Disclaimer: Do people even read these things? I know I never have. I know
that they just say that the author doesn't own Harry Potter & Co because
the goddess JKR does and that we should all gravel (with a long "A" I
think) at her feet because she is an absolute genius!
Summary: Ok this is my very first fanfic and I'm proud to announce that it is a Remus / Hermione pairing. This is not another one of those time turner things though Hermione does get a sneak peek at Remus in the past but I wont spoil the surprise! (Not that it's that amazing) This is set in Hermione's 6th year and yes Voldie is still around and yes as usual in this pairing Remus is back to teaching at Hogwarts. Let the fun begin!
Rating: PG-13 to be safe. There is going to be a little snogging and there might be a little "LUV MAKING" going on but I wont go into detail there. On to the show!
"The Sweetest Thing"
It was one of those days that students of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry just couldn't pay attention in class. No matter how many detentions and scary looks students got from Snape or how many points were taken during Transfiguration for accidentally turning a teapot into a rabbit instead of a wastepaper basket or even in Hagrid's class on mermaids that usually had the boys' mouths on there lap, they just couldn't get into the flow. Even Hermione Granger who was easily the smartest witch for her age in the school and was one with a thirst for knowledge found it difficult to concentrate during her classes that day. Her mind kept running off and things like " Does Snape honestly think that the 'I just bathed in Crisco' thing work for him with the ladies?" or " Why is Ron staring at Lavender's chest? What a jerk!" She sighed as she packed up her things to head off to the library for 20 minutes before she would join the rest of the 6th year Gryffindor's in their Defense against the Dark Arts class with Professor Lupin. Her life seemed like it had run out of interesting ideas and keep giving her the same thing over and over again. Wake up . eat.. argue with Ron. go the class. Argue with Ron. eat .. Class. argue .you get the picture. How she longed for something exciting. Or someone rather. She was 17 now and was ready to find someone stable for her life. True she knew she was young but she was years ahead of the other 6th years she knew. She just needed someone. She pushed her chair half in to her Potions desk and ambled away only half aware that she had a 4 parchment long essay to do for Snape on .. what was it on it again? She forgot but right then she really didn't care. ______________________________________________________________________
A/N Review and I will give you a cookie! And it it's a good review I'll write you in my will!!!
Summary: Ok this is my very first fanfic and I'm proud to announce that it is a Remus / Hermione pairing. This is not another one of those time turner things though Hermione does get a sneak peek at Remus in the past but I wont spoil the surprise! (Not that it's that amazing) This is set in Hermione's 6th year and yes Voldie is still around and yes as usual in this pairing Remus is back to teaching at Hogwarts. Let the fun begin!
Rating: PG-13 to be safe. There is going to be a little snogging and there might be a little "LUV MAKING" going on but I wont go into detail there. On to the show!
"The Sweetest Thing"
It was one of those days that students of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry just couldn't pay attention in class. No matter how many detentions and scary looks students got from Snape or how many points were taken during Transfiguration for accidentally turning a teapot into a rabbit instead of a wastepaper basket or even in Hagrid's class on mermaids that usually had the boys' mouths on there lap, they just couldn't get into the flow. Even Hermione Granger who was easily the smartest witch for her age in the school and was one with a thirst for knowledge found it difficult to concentrate during her classes that day. Her mind kept running off and things like " Does Snape honestly think that the 'I just bathed in Crisco' thing work for him with the ladies?" or " Why is Ron staring at Lavender's chest? What a jerk!" She sighed as she packed up her things to head off to the library for 20 minutes before she would join the rest of the 6th year Gryffindor's in their Defense against the Dark Arts class with Professor Lupin. Her life seemed like it had run out of interesting ideas and keep giving her the same thing over and over again. Wake up . eat.. argue with Ron. go the class. Argue with Ron. eat .. Class. argue .you get the picture. How she longed for something exciting. Or someone rather. She was 17 now and was ready to find someone stable for her life. True she knew she was young but she was years ahead of the other 6th years she knew. She just needed someone. She pushed her chair half in to her Potions desk and ambled away only half aware that she had a 4 parchment long essay to do for Snape on .. what was it on it again? She forgot but right then she really didn't care. ______________________________________________________________________
A/N Review and I will give you a cookie! And it it's a good review I'll write you in my will!!!