It's with a heavy heart I tell you ladies and gentlemen that this will be the last chapter of Poke Drago masters I hope to end it on a good note with some romance and season 1 nostalgia so without any more delay and I've delayed writing this for a while
Chapter five of Poke Drago Masters
Hungry so very hungry he thought as he walked through the grass the earth sinking beneath his paws he hadn't eaten since before that big steel type that breathed black smoke had eaten him
'It was weird in there' he thought weren't the humans afraid of getting digested by the big steel type he shook his head
'forget the big steel type just find something to eat maybe there's a herd of Tundeer nearby' his mouth began salivating at the thought until a scent filled his nose coming from the east
'what is that smell forget the Tundeer that smells way better I've gotta have some of what ever it is' he thought before running towards the delicious scent as fast as his four little legs could carry him
Cilan smiled as with the experience of one whose spent years in the kitchen removed his rice balls from the pan and placed them onto a plate "ah made to perfection" as he placed them down Cilan walked out of the kitchen and to the backyard
The cabins in Teromi town were made for the weary and experienced trainer not only were they a minute away from the Pokemon center but each were stocked with supplies to make Pokemon food an entire cabinet filled with nutritional supplements a gym with various exercise equipment
And of course Cilan thought as he walked into the back yard a full sized battle field Cilan watched as Ash seemed to be doing a training method he never seen from him before Pikachu stood in the center of the field while surrounded by Excadrill Emboar and Boldore
"Alright" Ash called "again" on his command flamethrower focus blast and flash cannon flew at Pikachu the electric type was eerily calm as he began spinning electricity flowing around him making a spinning dome of electricity that stopped each of the attacks
Pikachu stopped spinning when Excadrill came out of the ground it's claws shining with a metallic glint from using metal claw Pikachu swung his tail it already glowing
as the two Pokemon clashed both determined to win the clash "alright that's enough Pikachu"
"Excadrill you to back off" Iris called walking out from the side of the cabin both Pokémon listened to their partners and backed off nodding in respect to the other
'Quite remarkable Ash is not holding anything back' Cilan thought before making his presence known "alright if you're stopping for now it's time for lunch"
"Oh hey Cilan when did you get here" said Ash
"I've been here for a few minutes any ways lunch is ready" said Cilan only for Ash and Iris to speed past him and into the kitchen
"Despite their arguments they both think with their stomachs" Cilan said with a sweat drop before walking back into the cabin
The sun was high in the sky when he found where the delicious food scent was coming from it was coming from inside a bunch of logs piled on top of each other
He walked around until he saw a hole in the log pile and jumped into it going to grab that yummy smelling food for himself
Meanwhile inside the cabin Cilan Iris and Ash were sitting around a table "so ash what was that one move you had Pikachu use to stop those attacks"
"Oh that was a counter shield I came up with it in Sinoh"
"a fitting name not only does it protect but it also counter attacks" said Cilan
"yeah yeah the little kid can come up with some smart stuff some times now let's eat"
Cilan saw Ash was about to retort when a black blur sped onto the table and grabbed Iris's rice ball before running away leaping out the window
"That thing took my food" Iris said with fire in her eyes "no one steals my lunch and gets away with it" the dragon trainer yelled before running after the black blur
"Iris wait up" Ash called before running after Iris Cilan sighed before taking a bite out of his rice ball "I made plenty Iris is just over reacting" Cilan mused as he continued to eat
'why am I feeling déjà vu' thought as he and Iris chased after the he wasn't even sure what it was they were chasing but it was running fast "Pikachu use electro ball" Pikachu nodded before firing the attack at the food thief the thief was hit dropping the rice ball as it crashed into a wall
"I don't need help Ash" Iris said making a cute pouting face and crossing her arms 'cute what is wrong with me'
"I was just trying to help Iris you're the one overreacting"
"Overacting it was my lunch in that things mouth what is that thing anyway" Iris said looking at the thief
"yeah good question" Ash and Pikachu also looked at it the thief was about the size of Pikachu and stood on four legs it had a round head two triangle shaped ears at the top of it's head and a small muzzle with a pink nose behind it was a round ended tail that reached just a bit above the ground it snarled at them and Ash pulled out his pokedex
"Pokemon is not native to the Unova region continental update required"
"if it isn't native to Unova it either belongs to someone or it somehow ended up in Unova" said Iris looking at the little Pokemon who looked ready to pounce at them it's fangs bared
"Hey little guy" Iris said walking close to it "it's ok I'm a friend"
"Iris be careful it could be dangerous" warned Ash watching the purple haired girl walk close to the Pokemon "hey it's ok here" Iris pulled out an oran berry "its food you're probably hungry"
The Pokemon walked close to the berry Iris held out sniffing it before taking a bite of the berry the Pokemon wagged his tail before quickly eating the rest of the berry Iris laughed which to Ash sounded like music
"Na na Name" the pokemon said
"I'm sorry we chased you can we be friends"
The turned its head as it looked at her before it licked Iris's hand "great I'm Iris what's your name"
"It's a Nameless" said Professor Juniper over the video phone
"Na me less" Ash said sounding out the word professor Juniper nodded "they're omnivores native to the Kyo region Nameless are a one of a kind pokemon"
"Pardon my asking but what's so one of a kind about Nameless professor" asked Cilan
"It's their type you see Nameless are the only pokemon in the world that are fire and electric type"
"A fire and electric type" all three of them said at once looking at the pokemon currently being held in Iris's arms
"Right it's one of a kind like the fairy type pokemon native to the Kalos region though the one in your arms clearly needs a bath Iris it's covered in coal dust"
Iris held Nameless in front of her looking down she saw her shirt was now black in front "great thanks for the warning professor" Iris said sarcastically
"No problem I have to get back to work so bye" Professor Juniper said ending the transmission
"Ok Nameless how about we get you that bath now" Iris said "Nameless Na na" Nameless said running around Iris's feet "ok ok let's get you in the tub your leaving footprints" Iris said picking up the pokemon "axew ax"
"Yeah you to Axew" she said before walking upstairs to the bathroom
A half hour later Iris came down with a clean Nameless without the coal dust he had electric blue fur with red spots and a white underbelly and muzzle Nameless leaped out of Iris's arms and snatched Ash's hat off his head
"Hey my hat" 'now I get the déjà vu he's another primape' Ash thought before taking his hat back
"Name name nameless" Nameless said before getting ready to pounce "you wanna have a battle" Nameless nodded before running to Iris
"awesome I want to see what you can do Nameless"
"awesome let's battle"
"this will be a one on one battle between Ash and Iris" Cilan called "let the battle begin"
"Ok Nameless show me what you can do" said Iris "Nameless nodded before being surrounded by a white aura and running at Pikachu "that's quick attack ok Pikachu let's show them your quick attack"
"Pika" Pikachu called before running at Nameless the two met head on and Nameless fell on his side Nameless stood up and let out a stream of fire from it's mouth
"Pikachu counter with thunderbolt"
"PIKACHU" Pikachu shouted the thunderbolt met head on with flamethrower "Nameless use quick attack again"
Nameless nodded before running at high speed towards Pikachu "now use flamethrower on the ground" Nameless launched the fire at the ground making it bright red Pikachu looked down to see his feet on fire
"Pika pika pika pika" Pikachu panicked while running in a circle trying to put his flaming feet out "Pikachu calm down and use iron tail"
"PIKA" pikachu shouted and leapt at Nameless planning on hitting it with iron tail Nameless surrounded coated in white electricity sent a thunderbolt attack at Pikachu who in the air couldn't dodge
"ha how did Pikachu like getting a taste of his own medicine" Iris said "Nameless" Nameless said agreeing
Pikachu stood up being an electric type made the thunderbolt not hurt as much "you ok buddy" Pikachu nodded
"ok Nameless let's see how you like volt tackle" Pikachu began running chanting his name as he got coated in yellow lightning Nameless charged being surrounded in red hot flames the two clashed creating a small explosion
"Well who won" Pikachu came sliding out of the smoke he had a couple of burns but otherwise he was fine when the smoke cleared Nameless was out "Nameless" Iris called
"you ok" Iris asked Nameless nodded "you're a great pokemon do you want to come with me" Iris asked holding a Pokeball Nameless nodded before tapping his nose against the ball being sucked in
Iris stood up "alright I just caught Nameless" Iris said holding the ball above her head while making the V sign Ash walked over to congratulate her when he tripped landing on Iris
Iris looked up at Ash and as if guided by instinct captured his lips with her own
"what happened next" asked a little girl with thick black hair and tan skin tucked in bed with a stuffed pichu "did you win the league did you beat that cedric guy did you and mommy fall in love come on daddy tell me"
The man on her bed let out a deep laugh "well Becca that's a story for another night" he said
"but that's what you said last night when you told the story about the deer thing that made you old" Becca said with a pout
"And I'll finish that story to but right now it's past your bedtime and you need to go to bed" Ash said standing up and kissing his daughter on her forehead "good night Becca"
Becca yawned "good night daddy" before falling asleep Ash quietly walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen there drinking out of a bottle of ketchup was his faithful buddy Pikachu
"Pika pi" Ash laughed "yeah she's asleep" "Pikachu Pika" Ash blushed "no I am not going to be mating with Iris tonight she's fast asleep"
"oh am I" a voice said Ash turned to see a woman with coffee colored skin thick purple hair that flowed down her back wearing a red night gown next to her was a fraxure
"I thought you were in bed" Ash said pulling out a beer for him and his wife she nodded taking the beer holding it down for Fraxure to open with his tusks
"and you were supposed to have put Becca to bed an hour ago what took you" Iris asked
"she wanted a story" Iris laughed "even when your twenty eight years old your still a little kid so which one was it tonight"
"ours" Ash said while he and Pikachu took a sip from their drinks
Iris smiled kissing Ash on the cheek "your sweet ash I love you"
Ash smiled kissing Iris on the lips "and I love you to Iris"
And here's where I end Poke Drago masters I hope you enjoyed it all the battles my attempts at teen romance which is harder to write then it is to live through and this sweet little epilouge
Until we meet again 61394