The Long Lost Child of Beifong
Chapter 1
14 years ago
"Lin, please let me explain." "No. I'm done listening to you." Tenzin and his girlfriend of 14 years, Lin Beifong, were in another fight but this one was the worst one they ever had.
"I saw you kissing her. Don't try to deny. I saw you." She yelled at him on the verge of tears. He tried to walk forward to her but she pushed him back. "No. Don't touch me." She yelled and tried to run away but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.
"Didn't you say you have something to tell me?" he asked her calmly hoping that she won't raise her voice. "I did but now, it doesn't concern you." She replied harshly. She then got her wrist out of his grip and ran away. All Tenzin did was just stand there with tears coming out and watched her run.
Lin left the island with tears coming out. She ran all the way from the pier to her destination. When she got to the place she let herself in and let the door slam.
"I would get out of this house before being placed in a hospital." A voice boomed out and Lin ran towards the voice.
"Hey kiddo, so did he get excited when you told him?" Her mother, Toph Beifong asked her when she felt her daughters footsteps approach.
"I didn't get to tell him because I saw him kiss that floozy air acolyte Pema." She told mother and bursted into tears again. Toph stood up and walked over to her daughter and pulled her into an embrace. "I may be the scary chief to everyone but to you I'm your mother and I show emotions towards you." She whispered into her ear as Lin sobbed.
"What will I do when it comes? I'm so scared mother. I have to raise this baby by myself." She blubbered her words but Toph understood them perfectly. "I already let Aunt Katara know. She'll help you along with this and so will I."
"Thank you mother." Lin said as she wiped away her tears. Then a knock was heard and Toph yelled "come in." The door opened and the person stepped into the room with supplies.
"Hello Toph and Lin. So have you told him yet? And congratulations." Katara yelled out with a wide smile on her face
"I didn't tell him." Lin answered meekly with her head hung down. Toph put a comforting hand on her shoulder which made Lin jump slightly. "So lets know how far along you are Lin."
Katara then used her healing abilities to help see how far Lin was.
"Congratulations your 4 months pregnant." She annouced happily with awide smile on her face. "Now tell me. What happened between you and Tenzin."
"Well, earlier at the station, I called him to tell him that I had news for him. So then I head over to the island. When I saw him, he was talking to Pema. So I hid behind a tree. Then they kiss. I told them off and now i'm a single mom and with a baby coming, it won't have a father." Lin told them as she let new tears stream down her face.
Katara cried along with her and held her in her arms.
"I'm so sorry to hear that Lin. I promise to help you along with your journey." Katara told her as they stood up from the couch and hugged again. "I'll let Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Kya, and Bumi know about this." She told her as she gathered her things.
"Thanks. I'm going to bed now. Goodnite."
"Good night Lin. You definately desreve some rest."
Lin didn't bother to hear the rest as she made her way up the stairs, to her bedroom and fell into a deep sleep with a smile on her face knowing that she had full support.
"C'mon Lin, a few more pushes." Katara whispered calmly as Lin who was in a lot of pain gave a big push.
Then after a few more pushes, a new sound was heard against Lin's heavy breathing. "Congratulations Lin, it's a baby girl." Katara announced and held up the baby for Lin to see.
"Good job kiddo." Toph announced as Katara cleaned the baby off and wrapped it in a fuzzy warm blanket. All around her, everyone offered her their joy of the birth.
Lin held her new baby as her uncle Sokka came and looked at the baby. As well as her other uncle Aang they wore big and proud smiles.
"What would you like to name her?" Aang asked as he held the baby in his arms. With his health, he still had a bright smile.
"Jade. That's her name. Jade Beifong." Lin announced to everyone with a big smile on her face.
The only person that was missing from the scene was Lin's ex-boyfriend and Jade's father:: Tenzin.
"So, are you ever gonna tell him that he has a daughter?" Aang asked her which caused her smile to disapper. "Actually, I don't want to tell him. I saw him kiss someone else. I don't want him to ever find out." She told everyone as she nursed her daughter.
"Lin, your gonna have to tell him someday. He'll be crushed if he saw her one day on the street and then finding out that it's his daughter." Katara snapped at her harshly which surprised everyone.
"I'll tell him someday. I promise i will." Lin said as she got up and placed the baby in the crib that was set up in the room.
"Ok then."
"But still no one tells him."
"Yes ma'm."