AN: Just a short 200 word drabble that popped into my head. I have an idea for another, if Sims 3 Seasons doesn't completely distract me I may be able to write it tonight, I hope you enjoy the drabble.

All game characters know their games don't last forever. It's easy to forget though, especially when your game has been there for years.

Fix it Felix Jr. was an old game. Oldest in the building, the characters had seen many games come and go, but for some reason, there was a sense that everything would be ok, as long as Felix and Ralph still did their jobs.

So when Mr. Litwick announced that he was getting a new game, no one really blinked. At least until they saw the red sign on the front of their console. "OUT OF SERVICE".

They knew they weren't staying together, Ralph was going to Sugar Rush, that was a given. Felix to Hero's Duty but the Nicelanders, and other unplugged characters were going to be homeless. Sure some of them could slip into a few of the remaining older games, but it was getting harder to find a game where their older coding could fit.

When the day came to unplug two characters were the last to leave, saying their goodbye's to their home. Ralph and Felix watched as their world disintegrated, passing through the barrier just moments before their world was no more.