well...final chapter
and thanks for the reviews
specially the hate ones
"so tell me bro…why do we have to train in the middle of the sea?"
"you're free to go back and ruin the terrain around the village"
"…wow…I'm gonna be that strong?"
"guh…you freaking idiot
you're supposed to be the strongest ever and you say wow?"
"gawd…I've grown so stupid
I'm going to go studying after this"
"but I thought you hated papers" kurama grinned, clearly rubbing salt on his wound
naruto created two rasengans, one in each hand
kurama concentrated chakra to his hand and summoned a red sword
"meet my pal, blood sword"
you had something like that and never taught me?"
"well…me and ms blood sword…we got a thaaaang…going on" and he licked it
"grrr" naruto ran toward the red headed demon
"so tell me sasuke-san…are you satisfied with what orochimaru gave you?"
sasuke nodded
derp stared at sasuke with wide eyes
sasuke rolled his eyes
"okay okay just kidding" he shifted in his seat
"and are you satisfied with the battle between you and your brother?"
sasuke shrugged and itachi poked him
"yes derp-sama"
"ah no need for pleasantries you sexy son of a bitch" derp got up and looked out the window
"I have a mission for you now sasuke"
"what is it?"
derp turned around and leered at sasuke
music to my ears"
he turned around again
"I want you to go to uzugakure
back to your…" he scratched his ear
"scrawny nakama"
sasuke wasn't one to show his emotions but unconsciously, he gripped his hand into a fist
"what's wrong sasuke?
usually, when one makes a fist…" he turned to sasuke
"he means to throw it"
"hmph" and with that sasuke left the room
"itachi…take this to naruto" derp gave him a scroll
"and you, kisame, konan and tobi are no longer mine to command…and find zetsu and give him the news as well"
"…hai hokage-sama"
'finally…it's time to let it all go and find you marylin
I was hoping to find you if I had power over this insignificant world but…now that that has failed, I'll find you with my own bare hands'
derp grimaced and wanted to hit his face
" in Japanese, itachi literally means weasel…WHOAH" he noticed that konan was dragging an unconscious itachi with him
"what happened to HIM?"
"it doesn't matter derp-"
"no it does
is he breathing?"
"because I'm not the oh-so-supreme-god-king of the east anymore"
"I gave all I had over to the other god-king…naruto"
"why?" konan's eyes told derp she was about to cry if he wasn't careful of his next words
"…because I've been getting more complaints
most of them said to either fight the other god-king and bring peace to the world or hand everything over…shitty civilian council heads
I chose to hand it all over"
"but….how does that mean that you'll be letting us go?...letting me go?"
I'm going to finish my life-long mission and I don't want anyone getting in the way"
he picked up his trusty sword and began walking toward the door
"I think I told everyone about it before we named out group akatsuki"
konan couldn't argue about That
he was right
he did tell them that the group was mainly for peace
"so…when your mission is over…sniff…what then?"
"hmm…I dunno
but I'll let everyone know when I'm done"
and with that, derp closed the doors behind him
"phew…that went-"
what's this about letting everything go?" kisame scratched his head
Naruto and kurama were exchanging sword slashes and fist blows at an incredible pace
but naruto was clearly losing
kurama kicked him away when naruto raised his masamune
"too slow gaki
and what's up with all the openings?"
"shut up…"
naruto got up and took a few deep breathes to clear his mind
"say…I remember you saying you were controlled by madara when you attacked my village right?
I just remembered…I read in a book that you're actually from iwa…so what were you doing there?"
"…helping jiraya in his research?"
naruto scratched his head and tried to place the piece of the puzzle together
"and that...red hair..."
"oi gaki
what are you talking to yourself about?"
"oh nothing…just thinking about what happened in the dream"
'oh right…I never told him about it'
"you see…when I was sucked into the portal…I saw something like a dream
I was in iwa…in a hut in the middle of a grassland"
kurama gripped his sword and gritted his teeth
"a child's mother was-"
"beheaded by your dad"
"…guess the fox's out of the bag now huh?"
kurama dropped his sword and it dissolved as it sank in the sea water
"that…was my wife"
that can't be
his son had black hair"
"will you shut up and LISTEN OR WHAT?
as I was saying…she's my wife but before that, she was a widow, mourning the loss of his husband
his reports said he died somewhere around uzugakure
so…I decided to take care of them…turn a new leaf over and start good"
'that still doesn't explain the man in the woods and in the dream
if he was found dead around my home village…there must be records about him'
"thanks bro
I need to go studying now"
and he disappeared in a yellow flash
"ugh...that brat can't stand still and listen to a story till the end..."
"let's see now…"
"FUCKAAAAAAAAAAAH…found you" he grinned
the book's title said 'derp the unholy one''
he put the book on his desk and started reading through the dusty papers
'it was a cheerful evening as usual in the village
kids laughing, men drinking after a hard day's work
women gossiping to each other
until that man arrived
he stated that he had heard something about nephilims and demons and angels in our village
we told him about the book and warned him that no one has understood it
all he said was that he needed it to ensure his family's future
well…we were too simple and easy going back then
we showed him the way to our library and he started reading the books and taking notes like there was no tomorrow
he barely ate or slept'
naruto skipped a few pages and stopped at a page that had red stains on it
'we checked on him one day and saw him drawing seals on the floor
we knew he had done a hard work reading everything and all but we guessed he'll fail as well and leave soon enough
despair and sorrow sinked into our hearts as he dropped his blood on a red strand of hair in the middle of the seal and he glowed black and red
and before our eyes, his black hair started turning white and he started to change
he wrapped his arms around himself and crouched
we witnessed as the man turned into a sword
as we thought it was over…a man appeared
he looked as if he was a clone of the man that just sealed himself but this one…he had a much darker glow in his eyes…almost as if he was the incarnation of evil itself
he grinned as he picked up the sword and we quote as he said to the letter
"finally…time for payback…
now..since I'm feeling so good
I'll let you all live and tell my tale okay bitches?
so long"
and with that, he disappeared in a black and blue blur
I for one almost had a heart attack at what I saw
our hiraishin, perfected by a mere stranger…something we gave to the yondaime hokage to perfect because of his sharp mind
we warn the reader of this tale…if you see this man…run'
naruto turned to the last page and saw a drawing of the man who picked derp up in the forest
"well…that explains how I met them but…I still don't see how marylin was….wait that red-hair…wait no
she wasn't even born yet after this guy was declared dead
I need to ask kurama some questions…"
it was nap time
"could you come over here?"
they left the building
"what is it?"
"when you found her…what was her hair color?"
her hair turned red after we…you know"
he the book out and looked at all the dates
'this guy was studying it for….five years?
no wonder he was declared dead'
"you know…I've seen that face before
this one time…a man abducted marylin and all he did was…cut her hair
I tracked him down and I was going to rip his throat out but…he said he needed her hair to see if she's a new breed in iwa
we knew he wasn't gonna do anything with HAIR so-"
"kurama…is marylin your daughter?"
he sighed as he nodded his head
"you didn't ask"
the man was sealed into a blade…'
he took out the book and stared in disbelief at the sword art next to the man's face
it was the yamato derp currently held…wait…someone had signed under it
"kushina uzumaki
the greatest ninja that ever….fuck this"
naruto put the book back in his sleeve seal and disappeared
Derp sighed as he touched the trees
good old memories ran through his head as he remembered their training
he felt something appear behind him but he knew it was naruto…who else would have a chakra signature that was mixed with a demon's right?
"naruto my-"
before his sentence could finish, naruto grabbed the sword and felt himself get sucked into another dimension
he was back in the void
"I knew you would come to me naruto-san"
the man appeared again
"so can I hear the full story now?"
"of course…you have every right to
since it was our fault kyuubi attacked the village in the first place
you see…the reason I went for the nephilim book in the first place was because I had heard you can seal yourself into an object and always communicate with the one who held the blade
after my studies almost finished, I went back home…for a piece of hair from my son
when I got there, I saw my wife…but her hair was red just like the man next to him
I must say…I was overwhelmed by anger when I first saw her with someone else but since I read something like this in the books, I guessed that the man was a kind demon who had decided to take care of my family
I didn't see my son there…so the least I could do was repay the man by ensuring his daughter's future
I took her hair and…I believe you know the rest from your family's books'
"yeah…but…I have a few questions like…what was your son's name?
and who was the man who appeared and picked you up?
because he went and trained your son"
"well...since as far as I knew, my wife was angelic, what the ninja call a yin chakra holder, and I'm a demonic, the yang chakra holder, I decided to make our son an object to protect himself
a sword
but since her new husband was a pure demon…I just needed something from the hybrid
her hair"
"hmm…you seem pretty calm about what your wife did"
"yeah…it wasn't easy for me to swallow the fact at first but…what can you expect?
I'm actually glad she moved on
back to the story
I had the hair and I knew the ins and outs of the seal
but you see…when I was about to make the sword, I gave all the chakra I had to make a shadow clone to do my will and train my child"
"well congratz man
your son has gone crazy and wants to sacrifice his sister to get his mom back"
"he wouldn't
I can feel it
it's not in our blood to sacrifice anything for our own joy"
"okay…and his name?"
"his mother named him akira"
"okay…so why was she beheaded?"
"well…after the people found out she had mated with a demon…they weren't exactly happy about it"
"and they asked someone to kill her…"
"yes…but killing a demon isn't something anyone can do so they secretly asked their nemesis, the yondaime hokage who was the strongest of his time to slay the demon"
"and when kurama wasn't there….they mistakenly killed akira's mother"
"yes…anything else my boy?"
"your twin…where is he?
where did he go after he trained your son?"
"that…I think you should ask my son
and could you please take me to my daughter?"
"…." Naruto felt himself get sucked back into reality
"-dear friend…okay why dafuq are you holding my sword?"
"erm…can I borrow it for a while?"
it's a memento from my mentor"
"…nevermind" derp pushed naruto's hand off the blade and took a step back
"well…what do you want?"
"your mentor…"
'holy shit…it's him
he's the boy I've been seeing…he's akira
and that means he wants marylin…'
"well…my mentor?" derp waved his hand
"are you okay naruto?"
"yeah…yeah I'm fine" naruto scratched his head
"well…how can I help you?"
"by telling me where your mentor is"
"I killed him" derp deadpanned naruto
"you did WHAT?"
"just kidding
one day I woke up…and he wasn't there anymore but he had left this sword
he still lives through the sword" he held his sword up
"heh…I remember the night before he disappeared, he told me the next time we'd meet, my sister would be in the world again
sunova bitch must've sealed her somewhere but it doesn't matter anymore
he's gone and I'm going to find my sister"
"I see…so can I take it with me or not?"
"of course not"
"come on its only for a short while"
"why is this sword so important to you naruto?"
"guh…I'm sorry akira" naruto concentrated chakra to his index finger
he used the moment akira let his guard down and pushed the pressure point on his neck
he put akira on his back and strapped the sword to his hip under masamune
"let's get you to a bed shall we?"
Naruto put derp on the bed and ripped his clothes off
the nurse who was standing there didn't know what to do
bleed from seeing a hot blonde strip the hokage she cherished or be afraid for the hokage's health
"trust me…I was trained by tsunade in healing arts" naruto grinned and she calmed down after looking into his cyan eyes
naruto started drawing seals all over akira
his drawings became more complex as he reached akira's sternum
he finished by drawing a swirl on his forehead and told the nurse to leave unless she wanted to get raped
she didn't leave at first…which made naruto's face red but naruto seriously told her to leave and she did
"sorry about this bro but…at least I hope this keeps you intact for at least a month with your chakra level
he shouted as he slammed his palm on his sternum and akira's eyes snapped wide open in their ultimate form which made naruto twitch as he stared into them
"I'll…kill you…i…promise" and with that, he passed out
"holy…shit…" he touched the sword and felt a tug at the back of his head
'derp dude
how the fuck does your son have the ultimate eye on him?'
I'm proud of him'
'oh sorry
I put everything I had gathered up into our archives in the hut's basements
I guess he must've perfected it huh?
anyway, i have no idea so why don't you ask him when he wakes up?'
'well…considering he knew where uzugakure is….he must've used my family archive to perfect it…shit'
'well…good luck naruto'
naruto couldn't help but stare at the monster in front of him
"shit…I hope he stays dead-asleep for at least a CENTURY"
he performed his usual seals and disappeared in a white blur
"well yamato…let's get you to-"
naruto turned to kurama and marylin
"what're you guys doing here?
"just showing her around"
naruto didn't want to bother and explain what just happened all over so he did what he had to
naruto threw the blade toward kurama
he tensed as he grabbed the blade and blankly stared at naruto
"well…whadya think?"
"…is he serious?"
"YOU DID WHAT?" marylin shouted and naruto trembled
"err…of course not darling dearest
I'm just trying to-"
he stared at the blade then gave it to marylin
"erm…" naruto scratched his head
a few seconds passed and tears began to flow out of her eyes, down her cheeks and onto the floor
naruto grabbed the blade and kurama instinctively carried marylin and petted her back
'what I had to
that her mother is dead'
and that man is her father...since she was just a baby, i don't think she has any memories of him so i just gave him a concise review of her childhood'
'and what did you say that made her cry?'
'his brother wants to kill her'
'I know I know…It's just…a lot has happened to him
what if he's changed and actually wants to do it?'
'…I don't know…'
'you saw it too didn't you?
his eyes changed when he saw his mother die in front of him
when I was gone…and after kyuubi left…all he had left was his mother and sister
his sister disappeared after I sealed her and myself into another dimension
what if the shock of losing her mother was too much?
when I saw his eyes as you sealed him…'
'yeah yeah…just…you didn't HAVE TO tell her you know
we could've convinced him otherwise'
'…well…it's too late now'
naruto actually felt sad for her
the only relative she had…her only brother wanted to kill her
The doctors were checking akira's blood for any poisons, his body for any wounds and had an electrocardiogram connected to him
doctor…" the nurse called out
"what Is it?"
they both looked at his heart-beat rates
it was normal
"nothing…just for a moment…I thought it raised to a really high level"
"it's okay
you just need some rest yayoi-chan"
"hmm…I guess you're right"
"well…if he has the ultimate eye…I guess we're going to be in for a big one naruto"
"…" no reply
"you know…this isn't the only time I talked to him
last time…he said they were hunted down for killing shodaime hokage's wife
this time, he said they were hunted for mating with demons"
'if he was there when she died…why didn't he do anything?...wait...if he sealed marylin with him...how come only marylin got out?'
"I don't know" naruto stared at the sword strapped to his hip
"how do you suppose we get to the bottom of this?"
naruto looked at the nephilim book on his desk
"go on
I'll be back at the day care"
naruto proceeded to read the book all over again
'when the clone picked the sword…his attitude had changed a lot right?...wait…when we talked…his talking manners seemed to change from time to time too...let's see now'
naruto opened the side effects page
'side effects caused by becoming a nephilim's object :
complete distrust to outsiders which means the sealed person will always try to hurt the person that holds it
utmost caution if the sealed person has a grudge'
naruto dropped the sword on the ground and pushed it away with his masamune
'this means…it lied to marylin?
but marylin is...his wife's child…'
naruto reached for the blade and flew to the next dimension again
"ah naruto
what brings you here my boy?"
naruto grabbed the man's throat
"keh…you're such an idiot"
the man kicked naruto's guts and threw him back
"I find them all despicable
I spent my life trying to ensure their future and how do they repay me?
"you're sick and twisted"
"and you're in for a world of pain
heheh…just wait until akira wakes up
he's my masterpiece
i had my clone tell him that he can resurrect his mother by killing his sister…so of course I'm gonna have that son of a bitch kill his daughter of a WHORE sister"
"and i'll just hand marylin over on a dining plate right?
"you won't be able to
I wasn't officially the best of my time in terms of strength but when It came to knowledge…I was compare-able to rikudou himself"
"tch…shut it already"
naruto let go of the sword
"guh…this is such a headache"
tsunade slammed the doors down
'damn…the guy who makes doors must be rich by now'
"you won't believe it"
"derp gave over all his countries to us"
naruto's jaw fell
he wanted to drive his fist up his ass for betraying his dearest friend
"not only that…sasuke's in the uzukage room"
…author finds it hard to describe what happened to naruto
Naruto kicked the doors down
"tayuya…don't bother calling the repairman
I don't want doors anymore"
"…" naruto looked inside the room
"dobe" sasuke nodded
what dafuq are you doing here?"
"well…it's a long story
just know that derp sent me over
he said I should help you man up and mature a little"
'akira…sorry won't cut it so I won't even bother'
"guh…" he sighed in his bed and grimaced
akira thought back to the note his mother left him
the words appeared clear as day behind his closed eyelids
"akira my dear son
I don't know where your sister is but…please find her
you two may not be related by blood but…I've seen the way you treat her
you treat her even better than a real sibling
I'm so proud of you
be strong akira…and remember
the strongest are the ones who find it in their heart to forgive
all my heart's love
your mother, asuna"
after the words disappeared, grass and flowers filled the floor of his imagination
he remembered the times he spent, playing with his sister
"onii-chaaaan" she cried
"what is it now?"
akira leaned down and examined her crying sister
she had a bruise on her knee
"didn't I tell you to stop running in the meadows?"
"sniff…it hurts" she wiped her tears with her tiny little hands
akira used his bottle of water to clean the scratch and ripped his white shirt's sleeve off to cover her small wound
she nodded but akira knew what she needed
he picked her up bridal style and kissed her cheeks over and over
"now?" he smiled at her
"yup" she grinned back
the chirping of birds on his window sucked him back into reality
'I'm so gonna kill that motherfucker…after all I did for him…
then again…how did he know my name?'
he tried to fit anything into the riddle that was gnawing at his brain
'wait…why would he want the yamato?
oh no…it can't be that simple can it?
that man who said held my sister…he wasn't…trapped in the sword was he?
akira's heart rates were clearly above 200
but wait…where could he have put my sister?'
"well…what now?" sasuke crossed his arms
"well…be at the beach tomorrow at 7 am sharp"
both males turned to the pinkette
her green eyes were surrounded by blue beads threatening to fall
marylin was walking next to her too but she only stared blankly at the floor
naruto picked her up and carried her on his back
"I'll give you two some time alone"
and he disappeared in his usual way
Naruto walked in and closed the door behind him
he put some flowers in the vase and sat next to akira's bed
"hey…I know you'll kill me anyway so…before that…"
'urgh…I'm really beginning to hate your voice dude…'
he put marylin on akira's chest
"I'm here to apologize akira
I was fooled by the sword and…I'll give you two some privacy" he jumped out the window
'shit…what'd he put on me?..more seals?"
holy shit is it really you?
this is too good to be true
I love you man, thanks for this'
"onii-san…is it true?
do you want to kill me?"
'…okay that's just messed up
"so you can see mommy again?"
'oh come on
who would buy that bullshit?'
she started crying
'if…sniff…if it makes onii-chan happy…sniff…go ahead'
akira gritted his teeth and opened his eyes but…they weren't in their usual, calm brown color
naruto's drawing began appearing all over him again
she closed her eyes for what was coming to her
the heart rates flew to over 400
'you haven't changed….one bit…I've missed you so much…'
as he barely managed to raise his arm, she started crying harder but still sat on his chest
his fingers were about to touch her
after all these years of patience and training….pushing himself to the limit
'just…a little…mor-'
naruto jumped through the window and snatched her before derp's fingers could reach her
'shit…i made it in time'
marylin cried in naruto's bossom…she cried her heart out
akira reached out for her but…naruto only took a few steps back
he put marylin on the couch and approached akira
"look man…I'm sorry but…I don't know who I'm supposed to trust after what I saw
maybe your old man was right…"
akira didn't care what naruto was blabbering… he was still looking at his sister…his hand still held toward her
she was looking back at him with tearful eyes
'I'm coming for you marylin….even if it means…I have to go against the world'
naruto summoned a kunai from his sleeve seal and charged it with wind chakra
he lifted the kunai over akira's head
"i…I'm sorry man…"
visions of his mother's head flying flew to akira's mind
the stern look on that blonde man's face…minato namikaze's face
as he was about to pierce akira's throat with his blade, a kick to the face threw him out the window
naruto landed on one of the roofs and looked up at the person who smashed his face in
itachi stared back at him with a cold gaze and naruto only returned the favor
"what do you think you're doing?"
"it's none of your concern"
"oh but it is" itachi drew a kunai
"I thought I sensed a familiar chakra begging to erupt from the hospital
good thing I noticed it was derp-sama's soon enough"
"well…I can understand him"
"I'm actually surprised you're trying to stop him uzumaki
you too, know well the pain of growing without parents so you should be able to relate to him but…you have a new family now
that's why you've turned against him"
this single true fact stabbed at naruto's heart like a thousand blazing needles
when did he forget?
when did he lose track of it all?
his reason…his goal…why he had trained so hard…was to be strong enough to protect everyone around him not FUCK them
"you're right…but now that I have a new family…I can't risk having a madman like him running around
he needs to be stopped"
"and you need to leav-"
it was marylin's scream
itachi, instinctively turned around but…he realized it too late
he had turned his back to his enemy
but to his surprise, naruto just jumped over him and ran toward the room
Marylin was all curled up on the couch and was afraid of the man on the floor with marks and seals all over him crawling towards her
some of akira's skin tissues were red while the others were badly bleeding
he was putting too much pressure on himself by moving his hand, let alone crawl out of his bed
'i…I guess I am scary…with my eyes like this…and bleeding all over but…I can't stop marylin
I just….want to-'
"MARYLIN" naruto jumped in through the window and lifted her up
a single bead of blood drop from akira's eye as they disappeared
he screamed from the top of his lungs as his life blood…his heart…his deity…his sister disappeared in front of him
"well...i hope you had fun yesterday because-"
"what the fuck is this?" naruto pointed to the people behind kurama
"guh…as I was SAYING
I took the liberty of personally bringing all the kages over"
It was tough I admit but after seeing you do it so many times, of course I memorized it"
"urgh…I'm gonna be sick"
"Let us do our best uzukage-sama" the raikage bowed
"umm…yes…wh…what he said" the mizukage blushed and bowed
"hmph" sasuke crossed his arms
"I'm gonna enjoy this gaki"
"can I at LEAST have a handicap or something?"
"CHIDORI" sasuke dashed towards naruto without a warning
'shit' naruto jumped to the left and avoided his sizzling jab
naruto stared in awe as the mizukage threw the bullets of blazing lava out of her mouth and aimed them at naruto
'well…let's see now'
naruto threw his counter rockets but contrary to his expectations, the bullets absorbed the rockets and became even bigger
naruto had no choice
he lost control of his feet chakra and sank into the water
"bad choice uzukage-sama…URAAH"
the raikage slammed his thunder charged fist into the water and fried naruto's nerves
I wasn't even participating and we attacked you one by one"
"ugh…shut up you damn fox"
naruto groaned as he lazily floated on the water surface
"well?" itachi asked with a tone that said if he didn't hear what he wanted, bad shit would fall upon the doctor
"erm…I think the seals will be gone in a week but…I don't know when he'll heal from the stress he has put on his tissues" the doctor chuckled and scratched his head
"hear that?
just because you got emotional, you're staying in bed for a pretty long time"
'no I'm not
soon as the seals are gone, I'm healing myself and getting the fuck outta here'
he nodded in agreement with itachi just to satisfy him though
"good boy
"DERP-SAMAAAAA" tobi tackle-hugged him and akira gritted his teeth and wanted to cry
"TOBI…I wanted to hug him first" konan pouted
'darnit…what did I do to deserve this?'
"well gaki…today, he gets up so at least make this a challenge"
naruto tightened his swirl head-band around his forehead and grinned in his usual manner
he didn't wear a shirt and the sweat on his shredded muscles only helped make him glow
his knee-long shorts wavered loosely against the sea wind
he took a deep breath and calmed his nerves
"one last time?"
the meteor-like combined attack flew toward naruto, leaving steams of water in its path
naruto drew his blade and concentrated cutting wind chakra into it
he cut the meteor in half and behind it, a thunder charged fist made contact with his face
"hmph…not good enough uzukage-sama"
"ya think?"
A (I mean the raikage…that's his name if you didn't know) looked up to see three blonde clones throw a fireball toward him
"tch" he merely punched the balls away as if his skin was made of iron
"missed me?"
the naruto he had punched returned the favor with an elbow to his face
the other three clones landed on the water surface and each rushed at one of naruto's opponents
'I wonder which one is real…'
kurama engaged his share of naruto in a fierce taijutsu battle
mizukage wasn't exactly perfect at short range battles so she tried her best to take care of him right then and there
"WATER CLONE" two clones of Terumi rose out of the water and rushed at naruto
"WATER BULLET" the clones shouted
"gimme a break…" naruto easily sidestepped the bullets and smiled at the clones as he shoved masamune into their guts
the clones shouted as they seemingly hugged naruto while in fact, Terumi had appeared behind him and had used the water on him to trap him
"not bad my dear but…take a look around"
she was surrounded by five clones, pointing their charged katana at her
"well…at least I got to trap the real you right?"
all six clones disappeared in a puff of smoke
'when did he…'
Kurama shoved his clawed hands into naruto's chest
"took the words right outta my mouth" naruto grinned with his eyes red as blood
"what the-"
naruto's skin began turning into explosive seals
"fuck m-"
the explosion threw kurama at least twenty meters away and even though he could absorb flames, this was too much since his reserves were full
"come on A
is that the best you got?" naruto grinned with a smashed up face
"you're one to talk naruto" raikage smiled back with a bruised face
"I'll give you a C for lasting out this long but this is it…URAAAH" he charged his body with thunder and tackled naruto
"ah fuck"
the clone turned into rubbles of rock before A could make contact
"what the?"
'he could make a rock clone out of rubbles?...what chakra control!'
"what the-"
three clones kicked him up from under the water and three other clones summersaulted him even higher
'guh…YAY I'm flying :D'
naruto kicked A in the forehead with a super charged foot
he had it filled to the brim with demonic chakra and his nails had turned into claws because of that
the raikage crashed into the water surface and sank at least ten meters before floating back up again
"well…spit…at least-"
all of them disappeared
Terumi, Kurama and A watched in awe as naruto and sasuke were holding their stand against each other
they finally separated with a kick to each other's chin
"time to finish this dobe" the curse mark consumed sasuke
"bring it teme" Naruto's animalistic attire enveloped him
they both charged their ultimate jutsus…the sky over sasuke suddenly turned dark and the water beneath naruto's feet began boiling
a single thunder bolt hit sasuke's raised hand and left a pure white chidor there
naruto held his right arm with his left and poured his demonic chakra into his right palm, creating a black sphere
"NARUTOOOOOO" sasuke roared and ran toward naruto
"SASUKEEEEEEEEE" naruto didn't hesitate one bit
"VAGINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" kurama screamed afterwards
Terumi glared at him and A facepalmed
naruto and sasuke's attacks clashed and for a moment, seemed to merge…but alas
a purple sphere began to grow around them and cover them completely
"heh…this is familiar" a ten year old naruto grinned as he scratched his whisker marks
"yeah…" the ten year old sasuke replied as they watched the white void around them
"well…whadya think?"
"meh…you'll at least be a challenge if not beat him"
"aww…I'm so moved I wanna cry"
sasuke kicked naruto in the manhood and the void turned dark as they were sucked back into reality
"did I get him?" naruto asked Terumi as she cleared his spiky hair out of his face
"hmhm…no but I guess we could call it a draw"
"well…there's always more where that came from"
akira felt a tingle on his chest
the seal was finally fading away
ten minutes later and akira was already able to sit up
'uzumaki…I decided to do as my mother told me and forgive but…it seems we're destined to fight to the death after all…I wish-'
you're awake" itachi threw an apple at him and akira caught it with his mouth
"well…what now?"
"chomp…I train"
"….well…what now?"
"I said I'll begin training"
"yes but…it's just…the word TRAINING doesn't really seem fit for someone like you"
I'm human ain't i?
sleeping in one place makes me really wanna go"
"go where?"
the bathroom door closed shut and the farting parade began
sweet 8 pound 6 ounces new born rikudou…HALLELUJAH"
"I'm home"
"welcome home"
"welcome home naruto-san"
"welcome home naruto-kun"
and this went on as haku, tenten, ayame, shizune, tayuya, tsunade and marylin greeted her
they had all taken time off their jobs to protect marylin on naruto's orders incase akira appeared
"thanks girls
I'll take it from here
give me a hug?"
naruto knelt and marylin jumped into naruto's arms
"did you do it today?"
"yup…just like I promised
can I have my prize now?" naruto oh-so-cheekily asked
marylin wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her lips onto his face and kissed his cheek
now that gave me some energy"
naruto walked into the kitchen and opened his cabinet doors…all ramen…from ichiraku of course
"well…whadya want for dinner?"
"…" marylin leered at him and naruto sweat-dropped
"we've been eating ramen all week
can't we go out or something?"
"well…how about ichi-"
"you took me there three days ago and it was a ramen store
can I have…anything else?" she crossed her arms and pouted
she knew naruto had lost the battle when he closed the cabinet doors
'damn…when did this place get so extravagant?'
naruto and marylin walked through the beach side shopping district and marylin took anything edible in her sight
cotton candy, ice cream, dumplings,etc.
naruto had to carry it all since it was…un-gentlemanly the way she put it
he and marylin sat on a bench on the sands and naruto dropped everything he carried
marylin helped herself to it and dived into the pile of junk food
thanks naruto-nii-san"
my pleasure" he sheepishly grinned
'never been called a brother before'
"yo…so let's get to it
it's dark…quiet…and there's even a river right there"
kisame and itachi looked around
"isn't this a bit too much boss?" kisame groaned
I ain't your boss so either bring it or I'll just fuck you senseless"
akira sidestepped the incoming bullets and avoided itachi's swoop kick from behind
guess I'm not too rusty huh?...ah fuck"
akira scratched his head as he stared at kisame's deformed body
he looked exactly like a shark now
and itachi had his mangekyo turned on
"well…" akira summoned blue flames in his hands and activated his dojutsu
"bring it"
"had enough?"
marylin snored in return and shifted her head on naruto's leg
just the people I wanted to see"
naruto praised his ex-team mates to the high heavens for being there to carry marylin
sakura was wearing a pink yukata with cherry blossoms on it
sasuke was wearing a blue robe with the uchiha mark on its back
she carefully picked marylin off naruto's leg and petted her back as she sang a lullaby for her
"congratz man" naruto patted sasuke's back
"on what?"
naruto put his hand on sakura's belly and it glowed green
"I feel another life in her"
sakura nearly dropped marylin
you're sure?" sakura smiled like she was just given a oneway ticket to heaven
"completely sure?" sasuke asked in a way that told naruto if he was joking, he'd be crippled
you're not a softie for kids are you?"
sasuke crossed his arms and shrugged
"of course I'm not"
"thank you naruto
this is such good news..awww…hear that marylin?
I'm having a little baby"
that one single word kicked everyone out of their happy stupor
naruto put his hand on her head and it glowed green again
"gotta thank tsunade for these nifty tricks huh?"
"keh…not bad
not bad at all"
akira snapped his fingers and all the blue flames surrounding him and any blue fires on the trees died out instantly
"ugh…told you…you didn't need training"
itachi coughed blood and kisame was back to his normal…well…more human-like form
"did I say training?
I meant stretch out
now...who wants ramen?"
Naruto's thoughts trailed back to sasuke and sakura
the thought of his child inside the person she loved…it had a…nice feeling to it
his happy dreams died when he glanced at the yamato
'…' he reached for the scabbard and jumped into derp's dimension
"yo dickwall"
"what is it now?
is he finally here?"
but I need to know…is he seriously planning to kill her?"
"how would I know?"
"he's your son
don't you think alike?"
"well…I left him when he was six months old so…"
"fuck…he carried you all the time
didn't he say anything?"
I'm actually proud he doesn't talk to himself like some of those shitty animes where the bad guys talk about their evil plans over and over"
"…he's not a bad guy"
you would know how?"
"I believe in him"
"…I feel sorry for you…"
"you worked so hard for the people you loved...and now you feel betrayed
but in the end…I'm sorry to say it's your fault for not even asking your wif-"
derp grabbed naruto's throat and lifted him up
'what speed…'
"don't…you…DARE speak about her boy
I loved her with every fiber of my being
do you know how much it hurt?
to see the woman who gave birth to our child…with another man…with a demon for that matter"
"demon or human-"
naruto grabbed his arm with both hands
he kneed the man's arm and it made a sickening noise as it broke
"AAAAAAAAARRRGGHHHH" he grabbed his arm and cried…but something told him it wasn't from the pain
he flew back to reality as he let go of the sword
"tch…" he stared at his hands
'I'm one to talk…I don't know what I would do if…if my love tried to move on after I died…'
"mmm" marylin shifted on her couch and hugged her bunny plushie
"akira onii-san…"
'oh yeah…I almost forgot about him…I should get to work'
he picked up the red book on the desk
the cover said 'art of battle - useful notes' in naruto's crappy handwriting
"ugh…fuck me that took long"
naruto wrote the last word on the wall and the words began glowing
'this should prevent anymore teleportations around the village'
he put his hands on the words and channeled his chakra into them
kurama put his hands on naruto's shoulders and channeled his chakra
"thought I sensed your chakra here…what is this?"
naruto shouted and the words vanished on the concrete
"long story man…in this week…I had clones study the archives while I was training out there"
didn't we agree you'd stop that when I'm not inside you?"
"as I was SAYING" he grinned and threw kurama's words back to him
"before I went to sleep, I'd absorb their info so the damage could be decreased as much as possible"
kurama took naruto's head-band off of him
red veins here and there on his forehead showed signs of great stress
"and this?"
"I'll rest plenty when akira's gone okay?"
"tch.." he threw the head band back at naruto
"why are you doing so much for a girl you don't even know?"
"what are you talking about?"
he got up and put his head-band back on
"I'm the kage of this village
I'm here to protect everyone here and marylin isn't any exception"
'now where have I heard that before?'
A deadly silence reigned supreme as akira stared at the endless horizon before him
he dropped his glasses and put his black gloves on
"let's go"
"heh" itachi chuckled
it just gives me a good feeling to hear you so…EDGY"
kisame, itachi, tobi and konan put their hands on his shoulder and he closed his eyes
Naruto, sasuke, raikage, mizukage and kurama stood on top of the gate, staring at the approaching dark sky
"so…where'd you get that again teme?"
"none of your business dobe"
everyone were in their battle uniforms
sasuke had his family armor on him
it looked much like a samurai's with a decorated uchiha symbol on the back
mizukage just wore an extra vest with scrolls on it since she was a long range to begin with
the raikage had a shield-like iron armor on his chest with a dragon staring in a deadly way at anyone who dared even look at it
kurama hadn't changed much…the usual black pants and red shirt
just his trusty red sword strapped to his back
naruto wore black combat pants and a black vest with nothing under it
he had also strapped the yamato and masamune to his sides
"they're here…"
Kurama pointed forward, where the black sky appeared outta nowhere
"well…at least now we know he can't teleport inside the village" naruto drew his blades
sasuke, A and Terumi crouched
kurama took out his sword and licked it hungrily
"patience my dear…soon I'll feed you to your heart's desire"
naruto, sasuke, A and Terumi stared at kurama like he was insane
at least I don't lick MYSELF like someone I could name"
Marylin looked out the window at the approaching dark clouds
akira shouted as he and his friends walked out of the woods
all five jumped down the gates and cracked the ground beneath as they landed
"I'm not letting you anywhere near her akira"
'akira?...that's his name?' kisame glanced at akira
'…not bad' itachi thought
'akira?...wow…akira-kun…' konan thought
"A-KUUUUN" tobi hugged akira
"guh…just cause you know my name doesn't mean you get to hug me tobi
give me back what's mine naruto"
"marylin doesn't belong to anyone"
"…I meant the sword nimrud"
DON'T I REMEMBER SOMEONE NOT LENDING IT TO ME?" naruto sarcastically shouted
"guh…I just need one last word with him"
"…fine" naruto threw the yamato with a deadly speed at akira
he caught it with his fingers right before it hit him on the nose
"not bad…you've been training…now" he gripped the sword
as seconds went by akira gripped the sword stronger and the edge cut deeper into his gloves and eventually into his skin
the two men were spitting images of each other
from the gray shoes, black pants, blue coats, blue shirt to the tip of their heads…that's where it stopped
they had different hair cut
"so…what am I supposed to call you now derp?"
"dad would be a nice start"
"heh...funny...you even dare use that WORD
MY DAD LEFT US TO ROT WHEN I WAS BARELY EVEN ONE YEAR OLD" he shouted, clearly pissed at the man's carefree words
"I didn't leave you to rot akira"
he put his hands on akira's shoulders
"I left to ensure our future"
"and how would that have been any different if you just stayed with us?"
"very…as you can see…I have a fragile body so I can't protect myself, let alone you and your mother"
"tch…don't bullshit me old man" akira shoved derp back
"so what?
If you had actually started PUSHING YOURSELF for once, you wouldn't have had to leave
how am I any different from you?
I was weak and fragile too
but…that day I saw you in the meadows…as you watched mother die...and ran with your tail between your legs…I knew you were lower than SHIT
at least I can say I'm proud that I never stood by idly while people died in front of me
it's a good thing you disappeared when you did and lived on
now I can finish you myself"
"…your words scratch at my heart my son"
derp knelt down and wrapped his arms around akira's knees
"please…please forgive your foolish father for being such an idiot"
akira raised his hand and black flames came to life on his palm
"…I'd ask you to say hi to mom but…you're not going anywhere near her"
The yamato turned red in akira's hands and Terumi couldn't help but gasp
'wh…what power…'
"…akira?" naruto whispered
akira slowly opened his eyes and revealed his dojutsu for everyone to see
he threw the sword back and it cut naruto's cheek as it passed by and pierced the village gates
"I'll ask this nicely naruto
give me marylin and no one dies"
"I'm sorry but I can't let you harm her"
"I'm not here to-"
"CHIDORI" sasuke flew toward akira but itachi punched him away and followed to finish the job
"LAVA BULLET" konan's layer upon layers of papers blocked the flaming bullets
"get your bitchy hands off my akira"
"fuck…you see-"
"not so fast" tobi shoved akira out of the way and took his hit for him but…A's fist just passed through him
"what the…"
"goddammit…listen naruto-"
"FUCK YOU" akira shot a black fireball out of his palm that swallowed kurama's and exploded
"YOSH" tobi cheerfully answered
"ugh…let's get this over with" kisame took all the bandages off his samehada with a quick swing
"eagerness…never seen a speck of that on you before my friend"
"What are you talking about?
I just want anyone that survives to come to your aid"
"foolish little brother
I already beat you when refused to come to konoha with me
what's the use now?"
sasuke closed his eyes and raised his hand
"oh sure
why don't I stay still while you do your thing?" he sarcastically said
he threw two shurikens toward sasuke and he disappeared on impact
"guh…isn't this a bit childish?"
"not really"
he ducked in time to avoid an electrically charged katana
he shoved a kunai in sasuke's stomach and he also disappeared on impact
"I see naruto's been rubbing off on you"
even the thought of him rubbing off on me is disgusting"
'this feeling…'
a red chakra surrounded itachi and a hand rose from the sphere and stopped the giant arrow in its tracks
"I see you've learnt how to use the susano" itachi turned around and glared at sasuke's chakra armor
it wasn't complete and looked like a skeleton but…he could tell sasuke was holding back if he had used susano already
"oh you know…the family slab reveals a lot when you look at it…"
sasuke blinked and his eyes changed into the shape of a red hexagon with black shuriken in them
"with the heart's eye"
"wait…this can't be right
you can't-"
"use the mangekyo unless you kill someone dear to you?
well…kurama helped me out with that
it wasn't a breeze and it hurt like hell when he split my head open but…what matters is that I have it
now…where were we?"
sasuke's susano aimed his crossbow at itachi and the skeleton head seemingly grinned
"so what?
you still can't-"
itachi jumped up to avoid the black flames from consuming him
his susano swinged his sword and multiple giant shuriken flew out to stop sasuke's arrow
"not bad eh?" sasuke smiled with bleeding eyes which made itachi take a step back
"hmph…don't get too cock-"
he sidestepped and dodged the clone but…it was just a simple flying kick
'what daf-'
itachi jumped up but to his surprise, a clone rose out of the ground and showed his magic finger to itachi
"SHISHI RENDAN" (also known as lion combo)
'oh fuc-'
sasuke used his susano to kick itachi into the ground and he coughed blood as the ground beneath him cracked
"not bad…I admit-"
The hovering deformed sasuke whispered and a second later, itachi was screaming in the flames
"hmhmhmhm….hahahaha….foolish brother"
sasuke was standing still and staring into space while itachi had his finger on his forehead
"stay in my genjutsu forever if you must…until you realize you can't beat me
this is the magic of izanami, the greatest genjutsu eve-"
sasuke's suckerpunch to the jaw instantly knocked him out
"shut your mouth dammit…izanami works when you're right…hmph"
he took out a bottle of saki
and he started drinking the spring wine
'I'm soooo gonna smack that bitch for trying to harm akira-kun'
'think fast…ah!'
Terumi raised her hands and a wall of hot magma rose to burn all the papers
'heh…this should be a piece of cake' Terumi smiled to herself
'darnit…I guess…'
konan went through a series of handsigns and paper wings rose out of her back
she used them to hover over Terumi and started going through more handsigns
'what's she planning now?
well…I won't wait to find out'
she also started her handsign engine but terumi was clearly faster
she wasn't the mizukage for nothing
she opened her mouth and a flurry of flaming spheres shot out of her mouth
her wings closed around her and protected her from the flames
as the papers burnt away, new papers appeared from under her cloak to replace them
"paper world"
she finished her handsigns and pointed her fingers at Terumi
if it wasn't for her instinctive battle reflexes, Terumi would be minced meat now
the ground beneath her feet literally turned to sharp and hard paper and flew toward her but she jumped back to avoid it
as konan moved her fingers, more papers rose out of the ground to follow Terumi with her hand movements
'dammit…this can't go on forever…I need to finish her fast'
she started running toward her and threw a few shuriken toward her
she simply flapped her wing and dodged to the left
you're gonna have to do better than that you moron"
'ugh…talk about bitch hormones overflowing…'
she also jumped to the left and waved her arms to the left
konan could feel the steel wires wrap around her
terumi wrapped all the chakra reserve scrolls she had around the wire and grinned like the evil bitch she was on the inside
'heh…if I'm going down…'
she moved her index finger and a paper rose out of the ground and hit her in the shoulder
she didn't stop though
she grabbed the string and used it to guide her all-consuming flames toward konan
since her wings were burning too fast for her to repair them, she finally fell down
Terumi used her last chance
she slammed her hands on the ground and the ground opened its mouth and swallowed konan into its fiery lava chambers
"phew…I did it…"
and she fell
"oops…guess I shouldn't have had that drink huh?"
the blond incomer knelt beside Terumi and started working on her shoulder
'tch...what's up with him?'
no matter how fast and how hard kurama punched and slashed at tobi, his hits would just pass through the fucker
"you can't beat me fucker" tobi's sharingan eye began spinning and kurama was sucked into his eye
"well...all that's left is to wait for that foolish piece of shit to be killed by naruto and...cough"
he hadn't seen that out of his body for...ever now
kurama was in his nine-tailed fox form and was throwing a bijuu-dama in every direction
after five brutal moments of tobi's insides squirming and tearing apart, he finally threw kurama out and fell with a doll thud
"awww come on
at least put up a fight you little shit...meh...i'll just go help someone"
kisame pounded away at A's armor with his giant sword and A could only use the armor as a shield
'dammit…every time I try to charge myself, the damn sword absorbs it'
kisame was swallowed by a dragon shaped wave and A took a breath of relief
"having problems?" zabuza took his bandages off
"yeah…his sword-"
"I know what the samehada does dumbass
I was one of the mist's seven swordsmen afterall" he took out his blade and smirked
"long time no see fish-head"
"I could say the same smiles" kisame threw away his cloak and started his transformation
"hope you're ready for this raikage…it's going to be a pain in the ass"
"GRAAAH" the deformed shark-man dashed toward the former mist demon and tackled him to the ground
A punched kisame in the ribs and he groaned
'a groan?...JUST A GROAN?
I punched an elephant dead with that!'
kisame kicked A away and started pounding zabuza's head in
zabuza turned into a puddle of water after his third kick
he turned to the raikage and lifted his sword
"samehada seems to have taken a liking to your…chakra raikage"
"well it can go FUCK ITSELF"
zabuza brought his sword down on kisame's neck but…the sword broke in half
he kicked the former mist demon in the guts and knocked him out for good
'is he HUMAN?'
"hmph…need some help?" sasuke landed beside A
"yes…thank you uchiha-san"
"well then I guess I'll start working on the shark teeth"
"good to see you beside us, tsunade-hime"
"this is getting fun" kurama walked in on the party with a demonic grin as always
"well naruto…I see you've trained your men well"
"I could say the same dude"
"i didn't do shit"
"douchebag says what?"
"…" naruto grinned
akira gritted his teeth and sighed
"we're having a serious conversation here motherfucker
what I meant is that I didn't help them at all"
"JUST…shut your fucking trap mate
we can't even have a normal conversation without you fucking it up"
The game completely changed when sasuke,kurama and tsunade joined the fight
sasuke ,kurama and A kept kisame busy with taijutsu while tsunade helped zabuza recover
"guh…I swear I'm gonna make him pay for breaking my sword"
"well…you'd better"
tsunade jumped away to help A and kurama and sasuke
'tch…what is this guy?
it's like hitting iron'
my fist are actually beginning to hurt'
'god damn this is fun
no matter how much i punch him, he just keeps smiling'
"what a bunch of babys
don't you know when you're in way over your heads?"
"I should be asking YOU"
as kisame looked to the right, tsunade's jab made contact and kisame's jaw completely broke
he flew a few meters before landing and skipping across the ground
"okay guys…ready?"
i was just getting ready to claw the guy"
sasuke and A looked up at the gray and cloudy sky
"ready as we can be right A?
"and you?"
"I'll be just fine" zabuza started going through handsigns and A and sasuke soon followed
kurama faced his palms toward kisame and closed his eyes
"CRUNCH" kisame placed his jaw back in place with a bite that looked like it could chew iron like butter
"douchbag says what?"
tsunade kneed kisame in the stomach and kisame felt the air escape his lungs
she grabbed his neck and threw him toward zabuza
there's no water around…has he gotten strong enough to create water out of humidity?'
kisame looked back and saw a grinning shark-teethed demon
before he knew it, a blue dragon swallowed him whole and flew toward the sky
"NOW" tsunade shouted and zabuza released his jutsu and the dragon disappeared and left kisame high up in the air
in mid-air, kisame was showered with at least a hundred thunder-bolts and felt like his insides were frying
and as soon as he began falling and thought it was over..."BIJUU-DAMAAAAAA"
"not bad I must say…I wasn't expecting them to win-"
"Well whadya expect?
they're uzugakure's finest"
"and it took five just to beat kisame?" itachi appeared behind akira
tsunade,kurama , A, sasuke and zabuza appeared in front of naruto
"didn't I knock you out?"
"are you kidding me?
you expect me to go down with a PUNCH?"
akira patted itachi's shoulder
"don't sweat it mate
help me beat the shit out of these fuckers?"
"my pleasure"
akira gripped his gloved fist with a smirk
"okay guys
I don't think itachi is anything less than kisame so don't let your guard down"
"eh?" naruto looked up and couldn't help but smile at the familiar voice
jiraya landed behind naruto in his usual crappy pose
"starting a party without me?
I thought I trained you better"
"oh go fuck yourself you perverted old-"
zabuza and itachi's jutsus collided and it was a draw as both jutsus faded…but everyone knew that itachi had actually won
water is the weakness of fire so when fire and water collide and end up in a draw…you do the math geniuses
"I love breaking these emotional get-togethers so shut the fuck up and get your head in the game"
"I've had it…itachi
leave naruto to me
finish the rest"
the group jumped up to avoid the fireball and naruto ran to the left with akira following shortly
"I'm tired of this game of cat and mouse naruto
get over here so I can finish you and finally see marylin"
why not right?
how bout I bring her to you right NOW
naruto rapidly slashed his sword and created multiple waves of piercing wind chakra
akira didn't stop running toward naruto and simply sidestepped or jumped over the waves
akira lit his arms on blue fire and tried to punch naruto
'shit…if I get hit by one, I'm done for'
he kicked naruto in the stomach and stood over him as he coughed and gasped for air
"if you think holding out till the others arrive will help…its useless
by the time they're over with itachi, they'll either be too late or too weak to do shit and will only get in your way…so goodbye"
he raised his leg and set it on fire as he heel kicked naruto's head and sensed the skull break under his foot
naruto turned into a log…it was a kawarimi
he leaned his head to the right and avoided kurama's claws
he grabbed his wrist and broke it with a harsh twist
kurama just laughed and elbowed akira's face with a sharp turn
akira also grinned in return and punched kurama's neck, making him faint instantly
"demon or human...your brain needs to send orders from somewhere right?"
akira grabbed kurama's leg and disappeared in a blue blur
naruto crushed where akira was standing to rubble
"such a bad pupil you are naruto...you nearly killed your own mentor" he dropped the red haired demon
"c'mon fag
I just wanna see-"
"…my sister…"akira turned to her long lost sister
naruto appeared in front of her with his masamune pointing at akira
marylin simply ran beside naruto's leg toward his brother
'kh…I can't…move
what the heck?'
naruto glanced at his knee
it was a senbon needle
wait…that can't be
she's in iwa…so…what the heck?'
naruto couldn't help but stare as akira fell on his knees and tears ran down his cheeks as he finally embraced marylin
"marylin…I'm never letting you go sis…nev-"
akira also stiffened just like naruto
she began walking toward naruto
"why didn't you save mommy?"
she passed him and took yamato out of the village gates and looked at his brother
"papa showed me…how you just lied there and watched mother die…sniff…you didn't even get up to kill them after they killed her"
she walked toward akira with the sword slowly dragging on the ground
"why?...didn't you promise to protect us when papa's gone?
WHY DIDN'T YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISE BAKA ONII-CHAN?" tears flowed down her red cheeks like a small river
"IF YOU WEREN'T SO WEAK…sob…she'd be still alive and…sniff…papa would still be here"
akira could only stare
all he could do was look down as she approached him
'akira-sama' itachi glanced to his right and saw what was going on
he threw a shuriken toward the senbon in akira's neck and a kunai toward his sister
as soon as the shuriken knocked the poison senbon down, akira reached his hand out and put it on her cheek
itachi's kunai pierced the back of akira's hand but he couldn't care less
"I'm sorry ma-chan…you're right
I wasn't strong enough and couldn't hold my promise
but what can I do?
it's too late and no matter what I do, I can't bring her back"
papa said…you know of a way to bring mommy back"
'…the impure sacrificial resurrection?'
"I do
she put the blade on his chest and stared into his endless black eyes
'ugh...don't fall for it akira...he's being manipulated by the sword'
"I need mother's blood to do it"
"w…we have her blood in us right?"
she put the katana on her little wrist and closed her eyes
akira grabbed the yamato and threw it toward naruto
it pierced the ground between his legs…mercy!
"what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm…sacrificing myself for-"
the whole world seemed to stop at the sound
naruto's band and itachi stood still, panting for air while staring at akira in disbelief
'holy shit' A, sasuke, jiraya and zabuza thought in unison
'dafuq did I just see?' tsunade rubbed her eyes
'…I should've brought my pikon camera' itachi cursed at himself
'oh boy' naruto was beginning to shiver from the tension and since his demonic chakra was removing the poison, he was regaining his senses again
marylin stared at akira's vehement eyes in disbelief at first
her red cheek was burning from the harsh slap that came to it
tears began rolling down her cheeks but akira still stared into her eyes like he was going to rip her head off at any moment
itachi froze in his place
he felt like akira could strangle him just by looking at him from the anger in his voice
she wiped her tears and respectfully looked at akira's knees
"do you…really want mommy back?"
"more than anything?"
she nodded
"alright…I'll bring her back
naruto…with me
you'll protect uzugakure as my emissary…oh right"
akira grabbed the yamato and naruto's head and dragged him along
tsunade ran toward marylin and picked her up and kissed her cheek were akira slapped it
"are you okay sweetie?"
"it's okay honey…It's okay now"
akira dropped naruto on the ground and took the senbon out and walked to the middle of the chasm
there, he sat on the ground and petted the soft moist earth
naruto groaned and stretched to relax his stiffness
"so…what now?"
"help me with the ritual"
"I'm gonna revive mom
I'm asking you to help me do it"
"sorry bro but I'm not gonna do it"
"you don't have a choice"
akira turned to naruto and dashed forward
naruto also shifted into his demonic form and ran as fast as he could
they both jumped into the air and charged their fist full of chakra
their fists connected with each other's face and both were thrown back and crashed on the soft ground
"heh…so you're actually human afterall"
"what are you talking about?"
"I thought it weird at first…I mean my dad killed your mom
it's only natural for you to want to kill me
but you didn't…you helped me achieve my goals
why is that?"
akira looked down at his feet and started shaking
"it's because…mother told me…to forgive you"
"you did as your mother told you…but deep inside…you hate us don't you?"
my family would still be here
we'd be living our own lives
you'd be living yours happily as the son of the yondaime hokage and not hated by every stupid creature that walks on its two legs and calls itself human...and...i wouldn't have to die
so the least you can do is listen to my last request"
"well…it won't repent for my clan's sins but…I guess I have no choice"
akira took his coat and black sleeveless shirt off
he took out a small red book out of his pocket and threw it at naruto
"it's only three simple pages"
naruto took twenty minutes to memorize the book and threw it away
"why're you doing this?"
"isn't that obvious?
her happiness means the world to me"
he looked at his reflection on the edge of the yamato
"but do you have to?
you could live together…she doesn't need to be there for your happiness to-"
"she does
I don't care if she's just a child and I don't care if it's just a childish request that bends time and space
I don't want her to grow up without a mother like you and I did
the outcome is…well…either a sis-con like me or some dipshit who only knows how to please women"
"well…when you think of it…when she grows up, she's gonna be hot as-"
"right…on with the ritual I guess…"
akira shoved the yamato into his chest without hesitation and blood flowed out like a river
he used it to draw a circle and a hexagon on the ground
"heh…in another world…I would've taught you this jutsu I really like…but I guess it's gonna die with me"
"shut up and do your work already"
naruto sat in front of the seal and started going through handseals
akira dropped himself on the soft ground and pulled the dagger out, letting the blood flow freely
he could feel life slowly escape his tissues
his breathing became slower and more like wheezing
'i guess…this is it…right mom?
at least I got to see marylin one last time…wish I could've kissed her cheeks though…'
the seal began glowing and naruto started murmuring spells
'sigh...this is...really...unfair...'
"well kids
that's it for today
remember to behave well and don't bother your parents"
"now get outta here
your parents are waiting outside"
the kids ran out of the room laughing and talking about their day and how they'll cry all night and bother their parents
and as always, marylin sat on her chair next to the window and sighed
the red haired child felt like she just lost a million pounds and would fly any moment
she knew that voice
she turned around and ran into her mother's arms while crying from happiness
asuna knelt down and embraced her child and kissed her all over
she didn't care what came in contact with her lips…she just showered her with kisses
"…I take it that you succeeded?"
naruto scratched the back of his head and entered the room
"yeah I guess...was really a bother trying to calm her down though"
"pity though…he didn't have to die…he was a good kid"
"yeah…but it was his choice
he said he didn't want marylin to grow up without a mother by her side"
"well…what now?"
"akira handed control over to you…so what're you going to do with the world?"
"….i don't know…at first…I just wanted to be a hokage
I didn't think I'd be controlling the world one day…"
I think the least akira deserves is a monument"
who do you think would understand what he had to go through?
no one could understand that kind of loneliness…not even me
I at least had you to talk with…he was wondering the world all alone since childhood, looking for his sister….it's not easy to go mad and take vengeance against the world when things like that happen to a kid"
"…yeah…I hear ya"
"well…I think I'll treat myself to a many-some"
he created five clones
"tell hinata, tenten, tayuya, shizune, ino and ayame to come over to my room
tell them it's gonna be an all-day-long"
aren't you tired at all?"
naruto turned to kurama and his eyes changed
they were akira's
he put his hand on kurama's shoulder and absorbed the astonished demon
'I was hoping you'd help me with that bro'
'after the ritual finished and his mother appeared…he told me to take his eyes and use them as I want
when I took them, I also got all his jutsus
pretty neat huh?'
'fucking…let's just get this over with'
Naruto had moved his chair to the middle of the room and was staring patiently at the doors
'I'm so gonna rape that bitch for fixing these doors over and over…'
a few seconds later, a group of flushed and panting women appeared in the corrider and naruto stood up
one look into naruto's eyes and they knew they were gonna get it goooood
naruto blinked and showed his new eyes
he made four clones and all of them got to work on a girl
he personally started with tayuya
"Didn't I tell you to stop repairing those doors you bitch?"
naruto took his dick out of her vag and shoved it inside her anus, making her scream
"YOU DARE talk back to your kage?
I'll fuck you till you can't walk bitch"
after she passed out from naruto's thrashing, naruto dispelled shizune's clone and ordered her to sit on the table
he spread her legs and did the same to her as he did to tayuya and shoved his cock inside her asshole, also making her scream
'oi gaki
don't overdo it or you'll be-'
'I know
just…let me forget'
"Ho…Lee…Shit did I do that?"
he woke up on the couch and stared in awe at the five nude and angelic girls on his floor all curled up and hugging each other
you passed out after your…I dunno
I lost count after twelve on hinata'
"hmm…you know…maybe I should invite hanabi over too?"
'don't get too carried away gaki
can I go now?
my body hurts'
naruto's hand began glowing green and he pointed forward
the green glow floated off of his hand and made the shape of a ball in front of him
a second later, kurama appeared, looking like someone who's fighting cancer
what happen-"
"DON'T ask what happened because I think you of all people should know"
"come on
I didn't put that much pressure and stress on you did i?"
kurama turned on his heels and walked out of the room, eager to meet the kids and replenish himself mentally
"sigh...what to do with the world now..."
yes yes i know i know
crappy ending
my apologies
and thanks for sticking with the story for so long