A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to set up another Yu-Gi-Oh! Story, since I've been throwing out Doctor Who stuff. But I wanted to bring this up because I saw one of my old favorite AMV's, (animated music video), and got inspired again for this story. I hope you guys like it.
Chapter One
Out for Fun—Win an Enemy
(Yuugi's POV)
Not having to save the world for once was nice. These chances to wind down and relax didn't come by often, and we always took the chance to make the best of it. But Yami is never settled. His spirit always remains restless, and it always fills me with a foreboding that told me something even more terrible would unfold soon.
Me and my friends were walking to Domino High School. It was late November and there were already predictions of heavy snowfall this upcoming weekend—just three days away. Jonouchi Katsuya, we called him Jou, was busy talking with Hiroto Honda about buying more video games in case of a black out. Anzu Mazaki, my long-time crush and best childhood friend, was texting her Mother about shopping as well. I just stood idly by, smiling and commenting gently on their conversations. I wasn't much for talking. I much preferred sitting in the background, watching everyone else do their thing. Unfortunately, my life demanded so much more than that.
"What's on your mind?" Yami, the 3,000 year old spirit living inside my millennium puzzle, asked into my mind.
"You should know," I replied mentally. "You practically live in there."
"I practice maintaining boundaries. I'd never look without asking." He replied simply, coolly. I held back a sigh.
"Fine then. Every time we get a break from saving and protecting the world, something even more evil and crazy shows up to attack us. I'm just concerned about what it will be."
"That's assuming something does show up."
"You do realize we're still trying to find your secret name? That's going to get some attention from unwanted areas."
"Yuugi!" I snapped out of my mental state and looked up to see we'd arrived at Domino High. Anzu was speaking to me.
"Yeah? Sorry, what?" I asked, my eyes wide. Oh forget it, my eyes were always wide. Some of the girls at school had commented that I have 'panda eyes'. I pushed that to the back of my mind when I felt Yami chuckling. I had to be careful with what I accidentally let him see publically.
"I was just asking you about the test today. I meant to call and ask about it yesterday," Anzu said.
"Oh, right. I studied, don't worry about me," I said with a bright smile. Anzu smiled back and Jou nudged Honda in the ribs. Before my face could turn red, I rushed inside, closely followed by my friends.
"So do you think 'ol money bags will show up?" Jou asked with a sharp tone.
"Nah, I heard all the big companies are busy with the Christmas rush. I'd expect he's nowhere near school."
"Think again, dork." I smiled kindly when I looked up to see the towering frame of Seto Kaiba, CEO and President of Kaiba Corporation. Which was amazing, considering his young age of 18.
"What'd you call me?" Honda asked, immediately taking offense.
"You take that bag rich boy!" Jou said, backing up his friend. Kaiba just looked at them coldly while I sighed inwardly.
I couldn't understand why my friends couldn't see it. Kaiba wasn't a normal person, which much was obvious. It was pretty clear to me he wasn't one for friends, so he wasn't going to talk to people like they were close to him. Instead he could just go about saying what he'd usually say. The only difference with us was that he would stay with us for longer than most others, and the usual malice in his voice was hardly existent anymore when he spoke to us. The only thing that didn't change was his vocabulary and expression.
"Lay off, mutt. I was just answering his stupid question," Kaiba glowered.
"Oh," Anzu said calmly. When it came to understanding situations, she was usually on the same page as me. It was an amazing blessing.
"Then what are you doing here? I heard Kaiba Corp. was busy this time of year."
"It is," Kaiba replied coolly, his laser sharp blue eyes focusing on her. "But there are only so many days I can miss here before they are legally allowed to suspend me. I've nearly used them all, so I'm using them sparingly."
"Sounds like a tight schedule," I said pleasantly, trying to keep him in a good mood. And present.
"It is. So stop wasting my time." And that was the kindest farewell we'd be getting.
With that, Kaiba walked past us and off to our classroom.
"Why that jerk…! Why's he always so rude?" Jou huffed as he slung his bag over his shoulder.
"Somebody should teach that guy some manners," Honda agreed.
"I think you two need some manners," Anzu pointed out. "You two don't help his behavior at all."
"But he starts it!" Jou complained.
I just rolled my eyes at the usual bickering and took my seat by the window. Anzu sat behind me, Jou and Honda sat near the door. We were pretty spread out, but we were a bit early. So we almost had the classroom to ourselves.
My eyes caught Kaiba reaching into his briefcase and pulling out his laptop. It immediately clicked in my mind that he would be working from school. I sort of felt bad for him, but that was his choice to make. I had talked with Mokuba recently, and the kid was keeping Kaiba on a tight leash of coming home on time. I chuckled at the thought. Kaiba taking orders from his brother.
"I doubt that's how he sees it." Yami thought mildly.
"Where you peeking into my mind?" I complained.
"No. You weren't exactly keeping those thoughts private." Yami replied with a mental smile.
I shook my head as the classroom filled.
"Anyway, we're still on break from saving the world. How should we take advantage of the break?" I asked him. I wasn't remotely interested in what we did. But I wanted to give Yami a chance to make his own decision. There was only so much he could do as a spirit. I was thinking I'd let him take over for a while and take the break himself. I just wanted a break from taking a break. Ironic, I mused.
"Isn't a skating rink opening tonight?" Yami asked.
"Oh yeah. Grandpa said a lot of the kids at the shop were talking about it. Are you interested?" I asked.
"I don't know. I've never skated before." Yami replied.
"Well then, I guess we'll go skating then." I said with a smile. I opened my notebook and wrote down the idea before passing it back to Anzu. She smiled and wrote a checkmark. She walked across the room to Jou and Honda, they wrote something down and she brought it back to me.
"Yep, definitely going ice skating." I said to Yami.
A few hours later I was pulling on a warm jacket, a scarf, and warm gloves. I looked myself over in the mirror. I could see Yami's reflection. He was always visible to me. His arms were crossed and he was observing my clothing choices.
"It can't possibly be that cold outside," The spirit said mildly.
"Well, actually, it is." I said aloud. Grandpa knew about Yami, so hearing me talk aloud without an audible response was normal to his ears.
"And you expect me to take this break instead of you." Yami said to clarify.
"Yep, I'd just like a few peaceful hours to myself. In my own mind. Well, my side of our mind." I replied, remembering the time I saw my mind split into two halves, one side for Yami, and one side for me. Mine looked like a child's playroom. But I liked toys and puzzles. It sounded perfect to me.
"Alright, but only because you want this." Yami replied, still looking uncomfortable about the arrangement. I eyed him for a few moments. His mind was unreadable to me. I'd seen it myself. His mind was a literal labyrinth. There was no way I could ever understand his thought processes, the way he saw things or understood them. Once I nearly convinced myself it was because he liked Anzu. But sometimes he'd react in a way that said otherwise. He was too private, but I wouldn't complain. There was no real reason to.
My cell phone rang, so I picked it off the desk and flipped it open.
"Hey Anzu, you ready?" I asked into the receiver, walking over to my window to look outside.
"Yep! I've got Jou and Honda with me. But I actually had a question."
"Yeah? What do you need?" I asked, opening the curtains. I could see my friends outside waiting. A light snow had already begun to fall. A preview for the oncoming weekend storm.
"Well, Mokuba called. He said Kaiba's working late tonight and if he could hang out with us tonight. He said it would be lonely otherwise."
"Sure! Tell him we'll be right over to pick him up." I said with a smile.
"Got it. We're waiting outside!"
"Coming down."
I hung up the phone and placed it in my pocket.
"I heard," Yami said before I could open my mouth.
"Great. Are you alright with that?" I asked honestly. He nodded.
"Of course," He replied. "Mokuba is a good kid." I nodded in agreement.
"Alright, let's do this."
It's an interesting process, going from total control of your body to the background of your own mind. I lost all control of my limbs, any bodily functions I usually commanded at will. There's something interesting about our change, though. I can still feel everything he feels. As Yami touches the doorknob to turn it, I can feel the metal on my fingertips. It's like a dream. You can feel everything, but you have no control over anything you do.
Yami hurried down the steps and I watched through his eyes as he said a brief farewell to Grandpa. Then we were outside, and I felt Yami's surprise that yes, it really was that cold out.
"Yuu—Yami," Anzu said in surprise. Jou and Honda blinked, but smiled anyway.
"Cool! You and Yuugi plan this?" Jou asked, ever so positive. I knew he was always excited about the idea of two Yuugi's. It was so different and unusual. Jou liked unusual. That always made me wonder why he hated Kaiba so much.
Anzu was smiling gently, cautiously. She was always like that whenever Yami came out. Now that I thought about it, Yami acted similarly. They were always so careful about everything. But I always over-think things when I have the back row.
Honda drove us to the Kaiba Estate. It was an enormous mansion. I got shivers whenever I saw the enormous Blue Eyes White Dragon statues, glaring down at us like they were the real thing. Anzu and Yami climbed out and walked up to the front doors. She rang the doorbell and they remained silent until Mokuba opened the doors.
"Hey guys! I'm sorry if I'm imposing or anything," Mokuba said, brushing his long black bangs out of his grey eyes. He was perfectly dressed for ice skating, with a thick jacket, scarf, and hat. He looked up at us and we smiled.
"Not at all," Anzu chirped.
"Are you ready?" Yami asked, his much lower voice than mine echoing into the mansion behind Mokuba. I wondered if it was empty in there. Why else would it echo?
Anzu and Yami led him to the minivan and we jumped inside. Yami closed the door behind us and we were off.
The new Ice Rink really was everything it was cracked up to be. I was amused, watching Jou and Honda try to balance each other and figure out how to skate properly. Anzu was perfection on ice. She twirled around like the dancer she was, skating backwards, forwards, spinning slowly every once in a while. Yami clutched the rail as tightly as he could, carefully working his way forward to try and join her.
I wondered if this is what it was like for him. Always watching from the background, seeing and understanding, but having no part in it. Was this what he experienced for 3,000 years?
Anzu eventually stopped teasing the spirit and came over to take his arms. She pulled him forward and away from the railing. He stumbled but didn't fall. I could feel Anzu's hands, tight and firm, refusing to let go. She continued to laugh at Yami's expense, but I could feel his spirit glowing. He was happy, and that made me happy.
I spotted Mokuba out of the corner of my eye. He was pretty good at skating. He was better than all of us, but in my mind, not as good as Anzu the Ice Princess. He skated over to us and tried to help Anzu give Yami pointers. He was open to the idea of there being two Yuugi's. I think he liked it about as much as Jou did. Something fairy-tale and unreal about it. Everything Kaiba hated.
We skated for about two hours. By that time, Yami had caught the hang of it, and was working his way slowly around the rink, over and over. Anzu skated effortlessly beside him, sometimes giving him pointers, but mostly praising him for how good he was doing. Jou and Honda were still a mess on the floor. Mokuba had left Anzu and Yami to make fun of them, something his big brother would have been proud of.
Suddenly, Mokuba pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and looked at it. He'd received a call, or text. The young boy skated over to the wall and opened up the door to get off the ice. He sat on a bench and started fiddling with the phone.
"Yami, what's up?" I asked. Yami had noticed as well.
"I don't know. Let's find out." Yami carefully maneuvered over to the wall, Anzu close behind him in case he fell over again.
But we made it to the edge alright and Yami leaned against the railing.
"What's wrong?" He asked Mokuba, who looked up from the phone's light. Mokuba frowned.
"Seto said he'd be busy till ten or eleven tonight. But apparently, he texted me an hour ago that he was getting off earlier than he expected. I'm supposed to reply to his texts within ten minutes or else he'll get worried…"
"And this text was an hour old?" Anzu asked, the worry striking her eyes. Mokuba nodded.
"He's going to be ticked!" Mokuba hissed, quickly typing a return text.
"What's up?" Jou said, crashing in behind Honda, who was climbing through the doorway for a break.
"Kaiba sent Mokuba a text an hour ago. Mokuba was supposed to send a text back within ten minutes, and he didn't." Anzu explained carefully.
"Well, what's the worst he can do? Talk our ears off? Challenge us to a duel?" Jou joked. Mokuba looked up, ready to patronize him, when a shadow fell across the group. We looked up to see a very, very angry Kaiba. I'd only seen him so furious once. In the virtual world, when Mokuba was taken in front of all of us. His continued anger was directed at us whenever we tried to help. But back then, he'd seemed more in control. Right now, he looked ready to knock off any one of our heads.
"You'll be lucky if I let you off with that much." Kaiba hissed, poison lacing his voice. I felt Yami's body tense, his knuckles tightening on the railing.
"Seto, I'm sorry. I was having fun and didn't notice the text." Mokuba quickly said, jumping in to the rescue. Kaiba's eyes snapped to his younger brother. I shivered. His eyes were dark, deadly. Completely unattached to the reality of the situation. His mind was somewhere else, somewhere untouchable.
"We are leaving right now," Kaiba said coldly, his voice low and menacing. I felt a pang in my chest. Mokuba was doomed to a rough night.
"Hey, don't punish him for this," Jou said. I cursed in my mind, and I felt Yami agree to it. Jou had the worst timing, but this was ridiculous.
"Then what do you suggest? That I punish you?" Kaiba growled, grabbing Jou's jacket by the collar and pulling him up so his toes were only just touching the ground. By now we'd gained an audience. I couldn't believe Kaiba would let himself go like this, in public. He was usually so reserved, trying his ultimate best to never let anyone know his true feelings. And I was really, really glad for that whenever he acted like a homicidal maniac. Like now.
"Kaiba, calm down, this isn't the way to handle the situation."
"Back off Motou," Kaiba glared, dropping Jou suddenly to push Yami away. He lost his balance and nearly fell, but grabbed the railing just in time. By the time Yami pulled himself back up, Kaiba had grabbed Mokuba around the waist, picked him up, and was hauling him away.
"What the heck just happened?" Jou exclaimed, also picking himself off the ground and rubbing his backside.
"I have no idea," Anzu replied. I stared after him.
"I don't think I've ever seen him so… violent." Honda muttered.
"What do you think?" I asked Yami mentally. "Most of my understanding on him comes from you."
"I… honestly have no idea." Yami replied mentally. "I'm sure we'll find out what happened tomorrow."
(Mokuba's POV)
He put me in the backseat, climbed into the front seat, and sped off onto the highway.
"What the heck?!" I exclaimed loudly. "We were just having some fun! I really did just miss the text; I wasn't in trouble or anything!" Seto's jaw tightened and he ignored my words. He simply swerved into the next lane and went through a red light.
I glared death at him and looked next to me. His briefcase. Fine, if he wanted to be mysterious, then I would go through all his stuff.
I opened it silently and looked through everything. Files, files, files… stupid files. Sometimes I underestimated how boring Seto's job was. But he couldn't be upset about his job. This kind of behavior went deeper than that. I spotted his dark black phone and picked it up. I looked at the rearview mirror. I could just make out his eyes, focusing on the road like it was life and death. Our deaths, if he'd stop being so reckless.
I turned on his phone. It had a password. I thought for a moment. I had to be smart. It would be more than just 'Mokie' or 'BlueEyes' or something sentimental. It would be something no one else would know. I smirked. Something only we would know. I typed in the password and it blinked, "Welcome, Seto Kaiba." I scrolled through all his most recent calls and messages.
Nothing important. I flipped back to an hour earlier. Dang, I thought to myself. How many texts can a person get in one hour?! I finally found the text he sent me. Stamped at seven o' clock exactly. So whatever happened ten minutes later would have been when he went crazy.
My biggest concern was that if I hadn't texted in ten minutes, Seto wouldn't have panicked. Not really. He knew I was a kid and missed things sometimes. So he would have given me more time to notice. Maybe even send me another text five to ten minutes later.
And that's when I saw it. Something that definitely would have sent him into a tail spin. A picture of me, at the ice rink, with Jou and Honda. It was from a blocked number. I looked up at Seto. Still focused, angry. But now that I'd seen the text, I could trace the smallest bit of concern leaking through his angry front.
Typical. I turned off the phone and placed it in the briefcase. I couldn't let him know what I'd seen. Otherwise, he'd change the password, and then I'd get a lecture for going through his things. Seto was sensitive about that kind of stuff. So, I'd just have to figure this all out on my own.
A/N: Well, that's that! I hope you like it, and please review to let me know what you think. I literally LIVE off your reviews. I seriously need to know what you think. Otherwise, I get bored and stop caring. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review! Love you guys! 3 I'll update soon, I promise.