He feels compelled to call her.
A strange occurrence, especially for him, as he is known for doing the exact opposite. He doesn't put much thought into the action. He picks up the phone and dials.
"Garfiel Automail Shop, Winry speaking."
He doesn't know what to say. For whatever reason, he had it set in his mind that she wouldn't pick up. He scrambles for words. "Uh, hey."
"Ed? Are you hurt?"
He can hear the concern in her voice, but he laughs. "What, I can only call you when I'm in trouble?"
"Seriously Ed, what'd you do to my automail?"
"Nothing. I'm just calling to say hello."
"Really?" There's a pause. He figures that she's trying to find some sort of ulterior motive. After a few moments, she still hasn't responded.
"You there, Win?"
"…yeah, I'm here." He can hear the confusion in her voice.
"Okay, just checking." Silence. He can tell she doesn't know what to say, either.
"Oh, I've gotta go… sorry, Ed."
"Yeah, no problem. But, uh – before you go - "
He can faintly hear a "hmm" on the other line, and he takes it as his cue to speak again. "I just – I want you to stay safe."
There's another pause, preceded by a gasp on the other end.
"Thanks. I will. Bye, Edward."
"Bye, Winry." The words roll off his tongue. He doesn't want her to hang up; he wants to cherish the moment. It's not often he talks to her without some sort of life-threatening danger around the corner. He stares blankly at the wall in front of him, wondering when she'll put the phone back on the receiver.
Faintly, he can hear her breath on the other end. Shallow, but relaxed.
Neither one of them hangs up.
A/N: I recently finished FMA:B after several years of not reading the manga, and I fell in love with these two again. Anyway, this Drabble came to me last night and I decided to flesh it out. I hope it didn't turn out too bad ^_^ Reviews are appreciated.