Last chapter in this story... I'll post the new story's chapter tonight too... :)

Edward POV...

My Bella walked down the isle with Jasper on her arm. She was 9 months pregnant and beautiful. She kept her eyes on the floor then she looked up at the family then finally to me.

When she looked at me I saw that light in her eyes. The light that was always filled with love no matter what. She smiled and it made my chest swell. She got closer and closer and soon she was standing right in front of me.

Jasper passed her over to me and the minister started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved we gather here today to join these two in holly matrimony." He said. Bella's smile widened at the words.

Time Skip

I took her left hand and slid her wedding band onto her finger. Bella took my hand and slid my wedding band on.

"Do you Edward Masen take Isabella Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked.

"I do." I said with a smile.

"Do you Isabella Swan take Edward Masen to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"I do." She said. That was all I needed. I leaned forward and pulled her close to me.

"You may kiss your bride." The minister laughed, but we were already kissing. Bella smiled against my lips and pulled back. I faintly heard the Cullens clapping but my main focus was on Bella.

She had a hand wrapped around her belly and the other in my hand. She had my favorite smile on her pink lips. Suddenly the smile was gone, replaced with clenched teeth. Her hand in mine tightened into a fist.

She rolled into herself, seeming to protect her belly. Her arms wrapped around her stomach and her mouth fell open, a second later her blood-crudling scream filled the silent air.

Okay, sorry it's a short chapter but it must be done... :)

I have to say, I'm sad to see another story finish, but totally excited at the same time!
