Chapter 1.

(Bella's POV)

"Hey Bells." Jake said, taking my hand. I could hear Edward growl at this from his car on the other side of the border.

"Hey Jake." I grinned.

"C'mon, the bonfire's gonna start soon." He tugged my hand and began jogging.

"Jake!" I whined. "I can't run as fast as you!"

"Fine, you're asking for it though." He scooped me up and carried me bridal style.

"Jake!" I squealed, hitting his chest.

"You asked for it Bells." He chuckled and sped up when the beach came in view. "Guys!" He shouted. Everyone turned to us and grinned.

"Yo Jake!" One of them called.

"Hey bro!" Jake replied. He finally placed me on my feet when we got to the boys. I looked at Jake confused.

"Oh, right. Uh, Bells, this is Seth and Leah Clearwater, Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, and you already know Quil Ateara and Embry Call. I don't know where Sam is, though… Guys, this is Bella." Jake introduced.

"Thanks Jake." I smiled at him. "Hey guys." A chorus of "Hey"s and "Hi"s sounded.

"Hey guys." A deep, sexy voice sounded from behind us. I turned and saw the most gorgeous man ever standing there.

"Hi." I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Hello." I looked up and finally locked gazes with him. His eyes were a dark chocolate, almost black. He froze and stared too, as though he only saw me. His face broke out in a soft grin as his eyes shifted from serious to friendly and almost… loving? I felt a blush lighting up my face and I finally broke off.

"So, Jake, what's this bonfire all about?" I asked.

"Our old legends… Well, not exactly legends, as you know, but still." He grinned at me and threw an arm over my shoulders. I heard a deep rumbling sound that sounded almost like a… growl? I shook it off and let Jake lead me over to the food. He piled his plate high with hot dogs and chips and I grabbed a hot dog and a handful of Doritos.

"Damn, Jake, you eat a lot." I said incredulously.

"You know it Bells." He joked, nudging my shoulder with his. He went over and plopped down on a log, leaving the only space open next to him in between him and Sam. I sat down and leaned on Jake, causing another growl to emanate from Sam. I furrowed my eyebrows at him when I saw he was trembling.

"Sam, are you okay?" I asked softly, sitting up from next to Jake and putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. He calmed visually and leaned into my touch.

"I-I'm fine." He said.

"SAMMY!" An annoying, high-pitched voice squealed. We all turned and saw an honestly beautiful woman running for Sam. He sighed exasperatedly and plastered on a fake smile.

"Hey Emily." He responded.

"Who's that, baby?" She asked, looking at me as she sat on his lap.

"That's Bella, Chief Swan's girl." He smiled at me, which Emily didn't miss. She shot daggers at me.

"Oh really? How come I haven't seen you around here, Bella?" Emily hissed.

"I just moved to Forks a while ago, and I don't really talk to the pa-boys that often, just Jake." I said, leaning my head on Jake's shoulder.

"Oh?" Emily questioned again.

"Yeah." I answered.

"That's nice… So you are Jacob's girl?" She said, her gaze flickering between Sam and I.

"Emily." Sam growled lowly.

"What? It's just a question baby."

"Nah, not Jake's girl." I answered with a grin.

"Yet." Jake added in.

"Keep dreaming pup." I laughed, before catching myself and looking over at Emily. She, thankfully hadn't heard, or, if she had, she wasn't showing she had.

"So how are you connected to the group?" Emily asked, her smirk in place.

"Jake's my best friend," I started, but quickly added, "So are Leah, Seth, Quil, and Embry." Seth cracked up and Sam, Paul, and Jared looked a little sad that they were cut out.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really." I answered.

"Why'd you move here?" Emily questioned.

"My mom wanted to move around with her boyfriend, but couldn't because she had to watch me, so I moved here to give her freedom." I answered.

"So she couldn't even do anything she wanted while you were around?"

"Emily." Sam threatened again, but louder.

"No, I wanna know."

"Emily." Sam said again, this time loud enough for everyone to hear. Then, Emily did the most idiotic thing you could ever do: She slapped Sam.

"You knock that shit off right now!" She said. He began trembling again. She was stupid enough to stay on his lap.

"Emily get your ass off of Sam, you idiot!" I hissed.

"Why should I?" She retorted.

"Fine, it's your face." I muttered. After about a minute, Sam stood up and threw Emily off of his lap. He leaped into the woods and phased.