Ok so in my defense I wrote an update to this one and then my whole work got deleted… but sorry it's taken me so long to update! ;A;
Warning: SEX and rimming.
"Yo Russia!" America says with a smile, obviously unable to sense the tense air.
"America why are you here?" Russia asked.
America explained his situation with England.
"Do you really think holding Alla hostage will convince me otherwise, America?" England asked from the entryway. "Sorry Russia, Lithuania let me in."
England glared at America, visibly upset. "America, you're acting really immature this isn't convincing me."
America pouted. "But I can do this! I'll be a great babysitter for Anna!"
"Alla!" Prussia shouted at America.
"Oh right," America giggled. "I'll be a great babysitter for Alla, then you'll see how great a Father I would be England!"
Prussia sighed, "America you don't even know what babies eat."
America bit his lip, "Prussia, what do babies eat?"
"I'm never letting you babysit her, but if you'll stop holding her hostage I can show you how to make her food, change her dipper, and care for her." Russia grabbed Alla from America and handed her to Prussia.
'I'll be upstairs,' he whispered so only Prussia could hear before leaving.
England went closer to Prussia so they could talk without America hearing, "Are you sure about this? He's probably going to be a terrible screw up and there is always the possibility that he'll kill your baby, or at the very least cause her physical harm."
"I don't plan on letting him do much with her, but I feel bad, not everyone can be as awesome a parent as me." Prussia smiled at England.
England nodded and left for home.
Prussia turned to give America his attention, "Ready America?"
America's grin was impossibly wide.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Russia asks Prussia as they head out for the weekend leaving America in charge of Alla.
"He's been with Alla a lot these past four months, trying his best to care for her right. I'm sure he'll be fine. But as a precaution Lithuania is going to stay over and not let his presence be known unless she is in danger." Russia nodded a little happier knowing America wasn't totally alone.
"America?" Prussia called right as he entered the house.
"Yo Prussia!" America calls from the living room.
Prussia goes to see and finds America in the middle of changing her diaper.
"How was the weekend?" He asks America.
America puts on the biggest grin. "We had so much fun! We played, I fed, burped, and changed her. I was the best babysitter you've ever had!"
Prussia laughed and picked up his baby girl after America was finished, "I'll be right back."
Prussia went to Lithuania's room, "Well, did he do it?"
Lithuania smiled, "He did."
Prussia was actually relieved. He turned to go back.
America looked to have just finished cleaning up the diaper change when Prussia came back.
"Hey why don't you stay for dinner and invite England over?" America smiled and nodded aggressively.
England rang the door bell and Prussia answered smiling.
"I guess he didn't kill her?" England opened with.
Prussia laughed, "No Lithuania says he acted like an actual parent."
England was surprised. "I invited you to dinner so he could tell us all about his weekend."
They sat down for dinner and Prussia gave everyone a moment of silence to eat before looking at America, "So tell us everything about your weekend adventure."
America told them about dinner on Friday, having to hold her till she was asleep because she missed her parents, feeding and playing and washing and changing on Saturday, same sleeping patterns that night, and repeat on Sunday until they came home. England was impressed, America actually sounded like he had been an adult while still staying his childish self.
"I'm impressed." Prussia voiced it.
Monday evening England came home to find a romantic dinner laid out. "America?" he called out walking towards the kitchen.
America was finishing dishing out some mashed potatoes before he set them on the table. He looked at England and smiled, pulling out a chair for England to sit down.
"America." England gasped.
"What do you say we become a family?" America asked, he almost seemed nervous asking.
England laughed awkwardly, "Can I ask why you want to have kids so much?"
America blinked, he didn't really have a reason why, at least he hand't thought of one. "It just seems natural. I love you, and you love me. The next step seems like it should be making that love into something physical and visible."
England smiled and took America's hand. "I do love you, which is why I'm agreeing to have a child with you."
England was still nervous. Having every child you've ever cared for abandon you doesn't exactly ever sit right.
America kissed England, passionately and ferociously. Picking him up and completely forgetting about the dinner he just worked so hard making. America whisked England away and brought him to the bedroom. Their make out session continued. They only broke once to get each other's shirts off. England leaned his neck so America could get access to it. Nipping and sucking at England's flesh. America moves down, kissing and licking as he goes, making England a moaning mess beneath him. He undoes England's fly and takes out his erection. Kissing the tip as England gasps.
America throws off the rest of England's clothes not worrying about where they land. England grabs the lube from the bedside table handing it to America, who puts it down beside England's head. England gives him a confused look and as a reply America goes lower. First he kisses England's hole, making England gasp. Then he slowly starts to stick his tongue in, as England loses his thought process. America swivels his tongue inside, getting the tight hole loser and slick. "America!" England gasps out, making America stop because he didn't want England coming yet.
He grabs the lube now slicking himself up. He leans down and kisses England, lining himself up. Without breaking the kiss he slipped in, only letting England adjust for a short period of time before pulling out and slamming back in again. "Nigh," England makes as America hits his prostrate over and over again.
The heat was building and England could't hold on anymore, "America, America!" he pants, coming while clinging to America's neck.
America was on the verge too, so England whispered in his ear, "Lets make a baby."
With that America came spilling his load inside England.
They keep at it for a couple of hours, around two they settle down for the night snuggling against each other.
I was hoping this would only be a two chapter fic but I'm going to, eventually, make another chapter about the pregnancy. I'm REALLY hoping to have the next chapter posted by August but I still have another chapter of my Supernatural fic I have to update… BUT MY GOAL IS BEFORE AUGUST!