he'd let Thor show him his bare chest, let him fall in love like a fool, to suffer and tear himself apart. Loki lied to him, the same Loki that was now whispering his name, as if wanting to mutter an answer, the Loki that abused his confidence and toyed with his feelings. Suddenly all the pain Thor had felt during all those weeks turned against him in the shape of piercing anger. He clenched his fists and freed his hand from where the Jotun continued holding it. "Don't you dare to touch me." He could almost see his lover's heart breaking through his wet eyes but at that moment he only had room for betrayal and the light ray of guilt only served to anger him more.

"…You'll make a fine husband."

Oh no, he would not. If Loki thought he would marry him after that…

"Thor, please…"

"How could you?! I was ready to do anything, to leave everything for you! How could you?!"

"I was going to tell you!"

"When?! When, you traitor?"

"I never betrayed you!"


Now they were shouting at each other.

"I never lied to you! I just hadn't had the opportunity to tell you the whole truth!"

"The opportunity was when we first met."

"I wanted to get to know you! Do you think I was willing to marry a man I hadn't seen in all my life? Do you think you were the only one disgraced by this arrangement?"

"So you played along for your own amusement?"

"Play? Do you think it was a game, Thor? Do you know how easy it would have been for me to kill you? I had the poison, I had my magic, I could have got rid of you at any moment and been free!"

"YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ME?!" Thor couldn't believe his own ears! How close he had been to getting murdered by his own fiancé? It made his heart ache and tear apart.

"Only if you turned out to be unbearable!"

"You were going to kill me!"

"But I didn't! Thor, I couldn't."



Silence hung heavy between them. Loki was no longer sobbing, but his eyes were still watery, and what Thor saw in them had no name…love, rage, regret, pain…A mix of emotions that he could not bear and he had to avert his gaze.

"…You'll make a fine husband."

Loki loved him, wanted to be with him. And Thor felt exactly the same, but the weight of the lies crushed him down and confused his mind. He was still angry, but just the idea of how badly his accusations hurt his beloved made him want to sew his own lips up forever. But they couldn't stay like that forever either. Odin at his throne was observing their heated exchange with mute interest and acknowledgement in his wise eyes.

Thor pressed his palm to his face and sighed - the headache and exhaustion he didn't even realize he had were getting worse.

"Come with me," he murmured and turned to leave the hall after bowing to his father with a feeble apology, not even checking if Loki was following him. But of course he was; the faces of every servant or guard they crossed through the corridors were proving it. But as if sensing their prince's black mood nobody made a move. And indeed Thor was feeling hungover, except that he hadn't tasted a drop of alcohol in weeks. But by the time he reached his chambers the shiny halls and cheerful voices outside had already made him sick, so he opened the door with a kick and threw himself on the bed.

He barely heard Loki closing the door behind.

When he woke up the sun was already setting and a familiar body rested against his back.

"Your mother visited while you were asleep," Loki murmured stroking softly his hair. "But she didn't want to wake you up."


"Are you feeling better now?"


"Talk to me, Thor."

"I'm still angry with you."

"I wouldn't expect less." Loki sighed and leaned to place a small kiss over his shoulder.

"I love you," murmured Thor, more to himself than for Loki to hear.

"I know."

"And it pains me to know you lied to me from the beginning."

"Thor…" Loki took his hand and squeezed it gently. "I usually lie a lot, constantly, but I didn't lie to you, not a single time since we met. I already said that I just omitted some details; I was actually expecting for you to figure it out yourself. I hoped you would."

Thor turned on his back so he could look his Jotun at the face. "I just can't understand why you did it all."

Loki rested his head on his lover's chest, drawing little patterns with his finger on Thor's belly. He stood silent for a while, thinking about how to better put the complex machinations of his mind into words. "Tell me, dear, were you looking forward that marriage when we first met? Did you want to tie your life to a faceless monster you'd only heard atrocities about?"

"How did you kno…"

"I know how my people talk about me, Thor, we already had that discussion, remember?"

"They were all wrong." To that Loki smiled and leaned forward to kiss Thor's lips.

"But it was all you knew. Now tell me the truth, did you want this marriage?"

"I despised it with all my soul."

"So did I. When I found you half dead in the entrance to my cave and brought you home I didn't know who you were. However, when I realized it and the fact you had no idea who I was, I saw it as an opportunity to get a glimpse of what awaited me in the future. Truth be told, the fact that you didn't even bother to learn my name wasn't a good start, but the poison in my pocket was just in case of extreme necessity."

"I'm not suck a jerk."

"Mmm…a little bit, considering you dragged me to bed without confessing your inevitable compromise. But your pretty face makes up for it quite well." Thor snorted and brought his hand to stroke Loki's nape the way he liked, and earned a content purr for it.

"Do you still have it?"


"The poison, I mean."

"Nope, I got rid of it when I went to visit my father. However, I had already decided not to use it long before."

"Because I passed your test?"

"Because we both did." At that, Loki climbed on top of him and placed a finger on Thor's lips, petting them gently. "It was not only for me, but for you too. Had you known my true identity from the beginning you'd have had a preconceived idea about me, but that way…"

"I'd get to know you truly."

"Yes, and so we would know if we could make it work. To be sincere at the beginning I didn't even expect you to like me at the all."

"Like you? I was head over heels!" Loki's lips fell like icy fire on his mouth and he corresponded equally passionately, wrapping his arms around his waist and tangling their legs together. Loki's weight felt delicious on top of him, and his crimson gaze looked like melted in joy.

"And you dragged me after you, made me lose my head completely. That time, in the forest…I've never lost control like that before. I was ashamed of myself, but at the same time ached to go back to you."


"No, listen well, because I warn you that you won't be hearing these words often: I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And yes, I'm sorry for keeping secrets from you, but if any moment seemed the appropriate for revealing something like that, I feared your reaction, your rage, until it was too late. And for that, I ask your forgiveness."

Thor went breathless. Suddenly, Loki's trick didn't seem so bad anymore, and his heart was beating faster than ever. Just to think Loki loved him as much as he was loved back…Had he not been a big fierce warrior prince Thor would have started crying right there. But he was kissing Loki, which seemed much more appropriate.

"Mmm…Is that all you've got as an answer?" muttered his lover when they both went breathless. And Thor laughed because Loki's voice sounded rough and needy.

"What about some make up sex after all that madness?"

"Straight to the point, eh? Are you not willing to wait for the wedding night?"

"We've already done things too extreme even for a wedding night. Besides, if I don't stop thinking too much any time soon I'll go insane."

"Would you like me to take you and fuck you until the only thing you are able to think about is my cock in your ass?"

"See? That's why we are a match made in heaven."

And it was not until later, when Thor lay on his chest with his face buried in the pillows and choked sobs entwined with lustful moans, that Loki bent forward pressing deeper inside him and grabbed him by his hair, pulling his head back and leaning to his ear. The clever Jotun mouth rolled his earlobe between its teeth and tongue, biting slightly every time Loki shoved deep inside his lover's body and licking it wet every time he withdrew. "Lo-oki," Thor managed to babble between whimpers; indeed he wasn't able to think about anything else at the moment except that fullness in his back that made him feel whole.

Loki smiled and shoved his tongue inside Thor's inner ear, just for a moment, enough to send shivers all the way down his spine whereas his hot pants still caressed Thor's skin.

"Will you marry me, Thor?"

The question came so suddenly that the Asgardian almost ignored it. However, seconds after, the full meaning of it sunk into his mind.

Loki was proposing to him personally, not through their fathers or some annoying political engagement. In that moment it was just the two of them, in the most intimate of ways, and it was Loki's decision to ask for his hand as any normal lover would. The thought made his heart miss a beat or two. "Out," he muttered, shoving Loki off him and almost laughing at the lost expression in the poor Jotun's face. But Thor just turned on his back and opened his legs, grabbing Loki's hips and guiding him home again. Loki groaned into the kiss Thor pulled him into, passionate and needy.

"Yes," Thor moaned when they parted for a moment before resuming the kiss. "Yes, yes, yes, a billion times yes." He sensed the burn building up in his lower belly; Loki's strokes became uneven, a sign that he was close too. "Fuck Loki, yes, I will, fuck! Touch me!"

"You're mine." Loki murmured, stroking him to his orgasm. "Mine forever."

And there was something in his voice, in that needy and rough whisper, a kind of insane possessiveness that threw Thor over the edge. Loki collapsed after him, breathless and fully satisfied in more than one way. Everything felt perfect and was perfect.


So yeah. This is the end of the lovebird's story. Originally I planned on adding a couple of chapters on top of this one, make them find the lost bracelet with a little help from Tony and Steve, fuck a lot, then go home and get married.

But I changed my mind. I've been digging deeply into the Marvel Comic Universe for some months now and there're so many characters I'd like to put in, adventures for them to join, troubles to overcome, etc.

So yes. My Surprising Fiancé ends here. But a sequel will come. I don't know when I'll write it, and it might take a while, but I'll do it.

That sequel won't be so cheesy as this story and will feature Thor and Loki of course, but they will get help from lots of awesome characters. Some of them being...

the Young Avengers, specially Kate Bishop(if you don't know about them you're missing one of the best things in this world. Just look for fakesheep-luna on tumblr and then post/44415411062 you'll find a complete download file for them. Do it, you'll be really grateful later.)

Jessica Drew (Spider woman).

And most of the avengers we know from the movie + mentions of some x-men.

Oh! And two important villains, one of them had been mentioned loosely in MSF, the other one is a MCU! classic.

So yeah, I'm looking forward to your comments about this story and expect to see you in my next work.

Thanks everyone.

Oh! And if you have a special love for some minor character and want me to sneak it in the sequel just tell me and I'll think about it.