Shut Up and Kiss Me:
A Valentine's Story
After Itachi politely excused himself from the dinner table, he hurried into the front hall in time to witness Sasuke slide down the back of the closed door and bury his face in his knees. From the trembles that wracked the small body, he knew Sasuke was on the verge of tears. Without hesitation, he rushed to his brother side, dropped to his knees, and enveloped the shivering boy in a warm embrace. He didn't need to ask what happened. Naruto was the only one Sasuke ever shed tears over.
Kyuubi ran to the door and saw Itachi envelop Sasuke in his arms. He wasn't sure what to think of the state of younger Uchiha. "What did dumbass do?"
Itachi shot Kyuubi a look of disbelief when Sasuke gave a gasping sob. Now wasn't the time to make light when Sasuke stood so close to breaking down.
Slowly but surely, the muffled whimpers died away, and Sasuke sat sniffling pathetically in his brother's arms. His hand clutched the dark fabric of the dress shirt Itachi worn, and the material was stained with tears and snot.
Itachi understood. Helping his baby brother to his feet, he sighed. Trust Naruto and Sasuke to ruin Valentine's. "Why don't you take your bag up to your room, and I'll serve you a plate of dinner."
Sasuke nodded as he heaved his duffle onto his shoulder and slowly trudged up the sprawling staircase to his old room.
"I'm sorry, Kyuubi," Itachi said sidling up to his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around his waist. "I know this is suppose to be our night, but he's my brother..."
Kyuubi patted the smaller man's back. "It's okay, he needs you more than I do. I'll just head home and call you later and see how he's doing." He turned his sad gaze turned to the stairs. "I wish Naruto would get his head out of his ass. I'll call you tomorrow?"
"What? No! You're not going anywhere. I just meant he needed a place to stay and he may invade our night. I don't want you to go anywhere. We finally have time off together, and we're not going to waste it."
Kyuubi buried his face into Itachi's hair and sighed. "If that's what you want, then I won't argue."
Itachi peered up into Kyuubi's eyes trying to gauge where his boyfriend stood emotionally. "But is that what you want? If you don't feel comfortable staying while Sasuke is present, I will not force you. But please know, I would love to have you here."
"No. It's actually nice to be asked to stay," Kyuubi answered softly. "I won't be uncomfortable."
"Good. Come, let's eat." Hand in hand, Itachi lead the younger man across the front hall. Their footsteps on the marble floor echoed off the vaulted ceiling. As they passed the light switch on their way, he flicked on the light for Sasuke, whenever he chose to join them. The white light bounced off the crystal of the chandelier overhead creating little rainbows that brightened the darkened foyer.
While Kyuubi took his seat, the candles still lighting the room, Itachi went straight to the stove and plated another serving of fish and rice, but also made a small garden salad to satisfy the younger Uchiha's love of tomatoes. He set them both on the counter knowing his brother enough to know Sasuke would prefer to eat and peace in a quiet room away from them instead of intrude further. But also, on Valentine's Day, Sasuke wouldn't want the reminder that his own love life was in shambles.
"So," Kyuubi began smiling slyly. "What am I getting for my birthday?" He wanted to take their minds of the possibility that their brothers might not have a relationship. Kyuubi desperately hoped that Naruto would find a way to fix whatever had been done. He knew that his brother was attached to Sai, but Naruto should have known to put Sasuke before his best friend.
"Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a very good surprise, now would it? But, I do ask you take the day off work... and possibly the day after. You may need the recovery time." Itachi smiled seductively; a playful sparkle in his dark eyes.
"Really? And if I told you I had the whole week off?" Kyuubi purred back leaning forward.
Itachi chuckled at Kyuubi's enthusiasm. "Unfortunately, I have patients to take care of, but I can try for three days off together. Likely the twenty eighth to the first, but perhaps a fourth if I play my cards right."
"Then it's a sleepover," Kyuubi said with a smile. His foot rubbed against the other man's leg.
Their light banter was interrupted by Sasuke shuffling into the room. He spared them a brief glance, his eyes puffy and red, and silently took the plate, salad, and drink his brother prepared. Disappearing back out the door to the small study - also be considered a library - he was grateful for the alcohol.
"Indeed," Itachi murmured in response as his eyes followed the slumped form out the door.
Kyuubi sighed as Sasuke left. He didn't want to bring their brothers up since this day was for them, but he saw the way Itachi watched Sasuke. "If you want to go to him... He's your brother."
Lightly shaking his head, Itachi turned to his boyfriend as took a sip of his wine. "No, he'll want to be alone for a little while," he explained. The base of the wine glass clinked against the table top. Absentmindedly, his fingers played with the long stem, running them up and down the glass. "But this night is about us. Let's not ruin our evening. I still have something to show you after I think you will enjoy."
"Really? Why not tell me now?" Kyuubi asked excitedly, enthusiasm dwelling in his blue eyes.
"Because I want to see your face, so I'm sorry, you'll have to wait until you finish dinner." For some reason, as the words left his mouth, Itachi felt like a parent scolding their child.
"M'kay, I'm gonna hold you to that," Kyuubi answered as he started to eat his meal with more gusto.
More or less worried Kyuubi would choke on his dinner as he set a new speed eating record, Itachi cleared his throat. "Kyuu... it's not going anywhere," he reminded the over enthusiastic man. "Slow down and enjoy the meal. We haven't seen each other for a few days. It'd be nice to sit and talk while we eat."
Kyuubi gave Itachi a sheepish apologetic look as he slowed down and placed his fork down. " was work today?"
A thin manicured eyebrow rose at the question. "You never ask about work... but regardless, I had the day off, if you recall?"
"Oh right! It's been a long week at the warehouse," Kyuubi answered, feeling dumb. "Sorry...if you don't want to talk about work...that's okay."
From where he sat, even in the low flickering candle light, Itachi could see evidence of dark circles under the bright eyes. "You need to rest more, love," he scolded light, but smiled. "I don't mind telling you about work, but there are certain things by law I am restricted from sharing. How was your day?"
"Meh, the new people aren't working out as planned." Kyuubi sighed sadly as he played with his food. "Us older ones are pulling more shifts and it's killing us. And now they're talking about downsizing...which means jobs are gonna be cut soon."
"Hmm... well, you have a few days off to spend with me in bed," Itachi said. He wiggled eyebrows to make Kyuubi laugh as he took a bit of fish. "That should bring you some comfort during your well deserved break."
Kyuubi chuckled. Itachi waggling his brows was too hilarious. "It does, so...what all do you have planned besides me not leaving the bed?"
Itachi bit his lip. This was something he was unsure Kyuubi would share his enthusiasm in, but it was something he found quite enjoyable himself. "Would you like to attend the theatre with me tomorrow evening?"
"Really?" Kyuubi asked enthused, almost jumping in his seat.
Mildly surprised, Itachi felt his cheeks heat up. "Do you like Shakespeare?"
"Midsummer's Night Dream is my favorite!" Kyuubi answered brightly.
"Have you ever seen Much Ado About Nothing?"
"No, I wasn't able to see it." Kyuubi answered sadly.
"Well then I suppose it's a good thing we're going to see it tomorrow night... or at least pretend to." Somehow their focus, and hands, always seemed to drift elsewhere.
"Awesome! You're too good to me!"
Finishing off the last of his rice, his fish long gone, Itachi stood to clear his plate and clean the dinner dishes. "Of course, I have every right to spoil my sexy boyfriend," he said, winking over his shoulder. "Would you like to go to dinner beforehand? Anywhere you choose."
" about that Mexican place there on 10th Avenue?" Kyuubi asked as took his plate to the sink.
"Never been. I look forward to it. You wash, I dry and put away?"
"Yeah, that sounds good," Kyuubi answered as they traded spots. "It's really good as far as authentic Mexican goes, and they make a mean margarita."
Playfully, Itachi bumped hips with his boyfriend. "You excited for your surprise?"
"I wanna know what it is!" Kyuubi whined as he washed the dishes and handed them off.
"Three more dishes. Should I blindfold you?" Itachi teased, loosely draping a dry dish towel around Kyuubi's neck. He pecked a tan cheek and groped the firm buttock, but snickered when Kyuubi sloshed water down his front surprise.
"Uh...if you want?" Kyuubi answered in a daze.
Dishes finished, Itachi dropped the towel to the counter, and gently plucked the last spoon from Kyuubi's hand. With a little persuasion, he turned the taller man to face him. Hands on the flushed cheeks, he peered into the darkened eyes clouded with a mixture of confusion and uncertainty.
"Are you okay?" Itachi seemed to ask that particular question often.
"Yeah...I'm fine," Kyuubi breathed. He leaned into Itachi's touch. "You didn't trigger anything...just startled me."
"Hn." Itachi smirked. "At least I didn't whip you in the behind with a damp cloth. Come, love. I won't blindfold you. Defeats the purpose."
"Okay," Kyuubi answered as his boyfriend led him through the house. "Where are we going?"
Itachi guided Kyuubi back through the front entrance way, but instead of the archway to the left of the stairs that lead to the kitchen and dining room, Itachi lead him through the right to a section of the house Kyuubi had never visited. His finger slid over the touchpad light switch, and the spotlights that dotted the ceiling glowed at half power. In the dimly lit room, two overstuffed couches, one navy, the other cream, dominated the room with a low stained cedar wood coffee table. On the top of the table sat neatly stacked magazines and six video game controllers; four wii remotes, and two wireless Xbox controllers. The back wall was dominated by a ceiling high shelf nearly filled to capacity with movies and games.
Itachi wasted no time dragging Kyuubi down onto one of the couches, and used a small flat remote from the table to turn on the projector bolted to the ceiling. The eight by eleven screen flickered to life with the DVD player screensaver.
"Welcome to the theatre room," Itachi said with a grand sweep of his arm. "The room across the hall is my study, which I suppose doubles as a library of sorts. It's more than likely Sasuke is holing up there for the time being, but I thought you would enjoy this room."
"Holy fuck!" Kyuubi exclaimed, shocked by the huge room. "This is...shit! Amazing! Could you imagine playing Skyrim on that!"
Kyuubi's excitement brought a smile to Itachi's face. "Can't say anyone has yet. The X Box is Sasuke's, and the Wii is Naruto's," Itachi said pointing to the consoles in the alcove at the front left corner of the room. "This room used to be a storage until our brothers decided I needed an entertainment room while they lived here. But this..." A large heavy box wrapped in dark red paper dropped in Kyuubi's lap. "Is yours."
"What?" Kyuubi blinked curiously down at the present. "Are you sure you wanna give me something this big?"
"I'm sure. Open it, Kyuu."
Kyuubi smiled as he tore the wrapping paper. He wasted no time in demolishing the thin barrier quickly. When the box inside came into view, Kyuubi stopped his actions, mouth open in shock. His hands shook as he picked up the brand new games and set them on the couch beside him. The PS3 underneath came into view, and he could only stare in wonder.
Kyuubi's silence began to worry Itachi. Perhaps he had been wrong. "Do you not like it?"
"'s just, I didn't get you anything. This is wonderful...I..." Kyuubi stammered as he set the PS3 down on the coffee table, and tackled his boyfriend to the couch, kissing him soundly.
Relieved, Itachi readily welcomed Kyuubi's spontaneous attack of affection. At first, he had been afraid his gift had been too much, and that Kyuubi would think it an attempted to buy his love, but the eager reaction put his mind at ease.
"I'm so glad you like it," Itachi murmured against Kyuubi's lips.
"But I didn't get you anything..." Kyuubi whispered.
A lock of fiery hair was brushed behind Kyuubi's ear, and Itachi's slender fingers continued to run through the silky locks. With Kyuubi sprawled on his chest, their bodies wrapped in an intimate embrace, Itachi smiled up at the worrying younger man. "I didn't do with the expectation of anything return. I did this because I wanted to see you smile."
Kyuubi nuzzled Itachi's throat. If he were a cat, he would be purring. "How about I let you take me tonight?"
"I plan to," Itachi chuckled almost nervously. Since their first coupling, Itachi had always bottomed. He found he preferred the relief that came with no pressure, no one looking to him for answers and decisions, but he also had a second reason.
That first morning, after Kyuubi collapsed through Itachi's front door, Itachi nearly fucked Kyuubi in his bed. Thankfully, he came to his senses when Kisame's untimely appearance interrupted them in the act. Over the last month and a half, he spent a great deal of time observing behaviours, memorizing triggers, and analyzing mental health. No psychologist, Itachi still felt certain he could now safely bring about the night Kyuubi wished for, and banish Kabuto's touch from his lover's memory.
Kyuubi nipped at Itachi's neck. "Then whattaya say we go upstairs so the squirt can't hear us?"
"We have all night, love. You don't want to play with your gift?" Itachi feigned dramatic heartbreak by clutching a hand over his heart.
"Mmmm I would...but you see, I have an ache only you can get rid of," Kyuubi purred. His hand shot under Itachi's shirt and teased the flushed skin.
A soft moan filled the room. "I am at your beck and call, love," Itachi breathed.
The creak of a door opening brought their activities to a halt, and Itachi tilted his head back to see Sasuke watching them forlornly through the open doorway. It killed the mood. He didn't know what passed between his brother and Naruto to drive Sasuke here, but he knew his little brother needed him. Hopefully Kyuubi would understand.
Itachi nudged Kyuubi to sit. "Come in, otouto."
Kyuubi made room for Sasuke between them. He knew Sasuke needed his brother, and he wouldn't keep him away. Right now, the younger Uchiha was more important than him, and he knew that.
Heavily dropping to the couch, Sasuke sank into the warmth and comfort of his brother embrace. His heart ached. Logically, he knew the human heart wasn't physically tied to emotions, but his chest still ached. Maybe he asked too much. Sai was Naruto's friend, but still, the abuse he took could never be condoned.
"I gave him an ultimatum," Sasuke whispered. He fought the urge to crawl into his brother's lap like he had as a child. "I don't want Sai entering our house again, or I won't..."
When analyzing the bigger picture, Sasuke's request was a fair, but Naruto wasn't known for seeing the larger scope. "I promise, when the smoke clears, everything will be as it should be," Itachi said.
Kyuubi hugged Sasuke from behind. "The dumbass will come around. Naruto's a bit slow when it comes to these things. Just don't give up on him just yet."
Alone in the townhouse, Naruto stared at the front door, waiting for Sasuke to come. An hour passed, and he felt certain that Sasuke wasn't coming home. Sighing, he padded into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab himself a drink. That was when he spotted the homemade ramen.
The noodles were packaged separately from the broth to keep them from going soggy, and the vegetable and meats were layered in a third tupperware container. He mentally cursed himself. Sasuke hated ramen, but he made it for him. Feeling like douchebag, Naruto closed the door and sat down in a nearby chair at the table. Maybe he could live without Sai coming to his house. Sure the guy was his best friend, but he wasn't Sasuke.
Essentially, Sasuke was the light of Naruto's life. Of course it sounded corny and cliche, but it was true. Sasuke captured his heart in middle school, and it took Naruto a half a year to even garner the Uchiha's attention, plus another six months to even get him to date him.
They had a bumpy relationship from then on, but they always made up with Naruto being the one to apologize. He knew what he had to do. Naruto grabbed his cell phone and dialed the familiar number.
"What happened, dickless, did you get turned down on Valentine's Day?" Sai's voice held a tone that Naruto wasn't familiar with.
Naruto sighed. "I know we're best friends, but I don't you want in the house anymore."
"If I want to save my relationship, then you can't be here anymore. We can hang out but not at my house."
"Let me guess. Sasuke said so?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry, but I love him too much to just give him up."
"If you're catering to him, then we can't be friends. You're just throwing me to the curb, Naruto."
"I'm not! We can still hang out!" Naruto protested.
"'ve made your choice."
The line went dead, and Naruto stared dejectedly at his phone. He chucked his phone at the wall, but decided against it. Sasuke would be pissed if he broke it. He dialed his boyfriend's cell number, but it went straight to voicemail. Sighing, he left a pleading message for Sasuke to call him back. With Sasuke's cell off, there was only one other place he could try. He quickly punched in the numbers, fingers shaking, desperately hoping he was right.
The shrill ring of the phone echoed through the house. Groaning, Itachi arms went lacks as he leaned on Sasuke and Kyuubi, his eyes closed. Only one person would call at nearly eleven in the evening on Valentine's.
"I'll be back," he promised with quick kiss to Sasuke's temple. He paused briefly after he unwound himself from the tangle of bodies, a hand resting on Kyuubi's shoulder, and with a final squeeze, he left.
Sasuke said nothing. He knew as well as Itachi who was on the phone, and he was grateful Itachi would take care of Naruto for him.
Naruto didn't even give Itachi time to answer before he started pleading. "Please, Itachi, let me talk to him!"
"It's late, Naruto. Sasuke is both physically and emotionally drained," Itachi said kindly, but there was a hard edge in his voice. "I don't know the whole of the story, but I did warn you. If you have made a decision, you may come for breakfast tomorrow."
"I want to hear it from Sasuke...just please, Itachi." Naruto wasn't about to give up and he would do whatever it took to get his lover back tonight.
"Get some rest. Goodnight, Naruto." Itachi hung up and unplugged the phone from the wall. Yes, it was cruel, but both parties were still too emotionally volatile to speak rationally to each other tonight. In the end, one misplaced word could unintentionally cause more pain.
Naruto nearly cried as Itachi hung up on him. He quickly ended the call and tried back, but the phone was disconnected. Furious, he slammed his phone down on the kitchen counter. He would have flung it at the wall, but he didn't want Sasuke pissed at him. He desperately wanted Sasuke back with him, now that he was no longer friends with Sai. That brought a pain to his chest.
Sai was willing to cut their friendship off like that because he wanted to stay with his boyfriend. He didn't want to dwell on what it meant, but still the thoughts came. He growled as he tried to push them away. If he lost both his best friend and his boyfriend this night, he didn't know what he would do.
He pulled his present for Sasuke from his pocket; a velvet bag, but inside held something more valuable. He opened it and pulled out a shiny ruby on a silver chain. This necklace was part of a set his grandparents had owned.
Kushina had been raised by two men and during a time they weren't allowed to be married by law, so good old Grandpa Jiraiya had gone and bought two necklaces; a pale blue sapphire on a gold chain and a bright red ruby on a silver one. He had given the ruby to his lover Orochimaru, and both men wore them until they died. His mother had given him the necklaces because she thought he and Sasuke would last like her parents. Naruto wanted to present it to Sasuke tonight, but things hadn't worked out quite like planned.
Sighing, he placed the necklace back into the velvet bag and set it on the counter. He grabbed his keys and cell phone and left their house, headed for a bar not too far away he liked to frequent when he was in the mood, and it would certainly help him now. The bartender was his friend, and he could only hope that Kiba could keep his thoughts off Sasuke for a little while.
Kyuubi groaned as his cell phone go off. Blinking his eyes, the world came into focus. He lethargically leaned over Itachi and searched the floor for his phone. Picking it up, he opened it without looking at the caller ID.
"H'llo?" He asked, still half asleep.
"Hey, it's Kiba from The Leaf Tavern. Uh...I have Naruto here and he's pretty drunk. Dude keeps going on about Sasuke...I can't get him to stop. He's already gotten into a bar fight. He should probably be looked over."
Kyuubi groaned at the news. Trust his brother to get into a bar fight on Valentine's Day. "I'll be there in a few minutes, just don't let him have anything else and get some food in him." He quickly hung up on Kiba, and laid back down on the bed to stare up at the ceiling, annoyed to leave such a comfortable bed. His own wasn't that great, and it was a treat to sleep in Itachi's. He heard his lover stirring and smiled as Itachi woke.
Itachi rolled over and buried his face in his boyfriend's chest. "Kyuu?"
"Naruto's gotten in a bar fight. Kiba said he may need a doctor, I'm gonna go get him." Kyuubi answered not sugar coating anything.
"Naruto? Doctor?" the half asleep and completely out of his Uchiha mumbled. "Naruto's not a doctor. I'm a doctor."
Kyuubi chuckled. "No, baby, Naruto's hurt. He needs one."
"Oh... well I'm a doctor." Itachi's eyes didn't even open, and he began to drift off curled into Kyuubi's side.
"Itachi...I have to get Naruto, he's hurt and in a bar."
"Bad pillow. Stop talking. I'm sleeping."
"Baby, please. Naruto's in trouble," Kyuubi said, hoping Sasuke wouldn't wake while he tried to reason with his boyfriend.
The gentle shake roused Itachi enough to roll over and groan. The bright digital numbers of his clock glared taunted him at two in the morning. They only fell into bed an hour ago after they entertained Sasuke for hours with video games to distract him. The brat kicked both their asses.
"You get Naruto, I'll try to wake up so I can be of use. Bring him here. I'll look him over in the study."
"M'kay," Kyuubi answered as he crawled out of bed and searched for his pants. Once he found them, he quickly pulled them on. He kissed Itachi on the forehead. "I'll be back in a bit. Your keys, are they by the door?"
"They're in the apple dish in the kitchen..." the doctor murmured, drifting off again.
Kyuubi walked out of the house. He grabbed the keys, his wallet and a jacket before heading out. To lock the door, he twisted the switch on the inside of the door as he closed the door behind him. At this time of night, he couldn't blast music, so he entertained himself with images of a naked Itachi.
They came so close last night. Fate had other plans for him. He didn't mind that Sasuke came first. He was Itachi's brother after all. Any sort of family would come first, but it was nice that they had played video games. The new PS3 was sweet, but he had to leave it at Itachi's. His neighborhood had a penchant for robbers, and he didn't want something going missing while he was gone. On a regular basis, he found signs of forced entry to his apartment, but nothing was ever missing, except his alarm clock that one time. He had nothing worth stealing. Hopefully he wouldn't have to explain himself to Itachi and he would just agree to keep it there.
Outside the bar, Kyuubi parked the car with a sigh. He didn't want to go in to deal with a drunk Naruto. But it had to be done. Better him than their mother. Kushina would smother Naruto to death, and no one would hear from him again.
When he entered the bar, he noticed his little brother right away. Hard not to. A groaning blond head was slumped on tanned forearms. It seemed he was already regretted his actions. Naruto never took long to feel guilty about his actions, which is why Kyuubi wasn't concerned about the relationship between the two stubborn love birds. He placed a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder. Naruto looked like shit when his head finally popped up, wincing in pain. He had a gash over his eyebrow that would likely scar for a few years, a bloody nose that still dripped, and a harsh bruise blossoming on his left cheek.
"Let's go," Kyuubi said warmly, hand offered in aid.
Naruto took the hand and left with his brother with little fuss. He knew as soon as they hit the house, he would get a lecture, and he idly wondered where they were going.
It had taken a quarter of an hour for Itachi to be alert enough to climb out of bed. Even then he stumbled around and fumbled with clothing as he dressed and made his way downstairs. Sasuke wasn't asleep. Itachi could hear the TV on in the bedroom Naruto and Sasuke had once shared during their first and a half year of college.
Originally, the room had just been Sasuke's after he'd been kicked out of their parents house. The family rift had never been fully healed, but at least Sasuke was welcome at family gatherings, and only recently, into their childhood home. He still remembered the day his sixteen year old brother showed up on his doorstep with a hopeful expression, and a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. No questions asked, Itachi opened his door, and accepted Sasuke into his life.
As quietly as possible, Itachi snuck downstairs and collapsed wearily to the leather couch in the living room. The house was a calm quiet, other than the sounds of night; the creaks and groans of a house settling, and the distant hum of the TV in the far end of the house.
Alone with his thoughts, Itachi waited while naked Kyuubi danced through his mind. A little more than twenty minutes later, the slam of car doors echoed through the night, and he started out of his twisted daydream of jerking himself off with Kyuubi's hair while his boyfriend was bound and gagged.
The two Uzumaki's stumbled into the house. Kyuubi supported most of Naruto's dead weight. How he managed to open the door was miracle. He led the blond to the study and found Itachi sitting at his desk with a stern expression. While he would love nothing more than to take his boyfriend, Naruto needed medical attention.
"Hey," Kyuubi greeted. His brother, strangely silent, easily sank down onto the leather loveseat.
Itachi greeted his boyfriend with a kiss before he turned his attention to the blond mess bleeding in his office. He sighed tiredly, and set about examining the idiot in a professional manner. Occasionally, he asked questions, but generally poked and prodded.
"Tell me what happened, Naruto," Itachi instructed. He shone a light in the bright blue bloodshot eyes. "I need to know if a vaccination is necessary."
"Bastard got me with a broken beer bottle," the blond mumbled, blinking at the harsh light. "My smashed into the counter..."
The contents of Itachi's bag rattled as he dug through it. "You're an idiot." From out of his bag, he pulled a small vial and a sterilized, sealed needle. "Only you would need a tetanus shot." In a matter of seconds, he peeled the packaging, filled the syringe, and expertly tapped the air bubbles out. Eyes still on the needle in hand, he didn't have the privilege of seeing the wide eyed expressions at his next request.
"Pants and boxers down."Hands on the desk, and bend over."
"But 'tachi! I don't wanna cheat on Sasuke!" Naruto whined. His alcohol addled mind didn't fully comprehend the doctor had a needle in hand. "And what about Kyuu! You can't do this to my brother!"
Rolling his eyes at the unbelievable level of idiocy only Naruto could manage, Itachi nodded to his lover. "Kyuubi, if you'd please. I don't care if you have to put him in a headlock."
Kyuubi grinned at the invitation. He wrestled his brother into his lap and turned him over, ass exposed to the air. When it came to physical strength, Kyuubi was always the stronger one. "How's that?"
Itachi smirked at the wiggling ass in the air. "Perfect."
Naruto struggled, but it was futile. In high school, his brother had been a wrestler, and knew all kinds of holds to keep him still. "Asshole."
"Hold still or my hand may just slip," Itachi grunted. On his knees behind the blond moron, he wiped down a small patch of skin on the tan behind with a cool alcohol wipe. This was much closer than he was ever comfortable coming to the round, perky ass of his brother's lover, though in a strange way, it reminded him of his own boyfriend. As a professional, he shoved any unease aside and glanced at a grinning Kyuubi. "You're enjoying this far too much, love."
"This is payback for this little shit. Go ahead. Give him the shot. He ain't moving," Kyuubi answered with evil glee.
Puffing a bang out of his eyes, Itachi turned back to the task at hand. "Normally this is administered in the deltoids to anyone over the age of 5 or 6, but I'm a little vindictive."
No warning, the needle plunged into the tan skin.
Naruto squirmed and whimpered at the sharp bit of the needle, nut soon enough, the pain evaporated, and he wiggled out of his brothers arms. The sound of the door opening caught his attention.
Sasuke's chest constricted at the sight of Naruto. His eyes darted between Naruto pouting on the floor with his pants down around his knees, Itachi kneeling with a used needle in hand, and Kyuubi laughing his ass off on the loveseat. He didn't want to deal with this. He wasn't ready.
Without a word, Sasuke left the room. The door slammed behind him.
"Sai isn't my friend anymore," Naruto whispered sadly as he watched his lover leave. Naruto fought his brother off, pulled his pants up, and slunk out of the room. He didn't bother to search for Sasuke. Instead, he made it to a spare room that was hardly used and locked himself in.
In their old room, Sasuke stared blankly at the wall, his hands folded in his lap. A multitude of thoughts ran through his mind, but predominately, he dreaded facing Naruto.
What if Naruto chose Sai?
Naruto and Sasuke had been together for close to eight years. Would Naruto throw all that away? Naruto valued friendship above all. He'd known Sai longer, but he and Naruto were in love. Weren't they?
Tormented by his thoughts, Naruto dropped his head back against the door. He wanted nothing more than to take Sasuke in his arms and wash away his fears. Then it hit him. Why didn't he? Determined, he wiped the tears from his eyes. The door creaked as he opened it to peek his head out and make sure Sasuke wasn't in the hall. The coast was clear. He snuck down the hall to Itachi's room knowing his brother was there, and knocked quietly on the door, waiting impatiently for someone to answer.
Surprised to see his brother, Kyuubi opened the door. "What can I do for ya kid?"
"Go to our house and get the velvet satchel on the counter. I need it." Naruto answered, his normal jovial behavior absent.
"I guess, you have something planned?"
Naruto nodded before entering the room. Itachi stood by the bed. "I need your kitchen, please."
Stripped down to his boxer briefs, Itachi belly flopped on the bed. His body bounced twice before it settled. "Do as you wish," he yawned. This late at night, his eyes drooped. "I believe you know your way around, but touch my imported wine..." He left his threat open ended with a sleepy glare through his bangs.
"Yeah, yeah I know," Naruto answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I'll be there if you need me."
Kyuubi watched his brother leave, wondering what in the hell the kid had in mind at four in the morning. He placed a kiss on the pale brow of his boyfriend lounging on the bed. "I'll be back soon."
Another knock sounded at the door just as Itachi crawled under the sheets, completely exhausted. He'd been up early that morning to drive into Orange County and visit his mother at their family home. Talk about stressful. Thankfully, his father had not been home.
Without waiting for an answer, Sasuke opened the door nearly hitting Kyuubi, and poked his head in. "Nii-san?"
"Hai, otouto." Immediately, Itachi could tell Sasuke had been crying again. His eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed. The younger Uchiha shuffled into the room in his pyjama bottoms, and a shirt that was too large on his slight body. If Itachi hazarded a guess; it was Naruto's.
"I can't sleep," Sasuke muttered, glancing nervously in Kyuubi's direction. When Itachi wordlessly lifted the blanket, he crossed the room and slipped into the bed beside his brother. For a twenty two year old man to seek refuge in his brother's bed may seem strange, but Itachi and Sasuke never had been privileged to a normal relationship in the darkness of their childhood.
Kyuubi gave them a faint smile before left the room, shutting the door quietly. Side by side, the Uchiha brothers were breathtaking. It made him wonder what they saw in him and Naruto. He wasn't handsome at all, and as for Naruto, he was a hothead with a penchant for trouble.
As he drove off in Itachi's car, he wondered how much longer Itachi would keep him. He knew that if he were ever let go, he wouldn't stop at street racing and drugs. He would fall off the deep end and never return.
In hushed tones, the two Uchiha conversed quietly, their head close together and Itachi arm loosely draped over his baby brother's body. Slowly but surely, Itachi watched his little brother's eyes droop and eventually close. Finally, he settled back against into the pile of pillows and drifted off himself.
Naruto busied himself around the kitchen. It didn't matter that it was three in the morning. He was going to make Sasuke's favorite breakfast food. The counters were a mess, and Itachi would have his hide, but he didn't care. When he put his mind to it, he was an excellent cook. Sasuke hated the disaster that came after.
Tomatoes fried in the pan, and he started the omelets in another other. One thing Sasuke couldn't resist was fried tomatoes and omelets. At least he hoped it was enough to get his lover down here. He only hoped Sasuke would take him back after what an ass he'd been.
Naruto heard the front door open and shut. Kyuubi had returned. He waited patiently while keeping an eye on the food for Kyuubi to enter the kitchen.
"Here ya go, bro. I'm going back to bed." Kyuubi dropped the pouch on the counter. "Good luck."
"Thanks," Naruto hadn't meant to wake everyone up, but then again, when did anything go his way?
Kyuubi quietly snuck back into Itachi's was no place for him to curl up on his boyfriend's front. Sasuke had laid claim to it. He would have said fuck it and slept in another room, but he really wanted to be next to his boyfriend, so he shucked his shirt and pants, and climbed in, curling up to Itachi's back.
Curtains still wide open from the occupants of the room being too exhausted to remember to close them, sunlight streamed through the window. Itachi buried his face in the firm chest of the warm body pressed to his front. Moaning softly, he snuggled closer. All three arms around his body tightened. His eyes shot open.
That was new.
Kyuubi groaned as a body shifted, and he held it tighter to his body. He didn't want to wake just yet and tried to get Itachi to settle down. "Go 'sleep."
Tilting his head back, Itachi looked up into the face of his boyfriend. Sometime during the night he must have rolled over. He couldn't move his arms. They were wedged between his body and Kyuubi's, and a thin pale arm wrapped around him was a hindrance as well.
"Kyuubi," he purred, nibbling lightly at the tan skin. "I think I may be in the mood for a little mornin' lovin'." Behind him Sasuke groaned.
The third arm disappeared as Sasuke rolled onto his back nearly falling off the edge of the bed. A queen sized mattress wasn't really suited for three fully grown men, if Sasuke counted as full grown. "I so don't wanna hear that..."
Kyuubi snickered as Sasuke rolled off the bed and stretched. "You might want to head down to the kitchen. We tend to get really loud."
Grinding against Kyuubi's morning wood, his own standing at attention and ready for action, Itachi threw his head back and moaned loudly. "Oh god, yes! Kyuubi... take me now. I need your thick cock inside me!"
Sasuke was out the door in seconds. The slam of the door echoed through the room from the force of his departure. He stumbled down the stairs, nearly having a nasty accident when he tripped. Skidding into the kitchen, his chest heaving, eyes wide, and arms out for balance, he stared wide eyed around the disaster zone lit up by the sun streaming in the window.
Naruto whined as he watched Sasuke walk away from him forever. He dropped to his knees and begged but his pleas fell on deaf ears as his boyfriend walked away with another man. The pain hit him in his chest as he reached out for him.
"Sasuke...please don't...not friends...with Sai..." Naruto murmured in his sleep.
Not a single surface survived Naruto's seige. Everything within sight was stained with food, including Naruto, but on closer inspection, Sasuke noticed the two plates of his favourite breakfast. His heart fluttered, and he hissed at the girly feeling, but when he heard the murmured words, his heart sank.
Picking up the plates of food, he popped one in the microwave, and while it heated, he retrieved a glass from the cupboard, and filled it with water. Leaning against the counter, he upended the cup dumping the contents over the blond head drooling on Itachi's polished countertop.
Naruto shot straight up, his hand gripping the velvet pouch tightly, blue eyes wide as he looked around settling on his boyfriend. "Sasuke?"
"Hn. Breakfast is in the microwave. Clean up while I make tea."
Expression blank, Sasuke filled a kettle and set it on an element. He wasn't quite ready to see Naruto, but if the mumbled phrase was true, maybe he had finally won the decade long war. Even before they had finally gotten together, Sasuke felt Sai hindered their relationship from blossoming.
Naruto groaned as he stretched his back. Bones popped and muscles finally got the stretch they needed. He couldn't believe that he fell asleep on the counter of all places. He placed the pouch on the counter by the sink and began to clean the mess he made last night. The clink of dishes filled the tense silence between them, and Naruto wondered if Sasuke's silence meant they were over.
While the kettle was coming up to a boil, Sasuke dug through the rather extensive tea collection. It more than likely a habit that came from the Japanese side of the family, but living in America gave more selection than plain old green tea.
"Apple cinnamon?" he grunted after selecting his own choice. His licorice spice tea bag was dropped into a mug. Itachi would never trust Naruto around his good tea cups.
Suddenly, Sasuke snickered quietly breaking the tense atmosphere.
"What's so funny?" Naruto asked. He winced at the pain in his neck when he turned so suddenly. He hadn't looked at himself, but he was pretty sure he looked like a trainwreck. He couldn't even remember what exactly started the fight last night.
With no answer from Naruto, Sasuke made an executive decision, and dropped the apple cinnamon tea bag in another mug. "I should have known Itachi would end up with another man," he replied coolly. The kettle began to boil. The shrieking squeal bounced off the tile floor and echoed through the room. "He's never really showed an interest in anyone, but he has a fine tea set, and he dresses better than I do."
"Well...I never thought Kyuubi would want another relationship after Kabuto. Do you want a better tea set? I can get you one..." Naruto answered. He continued to clean the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.
"Uh huh, and you would do that with what money?" Sasuke opened the cupboard again and delicately took a black teacup and saucer with silver trim. The cup had a large white flower he couldn't identify on each side. The saucer was much the same. "This set cost several thousands of dollars."
The fragile and horrendously expensive tea set was placed safely back in the cupboard, and their own tea in heavy navy mugs were picked up and set on the island in the middle of the kitchen. While Naruto scrubbed down the counters, Sasuke switched the steaming plate in the microwave with the second one and sighed.
"I'd sell some things," Naruto answered as he scrubbed harshly at the counters. He knew that if he didn't have the kitchen spotless, Itachi would kill him.
Sasuke snorted as he leaned against the counter and scuffed his bare foot on the floor. "I don't need a tea set. I'm gay, but I'm not that gay." He looked down and smiled softly. "It's nice to know my boyfriend would sell some of his prize possessions to make me happy though."
"We're still together?" Naruto asked as he stopped what he was doing and grabbed the pouch from the counter. He moved so that he was standing in front of Sasuke.
"Yes..." The dark eyes fixated on the ground, staring at the canvas shoes standing in front of his own bare feet. How many times had Naruto teased him about have feminine feet. They were hairless and smooth, no veins or bones. "Naruto, I didn't feel comfortable in my own home."
"He doesn't want to be my friend anymore...but the thought of losing you scared me so much Sasuke," Naruto took the smaller man into his arms and buried his face in the pale neck, taking a deep breath and inhaling in Sasuke's scent.
Stunned, Sasuke blinked, wide eyed, at the far wall. "He just gave you up as if you were nothing?" he breathed. Hot tears dripped against his skin, and he wrapped his arms tightly around the larger frame to hold his silently crying boyfriend. He hated when Naruto cried. His fingers carded through the blond spikes as he cooed softly in hopes to calm the troubled and grieving heart.
After years of fighting, Sasuke finally won. The battle was over, but Sai had just tossed Naruto to the curb like worn furniture? Somehow that didn't seem right. "I'll never leave you, Kitsune," he promised
The microwave dinged, and Sasuke jumped.
"I'm sorry Sasuke...I should have listened to you. I'm such an idiot." Naruto said. He pulled back and placed a soft kiss on his boyfriend's lips.
Naruto's face etched with heartbreak killed Sasuke. "You are, but you tend to redeem yourself."
"I have something for you," Naruto pulled his arms back and cradled the pouch in his hands. "I know you don't want to get married, but"
Skeptical, Sasuke gingerly took the bag. His eyes widened when he slipped open the drawstring and peeked inside. "It's... but..."
"I want to be like them Sasuke, I want us to grow old together," Naruto whispered as he cupped a pale cheek. "I almost lost you, I want to make sure that never happens."
With trembling hands, Sasuke fumbled with the clasp, but his fingers wouldn't cooperate. "N-naruto."
Cheeks pink, Sasuke held the necklace out to his boyfriend. He was never the one to be overcome with emotion, that was solely Naruto's responsibility in the relationship, but something in him ached.
Naruto chuckled as he undid the clasp and placed the necklace around Sasuke's neck. The ruby dangled in the hollow of the Uchiha's throat. "It looks good on you," he purred.
"I... th-thank you." Sasuke bit his lip as he stumbled over the foreign words. His fingers curled around the gem of the choker. It felt almost as if he were collared, not that he minded in the least, they both knew who the real boss in the relationship was.
Not much to it. Next chapter soon. I've been busy working on a screenplay. I do have a poll up on my profile for my next story, so go vote! Let me know what you think of this story!