Taylor Freeman


Taylor Freeman hasn't seen her brothers since the death of their Mom when she was eight. Now at fifteen, she wants nothing more to reconnect with the brothers who moved on without her. Will they accept her back into their lives easily or with reservations?

A/N: This is one of my earlier Boondocks FanFiction ideas, but it needed a lot of tweaking before I decided to even write it out. I've done all I could do, now its your turn to give me your opinions of it. And no…I haven't forgotten about Fading Into You, I just need to tweak it before I publish it. I've already decided to make it a one-shot because I wanted to focus on only the wedding but it still needs a lot of revising. Enjoy this FanFiction in the meantime.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own THE BOONDOCKS! I only own the characters I make up!

Setting: 479 Griffin RD, Southside Chicago; Chicago, Illinois

Date: December 18TH, 2002

Time: 4:46 P.M.

Chapter One

Eight Years Earlier

Taylor Freeman

Riley and Huey were on the front yard throwing snowballs at each like it was war instead of simply playing and I was on the porch. I never got into it when those two were about to do battle. Whoever said that brothers get along better than sisters have never met my brothers. Huey Freeman was my twin brother while Riley Freeman was our younger brother and we all lived in Chicago with our Mom. That's right, just our Mom because our Dad died the day Riley was born, he died in a drive by right outside the hospital. His name was Escobar, so Riley's middle name in honor of our father and just like Riley never knew our father, Dad didn't know if he had missed out on another daughter or a son.

I was the miracle birth in my family. Mom thought she was only having Huey and that's it. Mom told me that everybody in the hospital room thought I was a stillborn until I started crying loud enough for the hospital to hear. Unless stillborns could cry, the doctor just didn't check thoroughly enough to see if Mom was having twins or not. My full name was Taylor Dannielle Freeman, I was named after my grandmother on my Mom's side, her name was Dannielle Justine Harper.

Out of the three of us, Huey had the longest name because he named after a famous African-American. His full name was Huey Percy Newton Freeman, but when it came to school, Mom left the Newton part out. Huey P. Newton was an African-American activist who co-founded the Black Panthers with Bobby Seale. Huey was a domestic terrorist's willing to change the outcome for African-Americans. He was the smartest person in our class, I was second in line because I had a thirst for knowledge. When we were five, Mom signed us for Marital Arts classes and both of us easily grasped the subject. We spent our Saturdays ever since then sparring in the backyard.

Riley and Huey hated each other, this was stated when Riley started talking and every time Huey opened his mouth, Riley constantly say, "Gay ass nigga" and Huey would punch him in his stomach. Their feud continues to grow, even to this day which is why I was staying out of the snowball battle. I decided to go in the house and finish the last of my homework. I took off my snow shoes and hung my jacket in the downstairs closet. Mom was still at work and you would think it would be weird to leave twin eight-year-olds and a six-year-old in the house alone, but we knew what we were doing. Well, Huey and I did…I wasn't too sure about Riley.

I was reading in the living room when I heard Mom's voice from outside.

"Huey, stop beating up your brother! Come inside this house, its starting to get dark!" I looked over at the clock on the table beside me and saw that it was almost 6:30 and the streetlights were on outside. Moments later, Mom entered the house with Riley and Huey. Mom worked as a teacher at the local high school, she was an African-American Studies teacher so you could imagine that her house was filled with all types of African-American books and documentary tapes.

"Hello, Taylor," she said with a smile on her face. Riley looked very bruised in his face.

"Huey, what did you do?" I asked him.

"He mad cuz he lost again," Riley answered through his swollen lip. Mom bent down and looked at her youngest son.

"Oh, Huey…you know better," Mom said in an exasperated voice.

"Why are you blaming me? He started this whole thing!" Huey shouted at Mom.

"You're the one who hit him! If you didn't want to play, then you should've stayed in the house like Taylor," Mom said.

"You do realize that if I came in the house, then Riley would've been kidnapped. Taylor never stays outside," Huey said, pointing his finger at me.

"Don't point your finger at me, I didn't do anything and if you want somebody to beat you into a pulp then I'll gladly do it," I said putting my book down. He glared at me and I glared right back. Mom cleared her throat.

"Just for night, I wish the three of you wouldn't argue," Mom continued in her exasperated voice. "Come on Riley, let's get you cleaned up." I glared at Huey one more time before going upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I hated living in a house with two brothers.

Date: December 19TH, 2002

Time: 2:05 A.M.

I couldn't sleep, even after dinner and Mom placing us in bed at nine, I just couldn't sleep. Something irked my stomach and a few minutes after two, I heard a knock on my bedroom wall. It was Huey. He shared a room with Riley and when he couldn't sleep, he would knock on the wall and if I knocked back, he would come to my room. I walked over to the wall and knocked back and moments later, Huey came in the bedroom and sat on my bed.

"Do you have that feeling too?" I asked him. "The feeling that things are going to change forever?" He nodded.

"Mom's going to die soon," he said in a low voice. I looked at him. "All week, she's had this blistering headache and she's been taking aspirin and she hasn't been feeling better yet. I did my research earlier, she has an aneurysm in her brain and when it bursts…she's going to die."

I felt tears welling in my wine-colored eyes and I never cried before. "She can't die! Huey, its Mom!"

"We already lost Dad in a drive by, we can handle death," Huey said in a cold voice. I hopped off the bed and faced him.

"Maybe you can get used to it, but I can't! We'll be orphans and we'll be separated!" I said.

"We're not going to be orphans, Granddad's going to take care of us. I heard her talk to him earlier—"

"Granddad hardly visits!"

"Stop shouting at me and get used to this! Mom's going to die and Granddad's taking care of us!" Huey shouted at me. I sat down beside him once more and started sniffling. Huey wrapped his arm around me and I cried on his shoulder. I went into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning, Huey and I woke up to the sounds of violent vomiting coming from the bathroom. We got up and rushed into the bathroom, we saw Mom throwing up on the bathroom floor it was a deadly mixture of vomit and blood. I wanted to step closer, but Huey had his hand in front of me to stop me from going towards her.

"Good morning babies, why don't you get dressed and I'll come downstairs in a minute," she said as she sat down on the bathroom floor that wasn't covered in vomit. I finally saw how worn down she was, how sickly she looked and how stringy her curly, mocha brown hair became. I saw how she as dying in front of our eyes.

"Mom, you're not coming downstairs…are you?" I asked her.

"Of course I am, honey. Just go and get dressed, Huey wake your brother up," Mom said.

"I don't think Riley needs to be awake to see you die. Mom, you have a brain aneurysm and you're dying," Huey said in a voice I never heard him say. He was trying now to cry, his voice was breaking as he said every word.

Mom didn't say anything at first and then she spoke what we considered her last words. "You all are so beautiful and special, my babies. Huey, you're going to be a great activist when you get older…just don't fight with your brother a lot, OK? Learn to choose your battles. Taylor, you are so smart. I wouldn't be surprised if you took up teaching like I did, just choose something that you love. And both of you, help your brother, make sure he stays on the right path. I'm afraid dangerous times are ahead of him, ones he can't even get through alone. I love you all."

"Mom, please don't go!" I cried.

"I love you all," she said softly. When she closed her eyes, both Huey and I knew that it was the last time she would close her eyes. I started crying and Huey wrapped his arm around me and I continued to cry on his shoulder. Our Mom was gone and I felt truly alone.


At first, we weren't going to tell Riley the way Mom died, but we decided that it wasn't good to lie to him and Huey told him how Mom died. Just as Huey predicted, shortly after Mom's death, we packed whatever we could into our suitcases and left to live with Granddad. We stayed in Chicago for two more years, before Granddad came with a decision into a town in Silver Springs, Maryland.

I didn't want to move, I couldn't leave Mom alone…without us. Granddad tried telling me that Mom was always watching over us, but I didn't believe him. After a long night, Granddad decided that he would let me stay with our aunt Cookie until I was old enough to come to Woodcrest. The last time I saw Huey and Riley in Chicago, they were in town for a funeral of one of Granddad's old friends. Aunt Cookie and I went with them and Huey ignored me the entire time.

When I was fifteen, Granddad talked me into coming to Silver Springs. He said that Huey and Riley missed me though I knew it wasn't true. I agreed and on August twenty-seventh, I was on a plane heading to my new home in Silver Springs, Maryland. I didn't know what to expect when the plane landed.

Yay! The first chapter of Taylor Freeman is finished! Now, I'm going to explain something because I feel like your all confused. Why didn't Granddad just drag Taylor to Woodcrest like he did to Huey and Riley? Taylor couldn't accept the fact that her mother died, she felt out of place and if she would've went to Woodcrest then she would've felt even more out of place, like she didn't belong. She needed time to get herself together, so that's why she's coming to Woodcrest at aged fifteen instead of ten. I didn't plan it out that way either, I was going to make her move, but I figured that it wouldn't be fair and since she's my character, she could've came at anytime she wanted. Please review this nicely. I love you all! FUTURE CHAPTERS WILL BE LONGER!