Hey people! I am so excited about this story! I got the inspiration after watching Monday Night RAW last night. I really hope everyone likes it. I mean, if you don't like it, that's ok too. Anyway, when I originally thought of it, I just wanted it to be a one-shot, but now I'm thinking about making it a multi-chapter story. Let me know what you think! =)



AJ sat alone at the bar, an untouched glass of beer in front of her. RAW had ended about an hour ago. She couldn't stop thinking about the current plot they had going on. Her and John Cena. A lovestruck couple. It didn't bother her that she had to act like she was in love with him, or he her. What bothered her was the fact that she couldn't actually be with him. They were on good terms and she could honestly say that she liked him. Unfortunately, he was married.

She slumped on her stool. I might as well face it. she thought. I'll never find true love as long as I'm in this business. She practically had no life outside of her job. They travelled so much and practiced a lot for the next show. She never had time to date or meet guys outside of RAW or SMACKDOWN and most of the wrestlers were married or had girlfriends somewhere anyway. She longed for a relationship.

"Excuse me Miss, but we're going to be closing soon." said the man behind the bar. "Are you going to finish that, or should I take it away for you?" He pointed to the beer in front of her.

"Um, no I'll finish it." she replied. He nodded and walked away. AJ looked around and was surprised to see that the place was nearly empty. She chugged away half the glass in three quick swallows, grimacing slightly. The drink had turned luke-warm while it sat. Bracing herself for the taste, she started chugging down the rest of it.

"You're going to get sick if you keep doing that." She nearly spit out her drink. Punk. she thought, recognizing the voice. She looked to see her worst fears confirmed. CM Punk, otherwise known as Phil Brooks, was standing right next to her, a mixture of concern and amusement on his face. Great, another fake love interest. she thought. He was dressed in a dark hoodie and tight blue jeans. She looked him over, then looked away quickly, murmuring confirmation to what he just said. She could feel her face going scarlet. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him look at her for a minute, then turn to the bartender and strike up a conversation.

It seemed like everytime she looked at him these days, all she could think about was the kiss she'd given him on RAW. Of course it was part of the show, and she'd kissed Danial Bryan just before that, but when she'd kissed CM Punk, she'd felt a spark. Now he was always lingering at the back of her mind and she felt flustered whenever she saw him. However, he didn't show any signs of being affected by it at all and continued doing what he was good at on RAW: being the bad guy. He probably has a girlfriend. she thought miserably, finishing off her beer and standing up to leave. CM Punk still leaned on the bar, chatting casually with the bartender. She was about to leave, when she felt someone grab her arm. Flushing, she looked at Phil. The concern was back. "Hey, do you need someone to walk back to the hotel with you? It's gotten pretty dark out there. And cold." he said, eyeing her thin coat and t-shirt and jeans attire.

"N-No, I'll be alright." Why was she refusing him? Maybe because she knew he didn't like her the way she liked him.

He nodded slowly. "Alright, suit yourself then." The concerned look didn't leave his face.

Maybe he thinks I'm too drunk to walk home by myself. she thought as she was walking out. She could still feel his eyes on her as she went out the door.

As it turned out, CM Punk was right. The night had grown dark indeed and the cool air chilled her to the bone. Shivering, AJ pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands and hugged herself. She walked in the direction of the hotel at a brisk pace, wanting to get back to her room quickly so she could huddle under a blanket. It was after midnight and there were few people on the street. The silence and the shadows cast by night were enough to make her paranoid. She kept looking around, expecting something or someone to jump out at her.

She was about a block away from her hotel when she saw a shadow move out of the corner of her left eye. Before she could react, a hand suddenly reached out of the dark alleyway, grabbed her by the arm, and yanked her in. In the alley, an arm wrapped around her waist from behind and a hand muffled her scream. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn't break away. "Easy now girl. Just relax. This won't take long." said a raspy man's voice. Her captor then spun her around to face him, then pinned her against the nearby wall. She couldn't make out his features very clearly, but she could tell he was drunk from the rasp in his voice and the way his balance seemed a bit off.

"Look," she said, trying to reason with him. "I've got money. I'll give it all to you, if you just let me go." She tried to be as calm as possible. Something told her this man wanted more than just money.

He shook his head. "I don't want your money." He leaned forward and started roughly kissing her neck. That was when the panic set in. She shoved at him with all her might and let out the loudest scream she could muster, hoping against hope that someone would hear and come help. The man put his hand over her mouth, muffling it. "Now, now, little girl, don't make a fuss. No one can hear you at this time of night. Just-" His sentence was cut off by a fist slamming into his face.

The man stumbled backward drunkenly, rubbing his cheek, and eyed the newcomer with anger. AJ looked to see that her savior was none other than Phil Brooks. Glaring fiercely at the stranger, he grabbed AJ by the wrist and pulled her close to him, out of the alley and into safety. "If you ever even THINK about touching her again, I swear to God I will beat you within an inch of your life." he spat. Still gripping AJ by the wrist, he strode away from the alley, and didn't stop until they were in front of the hotel. Then he turned to her, his expression soft. "Are you alright AJ?"

She swallowed once and nodded. "Th-Thank you, Phil."

Surprising her, he wrapped her in his arms and held her so close that she could hear his heartbeat in his chest. "No problem, Sweety, no problem." he replied, his voice reverberating through his chest pleasantly where she had her ear pressed. Blood rushed to her face, warming her slightly as he kissed the top of her head. "We'd better get you inside." With that, he led her into the building, keeping one arm wrapped snuggly around her shoulders. She didn't know whether she should feel content or awkward about the situation.

They rode the elevator up to the twentieth floor in silence. AJ wondered if now would be a good time to bring up her feelings, but wasn't certain. Then, the elevator doors opened, she knew the moment had passed. She probably would never get another chance after this. Sighing, she bid CM Punk goodnight and stepped off the elevator.

"AJ!" he called, stopping the doors from closing with his arm. She looked at him curiously, wondering what he could possibly want to say to her. Smiling slightly, he said, "I didn't forget that kiss either." and before she could respond, the elevator doors closed between them.

The End...for now. Please comment!